Happy ending :)

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Watching with anxiety, Aveline's eyes were glued to the hospital door waiting for Albus and Minvera to emerge.

If there was one thing she knew, Albus wanting to talk to you alone was never a good thing.

Especially now that a baby was in the mix.

Eventually they did emerge, solemn faces as they both sent the group waiting small nods.

"Miss Rosier," Dumbledore started, motioning to the girl. "A word if you would please."

The man kept walking, and Aveline sent Remus a concerned look before following him.

He walked calmly, till Aveline fell into step beside him.

"How are you Aveline?" he began delicately.

His voice was quiet, as he winded his way through the hospital hallways, greeting the many people that smiled at him with friendly nods.

"I'm fine Sir. May I ask is everything alright with James and Lily? Harry?" Aveline asked, more concerned for the Potters than herself.

He hummed to himself softly. "Do you care for scotch Aveline?"

Before she could answer, the man grabbed her ann and they apparated away with a pop!!

It had been over a year since Aveline last stood in the headmaster office at Hogwarts, though the second her nose took in the familiar smell of old books and lemon candies, she was transferred back to her Hogwarts days as if it was yesterday.

"Have a seat Aveline," the man began motioning to the chair infront of his desk.

She stood paused, watching as the man moved across the room to his scotch cart.

Aveline wasn't impressed to say the least. The uncalled for apparition turned her stomach, and certainly if he couldn't find her anywhere in the hospital, Remus would begin to panic.

Dumbledore handed her a glass of scotch before taking his own seat, tapping his finger on the glass rhythmically.

"Proffesor may I ask what the meaning of this is ?" Aveline asked, politely taking her seat across from Dumbledore.

If there was one thing growing up in a pureblood society had ingrained in Aveline was manners. Despite her displeasure with situation she didn't let it influence the way she talked to the man.

She watched carefully as Dumbledore drained the last of his scotch before his eyes settled on her.

For a moment the man seemed to be struggling to find his words. This was so unlike Albus that it panicked Aveline.

Something was wrong.

She could feel it in her bones.

"James and Lily have to die."

Aveline immediately felt her heart lurch and stomach drop.

"What!?" she immediately snapped, loosing her composure ever so slightly. "Where is this coming from? What is the meaning of this?" She demanded. "James and Lily just had a baby this is not the time..."

She trailed off, not the time for what she really didn't know.

"Dear girl," Dumbledore began carefully, eyeing her over his glasses, "believe me when I say it is with outmost regret that I tell you this. I am quite fond of both James and Lily."

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