By Cheetahx2

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By Cheetahx2

‘What am I doing? Isn’t Mirio doing his best?’ Suneater shook his head while Lemillion went through a wall blocking the way as Suneater decided, ‘Then… What I should be doing is…!’
Lemillion continued running, Mimic noticing him through the walls.

“He’s slipping through, huh? But, even if he reaches them, he won’t be able to do anything by himself.” Mimic smiled manically.

Suddenly, a huge pot hole opened up under the heroes feet before falling into a room, the hole closing above them.

“A hall?” Rōtasu observed while the others started getting up.

“We’re getting further and further away from our goal! It looks like they’ve got us good!” Rock Lock groaned.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey. Some government authorities have fallen from the sky. Strange things happen, huh?” the man with a sword teased.

“It's like they’re really ready for a fight.” Fat Gum grinned.

Suneater put his hand in front of Fat Gum, saying, “Save the strength of pros for the goal.”

“It’s not like that. I can do my best because you’re here, Tamaki.” middle school Togata’s words echoed through Suneater.

“For the ones stalling for time…” Suneater whispered before exclaiming, “...I’ll be enough by myself.”

“Let’s deal with these first. I’ll leave them those to you, Eight Bullets of the Hassai Group.” Mimic watched the police that weren’t done in by the pothole.

“For the ones stalling for time…” Suneater whispered before exclaiming, “...I’ll be enough by myself.”

“What are you saying? Let’s work together!” Red Riot objected.

“Yeah, work together. I’ll kill all of you.” the one with the sword vowed.

“It’s Setsuno!” the officer exclaimed about the man with the sword, explaining, “We can’t use our guns against him! Heroes, it’s up to you!”

“You figured it out, huh? Oh, well.” Setsuno readied his sword before jumping at the heroes, yelling, “It just makes it easier to go wild!”

“We won’t let you. Throw away your sword.” Eraser Head declared, his eyes glowing red.

Setsuno reached out before grasping on nothing, muttering, “I can’t use it.”
The man with a white mask pointed his gun at Eraser Head, saying, “He erased his quirk? An inferior version of Eri’s quirk. I’ve heard of a hero like that exists. But that doesn’t matter. What we should be doing is blocking them. That’s all."

“Swords and bullets will just sink into my body. It’ll be better for you if you give up now.” Fat Gum told them.

“Threats like that just make you sound like you fear for your life.” Setsuno teased.

“Since Eraser’s erasing your quirk, we can use our weapons! Resign yourselves and surrender!” the officer declared.

Octopus from Suneater’s fingers, wrapping up the three men.

‘Larceny, Toya Setsuno.’ Suneater thought as he wrapped Setsuno up.
‘Crystallize, Yu Hojo.’ the man with the white mask.

‘Food, Soramitsu Tabe.’ the man with the ghost mask.

“I’ve looked over the documents with their info!” Suneater exclaimed as he threw the three of them with his tentacles at the wall.

“I've eat tons of takoyaki, so I’m really good at using octopus. Since I was shot before, I’m more alert to things like this.” Suneater stated, holding the weapons the three had with his tentacles before making a carb claw, breaking them apart.

“But Suneater!” Red Riot argued.

“It won’t be any good for us to fight against them. With so many pro heroes stopped here, we’re playing right into their hands.” Suneater explained as the three men started getting up, Suneater adding to Fat Gum, “We should save the pros’ quirks, including Erasure, for later! We should save the power to get through the wriggling underground, too! And the police officers and their guns! Fat Gum! If it’s me, I can completely shut down all three of them.”

Fat Gum stared at Suneater before running to exit the room, calling, “Let’s go!”

“Fat!” Red Riot watching him run.

“To that door!” Fat Gum shouted.

“Hey, hey, hey! Wait, wait!” Setsuno said before Eraser Head’s eyes glowed red in his direction, Setsuno groaning, “Again…!”

Eraser Head pushed down Tabe, knocking him out.

“Amajiki, I used my quirk on the three of them. Bind them up before the effect wears off.” Eraser Head instructed Suneater before running with the others after Fat Gum, though Rōtasu  stayed where she was.

“He’s definitely going to try too hard, so please help him.” Suneater told Rōtasu about Lemillion.

Izuku grabbed his sister by the shoulder.

"Let's go and help the dummy" he simply said.

The heroes and policemen burst through the door, running through the hallway to get to Eri.

“Fat! You’re going to leave him alone like that? What are you thinking?” Red Riot asked him.

“He's right, isn’t he in trouble?” Rock Lock agreed.

“He’s stronger than anyone here.” Fat Gum answered. Red Riot and Rock Lock stared at Fat Gum as he explained, “But he was weak emotionally. He crushed himself with the pressure to do things perfectly. He climbed up to become part of U.A.’s Big Three under those conditions. Someone like that declared that he could shut them down! So… all I can do is leave it to him!”

Suneater had the three wrapped up in his octopus tentacles, noting, ‘These guys are here to eliminate those heading to the target. Nothing significant is happening with the one called Irinaka’s mimicry, either. Did he prioritize the police officers left at the top? Either way, I’ll stop these guys.’

“I still can’t use my quirk! It feels gross.” Setsuno cringed.

‘I talked big, but if I can make them all unconscious before Eraser’s Erasure goes away…’ Suneater thought, his other hand tentacles, whispered, “Three at once, Sorry, but I’m going to have you all go to sleep.”

Setsuno ran at Suneater, who was about to hit them with his tentacles. One of his tentacles started bleeding out after it hit Setsuno’s mask.

“You were surprised and pulled back without thinking, huh? I know you’re in a hurry, but you can’t shrink back. Since you’re fighting people who’re like trash. You don’t know what we have under our masks.” Setsuno grinned, holding a bloody knife that cut Suneater’s tentacle with his mouth.

“That quirk of that scruffy man from earlier’s stopped working, too.” Hojo got up, quartz around his body as he flexed them out, getting Suneater’s tentacles off him.

Suneater jumped back a little, a clam in his hand before it flew into Setsuno’s.

“It’s a handicap for you guys to not be able to kill us, isn’t it?” Setsuno exclaimed.

