The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

129K 5.6K 706

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 36

1.6K 85 19
By BekLittleSparrow24

"Du-" Dustin's fingers landed on Sky's mouth halting her with a 'shush'. His fingertips were warm and Sky's brain slowed slightly. Dustin smirked, knowing fully well the effect he was having on the girl before him. Sky pulled away from his hand and lowered her voice.

"What are you doing?" She snapped. However happy she was to see him, he could destroy everything. Dustin leaned closer to her as he placed one hand on her lower back, farther down than Edward had, and slipped his fingers between her other hand holding it up.

"I couldn't let you sit alone all evening, now could I?" His voice had returned to its normal pitch, which Sky was thankful for; he had sounded like a bear before. They were simply swaying in time with the lively music and Sky hoped Dustin didn't expect much more from her because she was having trouble standing.

"I mean here in the palace. Anyone could see you."

"I'm here to make sure you don't get brainwashed by your brother before I have a chance to talk to you." Sky's mouth opened.

"Now? You want to talk now?" She hissed. "I don't know if you've realised; but now's not really the time nor the place." She didn't admit that she hadn't entirely planned of talking to him after this.

"Also, I have to make sure you actually do the job and don't betray us." He gave her a sheepish look, "Dana's words, not mine."

Sky sighed. However angry she was, seeing him made her feel slightly better and safer. "I would be better if you had worn a disguise, though I barely recognise you without your hat." She smiled at him as he turned them in a slow circle The couples around them paying them no mind. Dustin gave her a warm grin.

"And I'm surprised to see you actually look like a woman." His playful tone made Sky shoot him a nasty look.

"How am I meant to fight in a bloody thing like this? Not to mention the fact that Lady Bolva, or whatever her name is, actually has the money to buy a dress like this." Sky huffed.

"Bolivia," Dustin said her name strangely then laughed his warm real laugh. "Lady Bolivia happens to be the Kings niece. So yes, she can afford dresses like this. In fact, this would be one of her lesser ones." Dustin pulled at the ruffle on Sky's shoulder his fingertips brushing her bare skin and a look of recognition passed over his face, then it was gone as quickly as it had come. "Besides, I wasn't insulting you Sweetheart." Sky didn't miss the fact that his nickname for her brought her tingles. "You look beautiful."

"I didn't know the King had a niece." Sky spoke quickly and louder than she had before. Dustin smirked at her diversion and lifted her hand so she could spin under his arm. Somehow it didn't surprise Sky that he knew how to dance, he seemed to be good at everything. Or perhaps he had attended a few balls as an officer all those years ago. When they were facing again he spoke.

"She is kept away from the light of politics. Not many people see her often," He lifted an eyebrow at Sky, "Though your brother knows her quite well." Sky's head snapped up.

"How well?" She was pretty sure she knew the answer and Dustin's smile confirmed her suspicions. The thought of James being with someone seemed strange to her and she tried to keep the conversation flowing. "Do you know her?"

Dustin's smiled faltered slightly when he looked down at Sky. "Aye, I know her." Was all he said and Sky frowned at the uncomfortable look on his face. She decided against pressing him for details, something told her she didn't want to know.

The music picked up speed and Sky let Dustin lead her, completely trusting him not to trip her. It was odd dancing with him; after all he was meant to be a vicious pirate not a noble man capable of kindness.

"I still think you shouldn't be here." She mumbled as he brought her closer to his chest.

"Perhaps you would prefer if I left you in the capable hands of Edward." Dustin's voice was sharp. "After all, You seem very comfortable with his hands on you." Sky looked at his face and saw his gold eyes were dark. She smiled at his expense.

"What makes you say that?" Sky asked faking ignorance just to tease Dustin. She knew it was mean, but she wanted to see just how jealous he was. She liked Edward very much, but in a completely different way to how she like Dustin.

Dustin scowled over her shoulder to where Edward was still dancing with the girl in peach. "I saw both of you dancing. What a beautiful pair you make." Sky had to keep from laughing and giving herself away. "Not to mention your little moment outside the whore house."

