Stray Kids Drabbles

By Lies_lab

20.6K 608 432

Exactly what it sounds like. Contains fluff, angst, and comfort/hurt. More

Falling in love with SKZ
Room temperature noodles
Five, six, seven, eight
A pickle for your thoughts?
My muse
Honey bun
Sweet cheeks
Time, love, effort, and cooties
My baby
A flicker of hope (1)
A flicker of hope (2)
A flicker of hope (3)
A flicker of hope (4)
A flicker of hope (5)
A flicker of hope (6)
A flicker of hope (7)
A flicker of hope (8)
I love you, I love you, I love you
Stupid bird
Cookie monster
Passionate kisser, unlimited trickster
Duck, duck, goose
Skz finds you battling self-harm (1)
Skz finds you battling self-harm (2)
Skz finds you battling self-harm (3)
Skz finds you battling self-harm (4)
Skz finds you battling self-harm (5)
Skz finds you battling self-harm (6)
Skz finds you battling self-harm (7)
Skz finds you battling self-harm (8)
Happiness is a butterfly
The art of being human
Swan dive
Enamored remedy
Cuddle bug
This is me trying
We'll keep this love in a photograph
Skz finds out you're not eating
You're somebody else
Northern attitude
To Saturn and back
Look after you
Corroded love
Ice, ice, baby
Already gone
Star lost
Teacher's pet
I miss you, I'm sorry
Straight shooter
Gone away
Devil's advocate
Waiting for us

To be alone with you

320 11 27
By Lies_lab

Genre: Fluff

After your boyfriend makes a bet with his band members, the two of you go on a camping trip that ends in a disaster.

꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎

Ever since you were younger, you weren't an outdoorsy person. You hated the warmth of the sun in the summer. The bugs were too much of a risk. The last thing you wanted to do was go outside, let alone multiple days for a camping trip.

It was your boyfriend's suggestion. He promised you that it'd be fun and you'd both have a great time. A great time, your ass. You assumed that you'd be at a campsite with premade tents. The kind that were already set-up and you could rent them out.

You had no idea what kind of trip you were in for until Minho parked the car. You grabbed your backpack and got out. He popped open the trunk and dropped out a tent. An actual tent wrapped securely in a traveling bag.

"You cannot be serious," you mumbled beneath your breath.

All you got in response was a cheesy grin and Minho chucked your sleeping bag at you. The weight of it caught you off guard. You stumbled back, nearly hitting the ground in the process, which caused him to laugh. That was just the start of this endless nightmare.

Tucked in a pair of leather hiking boots, you made the correct choice. The walk to the actual campsite was almost a mile. The whole time you grumble in disapproval while Minho mocked you.

"You do realize that thousands of years ago, this was how it was, right? No internet, no toilets, no air conditioning, nothing. Just people and the endless outdoors."

"That's why they were constantly dying."

"Are you going to complain this whole trip?"

"Can you blame me? I'm soaked in sweat, the mosquitoes keep biting me, and I'm practically going to die from dehydration."

"We've only been walking for five minutes!"

"Five minutes?" Your eyes widened in shock. "It feels like we've been walking for five hours!"

He rolled his eyes and continued trudging along the dirt path. In the forest, you were surrounded by trees and the chirps and warbling of nature. Birds were chattering mid-day and the rest of the animals were scattered out and about.

Minho dug out a flask of water and pushed it towards you. You took it with a sigh, unscrewed it, and began to slowly sip. You really hadn't prepared enough for this trip. When it was first brought up, you refused. You refused until the rest of his band members made a bet.

They bet Minho a hundred bucks that you wouldn't last three days in the wilderness. He bet against them and you weren't one to let your boyfriend down. You were determined to prove them wrong.

After walking for nearly a half hour, you mumbled that your legs hurt. Minho dropped the tent onto the ground and jerked off his backpack too. You had no idea what he had packed. The entire thing was bulging and was on the verge of busting. Earlier, he barely got it to zip.