‘wearing to his own hand instantly.’ Suneater thought about Setsuno’s quirk, stepping a few steps back as he wondered, ‘Does my shell also count as something I’m wearing?’

“We’ve thrown away our possessions and our lives! When I was caught by a hero when I tried to jump to my death, I felt so hopeless! We’re provided who couldn’t see the point of living! You can’t understand that!” Setsuno explained to Suneater.

“The young head had picked up that trash and found a new use for it. Even trash has its pride. If someone has expectations for us…” Hojo added, cystralizing his fist as he punched Suneater in the face, yelling, “...then we need to meet them!”

A small sprout appeared from Amajiki’s hand.

“What’s wrong, Amajiki?”
Amajiki flinched as his middle school teacher continued, “With your quirk, you should be able to do better. Are you still nervous? Oh well, don’t force yourself. Go back.”

“We used in various ways, not just by heroes. How we can use our quirks in the future was the point of our quirk training class.” Amajiki narrated.

A loud crash sounded, Amajiki glanced to see Togata with his head slammed into a standing board when he tried Permeation through it, the class laughing.

“What’re you doing, Togata?”

“Your face didn't go through!”

“I told you, it’s really hard!” Togata exclaimed, getting his hands out of the board, pointing at his class, shouting cheerily, “You guys should try it! It’s probably five times harder than you expect!”

“Togata, you’re not very good at controlling your quirk, huh?” the teacher asked.

“But next time, I’ll get it right!” Togata declared.

Amajiki and Togata walked down a street after school to their houses.

“Mirio, you’re amazing…” Amajiki whispered.

“Hm?” Togata questioned.

“Even if you can’t do something, you’re still cheerful and positive, so those around you become cheerful, too… I’m no good… If I think about messing up… my mind goes blank, and I can’t move. You'll become an amazing hero… one like the sun…” Amajiki told Togata.

“What are you saying?” Togata asked, making them both stop walking, Togata explaining, “You’re making me sound so great, but it’s not like that.”

“Huh?” Amajiki asked.

“I can do my best because you’re here, Tamaki. It’s not like I’m that mentally strong. It’s just that, seeing you do your best without running away even though you get super nervous makes me feel like I don’t want to lose to you.” Togata explained at Amajiki.

“Lose?” Amajiki questioned.

“I think you’re overvaluing me and undervaluing yourself too much. That’s why you call me things like ‘the sun’. I know that you really have amazing power. I know that you’re actually…” Togata added, a memory of Amajiki showing a magic trick to Togata of pulling his thumb off, echoing, “...a really cheerful and fun guy. That’s why, if I use your own words, then you’re someone even more amazing then the sun.”

‘I’m…’ Suneater narrowed his eyes.

“Have confidence in yourself, Tamaki. You’re…” Togata winked.

“I’m…” Suneater whispered as he used a crab and octopus combo to break the crystallization, shouting, “...someone who eats even the sun, Suneater!”

“He absorb the shock and then makes multiple layers of shell to protect from the crystal damage.” Hojo whispered to himself, crystallizating his other fist, yelling as he aimed it at Suneater, “But that’s it!”

As Hojo’s crystallized fist came for Suneater, Suneater thought, ‘All of it…! The training I did with my quirk at U.A. over the last two years… I’ll put as much of it together as I can… Variable sizes… manifesting… several at once… picking and choosing characteristics…’

The crystals shot at Suneater as he made a crab covering over his face, surprising Hojo.

‘Vast Hybrid…’ Suneater called, giving his tentacles the same covering as he pushed Hojo and Setsuno out of the way, adding, ‘...Chimera Kraken!’

‘I’m enough by myself.’

“Is this how it is?” Setsuno asked, calling, “Tabe, wake up! It’s time to eat!”

Tabe shot open his eyes before running at Suneater’s tentacle, taking a huge bite out of it, making Suneater wince as the tentacle broke apart.

“Octopus, yum.” Tabe uttered before jumping to take another bite out of the tentacles.

“With those teeth and jaws, he can eat anything in an instant! And he’s got a stomach that digests everything he eats in a second! Tabe’s stomach will never get full. You two are a great match!” Setsuno laughed.

‘Eraser took this into consideration and took him out before he left. But it’s fine. I can move well right now. I can surpass his movements!’ Suneater assured himself while Tabe continued to eat.

“Yum!” Tabe muffled.

The crab covering Suneater's face came off, shooting into Setsuno’s hand as Hojo punched Suneater with his crystallized fist.

“It went in perfectly!” Hojo told himself, seeing another covering over Suneater’s face where he punched, wondering, “Did he just barely react in time? However!”

Hojo punched Suneater back, shouting, “You can’t stop my Crystallize with just that!”

Suneater rolled on the floor before stopping himself.

“You’re the one that wanted to fight three-on-one, right, Suneater? Did you think you’d get a ‘complete shutdown’ just by waving around your giant octopus arms?” Setsuno teased while Tabe continued eating.

‘I’ll Manifest the neurotoxin present in an octopus’s saliva in my arm! If you eat it, you won’t be able to move anymore!’ Suneater raised his hand with the octopus tentacles at Tabe before they disappeared.

“It was too big for me to steal before, but if it’s this small, it’s not a problem.” Setsuno explained, holding the tentacles in his hand.

Tabe jumped back as Hojo took his place, slamming Suneater into the wall, holding him up with his crystallized arm.

‘Their teamwork flows together…’ Suneater gritted his teeth.

“We’re trash, but we have strong bonds as trash.” Hojo explained to Suneater.

“Y-You all will be arrested soon… Even if you beat me, you have no future!” Suneater uttered.

“What about it?” Setsuno asked as Suneater’s pouches flew into his hands.

“We haven’t had a future for a while.” Hojo told Suneater, glancing at Tabe as he said, “One was unable to fit into society and was thrown away.”
Setsuno looked through Suneater’s pouches while Hojo continued, “One was betrayed by his lover and made to bear various debts.”

“It’s all food. So is it like you can turn the things you eat into power?” Setsuno wondered.

“One was used as a tool by someone obsessed with money, but when it was discovered that the gems he produced were worthless fakes, he was called useless and beaten half to death. To us, that man said…” Hoji explained.

