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Louis PoV-

We wake up early Sunday morning our flight is at 10am it's almost 12 hours to la. I wake up around 4:30am and I get showered and ready waking zayn and harry up around 5am

Luckily we only live 30 minutes from the airport.

"Harry come on time to wake up" I say softly

"Okay" he says opening his eyes

I get him a white babygrow, a green oversized jumper and a pair of black pants. I head to the bathroom and grab him a nappy knowing I won't be able to change him till we get to the airport.

Once he's dressed and change I take him downstairs where zayn is sat. We decided to just get breakfast at the airport.

I get Harry's shoes and socks and put them on him putting mine on after.

"Right Liam,Niall and madi will be here soon. And the taxi will be here in about 25 minutes" zayn says getting his shoes on.

Just then the door opens Niall,Liam and madi walking in.

"Good morning guys" Liam says ecstatic.

"Morning" I say

"Taxi should be here soon" zayn tells us

"Perfect" I say

Soon enough our taxi is here so we get everything loaded in and get harry and madi in.

We arrive at the airport half an hour later. I pay and thank the driver before we head through.

As we're walking through we realise we've got an hour till our flight so we head over to Starbucks to get breakfast.

Once we've eaten we head over to security. They check our bags and Harry's car seat everything fine.

Once we're done we collect everything and walk to the gate. We put our suitcases through and walk over the the seats.

"Right we've got 10 minutes till boarding so why don't we go look out the window" I say to harry and madi.

Harry nods. So we walk over to the window where we can see our plane.

"Look daddy a plane" Harry says

"It's cool isn't it" I say

"Yep" he says

"Uncle Lou does it go in the sky" madi asks

"Yeah and it's pretty cool ask uncle zayn it goes in a loopty loop" I say smiling

"Uncle zayn" madi says

"Yeah madi" zayn replies walking over

"Dose the plane go in a loopty loop" she asks him

"Of course" he says smiling

"Gate 6 to la you may now board" the speakers say

"That's us" I say

Harry puts his hands up so I pick him up and carry him. Zayn carry Harry's car seat.

Madi holds Liams hand.

We scan our passports and tickets and go and find our seats. We've got 2 rows of three.

Zayn puts Harry's car seat in and puts him in it. Zayn sits next to the window Harry in the middle and madi on the isle.

I sit next to the window behind zayn then Liam in the middle and Niall on the isle.

Once we're all sat down. Harry asks for his dummy. I get it out of his bag and pass it to zayn who gives it to him.

As we're taking off Harry starts to cry. Zayn tries to calm him down. As soon as the seatbelt sign comes off I take my seatbelt off and stand up.

"Daddy" Harry cries

Zayn passes him over the seat to me. I take him and sit with him on my lap.

"What's the matter, why all the tears" I ask

"Scared" he says

"It's okay" I say

He rests his head on my chest looking at Liam.

"Lili" Harry smiles

"Hey little man" Liam says smiling back at Harry.

"Daddy want a bottle" Harry says looking up at me.

I get Harry's bottle made and I pass it to him.

"What's the uk time" I ask

"Umm about 10:25 why" Liam asks

"N-A-P time" I say

"Oh that makes sense" he says

Harry eventually falls to sleep head on my arm.

"Dad look uncle zayn drew it" madi says showing Liam a picture of a cat.

"That's nice" Liam says smiling

When lunch comes around we eat some food except Harry who's still asleep. I get him some crackers and fruit from the trolly.

Once we've finished the steward comes around to collect the plates. She notice harry.

"My dear if he needs anything let us know, even if it's just some hot water" she says

"Thank you" I reply

Harry wakes up a few hours later. He's still clinging to me.

"Want some crackers" I ask

He nods

I reach into his backpack and grab the little pot containing the crackers I open them and put them on Harry's lap.

I get Harry's iPad and headphones out of his bag so he has something to watch later on.

As Harry's watching Mrs.Rachel I notice it's almost Harry's dinner time. Luckily we were able to grab some of his favourite foods just before boarding.

I give harry some dairy free chocolate buttons and some apple slices.

We've still got 9 hours left of the flight when Harry's bedtime comes around.

I take Harry to the bathroom and change his nappy before putting him in a sleep suit.

As we're walking back to our seats Harry notices his pyjamas have bluey on.

"Daddy it's bluey" he says looking down.

"Yep it's time for bed okay once we've arrived I'll wake you up okay" I say

We arrive at our seats I notice Liams moved next to madi replacing Harry's car seat and Niall by the window. I make harry a bottle and let him take it.

Once he's asleep I replace his bottle with his dummy and put him in his car seat.

We get given blankets and pillows soon all of us are asleep.

I get woken up to harries cries I make him a bottle but he won't take it. I pick him up and stand up in the isle I rock him back to sleep.

Once he's asleep I put him back in his car seat and head back to sleep myself.

We arrive in la around 4am Harry's still asleep so I carry him off the plane zayn getting his car seat. Liam carrying madi as she's still asleep.

We're getting our bags dilvered to the airbnb in the morning so we don't have to worry about waiting around for them.

Zayn goes and gets our rental mini van that'll fit all of us.

I put harry in his car seat whilst Liam put madi in the car.

We arrive at the house and all head straight to bed excited for the trip to begin.

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