Mystery Girl

By Kylie_Gold

14.1K 383 136

Luna Stark Tony Stark's daughter, Luna is an average 15 year old girl except she has powers. A certain spider... More

First Day
Too Late
Open Up
Dont Kiss Her
Picnic Under the Stars
Beer Bottles
Cinnimon Roll
Cover Ups
Hot Chocolate
Valentines Day
New Kid
Guy With the Wings
Break ups
Tim Hortons
Detox Water
Shadow monsters
Wrong Timing
Like Us
Beach Bash
Cloaked figures
Rain Rain
College Fund
She knows
Secrets Out
Sex Talk
Royal Gardens
Love spells
Matchmaker Quiz
Assemblies and Video Games
2am conflicts
Each other

In the Trees

11 2 0
By Kylie_Gold

"I know where Aura is." I told the others who looked with confusion. Sam was the first to speak up.

"What do you mean you know where she is? No one knows where she is." Sam spoke dismissively. Danny glanced at him raising a hand.

"Let's hear her out." Danny told him before turning to me and nodding indicating for me to go on.

"I had a dream." I said making some of the guys snicker. By some I meant Hades, Sam, and Keith.

"Okay Martin Luther King." Keith said making Hades and Sam burst out into fits of laughter, Ava rolled her eyes while Snow bit back her own smile. If you laughed in front of Snow even if she didn't understand, she'd laugh too.

"Guys." Peter said to the three boys who tried to stifle their laughter while silently reenacting what I had just said to one another which only made them laugh more.

"Anyways. A dream? Is that enough evidence to go off of?" Peter asked, I stood up off the floor.

We had all been hanging out in my room, I had called the others over to my room after lunch to discuss my dream but no one seemed to be taking it seriously. Sure they believe the fact that I'm have demon and basically am the reason Keith has powers but this is too much?

"Yes a dream." I said firmly."She is on the island of the gods. She practically was begging me to come to her. She wanted everyone to think that she wasn't but she is."

"Well if that's the case Luna, don't you think that's kind of suspicious?" Daisy asked with a hum, I shrugged. "Seems like she wants you specifically to come."

"I still think this is too easy. She is probably trying to just send us on a good chase and waste our time while she plans something bigger." Hades shrugged, good to see he had finally calmed down.

"Yeah....Hades does have a point. I dont mean to invalidate you, I am sure you did have a dream-

"oh shut it you hippie. Your dream is not a clue it is bait." Sam cut Danny off who rolled his eyes. "Like Hades said, she's trying to throw us off."

"Yeah, besides the island was searched thoroughly by the Callistoan military. Right?" Keith asked, I scoffed.

"Keith, you didn't even know anything about Callisto and Aura until you got your powers and came with us." I pointed out, Snow nodded hesitantly making Keith feign offense.

"She has a point, no offense Keith but you don't necessarily know anything yet." Snow agreed with me. "Besides who is to say that Aura couldn't have went back after the search? She is smarter than we think."

"And seems to be 2 steps ahead of us constantly. We shouldn't put it past her, I think we should check again. Us not these military men. They dont know what they're dealing with." Ava sided with me. Peter shook his head.

"I don't agree sorry. seems too easy." Peter shook his head and the majority seemed to agree with him. "And don't think about doing anything stupid about it either." He pointed at me.

"I don't take orders from you." I grumbled. Peter rubbed his face.

"Why do you insist on being so stubborn all the time?" He huffed, I chuckled coldly. "Whether you like it or not Luna, We are a team you need to act like it. Regardless of our history with each other."

"You guys need to get it together." Daisy chimed in. "Don't act like there wasn't a time not too long ago where you guys were madly in love." She looked in between us, Peter and I stared at one another, his eyes held regret, pain, and hesitation.

"You know what they say." He spoke up. "love is blind."

He stormed off slamming my door behind him causing the guard to poke his head in. "everything good here princess?"

I groaned in response,


I sat in the gardens, the sound of the water fountain behind me was both relaxing and overwhelming. I fiddled with the ring Hera had given to me, the one she gave to me for the day I propose to Luna. I guess I wouldn't be needing it anymore.

Shoving the ring in my pocket and my face into my hands I let out a deep sigh. What went wrong? We used to be so happy together. Did I really not see all these signs? I can't say I never loved Luna because I did, I do. A part of me always will, she was my first...well everything. A guy doesn't just forget that.

It was over now, I was with Ashley. She wasn't anything compared to Luna and we didn't have much in common other than the fact that we were both in robotics, she was no Luna but as of right now I was liking that.