A memory of Overhaul outstretching his hand to the three of them, soothing, “Come join us. You aren’t someone who should rot away in a place like this.”

“Who cares about what happens after this? For the man who gave us worth… I’ll kill anyone who gets in his way.” Hojo narrowed his eyes.

‘Their not following him out of fear. It’s almost like they’re brainwashed.’ Suneater gritted his teeth.

“Those who are called hero can’t understand!” Hojo crystallized his other arm, wondering, “Can you take this with your back against the wall?!”

‘My attacks are eaten… My defense gets peeled off…’ Suneater twitched his eye.

‘We’re trash, but we have strong bonds as trash.’

‘Then…’ Suneater turned one of his feet into a chicken leg, flicking a piece of crystal at Setsuno’s eyes.

“Ow…!” Setsuno put a hand over his eyes.

‘...I’ll throw off their teamwork from the start!’ Suneater decided.

‘The things he can see. That’s why the police couldn’t point their guns at him.’ Suneater thought about Setsuno’s quirk.

“Die…!” Hojo slammed his crystalled arm at Suneater, gasping in his surprise, “Crystallize? Don’t tell me… he ate my crystals?”

“That’s exactly it!” Suneater confirmed, using his chicken leg mixed with crystals to grab Hojo’s head.

“Eat! Eat! Eat!” Tabe hummed as he ran for Suneater, who moved his chicken leg to push Hojo, Tabe and Setsuno into the wall.

“I can’t understand your circumstances or anger or sadness… But I do understand your strong bonds…” Suneater sighed, taking his foot back and the chicken leg, seeing them knocked out while whispering, “You’re not just using each other… Right? You can’t eat your friends.”

Suneater breathed heavily while explaining, “The octopus posion should be in your bodies now. You won’t die, but you probably won’t be able to walk very well for a while.”

‘That took too long. Was everyone else able to keep moving forward. I need…’ Suneater started limping towards the door until he started falling to the door, thinking, ‘...to go, too…’

Suneater fell onto the floor, wondering, ‘Huh…? My face… At this point…’

Nighteye and the other heroes and policemen continued running down the hallway.

“Amajiki… I wonder if he’s all right… I can’t help but worry about him…” Red Riot told himself.

“Yeah…” Rōtasu agreed with Izuku just being silent.

'Eri, don't worry I'm coming to get you soon' he thought as his mind was only focusing on getting Eri.

‘His underclassmen don’t believe in him at all…’ Fat Gum frowned.

‘Don't worry, he’s okay, he hasn’t shown much support, so it can’t be helped.’ Fat Gum thought before exclaiming at Red Riot and Rōtasu, “But! Once you’ve left him to guard your back, you’ll trust him to do it if you’re a man!”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine!” Red Riot shouted.

“That just makes you seem like someone who’s easily swayed.” Rōtasu commented at Red Riot with Izuku almost did a spit take and almost laughed.

“-Suneater got for us!” Fat Gum said about time.

“All right!” Red Riot yelled.

‘He’s too into this.’ Rock Lock looked disgusted.

“This is strange. It’s weird that the guy who was moving the basement hasn’t shown any movement…” Eraser Head said out loud.

“Now that you mention it, nothing’s twisting or turning.” Rōtasu noticed.

“If he isn’t putting any obstacles in our way while we’re running, then our opponent might not be able to observe and control the whole basement. There’s the police squad that remained above, too. Maybe he’s focusing his attention on them.” Eraser Head explained.

“Are you saying that he’s limited in the area he can keep tabs on?” Rock Lock asked Eraser Head.

“It’s just a prediction. He went into the basement to control it. If it’s not that he has been assimilated into it, but that he’s moving around inside the walls to see and hear what’s going on, then when he’s manipulating the basement, it’s possible that his body is also close.” Eraser Head told Rock Lock.

Mimic was watching Suneater and the three in the room, narrowing his eyes, “I can’t believe they only stopped one of them! Even if they’re trash, all three of them are strong.”

“If an eye or ear from his main body is peeking through to try and block us…” Eraser Head told the group

“I see…” Mimic widened his eyes.

“Then I can see him.” Eraser Head finished.

“It’s him!” Mimic realized as he moved through the walls.

“So you're out to try and stop us. It’s hard to believe you’re sane.” Bubble Girl told the three men that jumped them while Centipeder blocked the hole.

“We’re sane. Everyone going out to fight right now is sane. If we didn’t do anything, then Overhaul would take our lives.” one man spoke up.

“Over… You’re talking about Chisaki, right?” Bubble Girl asked.

“Yeah, it’s the name he started using after the boss took ill, and he started holding real power. The boss valued the old ways of chivalry and looked for a way for yakuza to survive in these times. Unlike villains, the Hassaikai must act with chivalry.” the man explained.

“The designated villains group. The one we all loved was the boss. Calling himself by a villain-like name… Bringing in villains… Making decisions on his own that go against the will of the members… That guy’s been doing whatever he wants.” the man said about Overhaul.

“The boss becoming unable to say anything is also definitely-” another added.

“Hey.” the other whispered.

“Even though you hate him, you don’t seem to think he’ll be caught.” Bubble Girl commented.

“Yeah… Listen, the ones who don’t think about the future are the ones who aren’t sane. People like that… are incredibly strong.” the man continued.

Fat Gum and the heroes and policemen continued running before a part of the wall shot out, pushing Eraser Head into the other wall.

‘So the target is me, after all, huh? He doesn’t want to be seen…’ Eraser Head thought as Red Riot, Izuku and Rōtasu  ran for him.

“If those three can’t do it, then I’ll take them out for sure one by one!” Mimic declared.

Fat Gum pushed Eraser Head out of the way, taking his place.

“Fat!” Eraser Head gaped.

‘If we let this guy do what he wants, then the time Tamaki got for us’ll be wasted. Eraser, Erase this guy!’ Fat Gum begged before being pushed into the wall.

“Sorry, thanks!” Eraser Head called after him.

Fat Gum fell into a dark room before hearing and feeling something under him, getting up to see Red Riot.

“Why are you here?” Fat Gum questioned as Red Riot got up.

