Convergence [KLONNIE]

由 numinousx

71.8K 3.4K 1.5K

{Book One} "There is no surprise that you do not trust me, Bonnie Bennett," Klaus began, taking a long sip of... 更多

cast ━
↳ act I
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
↳ act II
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven

chapter fifty-three

295 19 13
由 numinousx

This chapter contains sexual scenes of people over the age of  18.
Wattpad, don't delete my shit.

Chapter 53

Mina Bennett ran a finger through her slightly tangled hair. Her designated wash day was two days ago, but with Abigal's sudden appearance, she didn't have the three hours it would take to wash, dry, and style her hair. She flipped through multiple books and she chugged her fourth Red Bull of the morning. The faster she found out how to get the Bennett Coven up and running, she faster Abigal could leave.

It was painfully obvious that she was throwing off Bonnie's balance. Only coming to Mina's room for snacks, the younger Bennett had opted to stay in her room with Alixandra. That wouldn't have been so bad if three days hadn't passed.

Signing, she turned over, switching positions as she ran her fingers over the page.

"Mina?" she heard a raspy voice call out. A smirk rising to her lips, she turned around, locking eyes with her lover.

"Come in, 'Lijah," Mina beckoned. Since his return to life, they had started sharing Eliah's bedroom. However, the last few days had complicated matters. She needed to be in a room by herself if she was going to force herself to study this material. And more importantly, find the quickest way to kick Abby to the curb.

"You did not come to bed," The original stated. He looked down at his watch, the time flashing up at him. "It is well past midnight."

"I know," Mina nodded. "I just... I want to... I need to fix this."

"Fix what?" Elijah questioned. "I do not understand what is broken."

"Bonnie," Mina said simply. "She's not her and it's Abby's fault. But we can't kick her because she's the coven's keeper. There's just one piece that I'm missing and once I figure it out, without Abigal's help, I can tell Bonnie and she'll become the Bennett Queen."

Elijah nodded. "I see," He began, leaning against the doorpost. "And all of this must be done by tonight. For there is a strict no morning work policy in magical covens."

The Bennett rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "If one of your siblings were hurting, would you not stay up late, desperate to find a solution."

"I would," Elijah nodded. "However, you are not me. You are not a vampire which means sleep deprivation affects you. It doesn't affect myself."


"Your entire family is working nonstop with you," Elijah continued despite Mina's attempt to stop him. "All I suggest is getting some sleep. Whether it is in my bed or yours."

Mina let out a slightly irritated sigh as she stared up at the original who had, during his speech, walked closer to her. Her brain was shouting at her to be upset with his blatant disregard for what she had said moments prior. But for some reason, instead, her hands linked to the sides of her shirt, pulling it off of her.

Her eyes fixed on Elijah, she pushed herself off of the bed before tugging her jeans down.

Elijah's eyes traveled down her body. Walking forward, her pulled her closer to him, running his hands over the parts of her that he knew she was insecure about. His fingers moved over her hips as he got down on his knees. Kissing there and all around her stomach, he mumbled against her skin. "You are stunning, my flower."

The simple act made Mina melt. Between taking care of Theodore and Alixandra to Abigal's surprise return, she hadn't been touched in what felt like weeks.

She felt her lover's hands link around the sides of her panties before pulling them down her thighs. Stepping out of them, she watched as Elijah threw them somewhere in the room.

Spreading her legs, Elijah kissed in between her brown-skinned thighs.

Mina groaned. Feeling him so close to the right spot but so far was infuriating. "'Lijah... please."

The original, however, ignored her plea. His kisses turned to sucking as he continued to tease that one spot in the middle of her thigh. He did, though, take one hand off of her back and eased it up her right thigh. Reaching her core, he slowly thumbed her slickness.

Mina felt her legs buckle at his touch, but his left hand was keeping her steady. "Jesus, Elijah. Fuck."

Elijah smirked against her skin but continued nevertheless. It wasn't until Mina was about to make a smart remark, did he removed his finger and replaced it with his tongue. Instantly, Mina's hands went to his hair. A moan slipped through her lips as she shakily raised a hand.

"S-silenco," She stuttered. Doing magic while someone's tongue is swimming laps in you isn't the easiest task she's ever had.