He was in a pair of cargo jeans and a t-shirt. It was warm enough outside that the two of you didn't need jackets. On the other hand, you were regretting the denim overalls. It seemed like a good idea, but they were itchy and too hot. You should have gone with Minho's suggestion earlier and worn a pair of denim shorts and long socks.

"How much farther?"

"Another half a mile, maybe."

You tipped your head back and groaned.

"You could have stayed home."

"And let your friends win their stupid little bet? Fuck that! Let's go." You jerked your bag back on your back and began heading up the path. Minho chuckled, grabbed his stuff, and began to follow you.

With your head down, you began to trudge on. You were struggling, but your determination was fierce. You were going to prove your worth if it was the last thing you did. On and on the two of you went.

"We have another five minutes, I think," Minho announced.

You let out a soft sigh of relief and slowed your brisk pace. The two of you had been trudging along in silence for a while. You couldn't believe you were actually starting to enjoy it, but only a little.

The crunching of the twigs beneath your feet. The soft smell of pine lingered in the air. Pine cones scattered around the area near your feet, along with pine needles. Occasionally, you'd kick one or two of the pine cones from your way.

You reached up with the back of your arm and rubbed off sweat from your forehead. Exhaustion was an understatement for you. You hadn't done much and yet you were exhausted.

The sudden brown flash of fur darting across the path in front of you caused you to scream. You jerked backwards and slammed into Minho's chest. He reached out and steadied you via the handle on your backpack.

Your heart was thudding in your chest as you glanced over between the trees that the thing disappeared between. "What the fuck was that?"

"All that over a small harmless chipmunk?"

"Oh my god!" Your hand slammed into your chest and clutched your heart. "I nearly had a fucking heart attack, holy shit."

He laughed and jerked an arm over your shoulders. "Come on, we finally made it. You can go be miserable in the middle of this empty space."

He led you towards a large spot in the forest. The mossy area was shaded beneath towering trees. You glanced around to survey the area and let out a soft sigh. You slung off the backpack and let it drop to the ground.

"So this is our home for the next three days?"

"Yep. Better get used to it."

"And what am I supposed to do?"

He gestured to the tree behind you. "Entertain yourself. Go ahead and climb a tree, unless you think you can grasp some patience and help me put up the tent."

"Put up the tent?" You echoed with furrowed eyebrows.

"Did I stutter? Did you think that we were just going to sleep beneath the stars? With the wild animals?" He scoffed and shook his head. "The tent has to be pitched."

"I can't believe you didn't buy one of those pop-up tents."

"And I can't believe you haven't stopped complaining since we got here."

You huffed, spun around, and headed towards a tree. Minho watched you with eyes full of amusement. He couldn't help it, this pouting bratty thing you had going on, it was wildly entertaining for him.

"Where are you going?"

"To climb a tree, so I can watch you put up the stupid tent!" You shot back.

You huffed and began to climb the first tree you saw. Branches curled out in multiple different directions. You placed your foot on an opening, used your arms, and jerked yourself up with a huff.

You placed one foot up, grabbed a branch, and climbed higher. Higher and higher you went until you found a nice spot. You were about ten feet off the ground and Minho rolled his eyes.

He spun around, grabbed the tent bag, jerked it open, and dumped out the contents. You watched in silence as he began to grab the fabric and lace the bendable poles through them. Your head found the sturdy side of the tree trunk.

You let your body rest against it and shut your eyes. You didn't get too much sleep last night, since you were up most of the night wondering how today would go. Honestly, you had been dreading it since you agreed. However, a bet's a bet and you didn't want to let Minho down.

Unfortunately for you, with his back turned, Minho was focused on perfecting the tent. The sound of the birds was pleasing to his ears. When he noticed a squirrel peeking down at him from a tree, he smiled.

The needled and moss ground beneath his feet felt nice. It was nice to be out of the studio and the dorm. He sucked in a deep breath and relaxed. For the next three days, the weather was supposed to be perfect. Not too hot and not too cold; all sunny without a chance of rain.