"Yes, but that doesn't count as it was interrupted-" Sky stopped. How would he know... unless? "That was you? You knocked Edward." Sky knew the man had seemed familiar and it also explained her feeling of being watched. Sky blushed despite herself; she and Edward hadn't done anything wrong and yet she could see how Dustin would have taken it.

Dustin's lips twitched up.

"That means you were there the whole time. Even at the gates?" Sky looked at him and saw his jealousy slip away.

"You are quite the actress Sweetheart." He grinned and leaned down so that his face was very close to hers. "I'm pleased to know my name just fills you with fear." He mocked her using her own words.

Sky's face flamed to match the colour of his vest. "Dustin," She whispered his name as she felt his lips brush her cheek like the caress of a feather. She was shoved forward as someone pushed her into Dustin. He caught her easily and looked at the man who had bumped her with a sly smile.

Sky spun to see Edward standing behind her. "Hate to interrupt this touching moment, but you might want to leave." Edward was looking at Dustin with cold eyes. "James is asking after Sky. If he sees you here, all over his sister, I might add, were all screwed. Dana may have sent you, but I don't think she intended on you being inside the palace."

"She wasn't specific on details." Dustin grinned at Edward who rolled his eyes. Sky could practically see the tension between the men and couldn't help but fell like she was the cause of it.

"Scat Hawk, before you ruin everything." Edward snapped.

"Very well." Dustin tuned his attention back to the girl in his arms. "I'll be back later to continue our discussion. I have to check on my idiots anyway." Sky frowned. "The rest of the crew are forming a perimeter around the palace should things turn ugly." He smiled at her and stepped back giving her a low bow. "Pleasure dancing with you milady."

Only seconds after Dustin had turned Sky heard her name from behind her. Edward grabbed her elbow and took Dustin's place as if he had never been there just as James came to stand next to them. He was dressed in the king's blue and red uniform though it suited him more than any other officers Sky had seen it on; he looked like royalty. On his left side Sky was surprised to see four small medals that shone bright in the candle light. James wasn't alone though, at his right side stood a stunning woman.

She was around the same size as Sky and held herself with a pride that made her seemed quite a few years older though she looked to be in her early twenties. She wore a deep purple dress that enhanced her womanly figure in all the right places and showed her bare shoulders and the top of her bodice. She had chestnut coloured hair that fell in straight lines and framed her slender face. Her cheek bones where high and her almond eyes intelligent and gentle.

"Skyler," James smiled at her with an odd mixture of pride and anxiousness. "I want to introduce you to someone." Sky looked at woman, already having a pretty good idea of who she was. "Darling, this is my sister, Skyler." Sky curtsied awkwardly. "Skyler, may I present Lady Bolivia of His majesty's house."

Lady Bolivia stepped forward to Sky and took her hand in her slender ones. Sky was suddenly worried about the roughness of her own after almost a month of fighting and life on The Belladonna. But if Lady Bolivia noticed she didn't show it. She shook Sky's hand with a warm smile that Sky did not return.

"Ash has told me all about you." Even her voice was sweet and Sky felt very rugged compared with her. "Since the day I met him, all he has spoken about was his dear little sister." Sky blushed and pulled her hand back. "We were so overjoyed to know you were safe from those monsters."

"How kind of you." Sky said noticing how her voice came out slightly strangled. She wasn't sure how she felt about James telling this woman all about her when he had just, one day, up and left her behind. "And when did you meet, if I may ask?" Next to her Edward shifted uncomfortably and James gave Sky a tight smile.

"Years ago." Lady Bolivia smiled at James, true feeling in her eyes, "He had just single headedly fought off an attack from the rebel Cormorants and protected the Kings palace. I was present when Patrick awarded him for his bravery."

Sky stared at her in shock. If she was there when the king gave James the pistol than she must have seen Dustin. Edward cleared his through and looked at James with narrowed eyes.