Mina's eyes rolled back as she gripped Elijah's shoulders for stability. The original was using his tongue magnificently. She could feel him swirl around her sensitive spot, forcing another moan out of her. It wasn't until his fingers returned to her did she finally lose all will to remain standing.

Feeling the strength leave her, Elijah stood up, placing each of her legs on his shoulders.

"Shit!" Mina cursed, feeling herself being lifted in the air. Able to work his fingers faster because of the new position, the original sped up. As his tongue flicked and sucked on her clit, his fingers drove into her at a pace she never knew was humanly possible. "Elijah–I can't–"

Pulling his head closer to her, she winced as she threw her head against the wall. She was trying not to bang her head too hard. Hell, given the current circumstances, she was already seeing stars.

"I'm going to– FUCK–"

She knew that no one could hear her, but between the wet sounds flooding the room, her moans were becoming louder and louder. Biting her lips, she slapped one of her hands over her mouth.

Reaching up, Elijah pulled her hands down forcefully. "I want to hear you, flower."

Attacking her sensitive bud again, Mina's body relaxed as she rolled her hips to match his pace. "Gods, Elijah. I love you so much."

Mina gasped as his fingers curled, brushing against all of the right places. A series of moans and curse words flew out of her mouth. "Elijah," Mina mumbled. "Elijah," She tried again a little louder. "I'm–"

As her body tensed, Elijah smirked against  her folds. Not slowing his pace, he stabilized Mina as her body shook with pleasure. He didn't stop, however, until he felt Mina's hands trying to push his head away. Lowering her to the ground, Elijah picked her up bridal style and flashed her to his room.




The next morning, Niklaus Mikaelson felt a smirk rise to his lips as he stood in front of the wolves in the Cresent Wolf pack. He had waited for days until before the full moon. While he didn't exactly trust the creatures, he had been around their species for over a thousand years. Which meant he knew the rules.

The day before the full moon was when the alpha experienced the most challenges for power. The full moon was close enough that their power would start to simmer, but far enough that they could win their fights and run as alpha under the upcoming moonlight.

As people heard him coming, mothers started to guide their children inside of their huts and houses.

"I'm sure you know who I am!" The hybrid yelled, his smirk visible on his face. While he was feeling nothing but joy, he noticed that his expressions were not being shared. In the eyes of many was pure hatred.

And he was reveling it.

The crowd that had formed separated, splitting like the Red Sea. Standing nonchalantly to the sides were the married couple he had come to despise.

Jackson and Hayley Kenner.

"What do you want, Klaus?" Jackson bit, his crossbow with wooden arrows pointed directly at the original hybrid's heart. His wife, Hayley Marshall-Kenner, stood behind him, her arms crossed on her chest.

Aware of the people completely circling the two men, Klaus's eyes locked themselves on the Cresent pack's alpha. Unmoved the alpha stared back, his body slowly but surely moving to position him in front of his wife.

"The same reason any wolf would be staring down an alpha today." Chuckling, the hybrid shrugged. "To challenge you, mate."

The anxious crowd let out an array of gasps. Pushing past Jackson, Hayley stood in front of the hybrid defensively. "You're not a wolf. Not in our way."

"I am, love," Klaus assured. As if everyone didn't already know who he was, Klaus flashed his hybrid eyes, the golden color of werewolves seeping through.

"No," Hayley shook her head, fear coursing through her veins. "No!" Moving to slap the original, Klaus caught her hand, grabbing her by the throat and throwing her against the hut.

Jackson fired one of the arrows, simultaneously, doing the one thing Klaus wanted him to do. Any move against a challenger as the alpha would be a sign of accepting the challenge.

Klaus's eyes flashed as his vampire fangs retracted.

"Jack, no!" Hayley yelled.

Jackson dropped the crossbow as he grinned. "You're not the only one who has a boost, Klaus," Jackson bragged. Holding up his hand, a ring glinted in the sunlight.

The original hybrid recognized it immediately. "I'm offended," Klaus scoffed. "You're comparing a piece of cheap jewelry that takes you from harmless pup to yard dog to being the oldest hybrid in the world?"

