When Royalties Clash | JJk ff

By DelusionItIs

49.5K 3.6K 446

Ever heard of kingdoms living in harmony? It was just a concept of Utopia which was once everyone's dream but... More

Not an update


571 43 12
By DelusionItIs

Author's pov:

Y/N rushes out of her room making the door slam behind. She clutches onto the paper tightly and looks around frantically.
Jungkook! I need to find Jungkook.

She begins running through the hallways, her dress not being able to waver her speed. She needed to find him as soon as possible and tell him about this. This just changes everything for her. Her brother, he was alive! She needed to see him. She hadn't seen him for so long. Did he change? His appearance? Did he grow weak? She needed to see if he was okay and that he comes home safe. She could no longer care about anything else.

On the other hand, Yuki jumps on the horse and pulls at its leash. "Hya!" It sneers loudly and begins running. She no longer wanted to entertain the thoughts like 'why', the only thing she could think of was that after so many years she had mustered up the courage to do something that hinders her daily rhythm and it made her feel alive. She had almost forgotten the feeling of that adrenaline rushing through her veins. It really made her reflect on how she just accepted everything that was thrown at her. She never fought back and tried to make a change.
She wouldn't sit back now. She would do what her heart told her to. And it told her to go save that man.

The horse increases its speed almost making the surroundings blurry. She almost felt like a lightening bolt, faster than the speed of light. She clutched onto the leash harder, her sword tightly tied around her waist, the material of the armor keeping her skin warm in the chilly weather. She didn't know she had it in her to steal an armor from the arsenal with such heavy guarding. Well, you'll never know untill you try to do it. She also managed to get a glance on the pin markings on the map. She knew exactly where Taehyung was taking those men but she had to cross borders to reach that place. Did that scare her? No.

It only made her resolve stronger. Taehyung was planning something big and dangerous. Even though Namjoon didn't want to support this, he'd always willingly choose to be on his younger brother's side. His guilt played a huge role in that decision. And with Namjoon by his side, an absolute genius, Taehyung was invincible. Her chest tightened as she clenched her jaw, her eyes narrowing down on the path that led her to the forest.
I won't let you have your way, brother.

"Where is King Jeon?" Y/N demands from the maids that were about to walk past her.

"His Majesty is in the fields-" Y/N doesn't wait for her to continue her sentence and swooshes past her. Her training seemed to be paying off for she wasn't getting tired from all the running and heavy weight. Or maybe it was just desperation.

She could see his figure from far, his advisor, Ji ho, standing beside him. They seemed to be waiting for something or someone. The weather did quiet down a bit but the heavy clouds still wandered in the sky. It could rain any minute.

She takes in a sharp breath before moving her legs again. Just as she was nearing him, she could see the figure of Jimin approaching him from the opposite side. He was on his horse with a few other men. Quickly getting off the horse he rushes to reach Jungkook. They almost reach at the same time. "Majesty!" He heaves loudly.
"Its not the Yon village." Y/N stands quietly but gets restless by the passing second.

"What could it mean-" Jimin quickly cuts him off.

"He's taken over the tribals near Yon's border." The shock seems to stiffen the three listeners. Momentarily, Y/N forgets about why she came here in the first place.

Jungkook couldn't utter a word.
Tribals? Did Taehyung truly hold the capacity to over take atheist's lands? No one in history even thought of doing something like that. Those people weren't violent and ferocious without a reason, they never got themselves involved in any of the kingdoms matters. But the stories of how some people crossed their lands and were never seen again reflected clearly on how they could turn predatory if need be.

This would be the first time ever those people fell prey to a king. How did he manage to do it?
Have I been underestimating him all along? Jungkook thought.
More and more worries just keep on squashing him under their weight.

"He must have invaded weeks back. There is a wall built up around the borders, its not concrete but thorny. There are soldiers all over the place. Its almost impossible to go inside without being detected. Even the people of our land are shifting places. Majesty, they no longer feel safe." Jimin voices his concern. This also meant another thing, Taehyung was closer than what Jungkook anticipated. Yon village was big and there was only one tribe near its borders and that gave a closer pathway directly towards Busan's centre.

He won't even need two days to reach here.
How is he able to do all this without fail? What kind of power does he hold? Jungkook who wasn't aware of Y/N's presence tsks loudly in annoyance. "How does he manage to do this!?"

"Its not him." Jungkook's neck snaps in the direction of her voice, surprised to see her there. Since when was she standing there? She looks him in the eye. "Its Namjoon." Did Namjoon support all this? Why would he be willing to do this and weave plans for his brother to win otherwise? She didn't expect this from him. She didn't expect this from anyone. She never met Namjoon in person but heard stories about how great and charming he was, from Taehyung. Was everyone showing their true colours now? Was everything in the past just a facade, an illusion?

Hoseok grunts when the guard pulls at the metal chains. All the Busan soldiers were made to stand in a straight line with the shackles on their wrists and ankles connected to each other. The guard in the front would pull at the chain and everyone behind would get pulled harshly, feeling the metal burn through their skin.