“I also jumped to protect Aizawa Sensei… I thought that I wouldn’t take any damage. But then, I sank into you…” Red Riot explained as he rubbed his neck.

“I guess it can’t be helped.” Fat Gum sighed before getting his guard up, warning, “More importantly, brace yourself.”

Someone’s footsteps echoed before they started running at Red Riot and Fat Gum.

‘That fist…’ Red Riot thought as he hardened himself, grinning, ‘Don’t blame me if it’s smashed to pieces!’

The wind of the guy’s punch sent Red Riot back into the wall and taking no time, started punching repeatedly at Fat Gum.

Once the man stopped, Fat Gum glanced back at Red Riot, calling, “Red…”

Red Riot sat where he dented the wall, bits and pieces of his hardened skin coming off, his arms where the guy punched bloody.

“M… My arm…!” Red Riot cringed.

“You know what I think? It’s boorish to use guns or blades in a fight. Anyone who has those can win. That’s not a real fight. It’s better to kill each other using just the power living inside you. I wonder if you understand.” the guy wondered.

“What do you think you’re doin’?!” Fat Gum demanded, about to punch the guy before a barrier appeared over him. Bringing his fist back, Fat Gum questioned, ‘Huh? A barrier? What is this?’

“Fat Gum, and a boy who can harden his body.” someone hummed as he stepped into the dim light.

The man named Rappa started punching at Fat Gum again, ripping some of his costume.

‘For this much shock to get through even my fat… It’s like a bullet…’ Fat Gum observed as Rappa jumped back.

“‘Good at defense’? They didn’t get away unscathed. Well, I guess it’s good enough that they didn’t turn into mincemeat.” Rappa commented.

‘These two weren’t on the quirk list we got… Are they outside guys? A rush attack of bullets and a barrier? This’ll be an annoying pair to fight.’ Fat Gum narrowed his eyes.

“We are a spear and a shield. In contrast, you two are a shield and a shield.” the other man explained.

“Huh? Wait, what kind of fight is that?” Rappa questioned before sighing, “Oh, well…”

“Although, I do not know if that boy over there could even be called a shield.” the barrier guy wondered, glancing at Red Riot.

‘I won’t be able to take it… I thought I’d gotten stronger…! Damn it…! Again, I’m…’ Red Riot winced at the pain.

“Don’t let go of your Unbreakable!”
Red Riot looked up, hearing Fat Gum encourage, “If even your spirit cracks, then you really have lost! When fightin’ villains, it’s a matter of how fast you can make them lose their will to fight. You can’t lose your will before them! Let’s blow these small fry away quickly and go back to the others!”

The barrier guy put up another barrier over him and Rappa, teasing, “They’re planning to beat us. Isn’t that great, Rappa?”

“You understand? What a great fat guy!” Rappa cheered. Talking to the barrier guy named Tengai, Rappa said, “I’m starting to have fun. Get rid of this. Don’t use it. It’s not like I need a Barrier in the first place.

“Don’t wallow in your own desires. Don’t forget what Master Overhaul said. This is an excellent matchup. We will win for certain with our teamwork.” Tengai told Rappa, who sighed before punching Tengai, who had another barrier around him.

“What are you planning to do, fighting maniac?” Tengai asked.

“Overjerk only did this because we were a team without asking.” Rappa reminded Tengai.

“It’s not ‘Overjerk’ it’s ‘Master Overhaul’.” Tengai corrected Rappa.

“It doesn't matter! So long as I can fight to the death, I don’t care!” Rappa argued.

“Then do what you want, if you think you can take care of them by yourself.” Tengai sighed, taking down the barrier over Rappa.

“You understand?” Rappa exclaimed.

Turning to Fat Gum, Rappa cheered, “What a great recluse!”

Rappa ran at Fat Gum, punching him repeatedly once more. Fat Gum dug his foot into the ground to hold his own while Rappa jumped back again.

‘If I close the distance between us, it’ll be impossible to dodge. On top of that, it’s such a strong shock that even with my Absorption, I get hurt. At this rate, he’ll just eat away at me slowly until I’m done. They were fightin’ earlier, but I’m sure that he’s in danger, the other guy’ll put up a barrier. When I punched that, it felt like an iron wall. It’s so strong that I won’t be able to do anythin’ about it with my power. If I don’t do anythin’ about that guy, we can’t win! And despite what I said, Kirishima took a lot of damage… I guess I have no choice but to do it. If I don’t do it right, I’ll die, but if I don’t, I’ll die for sure!’ Fat Gum glared at Rappa and Tengai.

“Fat…” Red Riot uttered.

“He called you Rappa, right? It’s been a while since any attack’s had an effect on me. I was a hardcore martial arts guy back in the day, too. Let’s see if you’ll stop being able to raise your arm first, or if I’ll stop being able to take your hits first- Spear and shield- Let’s have a match to see which is stronger, Rappa!” Fat Gum declared.

“You really are a great fat guy!” Rappa beamed. Shouting at Tengai, Rappa asked, “Tengai, what about your Barrier?”

“I won’t put it up.” Tengai answered.

“Yeah! You guys are all great guys!” Rappa jumped at Fat Gum, punching him repeatedly again.

‘Fat… Protecting me… Even though he isn’t able to completely withstand the attack… What am I doing? Feeling like I’d gotten stronger! Jumping out with my ultimate move and having it ripped through so easily! Ending up just getting in the way!’ Red Riot gritted his teeth as blood rolled down his arms and face.

‘Oh, man this hurts! He’s getting faster and faster! Maybe I won’t make it in time?!’ Fat Gum thought until Rappa jumped back again.

“Don’t disappoint me, fat guy! Don’t pass out on me yet! My shoulder’s finally warmed up!” Rappa yelled as he continued his punching.

‘What… can I do? What can I do right now?! Fat Gum’s gonna die! Because of me! Don’t you have anything, boring bastard?! Don’t you have anything left after they break through your Hardening?!’ Red Riot pleaded with himself before choking, ‘Can’t you do anything?’

“He is already done for. His eyes are filled with fear.” Tengai hummed about Red Riot.

‘Nothing’s changed… since back then… Nothing…’ Red Riot choked.

