You Are Loved ♥️ ( Chapter Tw...

By EmmaaGabriellaa

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This is chapter twelve! Enjoy! More

Welcome To Your Forever Home !
New Probie Pyjamas ?!
I Had To SING him to sleep!
Getting Ready For Easter 🐣💖
Easter Weekend 🐣🩷
Play all Day ! 🛝
Braxton hicks again!
It's my body babe.
Scheduling The Surgery
Sick babies !
Starting to Nest ?
Meeting Daphne !
It fucking hurts
Do something please !
Carina's Chart
Niccolas first day at daycare
Babe , my stomach hurts!
Communication is Key !
Carina goes back to work Officially!
Lorenzo got Good News !
So No More Speech Therapy ?
Londyn's word Game !
Little Doctor Londyn !
I don't want to
A Night out for a good cause
We Can't Really Punish Him !
New Family Project?!
New Family Project is a go !
Working all day !
Nicco gets his vaccines!
Let's Go Swimming ! 💞🤿🩲
First Day Of Summer!
Starting their modeling careers?
Weeks or Months?! 🤔🤰🏼
Their clothes are here!
Going in for a anatomy exam !
First Modelling Gig 🥳
Starting to plan The Baby Shower!
Charlotte's new bedroom theme
Planning Fourth of July party!
Authors NOTE !

Please stay here babe !

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By EmmaaGabriellaa

**TWO WEEKS LATER! It's now June 14 th and the kids are officially on summer vacation. Maya is getting more and more Braxton hicks contractions and she's extremely uncomfortable with anything on her body, unless it's a soft thin sweatpants and a light tank top , as she's officially twenty seven weeks pregnant, her due date is October 3 rd . Grandma and grandpa bishop took the children out for a fun day to celebrate their summer vacation starting... Carina has been working a lot lately, and she's just not feeling like going to work again. Especially since she learned that Maya has been having constant contractions. **

Wednesday June 14 th 2024

8h38 am

**Carina is getting ready to go to work but she's dreading it now, Maya definitely noticed that. **

Carina: alright babe, I'm heading to work now... even though I really don't want to go....

Maya : wait , don't go , I don't want to be home alone and I'm not feeling good...I'm having pain in my lower back and near my buttocks and my legs are hurting and swollen... more and more often now and I'm scared. I'm also stressed from having the house a huge mess and I can't clean the house because I'm in pain..  and I'm cramping every now and then! Abhhhh ! Like now !

Carina:  Take a deep breath and you'll feel better in a few minutes...

Maya  :  You love your job babe!

Carina: I know but I just want to be home all the time... especially in the recent weeks... I'm being pulled into work and I'm feeling guilty about it... and I know I have to work... and we have your parents to help us out with the kids and it's wonderful... and I just feel like I'm missing out on everything that our kids are doing when I'm working...

** she was really upset about that **

Maya : ohhh , I'm sorry that you're feeling like that lately.. I didn't know...
Carina: it's okay...

Maya : I just hope that my relationship with Niccolas is as strong as yours and his is !

Carina: what?  he really loves you, and I noticed that every time he hears you talking and you are in another room he looks around everywhere just to find you. Londyn is literally going to be five years old and she barely needs me for mainly everything. Giovanni and Salvatore are glued to your side and it's really beautiful to see how they interact with you and how much they already love Charlotte and she's not even born yet ...  I feel like I'm missing out on Nicco's early childhood.... I just want to be home ... all the time!

Maya : hrmmmk !

** she's having several contractions but she doesn't want to interrupt her wife **

Carina: and I just want to stay home and start my maternity leave early !

Maya : yea , I wouldn't be opposed to that idea , owwwww !

Carina: are you experiencing some Braxton hicks contractions?

Maya : yessssss ! Ahhhhh ! I dont want you to be fired from your job but ahhhhhh ! Owwwwww !

Can you please stay home with me... call in sick from work or something... start your maternity leave early please... I want you with me in case she decides to come early..

Carina: yes of course I will stay home with you. I'll call in sick right now for the rest of the—— and I'm senior resident, the best of my field, I would not get fired babe!

Maya : alright...

Carina : Take deep breaths. And everything will be okay!
Maya : take the week off work and when I'll be thirty weeks then you'll start your maternity leave early.

** Maya nodded and breathed in and out , while Carina called in sick for the week. She did leave earlier than she had planned a few days ago... because she faked a stomach ache. She told Addison that she's in high alert and might be taking off work sooner than expected. Addison understood. She said it was totally fine, she never takes time off. And she should be there for her wife , and she's still going to get paid every week. Which is wonderful news **

Carina: alright babe , everything is settled, Addison told me to not worry about work and to take care of you , and I will still be paid every week... and I never took any days off in the past years. Even after our children were born I only took a few months off or a year tops .. I don't remember, but it's not the point. The point is that I am officially off work for the next three weeks and if you are experiencing any Braxton hicks contractions then I will be starting my maternity leave early like right now and that's that.

Maya : perfect! Thank you!

** Carina took her coat and high heels off and she helped her wife walk to the mattress that they installed in their big living room and she helped her get as comfortable as possible! And they cuddled together... **

9h27 am

Carina : hrmmmm it feels so good to be cuddling with you.... Are you feeling better like this, with different pillows under your beautiful bum and legs and even one under your belly?
Maya : yesss , I'm feeling better now, and I'm happy you're staying home with me.. I wouldn't have felt safe if you had gone to work while I was literally clenching my teeth to try to hide the contractions ...

Carina: I know and I'm sorry for not being there for you during the last two months of your pregnancy.. I had to go to work in order for us to keep this beautiful mansion of a house... babe .
Maya: I know my love, I'm not blaming you for that at all. I know you had to work... and I know it was not easy.