"If you are referring to the attack I think you are, then I heard differently." James sent Edward a dark look and Lady Bolivia faced him too. Edward turned to her and gave her a charming smile, "Wasn't the notorious Hawk also awarded for his remarkable bravery and loyalty that day?"

James narrowed his emerald eyes dangerously at Edward and Sky was thankful he had asked as it had been on her mind also. Sky hadn't expected Lady Bolivia's reaction. The woman sighed with genuine sadness.

"Dust has lost his way." The manner in which she said his name surprised Sky and made her feel unsettled. There was the note of loss and pain in her words and Sky remembered Dustin's reaction to Sky's question in knowing her. What was between them? She wondered.

"Let us not talk of deceitful lies and betrayal tonight." James' commanding voice cut through the thick silence. "The King will arrive soon." Lady Bolivia looked up at Sky's brother with hurt eyes which James ignored.

"Darling, I will return shortly." He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek and turned to Edward. "I would like you to come with me if you would; the captain of the guard would like to speak to you about a palace break in a few days ago."

Edward sent Sky a knowing look and Sky couldn't help but grin. The two men moved away, James promising to return before the King made an appearance, and Sky was left with his mistress.

Lady Bolivia turned to Sky, the sadness in her eyes replaced with curiosity. "You lived on Rendes, am I correct?" Sky looked at her and nodded. The woman sighed and smiled, "I would love to see some of the outer islands. Patrick wishes to protect me from politics and so I've never left Karniva."

Sky bit her lip to stop from saying that it was because her dear King was murdering people on the outer islands. "Surly if you asked, he would let you travel?" Sky didn't really want to have a conversation with this woman but there was something real that made Sky like her. With all the lies going on Sky wondered if there was anyone left who was real.

"Ash has offered to take me, but we will have to wait until everything has settled down." She looked at Sky who was having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that her brother was so close to the Kings niece. "As I'm sure you know, we are on the brink of war with the rebel group. Now is not really the time to go sightseeing." Her soft voice was almost disappointed.

"Do you know what the war is over?" Sky wondered if this woman, however kind she seemed, was supporting the Kings unspeakable actions. Or if she even knew of them.

"I know more than most, but that's not saying much." She looked at Sky again her brown eyes inquisitive. "Ash said Dust tried to kill you." The change in subject threw Sky and she felt her pulse spike. "I cannot believe it. None of it." Sky stayed quite hoping she would continue. When she did not Sky tried pushing her.

"Why? He is a blood thirsty pirate who wants to bring down the King. The fact that he would endanger a woman doesn't surprise me." Sky tried to infuse hostility into her tone in the hopes Lady Bolivia would agree with her. But the look she gave Sky showed she did not agree. And that unnerved Sky even more.

"He wasn't always like that. He was once one of the king's best. I met him the same time as Ash," She looked at Sky, "they were friends you know? Before he decided to betray us." She sighed and Sky looked down at her hands pretending to be moved by the news, when really she was surprised this woman knew as much as she did. "It doesn't seem right that he would do all the things he has. Ash keeps telling me he's not the boy we knew, but I can't see him doing any of it." She looked back at Sky and gave her a sad smile. "His heart was the colour of his eyes."

Sky bit her lip hard and felt her hands clench at her sides as a dark swirling cloud formed in her chest.

Lady Bolivia was suddenly swathed in her own memories and Sky couldn't help but feel jealous that she had a past with Dustin and her brother. It was more than what she had. Sky was blown away by her words and opened her mouth to say something, whether to agree and defend Dustin or ask her about James, she wasn't sure. But it didn't matter as a second later a call went out over the ball room from the top of the stairs.

"His Royal Highness, King Patrick."

A daunting silence overcame the room as the red curtain was pulled away to reveal the reason for everything. Sky felt her lungs clench and her heart stop. It was finally time to meet the man Sky's journey has led to. Time to meet the man responsible for everything.

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