This was a blessing and he was glad to partake in it. Camping wasn't something that he did often. Despite your annoyance and bickering, he was happy to spend time alone with you. He was sure that you'd get used to it rather quickly. You were good at adapting to whatever situation was thrown your way, even if you complained about it.

Up on the tree, your body began to relax. The ambiance of the birds was nice. When Minho was done, he planned to take the two of you to a nearby stream to relax. You liked finding different kinds of rocks. He was hoping it was something that you'd enjoy.

While you were scouring for rocks, he'd be pulling out his fishing pole and attempting to catch dinner. He had packed a few side dishes, but freshly cooked fish was delicious. He even packed some seasonings to spruce it up.

You were squeamish, so he was on his own for cleaning the fish. If he was lucky, maybe you'd attempt to help him catch one. At least, as long as he put the worm on the hook because you hated anything squirmy.

He began to whistle as the tent started to take shape. After doing this multiple times before, it kind of became a second nature. You still observed from the tree until your eyes slipped shut. The last thing you remembered was the back of Minho's layered hair and then-


He froze with the tent pole still in his hands. His eyes darted around, but nothing was out of place. He jerked his head back towards you and that's when he spotted the empty tree joint that you had been perched on.

On the ground, you groaned as pain blinded you. Your head felt fuzzy and the air had been knocked from your lungs. It took you a moment before you could breathe in air again.

"Babe?" Minho called. He began to rush towards you.

You were on your back with your head up against an overgrown tree root. His voice sounded faint and your eyes drooped. He dropped to his knees beside you and gently cupped his face.

When you glanced up, he looked down at you with eyes full of concern. "Hey, can you hear me?"


"Did you fall?"


"Can you speak?"

"Everything hurts."

"Well that's what happens when you fall out of a tree. Were you trying to get down? Did you slip?"

"Fell asleep."

He glanced up and his mouth opened, but no words came out. His eyes narrowed as he took in your words and shook his head. "That was a dumb idea. Nothing good comes from falling asleep in trees when you're that high up. Are you injured?"

"My wrist hurts."

"Which one? Did you hit your head? Do you remember falling?"

"Can you stop pestering me and just let me sleep?" You grumbled and your eyes slipped shut again.

"No, you don't. Hey," He aggressively gently patted your cheeks. "Don't do that. Stay with me and stay awake. Come on, don't fall asleep."

"But I'm tired."

He stood up, bent down, and scooped you up. "If you stay awake, I'll buy you ice cream."


"Really. Any kind you want. Screw it, we can have ice cream for dinner, but you have to stay awake. If you fall asleep, you'll lose your chance."

You were exhausted, but the offer was too good to resist. Minho was always insistent on healthy and filling meals. He just wanted you to take care of yourself. Ice cream for dinner was an absolute blessing.

"Can we get the good kind?"

"What kind?"

"Can't remember. Just the good one."

He chuckled and began walking back down the trail you both followed to get here. He couldn't carry you and take the stuff along too. Who knew if you were severely injured. Just by the way you were speaking and your actions, you might have had a concussion.



"It's kinda nice out here."

He laughed and continued walking. He kept glancing down to make sure nothing would topple him. He didn't want to add another injury to your body.

"I can't believe you had to fall out of a tree to admit that."

"I was gonna admit it."



"Yeah, right. How do you feel? Does anything else hurt?"

"Feels like I fell out of a tree."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Where are we going?"

"Straight to my car and then the emergency room."

It took you a few moments to soak in his words. A frown dropped across your face. "What about the bet? What about the guys?"

"Who said we're going to lose the bet? We don't have to tell them what happened. They don't have to know that we didn't stay in the wilderness. I'll take you to a hotel after the hospital. We'll get you a fancy hotel room. We'll share a nice king sized bed and I suppose I'll let you cuddle me. Can't forget about the ice cream for dinner to go along with that."

"Thank you, you're the best."

"Maybe you should fall out of trees more often."

"Take me camping again and that can be rearranged."

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