A Dragon In The North

Door Havingfunwithfanfic

16.3K 1.1K 157

Cregan Stark's wife died while giving birth to his son, who did not survive. His lords keep pushing him to ge... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 16

551 35 10
Door Havingfunwithfanfic

Saerys and Cregan are getting ready for Lynara's wedding. We finally get to see Haelys's POV. I hope you guys like it 🥰

1 month later. Winterfell.

Saerys kissed her husband's chest before laying her head on it. They had woken up a few minutes earlier and were just enjoying the few peaceful minutes before they would have to get dressed and take over their duties for the day . She liked these moments the best when she had him all for herself and they could just lay next to each other without worrying.

"You are quiet." He continued caressing her back, dragging his fingers up and down her skin. "Is something bothering you?"

"No," She kissed his chest again before raising her head. "I just want to make sure everything is ready for the Bolton's arrival. I know you do not have the best relationship."

"We are not feuding." Cregan twisted one of her curls around a finger. "I just do not trust them. There is something about them , they have never liked that the Starks rule the North."

Saerys gave her husband a questioning look. "Are you sure is wise to marry Lynara to a Bolton? If they are trying to become Lord Paramount of the North, they could try and use her , she is a Stark after all."

"I will keep an eye on them and make sure everything continues to go the way it has been." Cregan gave her a reassuring smile. "I do not want you to worry."

"Of course I am going to worry." She stopped herself from rolling her eyes. "People, men especially, tend to underestimate women."

Cregan chuckled. "Are you speaking from experience?"

"Yes, I am." She straddled him and gave him a teasing smile. "People have always seen me as the quiet and sweet one, which to them means I must be weak."

Cregan sat up and pressed her harder against his front until she was sitting on top of his cock. "Well, that is their mistake. I hope you had Arrax eat them for their audacity."

"No, that would be too obvious." She wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her lips over his cheek. "I have other ways of getting even."

"I love it when you show me how fierce you can be."

She moaned when he kissed her and immediately opened her mouth for him. They had been busy since Lynara's betrothal had been announced . Since the woman was a Stark, it was expected that she would have a grand wedding and Cregan had not wanted to give people a reason to talk. Saerys did not mind the woman would have a grand wedding , she was more than happy to give it to her as long as she left afterward.

Sara and Saerys had been trying to help Lynara with the preparations for the wedding and the confection of the gown . Lynara had protested the entire time , she found fault with everything. She did not like the food, she wanted the great hall decorated a certain way, and her gown was not to her liking. There had been a point when Saerys had been sure Sara would strangle the woman. It had not taken long for Saerys to figure out that Lynara and Sara did not like each other , she had also been able to figure out why. Lynara believed herself to be better than Sara and treated the other woman poorly. Saerys had made it clear to Lynara that she expected Sara to be treated with respect . She did not care if Sara was a bastard , her character was much better than a lot of noble ladies Saerys had met.

She broke the kiss and gave Cregan a secretive smile. "I do have some news that has nothing to do with the wedding."

"If you are trying to tell me Deirys took the chicken to Kings Landing, I already know."

Saerys let out a laugh , not really sure what he was talking about. "What chicken?"

"The one your sister saved from being killed. Your mother told me I could not give it to her and somehow she took it to Kings Landing without anyone finding out."

Saerys laughed , she could imagine her sister sneaking around Winterfell and kidnapping the chicken. "As much as I regret and apologize profusely for my little sister kidnapping your chicken, that is not what I was going to tell you."

Her husband gave her an apologetic look. "Tell me."

Saerys could not help the giddiness that filled her as she looked into her husband's eyes. "I am with child."

Cregan's eyes widened and an absurdly large smile covered his face. He did not ask her if she was sure , he just kissed her until she was out of breath and dizzy. Saerys could not wait to have a child of her own , a little boy who looked like his father. A little girl would be nice also , she knew that no matter what she had she would love it and so would her husband. Her child would grow up in the North, learning about the old gods and Saerys would teach him or her about the fourteen flames and about their Targaryen heritage. Her children would not have dragons, but she did not mind. She had always known that her children would not be able to have a dragon of their own since they were not in direct line to the throne.

                                                             Saerys Targaryen (17 years old.)

