Oh November how you make my heart grey

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The next month flew by the way November so often does— dragging its dreadfully heavy feet in the glum of the winter air. It was the month of nothing but putting one heads down and holding onto the edge. The month of willing time to tick faster, of feeling
your chest break every time you woke up and it was still winter.

November was relentless, November was cold, November is the month that so gladly would push you down into the frozen slush of snow and ice.

November was the type of month to make you want to disappear. To blink and for it to be a month where the sky was blue, and your toes didn't freeze every time you went outside. It was heavy, the sort of heavy that made your soul feel like it was made of bricks.

At the beginning of the month, the only thing even a little bit joyful is that it had been Sirius Black's 17th birthday.

In the wizarding world, a wizards 17th birthday is the one they think the most of when they are little. It is the birthday their parents hold over their head like a prize— the when you're 17 you'll be able to do this.

One of Sirius's only positive memories with his father was one of such.

Little Sirius Black, with his perfectly combed hair and perfectly tied bow tie, leaning with his head pressed against the glass case of fancy watches his father had in his study. When the door opened, Sirius flinched—Thinking it was Walburga and he would certainly get in trouble.

Though it was his father, who for once in his life chuckled at his sons antics. Instead of the usual lesson to be taught, Orion Black simply scooped his son in his arms, holding him up so he could see the case better.

"When your 17 my son, you will get a watch like every noble man in our family. Which one is your favourite?"

Orion watched as his son pointed, little stubby fingers stretched out, to a classic silver one, smaller then the others.

"Of course you have my excellent taste," Orion sighed, setting his son down.

Sirius watched as his father reached his hand into the glass case, removing the watch. He walked over to his desk, setting it in the top drawer.

"You'll see it again when you turn 17," he winked.

It was memories like this, that as the November skies started to turn, made Sirius feel like for once in his entire life, he truly was a November baby. A cold, cold November baby, grown in a house of ice and raised amongst snowstorms.

Though when Sirius woke up on his 17th birthday— not wanting to wake up at all— a watch did sit in the stack of presents on his bedside left by his friends.

It was a pretty silver, and he turned it around in his hands multiple times before he dared take out of the note sitting in the box.


We are so proud of you for the young man you have become. You are a star Sirius, our shining shining star.

We are always here for you, and we love you with our whole hearts.

All our Love,

Fleamont and Mia

Sirius Black never cried so hard in his entire life. The cold frozen November tears melting into rain as he strapped the watch on his wrist .

That couldn't have fit the tone of the dreadful month more, for as each time a break seemed to come, something worse took of place. As if November spent its down time thwarting how to kill the hearts of everyone before christmas.

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