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Liams PoV-
2 hours. 2 hours till I see my daughter in person. 2 hours till she comes to stay here for a whole week.

"How are you feeling" Niall asks

"Nervous" I say

"She'll love you" he says

Me and Niall spend the last two hours getting everything ready her room done. We put white sheets on her bed. Her walls were painted a light shade of pink we built a wardrobe and some shelf's aswell as a box unit.

"She'll love it" Niall says

"What if she doesn't what if I'm a bad dad" I ask

"She will. Hey your great with harry and trust me you'll be great with madi" he reassures me

"She'll be here any moment now" I say

We walk down to the kitchen and sit at the table.

"If you want I can go stay at Louis and zayns tonight" he says

"No I want you here" I say

Just as he was about the speak the doorbell rings.

"It's time. Breath" he says

We walk to the door and open it. My ex sara stood next to her. My daughter. Beautiful. Long blonde hair, tan skin.

"Hey come in" I say

We walk into the living room and sit down on the sofa.

"So" I say

"Look I haven't been told much about you. mum wouldn't tell me" she says

"Madi everything happened when you were young" I say

"I just don't know what happened" she says

"Umm me and your mum just fell out of love" I say

"Have you been with anyone else since" my ex asks

"Actually this is my boyfriend Niall" I say

"Wait that's cool" madi says

"Look I've got to go. Madi come grab your suitcase" Sara says

"Mum stop" she says

I get up so dose madi and Sara. We walk out to her car and get madi her suitcase and we head back in.

"So let's show you your room" I say

Me madi and Niall walk upstairs. I open the door and we walk in.

"So this is your room no one else's. We can change the walls if you want" I say

"No it's nice" she says

"Well we'll let you get unpacked we'll be downstairs" I say

"Cool" she responds

Me and Niall walk downstairs and sit on the sofa.

"Told you she'd love you" he says

"She's only been here an hour" I say

"Babe she'll warm up to you" he says

Just as I was about to reply madi comes in the room.

She sits on the sofa opposite us.

"So what's there to do in London" she asks

"Well we have some friends across the road. They have a kid your age called Harry we were planning to introduce you guys if you up to it" I say

"Cool let's do it" she says

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