                                                                Cregan Stark (27 years old.)


Kings Landing.

Haelys knew that teasing her uncle in the way she had been doing was wrong, but she could not help herself. She had been in love with Daelor since before she knew what being in love actually meant, but her uncle had been in love with Saerys. Haelys had never seen him look at another woman, at least, not for something serious. Haelys had been sure that her sister and Daelor would marry one day. While she had been heartbroken at the idea, she had not intervened. She loved her sister and wanted her to be happy, but her sister had never looked at Daelor as anything else but her uncle. Haelys had always suspected that her sister had known about her feelings for Daelor and that was one of the reasons she had never looked at him.

While Haelys had been relieved when Saerys fell in love with Cregan Stark, she had not enjoyed seeing Daelor in pain. Her uncle had sulked for weeks and she had been sure he would kill the Northern lord to stop him from marrying Saerys. The kiss in Winterfell had not been planned , she had made sure that her uncle would find her with that man because she wanted to see how he would react, but she had not planned to kiss him. She did not regret the kiss, but she had been a bit surprised by his reaction. She had thought he would push her away and had been pleasantly surprised when he did not. Haelys would have stepped aside for her sister , but she would not do it for anyone else.

"Princess." Haelys turned and smiled at the man who had interrupted her thoughts. "I am glad to see you."

"It is a pleasure to see you also, Lord Wylde." She had only spoken to the man a few times and found him to be arrogant and full of himself. "I was not aware you were in Kings Landing."

"Yes, I had to come to talk to King Baelon about an important issue." The man's smile made her uneasy. "I do not know if you are aware, but my wife passed away two years ago."

She nodded and made sure to show the proper amount of sympathy. "I know and my condolences."

"Thank you, princess." He took a step closer and Haelys tightened her hands on the skirts of her gown to stop herself from taking a step back. She would not show weakness in front of this man. "I am here to talk to the king about a wife."

Her belly churned and she was hoping it would not be what she was thinking. "Why would my grandsire care who you marry?"

"Well, you are unmarried and will be coming of age in four moons." Bile rose in the back of her throat. "I think we would make an excellent match."

Her mother had always urged her to be polite with the lords unless they disrespected her. While Jon Wylde had not disrespected her he assumed a lot. The fact that he had decided to talk to her grandsire and not say anything to her mother or father was an affront . While the king had the power to marry any Targaryen in the line of succession that did not mean the Wylde lord should disrespect her parents.

"Lord Wylde." The man became as still as a stone when Daelor stepped beside him , the smile on her uncle's face was not pleasant . "I was not aware you were visiting us. Is there a particular reason?"

The man bowed. "I have a meeting with the king, my prince."

Her uncle did not look away from him. "Then you should go to him. I need to talk to my niece."

The man's expression had changed completely, but he simply nodded and bowed one more time before walking away. Haelys turned to Daelor and gave him an amused look. "I thought grandmother said you had to be polite to visiting lords."

"No one is polite to that man, not even my mother." He rolled his eyes. "My father does not like him either."

"I can see why."

Daelor moved until he was facing her. "What did he want with you?"

She shrugged nonchalantly but made sure to pay attention to her uncle. "He wanted to let me know the reason he is here."

Daelor gave her an impatient look when she did not say more. "Well, are you going to tell me?"

"He is wanting to marry again."

Her uncle's anger was something beautiful to see. "And why would he tell you that?"

While she knew she should not play with him, it was very fun . "Why do you think?"

Daelor's glare would have sent fear through people's bodies, but the shiver running down her spine had nothing to do with fear. "You are not marrying that man."

While she would prefer to have her dragon burn her to a crisp and eat her than to marry Jon Wylde, she was not going to tell Daelor that. "Why not? Jon Wylde is an important lord and I am sure grandsire and my parents will take my opinion into account."

"Do not do this, Haelys. You will make me kill that man."

"Why?" She pretended to be stupid. "You spend your days doing nothing , it is time someone else got off their ass."

She gave him one last smile before turning around and walking away. She had already made several moves , now it was Daelor's turn to make a move , if he wanted her he would have to show her.   

                                                               Haelys Targaryen (15 years old.)

                                                                      Daelor Targaryen (32 years old.)

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