Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Pi...

By dragonshardtales101

62.2K 4.1K 1.2K

Let's follow back up to date! Faythe Marie, sixth member of the Strawhats and has the dream of finding the Lo... More

Free Me From This Pain//Prologue
Why is Everything So Long??//Chapter 1
The Foxy Pirates//Chapter 2
The Festival Shenanigans//Chapter 3
The First Game//Chapter 4
A Interesting Race//Chapter 5
A Fox's Parlor of Tricks//Chapter 6
A Unexpected Meet// Chapter 7
The Last Game//Chapter 8
Afro Luffy//Chapter 9
Traps on Deck!//Chapter 10
Thats Game!//Chapter 11
Freeze! It's A Admiral!// Chapter 12
Admiral Aokiji// Chapter 13
Chapter 14//What Is This Man On-!?
Bipolar MF-!!// Chapter 15
The Bad Ones//Chapter 16
Thats A Long Ass Boat!//Chapter 17
Homesick//Chapter 18
Water 7//Chapter 19
Yagara Bulls//Chapter 20
A Tour in Water 7//Chapter 21
Usopp's Lost Twin Brother-!?//Chapter 22
Cash Money//Chapter 23
Huh? Where'd Usopp go?//Chapter 24
Who did this to you!? //Chapter 25
Can't Be Repaired...?//Chapter 26
It's Falling Apart.//Chapter 27
Iceberg Shot--!//Chapter 28
Solo Mission// Chapter 29
Catch A Train//Chapter 30
Infiltration//Chapter 31
Runaway Train//Chapter 32
Tag Team//Chapter 33
Pop Goes The Weasel!//Chapter 34
Crossed A Line//Chapter 35
Cuffed//Chapter 36
Tis' But A Scratch-!//Chapter 37
Interesting Plan. Gonna Do It? No.//Chapter 38
Enies Lobby Damage Control Incoming!//Chapter 39
Not As Weak As Other's Might Assume.//Chapter 40
BullKings Dozing-!!//Chapter 41
Gomorrah's Promise!//Chapter 42
Racing to the Top!//Chapter 43
I WANNA LIVE-!!!//Chapter 44
Valentines Day Special♥️✍️
Lets get this started!!//Chapter 45
Now Wait A Damn Minute.//Chapter 46
Quinn//Chapter 47
Time to be Just as Ruthless//Chapter 48
Desperate Hope//Chapter 49
Feather In The Wind//Chapter 50
Buster Call Commences!//Chapter 51
Ain't So Bad Afterall//Chapter 52
AN ACTUAL MERMAID-!?//Chapter 53
And Now We Endure.//Chapter 54
DOWN WITH CP9!!//Chapter 55
So Long Idiots-!!//Chapter 56
Going Merry's Last Voyage//Chapter 57
Twinnin-!!//Chapter 58
Chapter 59// Girl's Night
A New Ship Promised//Chapter 60
Hi, Luffy's Grandpa. Wait. Why are you a marine?//Chapter 61
A Question Unveiled//Chapter 62
Worry About That Later!//Chapter 63
Silly Lu// Luffy Birthday(Canon)
Wanted Poster Update!//Chapter 65
A Needed Discussion!//Chapter 66
Naked Tin Can Aboard!//Chapter 67
Usopp's Return//Chapter 68
Wyper's Patience!//Chapter 69
Set Things Striaght.//Chapter 70
A Sibling Like No Other//Bonding
MR. BROOK!?//Chapter 71
Thriller Bark//Chapter 72
Intruder on Deck// Chapter 73
Cerberus!? Wait Nevermind.//Chapter 74

Well, about that.//Chapter 64

758 61 8
By dragonshardtales101

Humming a catchy toon that he remembered back in his little youngin days, Corbett cruised his small boat around an island shore to the misty fog that surrounded its waterfall.

"The map that leads to you~! Ain't nothin' I can't do~! The map that leads to you~!" He drummed his fingers on the side railing. But before he could reach the next line in the song, his transponder started ringing.

Picking up the shell and holding it to his lips, "Helloooo~! What can I do for you, my sweet—"

'It's Leona.'

Corbett's face dropped in pure disgust, "Oh, it's you."

'Zimri passed the transponder to me as soon as you said hello.' She said with slight irritation, 'Anyways! Where are you! You said you'd be here at the designated time period! You're an hour late!'

Corbett barely listened, picking at his ears as he steered the rudder around the shore and towards a small cove next to the waterfall.

'And how can you dump such a load of orders on me in such a short amount of time!? Don't you know I'm already busy with my other work? I have establishes over so many islands! I have runways to host!'

Corbett sighed and gathered his little belongings into his sack, "Yeah, yeah. Just open the latch, will ya?"

'—Oh! Your here? That was fast. Must've been my complaining.'

