Kidnapped By The New Stranger

By bunflowerz

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Sarah lived a teenage dream. She had the looks, the friends, the spot on the cheer team, and basically the ho... More

Kidnapped By The New Stranger
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 3

13.2K 263 14
By bunflowerz

French seemed to have dragged on forever. My French teacher, Madame Loire, was the kind of teacher that could lecture on and on about a subject that could interest me in the least bit. Her thing gray hair was always tucked into a neat bun, and she insisted on ways wearing clothing that looked as if she never wanted to show and inch of skin. This was my second year with her and no matter how hard I tried I could never tell the difference between ver and vers, which was probably why I was close to failing.

I gave up on trying to actually leading anything and decided to mess with Jake. The entire time I kept looking over at Jake and giving him seductive stares, which was all part of my plan. He thankfully played along and starred at me with his magnificent eyes and sexy grin.

My thoughts were once again interrupted by the bell. Thank god. I grabbed my stuff and went into the hall, Jake following right behind.

Once outside I stood and waited for him to get out. I jumped when I felt a pair of hands grab my side. It couldn't have been Chase since he was all the way across the school.

I spun around to see Jake had began to wrap himself around me. I felt this weird pull when he tightened his gip. That ass! I was half way on the verge of slapping him , but that would ruin the plan.

"Yesss?" I almost moan, trying to sound convincing.

"Oh nothing. Just taking hold of what's mine," he grins.

Who does this guy think he his? I met him two period ago and he thinks he can just claim me? Well he's got another thing coming.

"Awhh you're so sweet," I tease as I bring my palm up to his face.

"See. I knew you'd give in to me. We were meant for each other," he groans as he also brings his palm up to my cheek.

The touch of his hand sent wonders down my spine. He started to slowly leaning in. He was going to kiss me. I too started to slowly lean in. I wanted him to kiss me. Stop! No I don't! I needed to stick to the plan and now was the perfect time to do it.

I leaned in closer to where our noses were practically touching. Then, just when he thought we were going to kiss, I sent my knee straight into his crouch as hard as I could.

He immediately doubled over in pain, holding his genitals.

"Ohhh you are so going to pay for that," he groaned in pain.

"No you are. Don't you ever lay another hand on me! Stay away from me, my friends, and especially my boyfriend. I never want to see you again so keep your damn distance! Do I make myself clear?" I spit.

"Feisty aye? Your going to be fun," he teased.

Who the hell does he thinks he his? Does he not know how to take a hint.

As soon as he straightened out from being bent over I slapped him square across the face.

"Fuck you," I say before turning around and heading off towards third period.

He didnt even flinch when I slapped him. In fact, it sorta hurt. It felt like slapping a rock.

I looked at my surroundings to see no students in the area which was good because it'd probably be better off if nobody saw what just happened.

"There's no point in this babe! You cant get away from me," he yelled from behind me.

I just threw my hand up and gave him the finger, not even bothering to turn around.

I made my way through the halls until I got to third period, which was theatre. I was running late again since Jake delayed me so I picked up my pace so I could make it on time.

I open up the door and found my seat next to Elle and Rachel.

"Sarah holy crap did you hear! Jakob's in this class!" Rachel screeched.

It sort of bothered me the practically every girl here gawked over him like he was some sort of god.

"Ugh! Like I said, I could be in the least way interested! He's a total ass! Believe me," I laugh, thinking about what happened in the hall.

"Sarah he looks like a sex god! How could you not be interested," Elle screams.

"Well lets see, I have a boyfriend, I don't find him attractive, and he's King of all asses," I laugh.

I could tell Rach and Elle were taken off by the fact I didn't find him attractive. I did, but there was now way I was going to admit to that.

Just then he walked in as the whole room fell silent. Needless to say the class was made up of mostly girls.

They just all stared at him in awe while I opened up the book I was reading and averted my attention away.

Everyone in the room was waiting patiently to see where he would sit. Could girls seriously get this low?

"May I sit here," I heard him ask.

I looked up to see see he had asked to sit next to Victoria. Of all people in this school she was probably my least favorite.

She had long black hair and applied so much make up it probably added ten pounds on her total weight. Another ten pounds went to her slutty ego. She thought she was so poplar because she was a cheerleader as well. Little did she know that it wasn't herself that was popular, it was her vagina. She is the biggest tramp I've ever met.

"Of course you can sit here," she flirts as she pats down the seat next to her.

I just roll my eyes and begin reading my book again. I try to stay focused but with her constant obnoxious laugh it was hard to.

The rest of class went by slowly. Our teacher, Mrs. Flynn, just lectured the entire class about Greek theatre. I could honestly be in the least way interested.

While I read, every other girl just starred at Jake and his every move, including Elle and Rach.

"Stare much," I joke.

They both snapped out of there boy haze and looked at me.

"We can't help it! Have you seen him! He's so fine!," Rachel gawks.

"You guys need some serious help," I laugh.

*ring ring*

The third period bell rang indicating it was my time to get the hell out.

"See you guys at lunch," I say as I lean in and stick my tongue at them. Mocking there Jake obsessions. We all laugh as I got up and made my way out of the class.

I had to try to fight my way by Vitoria and Jake who were practically all over each other. They were so close I couldn't even squeeze by.

"Um excuse me," I say as I attempt to get around Jake.

He just grinned at me for a second before taking a step to the side and letting me through.

"Jealous much," Victoria teases as I walk away.

I could stand her damn attitude any longer. I turned around and gave them both the death stare.

"Jealous of what? A cocky asshole who can't take no for an answer and a big slut who's taken taken more turns with a guy than a doorknob? Yeah jealous is probably the last thing I'm feeling," I say with almost the biggest attitude.

I would've felt bad except for the fact that I didn't care what either of them thought of me.

Before they could say anything else I turn around and head out the door way, leaving everyone still in the room open mouthed and in awh. I was probably the last person they would've thought of saying that but I didn't care. I've had enough of them.

I rush to fourth period and take my seat. The entire time I was in there I just stayed on my phone and texted Rach and Elle who had just seen the whole thing take place. It was so funny to see how shocked they were. They too both hated her so that someone telling her off was long over due.

Even when Jake walked in I didn't look up. I ignored the entire class until the bell finally rang, releasing me from this hell hole.

I quickly got up and walked off to lunch, praying to god Jake wouldn't make a scene.

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