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Louis PoV-

Harry eats his crackers and eventually falls asleep on zayns chest.

"I didn't realise it was that bad" Liam says

"We didn't know" I say

"Have you bathed him" Liam asks

"Yeah they took all of his clothes. He had to come home in a pair of boxers. We bathed him when we got back" I say

"What about cream" he asks

"No I didn't think to" I say

"It might be good to." He says

I look over and Niall and zayn are both asleep.

"Li look" I say

"Oh my god" he says smiling.

"Imma go downstairs wanna come" I ask

"Sure" he says

We walk downstairs to the kitchen and sit down.

"Do you think Harry will be able to cope" he asks

"I mean yeah but it's still early days" I say

"I was talking to him earlier Madeline is coming to visit us. I asked Harry if he would want to meet her and he said he wants to" he tells me

"Wait since when" I ask

"Her mum wants me to have her every other week. So she'll be coming over next week" he tells me

"Oh my god that's good news" I say.

I know it's hard for Liam he hasn't seen his daughter in ages and it'll be nice for him to see her.

"And I thought we could take Madeline and Harry on days out. To theme parks things like that. She dosent have any friends" he says

"That's a great idea. Me and zayn were thinking about booking a week trip away. We'll book it for all six of us if you want" I say

"Well I'll have to ask her mum but it'll be nice. I remember going on holiday with you, zayn and Niall it was fun it'll be great" he says

"It'll be good for haz and Madeline. How's Niall taken it" I ask

"Good. He said he's excited to meet her and has already started painting her room and decorating it" he says smiling

"Your thinking" I say

"I just love him and I love Madeline what if she doesn't like him or he dosent like her" he says

"They'll get on great. Soon enough it'll be like zayn and Harry, just last week zayn and Harry were 'baking cakes' but they were covered head to toe in flour" I say remembering that day.

I walk down to the kitchen after folding all of Harry's clean clothes. I walk through the doorway and Harry's sat on the side zayn by the oven throwing flour at each other.

"Papa no" Harry says giggling away

"Look get dad" zayn says noticing me

They throw flour at me now I'm covered.

I hear Harry's scream from upstairs me and Liam running up to see him.

As we walk through the door zayn and Niall are trying to calm him down.

"Harry your okay" I say

He keeps crying so I grab his dummy out of my pocket and hand it to him. He throws it at the floor.

He goes to put his arm in his mouth I know where this is going.

Zayn grabs his arms and holds them.

Harry starts trying to pull away. Zayn stays strong and keeps holding him.

"Let go" Harry shouts

"You know I can't" zayn says calmly

"Let go of me now" Harry screams

"Harry calm down please" zayn says

"No" Harry shouts

"Pass 'im here" Liam says

Zayn passes Harry to Liam who holds him so he's facing him.

"Harry calm down please" Liam says

"No" Harry says

"Count to 5 for me" he asks

"Why" Harry asks

"Just do it" Liam says

"1" Harry begins

Liam taps his back

"2" he says

"Keep going" Liam says

"3" harry says

"4" harry says a bit more calm

"Almost there" Liam says

"5" harry says

"Now tell me what colour top are we wearing" Liam asks

"I'm wearing black. Dad is wearing white. Papa is wearing black. Uncle Niall is wearing green and youre wearing black" he says

"Good and how old is everybody here" he asks

"Umm I'm 14. Papa is 25. Dad is 26. Uncle Niall is 25 and you're 26" he says

"Great now last one. Tell me 5 things you can see. 4 things you can feel. 3 things you can hear. 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste" he says

"Umm I can see dad, papa, uncle Niall, you and I can see my feet" he says

"Great now four things you can feel" he asks

"Uh my top, your hairy arms, my socks and my boxers" he replies

"Now three things you can hear" he questions

"Your breathing, my heart and the wind" he says softly

"Brilliant now two things you can smell" he asks

"I can smell your cologne and I can smell dads weird candle" he says

"Always hated them" Liam smiles

"They're nice" I reply

"And now one thing you can taste" he asks

"Crackers" he says

"Now are you calm enough to tell us what happened" he asks

"I had a bad dream" he says

"Do you want to talk about it or-" Liam begins

"No" Harry shouts

"It's fine should we head downstairs to have some food" he asks

Harry nods.

We all head down to the kitchen. We all sit at the table.

"Haz what would you like to eat" I ask

"Can I try Mango" he says

"Sure thing" I say

I grab the mango and put it into a bowl. I pass it to him and he begins eating it.

"I don't like it" he says after swallowing the first bite.

"That's okay at least you tried it. Look we can put a sticker on your chart" I say

I hand him the chart and a sticker and he puts it on the chart.

"Now is there anything you would like" I say

"Crackers" he says

I grab the jar and put a few in the bowl and pass it to him.

"Thank you" he says

I make the rest of us some tuna pasta and we all eat. I could get used to our little family.

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