‘Mustafa Private Middle School’

“So you have a quirk that can change leaves into money. That’s a great quirk.” a student told a younger classmate while he and his friend hold some leaves.

“Make these leaves into 10,000 yen bills. We’re short on cash this month.” the other ordered.

“Paper bills aren’t allowed! Besides, they turn back to leaves right away!” the younger students explained nervously.

“No one will know if we use them before they change back, right?” the student asked.

“No… I told you I wouldn’t do it…!” the younger student sweated.

“Hey, you trying to scare the underclassmen to make some chump change? That’s not manly, you know!” Kirishima with black hair exclaimed at the two.

One of the students hit Kirishima in the head with a medium-sized rock.

“He's not that strong. His quirk just makes him a little harder.” the students who threw the rock observed while Kirishima held his head.

“Bastard!” Kirishima told the two.

“Let’s go.” the students sighed as he and the other walked away with the younger student.

“Hey, wait a minute!” Kirishima shouted.

“Forget it, Ei.”

Two of Kirishima’s friends popped out of the bushes, Kirishima gaping, “You were watching?!”

“You’re sticking your neck out for something annoying again.” one told Kirishima.

“It doesn’t matter what your quirk is if you’ve got a chivalrous heart! That’s what the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot would say!” Kirishima explained.

“We keep telling you, that’s too old.” the other friend sighed.

“Pros say your body moves before you can think!” Kirishima told them.

“What’re they saying?” Kirishima questioned as Ashido and the three students talked before Ashido started dancing.

“Doesn’t it look like they’re becoming friends?” one friend asked before all four of them started dancing.

“They’ve started break dancing.” Kirishima observed before Ashido waved them goodbye, Kirishima gaping, “They left! Peacefully!”

“What just happened…?” Kirishima’s friend grinned.

Two girls called out to Ashido, saying, “Mina, there you are!”

“Hey, do you wanna go to the store today?” the other girl asked.

“Yeah!” Ashido cheered, the three of them running out of the school.

“I heard Ashido’s applying for U.A.” one friend told Kirishima.

“Huh?!” Kirishima gasped.

“She’s got great reflexes and gets along well with people. Her quirk’s strong, and she looks super flashy.” the other friend added.

“Heroes sure have changed these days. They consider things like entertainment and approval ratings.” Kirishima’s friends leaned on him, talking about heroes.

“That’s why she’s cut out to be a hero.” the other friend yawned.

‘Compared to that… My quirk is Hardening. And it’s just a little. Honestly, it’s boring.’ Kirishima thought to himself.

‘With chivalry in your heart, it doesn’t matter what your quirk is. You just need to train your body as hard as you can to cover for your quirk with your spirit.’ Kirishima encouraged himself.

‘That's what I thought, but…’ Kirishima sighed.

“What should we do for high school? Maybe I’ll apply to the famous U.A., too!” Kirishima’s friend teased as he, Kirishima and the other as they walked through the halls of their school.

“Idiot. Becoming a hero is impossible from the start for us normal people.” the other told him before asking Kirishima, “What about you, Ei?”

After school, Kirishima walked home while glancing at his high school application, his first choice written down as ‘U.A. High School’

‘Honestly, it’s lame, but seeing someone like Ashido makes me think, if only I had a flashier quirk…’ Kirishima thought before shoving the paper in his pocket.

‘Would I be able to say I’m applying for the hero course- for U.A.- with confidence?’ Kirishima asked himself until he stopped walking, his eyes widening as he looked to his left to see Ashido’s friends from earlier, a giant standing over them.

‘What… is that…?’ Kirishima gaped.

“Where’s the Springer Hero Agency?” the giant asked the two girls, who stood in fear. When they didn’t speak, the giant questioned, “You’re not going to tell me?”

As he made a dent in the building that he cornered the girls in, debris fell near the two, making them hug each other.
‘Crap, why aren’t there ever any heroes patrolling at times like these?’

Kirishima thought as he looked around, seeing people running, begging, ‘Someone...no…’

Kirishima dropped his bag, frozen as he thought, ‘You go…!’

“Why won’t you tell me…?” the giant demanded.

‘Go…! I said, go!’ Kirishima pleaded with himself.

Ashido slid in between her friends and the giant, making Kirishima gap as she answered the giant, “Turn that corner and then make a left at the big street! The agency’s about two kilometers down that street!”

The giant stared at Ashido before thanking, “Thanks.”

As he started walking away from the girls, the giant hummed, “Everything is for my master.”

Ashido fell on her knees before crying while her friends hugged her.

“Ah, that was so scary!” Ashido cried.

“Mina, thank you…! If you hadn’t come, I’m sure he would’ve killed us!” one girl exclaimed.

“I lied and sent him to the police, so let’s hurry and run away!” Ashido told them while Kirishima watched them.

‘Why… didn’t I go…?’ Kirishima asked himself.

Kirishima sat in his room, looking over his high school choice of U.A. High.

‘In the spring, a middle schooler the same age as me became famous for resisting a powerful villain. That was the part that everyone talked about, but according to witnesses, right before All Might appeared, a middle schooler who looked like his friend rushed out.’ Kirishima thought to himself about the sludge incident.

‘-not covering for anything with my spirit. When you’re really scared… When your life is really on the line… Your true colors show. Facing a life or death situation and being able to take a step on top of that is what makes someone hero material.’ Kirishima thought as he crossed out ‘U.A. High School’ on his paper. When the pencil lead cracked, Kirishima stopped, telling himself, ‘I’m not even a man, let alone a hero… According to my mom, the first time my quirk appeared, I accidentally cut my eye. Apparently, for a while after that, I sobbed that I hated my quirk. It’s not that big of a deal, but thinking about it now, I probably admired him because I hated my own quirk. He had a similar quirk and proudly risked his life as a hero.’
Kirishima threw a book at his shelf, knocking a few things down.

“That’s not it, is it?”
Kirishima jumped a little as a hologram of Crimson Riot in an interview played behind him.

“I-I’m sorry!” a woman interviewing Crimson Riot apologized.

“Oh…” Kirishima glanced back at the recording, thinking, ‘It’s the supplement of great heroes I asked for my birthday a long time ago. Is this my first time watching…?’

“Well then, let’s start the questions.” the woman said.

