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AHHH we well I mean you find out Harry's answer 

Louis PoV-

"Harry" I say tapping his shoulder

He turns to look at the bear message and all.

"Can we adopt you" I ask

"Oh my god" he says smiling

A notice the same woman before recording the whole thing tears already in her eyes.

"Yes that you dada thank you papa" he says hugging us

I knew in that moment that he would always be our son.

He cries and so do me and zayn. The woman recording it takes my number and sends the video to us.

Once the show is over we go backstage to get some photos with mr tumble. We got a ready cute one with harry holding the bear smiling.

We head back to our house and Harry goes for a nap. I call over Liam and Niall and both our families who already knew about the plan we all agreed to a party.

I got us all T-shirts zayns said "soon to be papa" mine said "soon to be dada" and Harry's said "soon to be son" me and zayn already thought of Harry as our son but this and the adoption makes it all real.

Once everyone's here we get the whole living room decorated Harry's been gifted a lot of gifts I know this might overwhelm him a lot but we can only hope it's okay for him.

I hear Harry calling my name from his room so I head up there.

I open his door and he's sat up on his bed hair everywhere dummy in his mouth.

"Hey baby let's get you dressed" I say grabbing his top and some trousers

"Otay" he says

I get him dressed and changed into a clean nappy and we head downstairs. To the living room.

He notices my mum and Dan first and gets down to hug them

"Nana granddad" he says hugging them

"Hiya sweet pea" Dan says hugging him

He says his hellos to everyone and sits next to zayns mum

"Nanny" he says hugging her

"Hello my dear" she says hugging him back

We let harry open his presents. We got him a few toys and clothes he got a lot of stuff from both our families.

My phone rings and it's the social worker. We informed her of our choice to adopt Harry. She's going to come in the next few days to interview us and Harry.

We talk about Harry and how he's been.

Once I've finished talking to her I head back to the living room everyone sat down watching a film. Moana Harry's favourite.

The rest of the afternoon went by smoothly both our families left.

Liam and Niall have a gift for Harry

"we wanted to wait till everyone was gone" Niall says handing it to him

"Thank you" he says

He opens it and it's a bear attached to a blanket similar to the one he got at Disney land. It has a embroidered message reading "uncle li and uncle nini love you"

"I love you guys" Harry says smiling

Once Liam and Niall have left I get dinner ready we have chicken nuggets salad and chips of course Harry has vegan nuggets.

Me and zayn get Harry ready for bed he's wearing a sleep suit and zayn did his hair in french plaits.

Once Harry's down and asleep we make our way to our bedroom. My phone rings a no caller id. I answer

"Hello" I say

"You are not adopting my son" I voice I recognise as Anne's

"Look we're doing what's best for Harry and I don't care what you have to say we're doing it" I say

"No he's my son" she screams

"No he's not not anymore" I say

"Your going to regret this I'm coming to your house to get my son" she says hanging up

I put my phone on the bed and get up

"Go pack a bag for Harry I'll pack both of ours get it the car now" I say to zayn

"Why what's going on" he asks

"Anne's coming" I say

He rushes to Harry's room and I get both our bags packed. Once I'm done I take them to the car getting max ready Harry and zayn already in the car I lock the door and I start driving

"Where are we going dada" Harry asks

"Just on a little holiday" I say

He nods and starts sucking his thumb

"Call my mum" I say to zayn handing him my phone

"Okay" he says he puts it on speaker and she answers

"Hey sweetie what's wrong" she asks

"Can we come stay with you for bit" I ask

"Sure I'll get your old room ready" she says

"Thank you mum" I reply

"No worries I'll see you soon" she says

"Love you" I reply

She hangs up and zayn puts my phone in the cup holder.

"Shit I forgot nappies" zayn says

"It's fine we can grab some" I say pulling into the shop parking lot

I get out and grab harry some nappies and pull ups. I pay and head back to the car.

We arrive at my mums soon enough and zayn gets harry out carrying him. I knock on the door. My mum answers

We walk in and zayn takes Harry to my room. Laying him on my bed he comes back down to the living room where my mum and Dan are sat on the sofa with me.

"So what happened" she asks

"Harry's mum found out we're trying to adopt Harry" I tell her

"She ain't coming here I won't let her take him" Dan says

"It's okay she don't know where you live" I tell him

"Oh sweetie stay here as long as you need" my mum says

We spend a few hours talking untill 11pm we all head to bed saying our goodnights to each other.

Once me and zayn are ready we get into bed with harry in the middle my phone rings again it's Harry's mum.

"Where is my son" she asks

"Stop calling me" I say hanging up

I just hope she dosent find us here

Adopted season 2Where stories live. Discover now