Hoseok was somewhat happy to finally see the open sky after such a long time. Even though the sky didn't seem welcoming enough, he was satisfied. Deep down he thought he'd never be able to witness the mother nature with his own eyes ever again. People living their regular lives truly take things for granted for this felt like heaven. Even with the chains restraining him, the painful whines from his fellow prisoners and no sign of humanity in the eyes of the monsters who tugged at their chains for fun, he couldn't stop looking up at the sky. But it seemed to be mourning. Its about to weep.
What could it be that made you suffer? He thought, staring at the thundering clouds.

"Stand straight!!" One of the Ulsan guards roared. "The king will be here. If I see anyone trying to pull any funny tricks, you'll be beheaded in an instant!!" Hoseok rolls his eyes subtly, finally coming down from his high and becoming aware of his surroundings. This wasn't Busan for sure. Could it be somewhere in Ulsan? Was Ulsan that poor to have their houses still be made of mud and straw? Why are they even destroying these houses? His eyes follows a few soldiers using their weapons to smash the walls of the tiny houses. A few acres of the area had already been cleared. That meant, the place he stood on was once someone's home.

He narrows his eyes when a symbol on one of the houses catches his eyes.
Celtic shield knot.

A symbol from a different origin, the tribals used it very often. It symbolised protection, a sign that was used to ward off enemies to demonstrate strength.

We stand on a Tribal's land? He almost stumbled, his knees buckling. Even though he was able to endure their torture for a fortnight, it didn't mean he enjoyed it or would like to relive those moments again. Those people could turn brutal if they ever felt threatened in any way. How were these people allowing another kingdom to invade them? Or was Ulsan strong enough to do it by force? 

"Your Majesty!" All the soldiers bow in unison when a certain someone comes out of a tent. A young man, probably in his early or mid twenties makes an appearance.

The crown proudly resting on his head, the robe and royal clothings making his appearance bigger and dominating. He looks straight ahead with purpose, like he knows what he is doing. "At ease." His voice was even deeper than the brown ocean in his eyes which only showcased one thing, conflict.

He walks near the weak, imprisoned men, leisurely, looking up at the sky. He tsks a while later. The prisoners gulp and back away a little. Their hatred towards him was thicker than the clouds above but no one had the courage to voice it out. Their fate was in his hands. One word from him could either lead them to their death or could set them free. They were desperate but no fools, they knew Ulsan would never set them free.

The king of Ulsan clears his throat. "Your kingdom clearly doesnt love you enough." He opens his arms wide, gesturing to the surroundings. "They would have been here otherwise." Then he smiles, pursing his lips. "It hurts, doesn't it? Not being loved enough, them not reciprocating even half of what you give them." He begins walking in circles again. "I've been there and I completely sympathize with you." A sneer is heard from one of the tied men.

"You can't even feel half of what we do!! You have everything one can ask for, everything one ever wants in life!! Don't belittle us by saying your pain is equivalent to ours, if there is any!!" He shouts in haste and frustration. The next moment, his chains are being cut and he is being dragged to the silent King. He tries to free himself but struggles with four men having such strong grip around his fragile bones.

He is thrown at Taehyung's feet, couching when the mud enters his mouth. Crouching down, Taehyung yanks at the man's hair. "I don't feel pain? What have I been feeling this past month then!? Why do I feel like I'm dead inside then? You act like you've suffered enough but you haven't, you swine!!" He harshly pulls at his hair making the man whine loudly.

"So soon?" The man laughs in mock. "It only takes you a month to feel like a dead man despite all the riches and comfort? Oh, boy. You must be weak." He spits on Taehyung's face and laughs again.

His laugh dies down when Taehyung smiles too as he slowly wipes off his saliva from his face. Getting back up on his feet with the smile still intact and maintaining the eye contact with the man, he speaks. "He'll be the first."

Just as he says that, two soldiers drag him away from the rest of the prisoners. "I'm not as bad as you think. I even offered your freedom but your king doesn't seem to care. And now, as per the deal, I must send four heads back to him." A few back away and gasp in fear. "Now, I'll make it easy for you and let you decide who'll be the lucky three." He smiles like he actually did a favour.

The rest grow restless and anxious, looking at each other like they were the worst of enemies. Hoseok understood perfectly what Taehyung was trying to do. Break their unity. He stood calmly while the others shouted, yelled and pushed at each other.

"Yah! Don't look at me. I've been here longer."

"What are you staring at!?"

"I won't sacrifice myself!! I've already suffered enough!!"

"I haven't even seen my new born daughter's face. She must have grown by now. Please, I want to see her." He cries.

"Hey! What about that old man?" Someone whispers near Hoseok. He immediately looks at an old man in his 60s with his head down, standing quietly. He hears everyone loud and clear but doesn't seem affected by it. "He isn't even reacting. Lets send him." Hoseok looks at the man with disgust. Someone really said it right, you only see one's true colours with put in danger. Look how these sane men were now ready to do something so inhumane.

