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Guess who's out of surgery. It went pretty well all things considering. Just got to wait a few weeks to see if I made a full recovery. I've been waiting for this surgery for like 2 years. Enjoy the chapter lotta love N🦋

Louis PoV-
Dr.miles had a cancellation today so we're off to go get harry his autism assessment done.

We were told to make sure Harry's routine was thrown off so it's easier to assess him.

"Right so Harry let's get Lunch what do you want" I ask

"I don't know" he says

I pull into the service station and notice there's a Costa. I get harry a raspberry cooler and some crackers me and zayn just getting a coffee once we've paid we head back onto the road.

We arrive at the office not long after. We get harry out and head in.

"Hi we've got an appointment with dr.miles" I say to the woman at the desk

"Alright name" she asks

"Harold Edward styles" I say

"Perfect have a seat he'll be through soon" she says

We sit down and wait to be called. Harry sat on the floor playing with some cars.

"Harold Edward styles" a man calls

"Come harry time to go" I say

We get up and walk through to the room.

"Right harry can you wait her one second" dr miles says

"Okay" Harry replies

"Louis, zayn follow me" he says

We taken into a room with two chairs and a mirror looking into the room Harry's in.

"So you can see Harry but he can't see you" he says

"Alright" I say

He leaves so me and zayn sit down.

Dr.miles walks into the room that Harry's in and they sit down at the table.

We can hear everything.

"So Harold how about you show me how to put these toys into coloured bowls" dr.miles says

"It's all wrong" Harry says

"Yep can you put them in the bowls" dr.miles asks

Harry begins putting all the reds into the red bowl and grabs a blue one accidentally putting it into the red.

"No no no that's wrong" Harry says

"It's okay calm down" dr.miles says

"No it's wrong" Harry says

He starts trying to push his chair back.

Dr miles holds his hands on the chair so harry can't push it.

"Let's move on. Now I hear you like dinosaurs why don't we paint a picture of a dinosaur" dr miles says

Harry's nods.

Dr.miles grabs a paper and some paints and puts in front of Harry.

"How about we use our fingers and make it really pretty" dr miles says

Harry touches the paint quickly pulling his hand away.

"No" Harry says

"Okay here's a paintbrush" dr miles says handing it to harry.

Harry paints for a bit whilst dr.miles makes some notes. Once Harry's done they move onto something else.

"Harry can you tell me what these toys are but can you think of them as something else" he asks

"Umm it's a cat" Harry says pointing at the toy cat

"What else could it be" he asks

"No it's a cat" Harry says

"Alright I'm going to speak to you dads I won't be long okay" he says

"How long" Harry asks

"Umm 5 minutes" he says

He walks into the room we're in Harry still counting.

"So I'm pretty sure he is autistic we just need to do a home visit and is harry at school" he asks

"He's homeschooled" I say

"Okay so let's say next Thursday we can do a home visit" he says

"Perfect oh we do have a video to show you" I say pulling my phone out

I find the video of Harry putting his blocks into color order.

"Okay right could you email that to me. Now take Harry home I'm sure hes been missing you" he says

We walk into the room Harry's in.

"Dad papa look" Harry says holding his picture up.

"Oh that's amazing should we say goodbye to dr.miles" I say

"Goodbye" Harry says waving.

We head out to the car and I get Harry in his car seat.

I start driving. Soon Harry's asleep.

"So how'd you think it went" I ask

"Well I guess. I just hope he can finally get the help he needs" he says

We soon arrive at home zayn carry's harry in and lies him on the sofa.

Me and zayn get to cleaning the house making sure it's clean and ready.

"I'm gonna make dinner tonight was thinking of making a pasta bake also some homemade garlic bread" zayn tells me

"That's perfect thank you" I say kissing him

"Your welcome also Liam messaged me somethings happed" he tells me

"What" I say concerned

"Madi's mum called she dosent want madi back at all. Liam dosent know what to tell her" he says

"Shit that's not good" I say

"Well Liams thinking about going back to the courts and getting full custody of her. He asked if we could help them with going to get all of her stuff over the weekend" he says

Just as I was about to say something a sleepy Harry comes walking in.

"Oh hey" I say looking at him

"Can I have a drink" he asks

"Sure juice or water" I ask

"Umm juice" he says

I make him a glass of apple juice and hand it to him.

He takes it and walks upstairs.

"If Sara doesn't want madi anymore Liam and Niall will struggle" I say

"Well look how great they are with harry they'll be great dads" he says

Me and zayn start getting dinner cooked and ready. Whilst it's cooking we both head to the living room tidying up.

We pick up all of Harry's toys and put them into the boxes. We put away the blankets left on the sofa and we sit down Turing the tv on.

Liams PoV-

Me and Niall are sat at the salon waiting for madi to finish up. How are we supposed to tell her that her mum dosent want her back.

"I've asked Lou and zayn to help us move all of her stuff. I just don't know how or when to tell her" I say

"Why don't we go over to Louis and Harry's tonight and tell her with them there" he says

"Yeah might be good" I say

I'm so worried she'll kick off.

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