The Sun and Her Moon- Remus L...

By bubblegumm1111

78.8K 2.6K 854

The story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic fri... More

And so our story begins....
In Which our Protagonist Begins her Adventure
Just a girl and her rabbit against the world
Annoying boys and creepy witches
She's onto us!
Aveline The Liar Rosier
Kiss and Tell
A Little Family Drama
Memories and Woes
Potter the Halloween Fanatic
The Wolf and The Rabbit
Oh November how you make my heart grey
Cinderella and Her Prince
Homecoming Sorrow
A Toast To The Happy Couple
As They Say- Never Meet Your Heroes
Mom Your Embarrassing Me!
I like to think we make an excellent pair
Can I go back to bed please?
Go Fish and Pillow Fights
Mr Casanova
Blushing Cheeks and Secrets
The Tales of the Emotionally Distressed
Oh Spring I adore you
Spring Fling
Don't turn on the lights
the trials of a bride
Am I a real girl or a barbie doll
The Slip Up
What can possibly tear us apart
Strange Talks
Young Love and Big Hearts
In the Sun we trust
Uh oh
Peter check the map!
Never have I ever been kidnapped ?
If we go down we go down together
Sleeping Beauty
No one likes a happy ending
And so the party begins
Is this a fever dream?
I Never Said I has Good Coping Mechanisms
Fake it till you make it
Inheritance and weird men
The Story of the Woman of Helios
James Potter Is WHAT?
A Little Respect
August slipped away like a....
Am I growing up?
In which the cards fall
Some communication would be nice
The Minds A Dangerous Thing
Just a Normal Day
Does being crazy run in the family?
Friends :)
Little Miss Steal Ur Girl
what is this- a dog show ?
Are We Nothing but Whispers?
Playboy bunnies and confused purebloods
To wear my heart on my sleeve, or bury it in my mind
ummm stfu
Merlin, can we get peace?
its all rainbows and sunshine
Alternative Dimensions and Hot Chocolate
Train Rides and Kisses
is it fate, or is it hormones
Life is a Tornado and we are just the wind
Sometimes We are Ass
Arent we Glad Her Parents Are Crazy
James's Big Day
Emotions are Too Much
Mother May I
Children or Spawns of Hell?
The ways of the heart
Letters and Lies
Meetings and birds
Around the corner
cookies and conversation
Flying Doves
Pranks from the grave
Growing Pains
Peaceful Study Sessions
The final finals
To bigger and better
I'll die a happy man
Fun times :)
Midnight Chaos
Dots and Dust
Family Vacation
Dealing Cards
lets go
summer breeze
treehouses and kisses
White Dress
parties and brides
Cheers !
i can do it with a broken heart
And so the story really begins
Guilt always perseveres

Happy ending :)

70 4 0
By bubblegumm1111

Watching with anxiety, Aveline's eyes were glued to the hospital door waiting for Albus and Minvera to emerge.

If there was one thing she knew, Albus wanting to talk to you alone was never a good thing.

Especially now that a baby was in the mix.

Eventually they did emerge, solemn faces as they both sent the group waiting small nods.

"Miss Rosier," Dumbledore started, motioning to the girl. "A word if you would please."

The man kept walking, and Aveline sent Remus a concerned look before following him.

He walked calmly, till Aveline fell into step beside him.

"How are you Aveline?" he began delicately.

His voice was quiet, as he winded his way through the hospital hallways, greeting the many people that smiled at him with friendly nods.

"I'm fine Sir. May I ask is everything alright with James and Lily? Harry?" Aveline asked, more concerned for the Potters than herself.

He hummed to himself softly. "Do you care for scotch Aveline?"

Before she could answer, the man grabbed her ann and they apparated away with a pop!!

It had been over a year since Aveline last stood in the headmaster office at Hogwarts, though the second her nose took in the familiar smell of old books and lemon candies, she was transferred back to her Hogwarts days as if it was yesterday.

"Have a seat Aveline," the man began motioning to the chair infront of his desk.

She stood paused, watching as the man moved across the room to his scotch cart.