Just like a chain reaction, everyone starts chanting the same. Hoseok silently judges them. Do they not realise they had to send two more? Their unity will crack when they realise that. Someone pushes the old man forward, making him stumble and fall, the men beside him falling with him. He finally gives a reaction. He whimpers. "P-please, h-have mercy." On closely observing his eye movement, Hoseok realises that man is blind. A pang of sympathy courses through him.

"Take him!!" The closest prisoners start pushing and hitting harshly at the elderly. "Just die, why don't you? You'll actually be of some use now.." He hits the man on the head earning a loud cry, a cry that could send a chill into your bones. How could they not pity him?

"Yah!!!" Hoseok lunges forward and pushes the heartless man away, the men connected to him being pulled behind him. Hoseok might look thin and weak, but his strength wasn't something one should underestimate.
He's strong. Taehyung thought.
"Are you okay, sir?" He gently examines his head. The bruise was bad, oozing out blood. He wasn't affected by the men trying to get back up and pulling at his chains.

"I-I don't w-want to die." The old man pleads.

"I won't let you die." He assures firmly. He gets back up making the old man stand straight. "I volunteer." His voice cuts through the air and everyone quiets down.

"You volunteer for what?" Taehyung asks after the loud pause.

"You can kill me." Taehyung stares back at this man, his eyes holding dedication and pride, nothing what he wanted to see. The fear and vulnerability he expected wasn't there.
He isn't afraid of dying?

He signals with his hand and the soldiers immediately remove the shackles from Hoseok's body. They drag him and throw him at Taehyung's feet. He just sits up and waits for whatever thats about to happen.

Taehyung closely observes him, not liking the peaceful look in his eyes. "Aren't you afraid of death?" He asks, his eyes narrowing down a little. Why does his eyes remind me of someone? He quickly pushes that thought aside when Hoseok speaks.

"Who isn't?"

"Then why choose this? Don't you have someone waiting for you back at home?"

"I do but she won't really be proud of me if I returned doing such a cowardly thing. My father is an ass though. But I know my sister will survive well on her own. She's stronger than anyone I know." Taehyung just stares at him for a while.

Then he nods. "I bet if we met in different circumstances, we would have been good friends. But guess the fate wanted this to happen." The sky above them roars loudly, the heavy thundering clouds clashing.

"I bet I would have resented you either way, Your Majesty." Hoseok mocks, tilting his head.

"I was a different man a few days back." Taehyung shakes his head.

"I doubt one can change so abruptly. This side of you must be there somewhere inside. You just needed a trigger to pull it out. Don't blame someone else for being something you truly are." He sneers.

"Well then, you don't know enough about life. Anyway, why am I wasting my precious time on this? The weather is getting bad." He looks up at the sky turning a shade darker.
He sighs and looks back down at Hoseok.
"Do you have any last wish?" Taehyung pulls out his sword and looks at it.

His hand is shaking. Hoseok thinks. He shakes his head. I must be imagining it.

Taehyung sees Hoseok's chest rising and falling heavily. Then he speaks with a proud smile. "I wish that you fail in whatever you're trying achieve." It triggers a reaction from the man standing as he drops his sword and firmly wraps his hand around Hoseok's neck. "I see it in your eyes. You crave it more than your sanity that you are w-wlling to do things your inner self forbids you to do." The grip tightens, as he feels the air being knocked out of his lungs but he continues to speak, liking how Taehyung's facade dropped a little and he got a glimpse of who truly stood behind that man. A weak and vulnerable man, hurting. "The more y-you try to f-fight for it, the further it will slip a-away from your grasp, like sand-"

"Shut up!!" He jerks him forward, watching his face turn red. He tightens his grip further, looking down on the man struggle.

"-If my d-death s-satisfies you, s-so be it. One day, I'll l-look down on you t-too with these eyes and I'll w-watch you wither away in p-pain." He clutches onto his arms, struggling to breathe, his fingers involuntarily scratching at his clothes and skin. "You won't succeed." He whispers with a peaceful smile as he takes his last breath, the shine from his eyes vanishing within seconds.

His hands fall limp to his sides, eyes half open staring back at his executor.

Taehyung gasps, leaving his neck abruptly and holding him from falling by his shoulders. Hoseok's head falls limp, his skin pale and fingertips growing cold. Taehyung crouches down. "Hey!" He shakes him. "Yah!!" He jerks his body again. "Wake up. Take that back!!" He clenches his jaw, growing frustrated and shaky. He couldn't describe his inner emotions in words, he was simply conflicted. "TAKE THAT BACK!! TAKE THAT BACK. I WILL WIN!! I'LL GET HER."

"He's dead, Majesty." Namjoon appears and looks down at the scene. He wasn't shocked rather disappointed. He drops his head as a sign of respect to the deceased courageous man.
So this is it. He can no longer come back.

My brother just died too.


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