Corbett turned to the waterfall. Watching the curtain of powerful water split down the middle as an archway door started opening itself, "Cant get enough of it, I guess." He held an arm out, "Found any potential suitors yet? No bachelors to your taste?" The entire boat he drifted on started lifting off the waters as it began to sail through the air and straight into the archway.

The slam of a transponder was heard to his left as he landed the boat on a landing dock. He turned to see a furious Leona, almost cracking the poor caller in her clenched fist.

"You infuriate me, Captain."

"All in a day's work." He did a mock bow as he strutted past Leona, letting the tiny porcelain dolls scramble to assist unloading the boat. They're small gears tinkering away behind the two individuals.

"How are we doing on time?"

Leona pulled out a clipboard and started listing the factors, "Well, all the bottles of rum and wine have been shipped and all requests on the food menu have been made."

"Any news on Gwen?" Corbett received a paper that showed the flowing shipment of his industry, "I got a call from her girlfriend saying she didn't show up yet."

Leona frowned, "No. Not a single call or letter from her since she departed two weeks ago. Should we send a search party?"

"No." Corbett adjusted his long sleek coat, "She survived a vampire apocalypse on her island for years. She knows how to take care of herself. It just means she'll have to skip on meeting Marco."

Leona sighed, "She did say she wished to discuss some new medical records she brought from the fairies."

"Where's Zim?" Corbett signed a paper and handed it to Leona.

"In the engine room. Fixing our course to the set points on the ocean grid." Leona tucked the paper behind the rest of the report.

Corbett opened up his pocket watch—a gift he received from Clock Work City. The ticking from the gears always filled the silence, "Then let us depart, to the main deck, my fearless lioness friend!" And with that he raced off with a happy grin.


Stepping on the platform, Corbett felt the circular step start rising with a function built into the base itself. The platform lifted both pirates up into a high globe like room. The ceiling nothing but artificial high concentrated glass—powerful enough to stop oncoming fire.

Strutting off the platform, Corbett beelined straight for the helm. His gloved hands capturing the wheel with ease as he activated the den den Mushi intercom that relayed throughout the ship, "—Attention all passengers—robots, humans, minks, and fishmen alike—strap in or hang onto the closest thing near you. We are departing...Now!" With no warning, he pulled the lever and activated the systems.

The entire base shook as if there were an earthquake having a stroke and panic attack in one go.

Leona stumbled back and caught herself by stabbing her lance into the nearest wall, "Bett! WHERE WAS THE WARNING!?"

Corbett was seen cackling and looking out infrpmr of them through the open glass wall. Watching the waterfall pull open and allow a strange flying contraption make its way out into the open skies, "I don't wish to make grandpops wait any longer. We gotta make haste!"

Leona let out an aggravated sigh, "Fine! ONLY because I wanna see all those hot 'dilfs'!"

And with that a ship flying in the sky had departed for a certain meet up between two yonkos.


On a large whale shaped vessel, a certain blonde with particular sharp eyes caught sight of a massive flying ship. Black and gold detailed wings were painted on its sides. The figurehead being the first thing that parted through the clouds' coverage.

"Well I'll be damned. I knew he'd be here when drama arises." He smirked, "Always one for the dramatic entrances-yoi." With that, he lept off the crows nest and made a soft landing next to his Captain—his blue flames cushioning his fall.


The person he called for was drinking away from his massive jug of sake. The kind that was gifted from his current guest. His towering figure leaned over to see his son's tiny figure pointing over westward, "Hm? What is it, Marco?"

"Lil Betty has decided to pay us a visit-yoi!"

"Betty?" Their guest perked up at the name. His eyes trailed over to where he felt the strong overbearing conquerors haki. His hand stroked his scruffy facial hair as a reminiscent smile appeared, "I haven't seen him in awhile..."

"That's because he ain't here for you squirt!" The old giant pursed his lips, disgruntled.

The guest's smile became strained by the old man's remark, "He's still my son."

"He's my grandson as well. Unless you forgot how things worked on this ship."

The men started to activate their haki, but a light amused tone interrupted them, "Yes, yes. I love you both so much. Now kiss and make up so we can wrap this up."

They turned immediately to the rails situated behind Marco. Both not noticing him because of the lack of haki surrounding his presence. Or to many masters of the art of haki, it might look as if he just vanished along with his concealment.

Marco jumped—accidentally lighting himself in an abundance of blue flamed feathers, "Gagh—! Stop doing that! You're worse than your mother!"

Corbett couldn't help the sleazy smirk from appearing, "What can I say? I'm my mother's son?" He shrugged, but ended up being slugged in the head by his uncle.

"Don't get cocky, brat!"

"GURARARARA—!!" A hearty laugh broke from the old man as he watched the two interact, "Looks like nothing changed, Lil Betty."

Corbett sighed while rubbing the back of his head, "Well... You see, about that..."

Everyman on deck froze in silent fear.

"Don't tell me... You have a secret child somewhere!?"


"Shame on you, Betty..."

"I thought you were better than this..."

"I can't wait to meet the fella."

