Distance b/w Us...

By background21

890K 32.9K 1.7K

They say distance means so little when the person means so much... But when you mean nothing to that person... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 25

19.1K 745 37
By background21

*Nisha Pov*

"Nisha!" I heard him calling from downstairs because of which I woke up from my early sleep.

"What?" I asked, walking outside my room.

"I have searched everywhere but I can't find Ayesha." He replied.

"She is with me and we both are sleeping so don't disturb us." I said and walked inside my room.

"Why is Dad calling you?" Ayesha said yawning.

"He is searching for you everywhere. But I told him that you are here." I replied, and she nodded while I lay down on my bed beside her.

She hugged me and drifted off into sleep. I smiled remembering how she walked inside my room directly when I suggested we take a nap after finishing our works.

I hugged her back and slid off into sleep patting her slowly. I woke up again after some time hearing my phone ringing.

"Hello!" I said, lifting the call.

"We can't come to India this week." I heard all too depressing voices of my brother's.

"And I am not going to kill you for that so don't worry." I said smiling.

"But I want to kill myself. They said I took very long leave last year, so they can't allot me any this year." He said sighing.

I got up from my bed and started walking downstairs after looking at the time.

"I have a better idea." He suddenly said.

"What?" I asked him taking out the sliced vegetables, which were done before I took the nap.

"Why don't you three come here?" He asked.

"We three? But I have a college." I replied.

"Come here for Dasara holidays, and it will also be like a honeymoon where we will take care of Ayesha when you both spend some time here." He said.

"Honeymoon?" I asked him snorting while shaking my head.

"Why are you talking like that?" he asked and I realized what I said to him.

"We three are actually busy, Bhai. Even Ayesha doesn't want to miss school and Suhdir shouldn't miss the office." I replied.

He finally sighed and hung up saying he will talk later. I put my mobile aside and started cooking the curry.

"Who was that?" I immediately jumped hearing his voice.

"I got scared." I said, patting my back.

"It is just my brother. He is just telling his disappointment that he can't visit me this year." I added.

"And?" He asked, standing beside me when I turned around to look at the curry.

"And he wanted us to visit them this time during the Dasara holidays." I replied.

"Do you want to go?" He asked frowning.

"Well, he actually wants us to spend some precious ... time... you know... as in a honeymoon." I replied stuttering and put all my concentration on the curry making.

"Oh!" he mumbled.

"Do not worry about that. We are not going to go." I said, smiling at him and sighed in relief inside not showing him.

This is so awkward! I thought, shaking my head.

"When did Ayesha started sleeping in other than her room?" He asked, changing the topic, and I smiled at him.

"Since today I guess. Before I asked her one time to stay with me, but she declined and now she herself decided to be there." I replied smiling more.

"I will go and wake her up." He said and left the kitchen.

At night, she went to her room, though saying she will stay with me frequently but not every day, and I too accepted because that is kind of good habit, and she needs her privacy too maybe not now but later for sure.

*Sudhir Pov*

I didn't forget our conversation in the kitchen and mainly the snort she gave while talking to her brother regarding the topic.

Will we live like this forever with just talking? I asked myself hoping to be able to find some answer.

Isn't it cruel to make her lead a life of just a Mother through her remaining life? I thought getting up from my chair and walked towards the window.

Should I release her from this hold so that she will have her life with someone who will take care of her and love her which she deserves? I thought and immediately pictured her with someone else, but the problem is I didn't get any picture.

I don't even want to think like that, but will she be happy with me?

"I really love him so give me a divorce." Indu said when I walked into our room.

"What?" I asked her confused.

"I love someone and I want a divorce." She replied folding her hands.

"Are you mad? What is this sick joke?" I asked her closing the door so that Ayesha will not hear us.

"I can't repeat it again." She replied.

"Look Indu no matter what we are going to shift to Mumbai, and I am going to start my business there again." I said sighing.

"That's not just the matter. I am really in love with someone else, and I want to be free from you." She said.

"We have a five-year-old daughter. Think before you say anything." I said, shaking my head rubbing my forehead.

"She will be fine with us and even my Mom will take care of her." She said shrugging.

"What do you mean? She is my daughter." I said, glaring at her.

"I don't want her to be with a person who will have nothing but losses in the future and don't have anything to take care of her. My Mom loves her too, and I too don't want her to stay away from me." She said and started lying down on the bed.

"What happened to you Indu? We were happy right all these six years of marriage then what is your problem." I said.

"I want more which you will never give me and trust me, you don't love me." She said rolling her eyes.

"But I loved you and I can love you again if that is what killing you, but don't do this." I said hoping she will listen.

"I am in love for the first-time Sudhir so you understand." She said looking at me.

"You are a married woman and don't forget that." I said and lie on my side drifting off into sleep.

She may also will not be happy with me, but I need to do something right. Today suddenly, the room looked big for me when I woke up and even the cupboards as well.

My daughter is just my world, but I don't want to be alone too. What am I even thinking? I thought face palming myself.

I have gone crazy! Yeah, that must be it. I am suddenly thinking of companionship which I thought I will never will.

We are friends now, but will we both be happy with just that relation for forever. I don't think so and I at least need to share my room with her.

But I don't even know how to tell her that because I was the one who said to stay in another room right.

"Nisha!" I said when she lifted my call.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Did you both reached the home?" I asked her.

"We just did. Do you need anything?" She asked back.

"Nothing! But will you shift all your things into my room now." I replied and closed my eyes tightly, feeling stupid.

"Ah... what?" She asked, and I can hear confusion clearly.

"Shift into my room." I replied.

"But why?" She asked after a few minutes pause.

"Just shift!" I replied and hung up.

Even after office hours I stayed in my cabin and began to look into other works. Then I heard a knock and looked up to find out Sanju standing with a raised eyebrow expression.

"What?" I asked her frowning.

"Are you hiding from someone?" She asked back.

"No! And you can leave." I replied and started working again.

"You are doing tomorrow's work, and I sure believe you." Saying that she left my cabin.

I left a message to Nisha saying that I will be late today. And after completing the work, I went home to see very silent home.

Looks like they both are sleeping. I had some dinner, which is on the table and walked towards my room.

I wished 'good night' to Ayesha, and she is already in a deep sleep. I walked in mine and switched on my bed light to see her sleeping on my bed.

I sighed, thinking she actually did what I asked and also not awake to ask me questions to which I don't have any answers.

I freshened up and lay down on my side of the bed. We both are actually sleeping on the ends of my bed, and it may not make uncomfortable for both of us when we both wake up tomorrow.

I slowly slid off into sleep, turning to my side of the wall like her and thought about the answers I had to give...  


there is a facebook page "The wattpad writers" started by _Khwaish_, Latika_, _Rachel007 and me.... Like the page if you want...

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