Jackson Kenner crouched, his eyes flashing golden. Baring his fangs, he lunged as the original. Klaus chuckled as he sped out of the way, causing Jackson to land against the leaf-covered ground. Klaus, however, came up behind, his legs on both sides of Jackson's body.

As Klaus's heavy hands flipped the werewolf over, Jackson fought with strength. His efforts however were in vain because the original landed multiple blows to the side of the werewolf's head. Nearly dragging the poor man, Klaus allowed himself to take his anger out on this one wolf.

Desperate to get the original off of him, Jackson opted to kick Klaus in the leg. The original growled as he was forced to the ground, one of his bones snapping as Jack's boot collided with it.

The Mikaelson man smirked as he popped it back into place as he ducked, dodging one of Jackson's punches. The next of his blows, Klaus caught his fist before twisting them backward, popping his arms out of their sockets.

With a loud groan, Jack hit the ground. Klaus picked up by his throat, holding his body up so everyone could see it before throwing him to the ground. Blood and dirt coating his face, Jackson rolled her, moaning in pain.

"Jack!" Hayley yelled, pushing her way through the crowd. Tears were pooling in her eyes and several had already escaped. Wanting to end the life of both the werewolf king and queen, Klaus grabbed her by the throat, ready to snap her neck. "Please!" She yelled out.

"She's pregnant!" He heard another pack member yell out.

Dropping her body, he turned around, watching as all of the wolves were on their knees, bowing in front of him. "Alpha," One of them started pleadingly. "She is a pregnant woman. Spare her. For she, and her child, are one of us."

Klaus considered killing her anyway. Better now than have her child grow to avenge its father. But something inside of him pulled him back. He watched Hayley with curious eyes. Her left hand soothed her neck while the other rubbed her stomach.

For some reason, something inside of him would not allow him to proceed.

"I am your alpha now," Klaus announced. "I do as I please."

"Please," One of the female wolves begged.

Walking over to Hayley, he offered her his hand. "Your husband is free to live so as he respects my position among our kind," He spoke harshly. It was as if those were not the words that he wanted to say. "And so are you."

Hayley nodded, crawling over to Jackson's unconscious body.

"I shall return tomorrow with a new order... with a new way," Klaus promised. His tone inspired something no wolf could've expected in the voice of Niklaus Mikaelson... It was hope. A hope that under a Mikaelson, their people would be safe. That under a Mikaelson, their children would no longer have to attend so many funerals.

Having an alpha as powerful as Niklaus Mikaelson could mean two things.

A world where the wolves of this city would finally be respected.


Chaos and destruction.

As Hayley cradled her husband's body to her chest, the heartbeat still thumping in her womb, the werewolves of the Cresent pack slowly started cleaning up the mess. Only time would tell the consequences of their actions today.




Niklaus Mikaelson walked through the empty streets of New Orleans to clear his mind. Everything in him wanted to kill that stupid bitch for everything she and her idiotic husband had done. From his time in Mystic Falls, persuading his wolves to break their sire bond and earlier attacking and biting his protege, Klaus felt nothing but hatred for that one wolf.

But after finding out she was pregnant, he could force himself to act on his most heinous of thoughts.

Truth be told, he had no idea why.

Distracting him from his thoughts, he winced slightly as he felt a familiar wave of magic wash over him. Some witch, for whatever reason, was trying to give him an aneurysm.

Sharing a bed with Bennett witch had taught him how to identify signs of pain inflections. Turning around fast, he lunged at the blonde witch.

"I am so sorry, Niklaus," the witch started, forcing her magic to swallow the original whole. Being forced to his knees, Klaus groaned, trying to force himself to get up. His effort however was in vain because the witch was effortlessly holding him down. "But I need you away."

As blood began to pour from his eyes and nose, Klaus groaned as his eyes rolled back. He fought to keep consciousness, but this witch had power, unlike any New Orleans witch he had ever faced.

"You..." He started, groaning as his brain threatened to explode. "will die... screaming."

"Forgive me," The witch pleaded again before twisting her wrist ever so slightly. With a heavy crack, Niklaus Mikaelson lay temporarily deceased on the concrete. "I want nothing more than to protect you. I promise."


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