"Hey." Keith approached taking a seat next to me. "Talk to me."

I shook my head. "She is not who I thought she was." Keith chuckled softly.

"You can't say that man, You guys dated for 2 years, if she wasn't who you thought she was you would've seen it a lot sooner than in 2 years." He reminded, he had a point. I guess I was just...bitter? "Besides you did choose slime over her."

"It was a mistake. She's made mistakes too before, I don't know why I always get reprimanded for mine." I scoffed. Keith laughed leaning back on his palms.

"Thats just girls for ya." He hummed. "They get mad at us we apologize, we get mad at them we apologize. Luna isn't any better in this situation either, already talked to her."

"What she say?" I looked at him. He hesitated.

"Pete...Luna cares for you. You gotta try to see it from her side too." He started, I nodded urging for him to go on.

"I've only ever seen it from her side."

"Dude you picked slime over her, you ended up hurting her because of this slime, you made her feel neglected. You made her feel like you had given up on her first. I know you tried to redeem yourself. We all remember that assembly." He paused to chuckle. "Besides you're both with different people now, why are you guys arguing like youre still in love with each other if you claim to not be? Unless-

"I'm not in love with Luna anymore." I shook my head. "When she saved you...I thought that was progress. I thought it would be the turning point for our relationship. I mean we even slept together after who knows how long-

"Wait you and Luna did it?" He laughed. I stared blankly.

"We've been doing it." I said sheepishly. He chuckled as if I had said something so amusing.

"No I know that I meant like, again? After you guys broke up?" Keith raised a brow. I nodded.

"It was during the rain storm we had. Where we all were at Mr.Starks mansion and the lights had gone out. Her and I went to check on the generator and we were talking about us and...well it just happened. This was only a month ago." I chuckled in disbelief at how much can change in such little time.

"I know its stupid because were so young but...I was going to propose. After graduation, I figured we could be engaged and then after college we could get married." I said showing him the ring which he took from me and held away from his face shining it in the sun.

"Dude what the hell? This is major." He gasped.

"Was." I corrected. "No plans of that now."


"Luna maybe this was a mistake." I whispered to myself as I walked through the jungles of the Island of the Gods. It was late at night everyone was back at the palace but me. I was on my own mission. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions and then head back to tell the others what I had seen.

Maybe then they'd believe me.

I heard a twig snap and I tensed up. Who knew this island was so...eerie. I guess it was on theme for an abandoned island. I whipped around Peter instantly covering my mouth.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" He whisper shouted. I was both relieved yet confused to see him here. "Luna, are you out of your mind?"

"What are you doing here?" I deflected. He rolled his eyes.

"Making sure you dont do anything stupid. I saw you sneaking out so I followed you. Rightfully so, if Aura is here we don't know whether she has backup or if she's alone. Didn't you think this through?"

"Relax. I wasnt going to confront her, I just wanted to confirm my dreams. Prove you all wrong." I explained, he shook his head at me.

"So it's a pride thing?" I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance.

"Just leave me alone." I continued walking. He followed after me.

"Okay stop." He held my arm. "Look, I'm just saying you can't do things like that Luna. It's not safe. Let's find her and report back to the others." Peter sighed, I nodded. "let's split up. We can cover more ground."

"okay." I nodded. He stared at me with a soft gaze.

"Please be careful Luna." He pleaded, I nodded again before walking off in my own direction.


I was trying to spot anything out of the ordinary on this island from the trees. For an Island it was quite big, all I could see was greenery that was until I saw some sort of big cave, I looked down at the ground from on top of the trees, I could see Luna. I webbed down to her to let her  know what I had spotted.

"Luna." I said, she turned around and leaped into my arms. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her waist while hers were around my neck.

"Peter, I'm so happy to see you." She smiled at me. "What were you doing in the trees?"

I was still taken aback by her sudden affection. "Looking for any clues. What are you doing? Are you okay?"

"Do you hate me Pete?" She asked, my brows knit together and I stared at her.

"I don't hate you Luna...we just have been going about things the wrong way."

"I miss you Pete." She sighed. I could feel my heart flutter. I held her hand. "I miss us."

"I'm right you really?" I asked hopefully. She nodded, a faint smile playing onto her lips.

"I love you Pete." She whispered looking into my eyes. "2 years together isn't something to easily forget."

"It's not." I agreed caressing her face. She leaned in, her lips brushing against mine.

"Kiss me." She whispered and I did, the second my lips landed on hers everything went blank.

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