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Double update WOOOO I'm so pumped had 2 coffees and a lot of sweets so got so much energy

Louis PoV-

Harry wakes up around 8pm. This time not crying just very quiet.

"Do you want dinner" I ask

He shakes his head no.

"What about some crackers" I suggest

He nods his head yes.

I get up and grab the pot of baby crackers putting some in a bowl and taking them back to harry I know it's childish but he seems to like them.

He signs thank you in British sign language. That's new.

"You're welcome" I say and sign back.

He eats a few but only the ones shaped like dinosaurs not touching the rest.

"Want some strawberry's" I ask

He nods yes.

I go cut up some strawberries and pass them to him. He signs thank you and I sign back your welcome.

He eats them. I put on ms.rachel for harry he's loving it at the moment.

I get him a sippy cup of juice and hand it to him a rare treat.

He signs thank you.

I make a mental note to ask him about it later. It's now 9pm Harry's bedtime.

I sign bedtime to him which he signs back yes.

I get a nappy and a pair of shorts and a top to put on him. Once he's dressed i decide to ask him if he wants a bottle.

I sign bottle to him. He signs back yes.

I make him a bottle and pass it to him. He puts his arms out so I rock him whilst he's feeding himself. Soon he's eyes start to close. I replace the bottle with a dummy and carry him up to his room. I lie him on his bed and kiss his forehead.

"Sleep well" I whisper.

Zayn comes in and kisses his forehead. Once we're sure he'll be okay we go into our room. Talk whilst getting dressed.

"What if Harry wakes up screaming again" he asks

"I don't know but we'll deal with it" I say

"I just hate seeing him like that Lou" he says

"I know but we'll get through it together" I say grabbing his hand.

"What if Harry wakes up and we don't hear him screaming" he asks

"We will" I say

I know we'll wake up if he screams we have before. Once we're ready we get in bed I turn the tv on and put on friends zayn pulling me in for a hug.

Soon enough we're both asleep.

Harry's PoV-

"Harry I'm home" my mum calls

"I'm in my room" I shout back

I hear her footsteps




She's at my door. Coming to me. I know what she'll do.

My door swings open.

"I thought I told you to clean up the house" she screams

"I'm sorry I had homework" I say back

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