Adopted season 2

By larrycuddlez

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Season 2 of my book adopted. Read season one or don't it's up to you Love you all And let's roll 🥳 More

Season 1 never uploaded part
Not a update


58 3 1
By larrycuddlez

guys this book is just going to be a continuation of the last part if you don't like that then don't read i would also suggest reading the last part if you haven't already. I'm just gonna mix the previous two chapters if that makes sense. 

also I have a idea for another book. 13 reasons why but with only 1D and 5sos members possibly others let me know if you'd read it.

Harry's POV-

"just get on with it," I say getting more frustrated I want to know what's happened with my mum.

"she's out again haz," he says looking at me truthfully. 

thoughts run through my head what if she finds me? what if she tries to hurt me again? I can't think clearly. I don't know what to think or say.

"And what about Eddie" I ask 

"no one knows babe but it's okay i know a guy who will find out for me if that's what you want," he asks 

"I don't know. anyone got a cigarette" I ask 

"here," Liam says pulling a pack from his pocket and a lighter.

"Thanks," I say taking one and passing him the carton back.

I walk outside to the front of the house.  I light it and breathe it in and out I can't think about Mum and Eddie, I don't care I do not want to care. 

"hey" I hear from behind me 

I turned around and it made

"Hey," I say smiling 

"Are you okay?" she asks 

"yeah fine fucking great," I say

"you're not, wanna talk about it" she asks sitting down next to me.

"just my mum she's out of prison. and like I don't know it's not that I care but still" I say as I put the cigarette out.

"come let's go to my room," she says as we walk back inside.

we walk upstairs to her room and sit on the floor against the side of the bed. 

Louis pov-

"Thanks," Harry says as he walks out. 

as we hear the door shut we look between ourselves,  what are we going to do? 

I mean it's unfair not to tell him but we have to do what's best for him. 

"hey well take this one step at a time. We've got court tomorrow. Once it is officially ours we can help him to forget everything" Zayn says putting his hand in mine. 

"yeah what if she doesn't sign over though," I say

"We've gotta try plus she will I know it," he says 

just as I am about to speak Harry and Madi walk in and straight upstairs. 

"what if they find out where we live" I ask 

"I'll call my mate up at the station and will inform him to make sure they have someone monitoring the house and Harry and Madi's school i know they've got their security up at the school and all but it might be better for us," Liam says 

"thank you li," I say smiling 

just as Liam was about to say something Harry and Madi came downstairs.

"I don't want to go to school tomorrow," Harry says 

I notice his eyes are red like he's been crying.

"That's fine darling we got court then maybe we could do something," I say smiling

"Thanks," he says

we say our goodbyes and head home zayn carrying Harry back to the house. once we got in Harry asked for his blanket which he hadn't asked for in months.

"here," I say, grabbing it from the drawer and passing it to him.

"thank you," he says 

we walk upstairs and into Harry's room. 

he gets into his bed and pulls his blanket up.

"night Dad night papa," he says 

"Night Haz," I say smiling

"Night kiddo," Zayn says 

we turn his light off and walk into our room together. I started getting undressed zayn did the same until we were both in our boxers. 

we sit on the bed backs against the headboard. 

"what if she comes here," I say

"she won't she can't there's no way we let her go anywhere near our Harry," he says putting his hand in mine. 

"li says he's got cops monitoring the house and school, they've got her picture they won't let her near him," he says reassuring me. 

we talk about the situation some more before falling asleep around 2 AM. 

only to be woken up at 3 am to the most gut-renching scream. 

we both run to Harry's bedroom and swing open the door, harrys sat up tears streaming down his cheeks.  

we walk in and I sit by his legs zayn stands up.

"hey calm down" I say softly

"it-it was m-mum," he says hyperventilating

"shes not here darling I promise" I treasurer him 

"I know but she hurt me," he says crying again 

he moves so he's got his head in my side I put my hand on his back. zayn leaves the room and comes back with a glass of water. 

"here drink this," Zayn says giving it to Harry. 

"Thanks" he replies

Harry drinks half before putting it on the bedside table. 

"you ready to go back to sleep," I say quietly

"Can I sleep with you guys?" he asks 

we haven't had Harry in our bed in a few months.

"Sure you got everything," I say 

he nods grabbing his baby blanket.

zayn picks him up because the floors are cold I knew we should have got heated floors. 

all three of us head over to the bedroom and get in with Harry inbetween us. 

we were woken up by Zayn's phone alarm around 5 am. and zayn got up and dressed ready for court. 

I sit on the bed where Harry is led.

"Harry time to get up," I say rubbing his back 

"Okay," he says 

he opens his eyes and shuts them immediately, it takes him a moment to fully wake up. 

"hi sunshine should we go get some breakfast" zayn says smiling at him.

today might be the start of a new chapter for us three. 

i hope it is.

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