"WHAT—NO!?" Corbett snapped at his thousands of uncles. His face flush as a shining ruby, "It's something that'll blow your minds~!!"

All men on deck leaned forward in anticipation as they watched him slowly take out a piece of paper from his trench coat. With a massive cheeky smirk, he held the paper proudly in front of him, "Check it out guys! She's alive!!!"

The silence that consumed both crews was comical.


"No it can't be..."


"No! Look at the hair...!!!"

The guest hurried to his feet and scrambled to the paper. His hand grabbing the paper as he gave a hard stare, "You found her...!" A shaky smile grew on his face, "Your sister...!" His eyes glowed with life as he smiled at his son, "My little girl...!"

"No way...!" Marco flew over and snatched the paper from the pirate, "Look at her! She looks just like her Aoki!"

"Hey!! Give that back!" The pirate made grabby hands for the paper.

"Oh save it, Shanks! You've had enough time to look at the wanted poster!!" Marco pushed the red head back by the forehead. He turned his attention back to the photo of the wanted poster. His face gradually turned into one of disgust, "No matter how many times I see it, that red hair is really annoying..."

"She was born with great hair!" Shanks hollered in defense.

A loud a slam of Whitebeard's lance, shut up all the pirates on deck.

With a large hand stretched out, it was hard to ignore the scary face he was making when he asked—no, ordered, "Hand it over." He used that father tone.

Hesitantly and with a heavy heart, Marco flew up and landed on Whitebeard's shoulder. With a scowl that could scare many but his father, he held the paper up to his pops.

As soon as his eyes landed on the poster of the scowling figure, it looked as if his face melted, "Ah...! My granddaughter...! She really does look like Aoki...!" He then glared at the rest of his sons, "Unlike the rest of you hopeless men, Aoki was the only one who gave not one grandchild—but two!" His face looked as happy as can be, "So where is she?"

Corbett who was sitting on the rails, watching the chaos unfold as he sipped on his cup of rum—spat it out at the mere question, "W-Where is she, you say?" He wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Ya! Isn't she with you? Bring the lass out already!"

"It's a little complicated than that." Corbett pouted.

"What do you mean? Is she held hostage?"

"There's no reason why you don't have her if not."

"Not exactly...??" Corbett laughed.

Marco marched over and glowered at him, "Dammit boy! Give it to us straight-yoi!"

"Can't you idiots tell!?" Shanks took a massive swig of his cup, "She's part of another team of pirates." He slammed his rum down.


Pirates started crowding around Corbett, some becoming angry on his behalf—some just crying and babying poor Corbett like he was still a child.



"Don't worry, BeTtY~!!"

"Your uncles will be there to comfort you~!!"

"You can cry on my shoulder, if you want!"

Corbett was fighting for his life, shoving and kicking hoards of men off him, "STOP IT, WOULD YA—!?" He look haggard as he tried fixing his hair and clothes.

"Can't you brats see?" Whitebeard laughed, "Betty would never leave his sister if she wasn't happy. So... Who are the ones that are giving my dear granddaughter the time of her life?" He glanced over at the raven haired chap for his answer.

One he gladly answered, "I'm sure dad would be in heaps of joy to know who she's joined." He then began to pull out another wanted poster.

Shanks looked up from his rum with a quirked brow, "Eh?"

"Her Captain is none other than Monkey D. Luffy! The man that carries on the Strawhat!" Corbett laughed at the priceless looks that carried on throughout the deck.

Another round of confused screams seemed to carry through the air.


"You mean...!!"

"It's that brat, Ace talks about!!"

"His brother...!???"

Shanks looked back down at the wanted paper, "Well would you look at that..."

Corbett watched as all the men started to celebrate instead of continuing their previous argument. Feeling his transponder snail vibrate in his trench pocket, he answered it with a suave smile, "This is your Captain speaking, how may I composite you?"

"Betty. I figured out where Gwen is!" Zimri's voice was heard first.

"So? Where has our favorite mad lesbian scientist wandered off to this time?" Corbett turned away from the loud boisterous laughter of grown men. He leaned against the cabin door with his eyes glued on Shanks and Marco fighting over the wanted poster.

"Last thing that was noted from her was before a storm hit. She was especially close to the Florian Triangle. Or the Devil's Triangle people like to call it."

Corbett frowned, "Seems like Gwen just can't get enough of the spooky monsters." He turned his head to the sky, "'Thriller Bark' Gecko Moria's domain." He then shrugged casually, "Not like it matters. She's faced worse."

"Let's hope she gets back before we start moving again." Zimri added in a gruff tone.

Corbett laughed, "Yep! That's an event that can't tolerate any tardiness."


Alright cats out of the bag

I thought it was obvious about Shanks.

But Gwen if def gonna be shown next arc...!

Im continuing this book into thriller bark and then finishing Book 2.

Here's a picture for that pool party a couple chapters back.

Word Count:(2213)

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