Jerk S.W

By mylovershawn

70.1K 2.2K 380

A book about a girl, who often falls off of her bed, and a boy who often falls for the girl. |highest ranking... More

*Epilogue* Ending 2


1.6K 70 4
By mylovershawn

We spread out on each side of the net. The teams were Me Brooklyn and Romeo against Jodi Johnson and G. We played for around 5 minutes before Sam and Nate came back.

"Who's team?" Sam asked as he walked out on the court. I looked at the guys. "I want Nate." I said and smirked. Sam jaw hung open. Then he gave me the 'you're on' Nate jogged over to our side and Sam went over to the other side. Jodi swerved the ball and it came flying over the net, Romeo bumped it up, Nate volleyed it to me, i volleyed it higher and Brooklyn spiked it over, earning us a point. We all highfived each other, They threw the ball to us, I backed up to the end of the court and threw the ball in the air hitting it with my fist, Sam volleyed it, Johnson did the same and Gilinsky hit it over, luckily, Brooklyn dove and bumped it up. Romeo rushed up the court to bump it again, Nate volleyed it and I spiked it over.

After playing for what felt like an hour, we stopped the game at 25-15. My team won of course. We were all walking towards the ice cream shop. With one hand i held onto Sam's hand, with the other i held onto Romeos, who was sitting on my shoulders.

"I feel like i should ask why my brother is on your shoulder." Brooklyn said as we approached the window. I tried my best to shrug but it didn't exactly work with a child on my shoulders. "I just love him so much." I said looking up. He gave me a wide smile. We all ordered our ice cream an we started slowly walking back towards our stuff.

"We have to go soon." Nate commented when we were only a few feet from our stuff.

"Why?" i asked biting into my waffle cone.

"We have a surprise waiting for you guys at home." Johnson said to me and Jodi. We both nodded. We all finished our Ice cream, i hugged Brooklyn and Romeo, we made plans to all go to the mall together on monday. (Its Saturday) I decided i wasn't putting my shorts back on, so I just put on my cardigan and threw my shorts in the bag G brought with him. We walked back home, we were laughing at each other as we came closer to my house, i stopped laughing when i noticed a car in my drive way.

"Don't worry about it, it's part of the surprise" Sam told me after I said I was going to call the police.

I slowly entered the house. I saw someone sitting on our couch. He turned around and I started freaking out.

"Cameron!" I yelled.

"Caleb!" He yelled.

I ran and hugged him, he did his famous Cameron Dallas hug and lifted me off the ground an twirled in a circle.

When he let me down. "Wait you know each other." Sam asked looking completely confused.

I shook my head, "No but this is Cameron Dallas." I said gesturing to Cameron. "He's fucking hot." I state.

Sam narrowed his eyes at me. "He's hot" I said to him.

Sam rolled his eyes at me. I pouted and walked over to him. "Sam don't be mad." I said trying to grab his hand. He jerked it away. He then stomped upstairs. I sighed and ran after him.

"Sam!" I yelled as I ran down the hall. He slammed the door to our bedroom. I opened it again and walked in. He was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

I sat beside him, "Sam what's wrong." I asked resting my hand on his shoulder. He sighed. "Nothing." He muttered.

"Sam im a girl, we are the ones who made up the whole 'I'm fine' bite. Whats wrong with what i said." I moved the hair off of his forehead and made it into a quiff. He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I don't want you to leave me for Cameron, you right he's hot and and he is an actor and he's so much better than i am." A small tear fell on his cheek. My jaw dropped.
"oh my god Sam im not going to leave you for Cameron. Jesus please babe don't cry. I love you and you should know that."I said as i dug my face in his neck.
"Promise?" He whispered as he wrapped his arms around my body.
"Promise." i whispered back.

We went back downstairs. Everyone was in the living room watching TV. They all turned around when we walked down. Some of them smiled and some of thenm looked worried.
"Are you ready dude?" G asked Sam.
"Uhh yeah," Sam turned to me, "Me and G are going out for a bit, we'll be back in about and hour." He said. I nodded and went and sat beside Jodi.
While they were gone we had a just dance marathon and ordered pizza.
Half the pizza was gone and we were having a dance battle. It was around 10 pm when G and Sam yelled at the door. I was in the middle of beating Cameron's ass at the umbrella dance when they walked into the living room. We finished the dance and i turned around to greet Sam. All eyes were on me when my jaw dropped. My eyes widened at the sight.
"What do you think?" Sam asked guesturing to his newly dyed blonde hair. He looked so hot. I tried to form a sentence but nothing would come out of my mouth. I slowly walked over to Sam then took his hand and dragged him upstairs. Everyone laughed, and i heard Nate yell," Use protection."
"shut up" I yelled back. Sam chuckled as i slammed my bedroom door.

A/N thank you all thank you all.

I'm going to the oscars....... I wish.
10 votes for the next chapter.
P.S I will be really slow at updating.

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