“Right, hit me!” Crimson Riot replied.

“Even compared to other heroes, you give the impression of rushing headlong into things. Do you ever feel fear about throwing yourself into danger?” the woman asked.

“Just who do you think I am?! Of course I do! Anyone who isn’t afraid of almost certain death is just a huge idiot!” Crimson Riot exclaimed.

‘I didn’t really get it when I was in elementary school, and his words didn’t sink in. I just thought he was cool for charging full force into everything.’ Kirishima clenched his fist as he turned to watch the recording.

“When I was a sidekick, there was a time I didn’t save someone I could’ve.” Crimson Riot started.

“I know. It can’t be helped. The current rate of crime is also-” the woman replied.

“That’s not what I’m talking about! I hesitated for a second. Because my spirit was weak, I couldn’t save someone. I’m scared of villains and of dying! But I know something even scarier. The last expression of someone dying, and the pain of being unable to save them.” Crimson Riot explained.

“I know of those things, so that’s why I can jump in.” Crimson Riot finished.

“What does chivalry mean to you?” the woman asked.

“It’s the state of my heart! It’s not about having confidence or not knowing fear. I’m a hero, and that’s why I protect people! Once I’ve decided that in my heart, then it’s determining what I'd die for. Just living a life with no regrets- That’s what chivalry means to me!” Crimson Riot declared.

As Crimson Riot spoke, tears fell onto Kirishima’s fist as he listened.

Going to school the next day, Kirishima showed his friends what high school he wanted to go to.

“Ei, are you serious?” one asked.
“Yeah, I’m serious.” Kirishima nodded, vowing, ‘I won’t let the same thing happen again. I…’

Going to Ashido and her friends, Kirishima bowed, “Sorry! Back then, even though I saw you two, I was too scared to move!”

“Who is he again?” one of the girls whispered to the other.

“I think he’s from Class 1…” the other whispered back before telling Kirishima, “Don’t worry about it. Anyone would be scared. Mina’s just too amazing.”

From that day on, Kirishima trained his mind and body up until the entrance exam. He sat next to Ashido, listening to Present Mic explain the rules of the exam before smashing robots for points. A week later, Kirishima got the letter from U.A., saying that he passed, then going to his classmates to tell them.

The first day of high school came, Kirishima on his way to U.A High.

“Huh?! What’s with that hair?!” Ashido gaped as she saw Kirishima with red hair.

“You’re got horns! Like me!” Ashido bounced.

“Yeah! Don’t tease me about it.”

Kirishima told her, explaining, “I won’t regret anything anymore! I’m going to become a hero who can protect people! I’m saying goodbye to the pathetic me!”

Ashido thought back to that day Kirishima apologized, asking, “For you, what happened that day was tough, huh?”

“So what?” Kirishima muttered.

“Don’t get too eager!” Ashido jabbed at Kirishima.

“Ow! I mean, it doesn’t hurt! What the heck?” Kirishima asked her.

Ashido stopped jabbing at him, teasing, “Once you get over it completely within yourself, let me know, okay? I’ll tell everyone you were trying to look cool for high school! Hee, hee, hee!”

Kirishima smiled at Ashido saying, “Thanks.”

Red Riot clenched his fist at the memories, reminding himself, ‘I’ve been through a lot of scary things up until now. But even more than that, I’ve always been scared…’

Rappa punched Fat Gum, making him spit out blood.

“You’re kidding, right? You can still keep going, can’t you?!” Rappa asked Fat Gum.

‘I bet you thought I was a shield, but that’ll be fatal for you. All the attacks you gave me have been absorbed and sunken into my body! Because I’m usin’ so much energy to sink and suppress them, I’m burnin’ up so much fat from my shield! My defense is gettin’ thinner and thinner, but the stored-up attacks…’ Fat Gum thought as he reared his fist back, declaring, ‘...will become a spear that can punch through any shield!’

“Rappa! He’s up to something! Hurry up and finish him!” Tengai exclaimed.

‘That’s how it is, but my shield’s been cut down more than I expected… I can’t make something equal to what I’ve stored up…!’ Fat Gum smirked.

“I wanna see it! If you’re alive, then show it to me!” Rappa yelled as Red Riot slid in front of Fat Gum.

‘I won’t regret anything again! I…’ Red Riot vowed as Rappa punched him repeatedly. Digging his feet into the ground, continued, ‘...will become… a hero who can protect!’

‘He was blown away easily earlier…!’ Rappa thought to himself.

‘If it cracks, then harden it again! Bear it! Protect! Sacrifice yourself!’ Red Riot told himself.

“You’re pretty great, too!” Rappa yelled as Red Riot went to punch him before a barrier cancelled it out.

“What about the Barrier?” Rappa turned to Tengai.

“Of course I’m putting it up! Things done in vain…” Tengai replied as Red Riot started falling back, adding, “...should just fall in front of my defense.”

“It wasn’t in vain!”

Fat Gum caught Red Riot as he smirked, “Thanks much! I’ve become a great spear!”

Using the stored up energy from Rappa’s attacks, Fat Gum’s fat shrunk to abs as his fist held the ultimate punch.

“Tengai! Take down the Barrier!” Rappa yelled.

“There’s one reason for your defeat! You guys underestimated-” Fat Gum shouted.

“My greatest, hardest defense…!” Tengai declared.

“It’s no use! It’s gonna break!” Rappa exclaimed.

“You guys, and I, as well- underestimated the hero named Red Riot…” Fat Gum continued, Rappa and Tengai widening their eyes as Fat Gum finished, “...and his chivalrous spirit!”

Fat Gum broke the barrier with his punch, sending Rappa and Tengai into the wall, sending dust over him and Red Riot. When it started clearing, Red Riot opened his eyes slightly, grinning at their victory.

“In this spear-and-shield battle, we’re the winners.” Fat Gum declared.

The halls in the underground maze vibrated, Overhaul sighing, “It’s so noisy… Are those guys really doing their jobs?”

“I don’t want to say it… but it’s over for the Hassaikai.” Chrono admitted while holding Eri as they walked through the halls.

Eri however was seen taking calm breaths as she felt something riahing in between the walls.