Carina: it was heartbreaking to leave you alone... especially now that you're getting closer to thirty weeks... but seeing you interact with Nicco ... he really loves you so much.. it was heartwarming to see, I swear he was in my arms a couple days ago we were sitting on the couch and you were in the bathroom talking with Giovanni and Salvatore and Nicco literally pushed himself onto my chest and raised his head wondering why he was hearing you and not seeing you. It was the cutest thing ever!

Maya : I love you too, and I know what you mean, and I don't... I know you have a special bond with him too.. and nothing will change that.

**Carina changed into her relaxed clothes and came back downstairs and be with her wife **

Babe , I think we should...

Maya : I decided to stay here on the big mattress downstairs and we could have londyn and Niccolas sleep with us down here too, that way we're be at peace with our sleep, I mean because I'm on bed rest and I don't want you to feel guilty for sleeping downstairs with me and not being able to hear Nicco and Londyn's if they have seizure or randomly stop breathing...

Carina: I was just about to suggest the exact same thing! I will bring the little single bed mattress down for Londyn's and we'll have Nicco sleeping in his downstairs bassinet .

Maya : perfect, thank you for doing this!

Carina: it's what we do for each other, see what I mean by "letting yourself be pampered ". By the rest of your family... you need to enjoy yourself.. and just relax, pregnancy is beautiful and you deserve to enjoy it, as it is our last one.

Maya : yea , you're right, and I have enjoyed my pregnancy so far , but it's not—- it's more difficult than my pregnancy with Giovanni and Salvatore for some reason, I didn't have to be on bed rest and I had two babies in my stomach... but I agree and understand why you want me to be on bed rest , and it's only for three weeks instead of six months! So it's do able for sure!

Carina: I couldn't find the single bed mattress one so I brought another double mattress and  it's more perfect because I have a feeling that Gio and Tore will want to sleep downstairs with us too ! So I think that I either sleep with Londyn or one of the boys next to me. More cuddles for me!

Maya : aren't you going to be bored from not going to work?
Carina: no , I won't be bored at home, babe , I will clean the whole house and maybe get back into my drawings for a while... and help you out with your pregnancy , I will pamper you with love, massage you every where, and kiss you everywhere you want me to..

Maya : hrmmm I love the sound of that.... Ohhh silly question but umm you are wonderful at doing portraits of people right?
Carina: yes I can draw people, sceneries and animals , basically anything beautifully...

Why ?

** she raised an eyebrow as she's currently gazing into her wife's beautiful eyes and giving her a foot massage **

Maya : hrmmm excellent! Can you maybe draw me?!
Carina: Yes of course I can draw you Bambina !
In any position you are more comfortable in... is fine by me !

Maya : perfect, cause I always found you extremely sexy and more attractive with your lovely easel out, that sounded wrong, what I meant was you make everything look sexy and attractive, and I love that about you, and many other things obviously.

**Carina laughed and gave her wife kisses before going to get her easel and paint brushes and drawing pencils and she put everything in front of her beautiful wife! **

Carina :  I miss the kids so much but we need this time together just you and I...

Maya : yea I agree!

Come here babe !

Carina: what? I'm not finished with my drawing of you!

Maya : you can finish this later... come here, what is on your mind? I can see you're trying think about something but you don't want.. don't know how to tell me....

Carina: I'm fine... I'm just exhausted... I haven't slept much in the past weeks .. whether it's from work or being up in the middle of the night with Niccolas ... and I've noticed some things that hasn't happened like the rest of the kids and I'm spiralling out... I'm thinking about what his life would be like... he's not sitting up straight... yet , and I know babies develop at their own pace and everything like that but I think he has something more than his breathing issues and I can't sleep at night when those thoughts run across my mind... I just want him to be happy and normal.. I know he's six months old .. I also think he's really smart and he will walk and talk like everyone else but I'm just scared that he'll develop something that will prevent him from walking or talking... I want to be wrong about this...

** Carina crumbled down on her wife's shoulder and cried and cried and cried for hours and hours... Maya was just there.... Comforting her wife ... **

Maya : but he has had his six months appointment and Addison said he was developing right?

She didn't say he would never walk or talk right?
Carina: no she didn't say anything about him never being able to walk or talk...

I'm just scared of the unknown when we have a special needs child. But I love him so much.. I feel like I gave birth to him like all of our children...

Maya : yea I know exactly how you feel...  he always belong with us .

**Several hours later grandma and grandpa were back home with the kids and they were all boosted with sugar , as they just ate lunch and they were coming in the house with an ice cream.. Niccolas was getting really fussy and he just wanted his momma ! **

12h39 pm

Grandma: hiiiii we're home!!
The kids: hiiii moms ! We had so much fun today, we went to a trampoline park and arcade and we even had McDonald for lunch!!!

Carina and Maya : ohhhh hiiiii everyone! Ohhhh that sounds so fun and did you jump really high?
Londyn : yesssss momma ! And I did the zip line all by myself!

Carina: what? No way. I'm really proud of you!

** she was now breastfeeding Niccolas and she was happy everyone had fun with grandma and grandpa! They relaxed the rest of the day, they watched movies, as it was starting to rain really hard, and even thunder and a little lightning outside... Giovanni and Salvatore are scared of the lightning and thunder so they hug their moms really hard and tight... Maya reassured them that they were safe and it was just Jesus and the angels were playing a game of bowling and when it thundering it's because they had knocked all the pins down then they celebrate their strike with the thunder and when lightning is out is when they throw the bowling ball and not every pin falls down, they call it a spare ! And it's nothing to be afraid of !  They ordered Chinese food for dinner. Everyone had a bath and everyone was tired of their day out, Maya and Carina fell asleep not long after the children fell asleep. Everyone was asleep by 22h20 **

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