Aveline wasn't impressed to say the least. The uncalled for apparition turned her stomach, and certainly if he couldn't find her anywhere in the hospital, Remus would begin to panic.

Dumbledore handed her a glass of scotch before taking his own seat, tapping his finger on the glass rhythmically.

"Proffesor may I ask what the meaning of this is ?" Aveline asked, politely taking her seat across from Dumbledore.

If there was one thing growing up in a pureblood society had ingrained in Aveline was manners. Despite her displeasure with situation she didn't let it influence the way she talked to the man.

She watched carefully as Dumbledore drained the last of his scotch before his eyes settled on her.

For a moment the man seemed to be struggling to find his words. This was so unlike Albus that it panicked Aveline.

Something was wrong.

She could feel it in her bones.

"James and Lily have to die."

Aveline immediately felt her heart lurch and stomach drop.

"What!?" she immediately snapped, loosing her composure ever so slightly. "Where is this coming from? What is the meaning of this?" She demanded. "James and Lily just had a baby this is not the time..."

She trailed off, not the time for what she really didn't know.

"Dear girl," Dumbledore began carefully, eyeing her over his glasses, "believe me when I say it is with outmost regret that I tell you this. I am quite fond of both James and Lily."

Aveline's heart was beating, feelings of anger she didn't know she had pumping through her veins.

How could he talk so casually about her friends death?

It was in that moment Aveline made a split decision, that she would do anything it takes to stop this from happening

"Albus," she began, rising from her seat and leaning forward with her hands on her table, "I will not be playing riddles nor games today. You tell me why you say this and you tell me what I need to do to stop this. And if this is a threat—." she paused, her gaze gliclkeding down to her hand. "And if this is a threat," she repeated, "I trust you know I do not take threats lightly."

In all the years Albus Dumbledore had been observing Aveline Rosier, this was the first time he saw the Rosier in her.

It was in her commanding body language, in the way she demanded not asked. In the dark look behind her eyes that looked as if it was ready to unleash something manic on him.

She didn't even need to say anything specific, but she could see it in her eyes that if this was a threat, she was fully prepared to kill for James and Lily Potter.

Albus mind flickered back to all those years when Aveline Rosier had been sorted into Hufflepuff.

Usually Albus understood why each student was sorted into their respective house, though Aveline Rosier had always been a mystery to him.

She caused trouble, and was often too loud and rambunctious for her own good. She was driven, laced with ambition even though she didn't want to admit it. And brave to the point it was borderline reckless.

To him, he always assumed she should've been wearing a red and gold or silver and green tie, though looking into her eyes now, he finally understood.

She was ambitious, she was brave, she was reckless— all of was true.

But the difference came in the fact at her core Aveline Rosier was loyal to a fault. She demanded justice to the point she was prepared to fight for it— die for it even.

He understood that it wasn't the brave nerve of the Gryffindor that kept her going, or the desire for glory of a slytherin that motivated her, it was loyalty, justice and desire for change that kept her going.

The man eyes twinkled— he had grossly underestimated Aveline Rosier.

"One day Aveline, your loyalty is going to get you killed," Dumbledore settled on.

The air was cold between them, and the man got the sense he had broken any sort of friendly bridge that ever ran between them.

She didn't answer him, her face stern still standing above the table.

"There was a prophecy of sort, written about a boy we believe to be either Harry or Neville."

"Neville?" Aveline asked, her nose scrunching. "Who is that?"

"The Longbottom boy," Dumbledore asking, pleased that at least now he had the girls attention. "It tells the tale of the one who should have the power to defeat Lord Voldemort— Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies. We have had our eye on both the longbottoms and Potters, and they both are aware they must go into hiding now that their sons are born."

Aveline's brain processed the information, her jaw trying not to drop. Slowly, she sat back down, letting the words replay in her head.

"I don't understand," Aveline started her eyebrow's furrowed . "Is there a portion of the prophecy that says the Potters have to die? Why are you certain it's Harry?"

Silence fell between them as Dumbledores mind raced a million seconds a minute.