“With the boss and I are here, the Hassaikai won’t die. Most of the underlings follow him and don’t understand my thinking. Even though I’m the one who respects the boss’ will the most. As long as we have this finished product and the serum, we can bloom again.” Overhaul assured as he held two small rectangular cases. Putting them back in his pocket, Overhaul continued, “This incident will also become a good story for the fanatics. ‘A drug heroes are afraid of-’. It sounds like something they’d like. They’d finance it happily.”

Narrowing his eyes as they passed them, Overhaul ordered, “And so… Work a little, temps.”

Toga and Twice leaned against each side of the wall.

“Okay.” Toga beamed.

“Leave it to us, Overhaul.” Twice replied.

With Himiko narrowing her eyes a bit.

'You've already got the location on where she is, Ryõba you better hurry' She thought while Telepathically talking to Ryõba who was seen dashing through the area without being seen.

"Red! Red Riot! Can you hear me?! Red!” Fat Gum exclaimed as he held Red Riot in his lap while Rappa and Tengai still laid knocked out.

Red Riot squinted open one eye. Looking up at Fat Gum, Red Riot uttered, “Wh…”

“Red!” Fat Gum shouted.

“Who are you?” Red Riot muttered.

“I’m committed to the result! Figure it out from the context!” Fat Gum exclaimed.

“I-I… Fat… I’ll protect you… I’ll do… whatever I can…” Red Riot choked out.

‘Kirishima…’ Fat Gum stared at Red Riot with concern.

“I can’t believe Tamaki would bring someone!”

Fat Gum sat in his office with a plate of food while Kirishima stood before him for the first time.

“I saw you at the sports festival! I welcome energetic kids like you! Tamaki always gets so nervous he comes in last every year.” Fat Gum told Kirishima, pointing behind him where Amajiki hung his head.

“I did my internship with Fourth Kind, and he also said that the morale of the agency goes up when there are energetic guys around.” Kirishima agreed, going on a serious note, “But… that’s all I am. And I want to be more than that. I want… to become a hero who can protect, like Crimson Riot… That’s why I kept pestering Tamaki to introduce me to you. I don’t want to be pathetic and not act when someone’s in trouble anymore.”

‘The way you worked hard you ended up like this… You’ve done enough…’ Fat Gum had tears in his eyes as he stared at Red Riot.

“Not yet.”

Fat Gum blinked back the tears as Rappa limped out of the rubble.

“It’s a battle to the death. I’m not… dead yet…!” Rappa declared.

‘He’s too tough! The barrier’s turned into cushionin’, huh? Even so…! I don’t have any more fat… And I’ve used all my stamina… What should I do?!’ Fat Gum clenched his fist.

“We can at least do first aid in the back room. Treat that ki- that man- over there.” Rappa told Fat Gum, gesturing to a door to his left.

Fat Gum stared at Rappa for a moment, confused before sighing, “Must be a trap…”

“Do I look like a man who’d set a trap?” Rappa asked.

“I've kept you under control. Follow my instructions!” Tengai shouted as he got up, holding his shoulder.

“Huh?” Rappa glanced behind him.

“Think about why a beast who only craves violence can even be in this place! What’s your duty, Ra-” Tengai explained as he walked over to Rappa.
Rappa kicked Tengai down, yelling, “You don’t even have enough strength left to put up a Barrier, do you? Then, shut up. Although, I’ve got broken bones, too, and can’t lift my arm.”

“What do you want to do?” Fat Gum demanded.

“Fight. To the death. I come from the world of MMA. You must’ve heard of it, right? A fight club where you can use quirks to the fullest. There weren’t many who could stand up after taking my fist. Those who could always started begging for their lives. You understand, right? The pain of not being able to do what you want? The power that only cares when your life’s at stake! The fight that comes from that! That’s why it was great… You guys are really great! Especially the redhead! I like you! Let’s have another rematch! Heal your wounds! I’ll kill you properly next time!” Rappa declared to Fat Gum.

“You’re gonna be arrested and put into a slammer later, you know. Do you get it? There is no next time. You’re lost.” Fat Gum explained.

“Who cares?! If no one died, then it’s a draw!” Rappa shouted, starting to walk to the door.

“It’s not a draw. Why are you tryin’ to be sportsmanlike now?” Fat Gum questioned, thinking to himself, ‘Is it the policy of an eccentric…? He’s so devoted to his urges that you know he has no ulterior motive. Either way, with these wounds, it’ll be hard to meet up with Nighteye’s group.’

Glancing down at Red Riot, Fat Gum sighed, ‘Kirishima… You called yourself pathetic at first, and seein’ that, Tamaki introduced you to me. I kind of get it now ‘Someone who knows their own weakness…’

Fat Gum picked up Red Riot in his arms as he continued thinking.

“I want to do this again properly… with that man.” Rappa said as he waited by the door.

‘I showed you a pathetic side of myself.’ Fat Gum smirked as he carried Red Riot.

‘You got acknowledged not only by me, but by the enemy.’ Fat Gum thought.

Lemillion ran down the hallway, Mimic watching him as he ran.

“One went ahead. He can be ignored.” Mimic told himself before watching Nighteye’s group, saying, “More importantly, those guys need to be stopped… There are only a few minutes left of my boost. In that case, I have to do it. We have fallen into heresy. We cannot stand still!”

“Hurry! We need to catch up to Mirio!” Nighteye told his group before stopping, along with the others.

“Th-This…” Deku uttered as the walls started moving again, exclaiming, “The ceiling! And walls! And the ground!”
“They’re coming nearer!” the officer announced as the ground started rising.

“It feels like we’ll be crushed to death!” Eraser Head said.

“We’ll be turned into meatloaf!” Rock Lock shouted as the ground started rising at them.

Red Riot laid in a make-shift bed, bandages around his upper body and arms.

“This should at least stop the bleedin’.” Fat Gum stated.

“-better already?! Let him live!” Fat Gum shouted at Rappa when he talked about killing Red Riot. Calming down, Fat Gum rubbed his neck, asking nervously, “Oh, since we’re kind of talkin’ frankly with each other now, this might be weird for a hero to ask, but Rappa, why are you stuck in a smalltime gang like this?”