"I have been informed by reputable sources Aveline, that this is likely to result in the death of parents of the boy—

"Likely," Aveline interrupted, "Likely is not set in stone. And I ask again, why are you so sure it's Harry?"

Albus was getting the sensation  that he was playing with fire.

"I suppose I could be wrong about Harry," Albus began, choosing his words carefully, "though there is something about that boy..." he trailed off, deep in thought.  "There is something about Harry. When you get to be my age Aveline, you notice these things. Harry Potter will be the one who is chosen, I am almost certain."

A shiver went down Aveline's spine as Albus said the boys name.

She hated to admit, but he was right.

There was something about Harry Potter, that just didn't have the same ring to it as Neville Longbottom.

"So what do we do to stop this? Harry's just a baby," Aveline gulped.

"You are correct in the fact it doesn't have to result in the death of James and Lily Potter," Albus began, and she could sense there was a catch he was getting ready to drop, "though that depends on you."

Aveline's eyebrow raised, encouraging the man to  continue.

"Aveline you are aware of the sun curse that runs through your veins? You are aware of its power?" Albus asked, and in response she nodded. "There is a  quid pro quo, I suppose you could say, in the events that are to take place with the Potters. When the day comes that the Dark Lord decides to kill the Potters, if perhaps a certain powerful sacrifice  could be for their lives, the Potters would live. You see Aveline, the universe likes balance. The curse that runs through your veins shouldn't exist, if such a sacrifice could meet the power for the Dark Lords death, things would balance."

Quid Pro Quo, the english translation rang through her head like a scar— something for something.

Aveline understood what he was saying without him even saying it.

Someone had to die in order for this prophecy to truly work.

"I have to die, don't I?" Aveline whispered, her hands moving to the ring that currently hung around the chain on her neck.

"You have a choice  Miss Rosier, it is you or the Potters."

Though Dumbledore knew very well with Aveline Rosier there was no question, there was no choice .
She would give it all up for the people she loved in a heartbeat.

"What do I have to do?" she asked the man, her voice breaking.

Aveline had grown past the point in her life of wanting to die.

All she wanted now was a peaceful future, and a little cottage by the sea with  the love of her life.

She wanted it. She deserved it.

Though, never would she be able to live with herself  if the people she loved didn't.

"When the times comes, you will know."

This man and his vague sentences annoyed the daylights out of Aveline.

What if she didn't know .

What if her not knowing cost Harry, James or Lily their lives

She watched the man carefully, took in the way he tapped his fingers on his glass in such a carefree way it was almost sickening.

"How long do I have?" she asked the man.

"Not much longer than a year."

A year— as the words register in her brain she felt her throat lurch, her heart breaking at the realization she had only a year left of memories. Only a year left of laughing with Sirius , and tight bear hugs fro a james. Only a year to watch little Harry grow. Only a year left to watch herself grow.

The worst of all, was the sinking sensation in her gut as her fingers clutched her engagement ring.

Remus— what would he do? 

She couldn't marry him, that was out of the question. She couldn't leave him a widow so young . But selfishly, that was all she wanted— to go the grave as his wife.

The sinking feeling came as quick as it left, and as she looked at Dumbledore's old eyes acceptance quickly replaced her anguish. 

"I suggest Aveline," Albus began, and this time there was something of sorrow in his eyes, "you spent the next year getting any unfinished business that may follow you in order. I truly am sorry."

With his final sentence, the man rose from his seat and left the room, ascending up the stairs and leaving Aveline glued to the wooden chair — motionless.

A million different thoughts and a million different people were going through her head— the milestones she'd never get to see her friends live, all the laughter she would l miss out on, all the adventures, all the memories.

Though nothing was as potent as thinking about leaving him. Remus Lupin with his gentle soul and  damaged heart. If there was anyone in the world who deserved a happy ending it was him.

Suddenly the ring began to feel like it was burning beneath her fingertips— the metal suddenly poison against her skin.

Aveline took a gulp, swallowing back the tears, swallowing back the pain because that was all she could do.

She wasn't sure exactly what the next year would hold for her, but she was sure about one thing—

Aveline Rosier couldn't marry Remus Lupin.

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