“That’s ‘cause Overjerk was the only person I ever lost to.” Rappa answered.

“You lost…” Fat Gum widened her eyes.

“He told me to join, coming out of nowhere, picking a fight… Of course, I left it up to who won.”

The memory of the fight where Rappa was about to punch Overhaul, who raised his hand up, making Rappa’s upper body explode.

“And then, I died. But just when I thought that, I was back to normal.” Rappa continued.

“I lost every time. I stay here in order to beat that guy.” Rappa finished.

‘He lost every time…? Wait a minute… That means Chisaki can handle Rappa’s power and speed…?’ Fat Gum sweated, saying to Rappa, “Even though Chisaki’s so strong, he’s still left the fightin’ to his underlings. Why won’t he come out? He’s not here, right? Either run away or hide. What does Chisaki want to do?”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. Who’s telling the enemy?” Tengai, who was tied up in rope, told Fat Gum.

“Trying to rehabilitate yakuza?” Rappa answered.

“Rappa!” Tengai exclaimed.

“I don’t know the details, but I’ve overheard them talking. They said they’d distribute large numbers of something or something.” Rappa explained.

“Stop! Rappa!” Tengai shouted.

“And that they needed money for that. As long as they clear that, then the day will soon come to implement their plan.” Rappa finished.

Overhaul and Chrono with Eri continued walking through the hall, the vibrations of the halls continuing.

“These vibrations… That usually careful Irinaka. Looks like he’s getting serious.” Chrono hummed.

“We're in this fix because of your mistake!” Rock Lock yelled at Nighteye before touching the wall, shouting, “Deadbolt!”

The walls and ceiling started to slowly stop moving, Rock Lock explaining, “Things that I Lockdown get locked in place.”

‘Rock Lock. Quirk: Lockdown’

Rock Lock pressed his hand against another wall, locking it in place.

“This way! This area won’t move anymore! Don’t complain about how cramped it is! I can’t hold that many spots with this Security Max Deadbolt. This is the limit of my powers!” Rock Lock announced while the group started walking down the messed up hallway.

“I-I can’t let them through… I won’t let them through.” Mimic gritted his teeth.

“He’s coming at us again from the places I haven’t locked down!” Rock Lock yelled out as a wall to block their path headed their way.

‘One for All: Full Cowling: Shoot Style! Smash!’

Rōtasu kicked at the wall, breaking it down.

‘Concentrating the wall coming near is  into one spot and digging through.’ the officer thought to himself, muttering, “They’re like moles.”

Rōtasu breathed heavily as Rock Lock groaned, “If the Fat team were here, it’s go even more smoothly, huh, Eraser?”

“I know!” Eraser Head replied, thinking, ‘He’s pinpointing our location and aiming for it specifically. Where is he watching from? Inside the wall?’

“At this rate, it’ll only get worse! We’ll just keep getting cornered!” Rock Lock stated as another wall headed to block their way.

“This boost won’t last much longer… No, even so!” Mimic narrowed his eyes as he shot the wall at them.

Rōtasu kicked at the wall, breaking it down.

“This kid’s persistent…!” Mimic groaned.

Rōtasu jumped back onto the ground, catching his breath. ‘I’m not making any progress…’

She then looked over to Izuku and gave a nod to the boy.

"About time" with just that, he blitz towards the wall and sending a fist that caused the wall to break apart.

This got Mizuki to gasp as the wall suddenly shrank back, opening up the hallway.

“It opened up?!” She gaped.

“What are they planning this time?!” a policeman asked.

While everyone wondered what was going on, a sudden wall shot up, separating Rock Lock from the others as another wall came down on Eraser Head, Izuku and Mizuki.

Rōtasu!” Eraser Head yelled as he grabbed her out of the way but she looked over and widne her eyes when she saw Izuku not with her.

'Damn it!'

“Sorry.” Rōtasu told Eraser Head.

“Don’t worry about it.” Eraser Head replied, wondering, “But why separate us now…?”

“Hey, everyone! You okay?” a muffled voice yelled out to the police on the other side of the wall.

A policeman leaned his ear against the wall, recognizing, “It’s Rock Lock’s voice!”

“The wall isn’t that thick.” Nighteye observed.

“Did they change methods because they weren’t able to crush us to death?” a policeman asked.

“It makes it easier for us to move, but…” another responded.

“But there will be more than enough to make up for it, I’m sure.” Nighteye explained before yelling out to everyone, “Be careful! It’s coming. The next move!”

‘Be quiet. Whose fault is that?’ Rock Lock thought to himself, Toga sneaking up behind him with a knife.
Rock Lock glanced back, gaping, “This is…!”

Toga stabbed the knife through Rock Lock’s hand.

“Huh?” Toga stumbled as Rock Lock used his quirk on the knife.

“The League of Villains!” Rock Lock shouted as he punched Toga, finding to his surprise that it wasn’t the real Toga, but sludge as a hand went over his mouth.

“Sh! You’re wrong.” Toga shushed him as she stabbed him in the back with her knife. 

“I’m Toga from the organized crime group that’s obsolete and should be a protected species. We’re the bad guys.” Toga grinned.

“Rock! What’s wrong?” Eraser Head yelled at the wall.

“Eraser! Please move aside!” Rōtasu instructed before kicking the wall down. Rōtasu and Eraser Head went through the hole in the wall, Rōtasu calling, “Rock Lock!”

Rōtasu and Eraser Head stared ahead as Rock Lock stood over another Rock Lock with blood coming from his back.

“A fake suddenly appeared and attacked me! Be careful! They’ve got new troops! They’ll appear again soon!” Rock Lock explained as Eraser Head ran over to the Rock Lock laying on the floor.

‘A knife wound…’ Eraser Head narrowed his eyes.

“Yagi, are you okay?” Rock Lock asked Rōtasu as he ran over.

“Yes! We should hurry after Chisaki’s-” Rōtasu  replied.

‘A fake… A knife wound…’ Eraser Head turned to the other Rock Rock.

‘We do not believe they have a good relationship with the League.’

Rock Lock suddenly pulled out a knife at Rōtasu, making him gap in horror.
Eraser Head’s eyes flashed red as he understood, ‘I see it all!’

Sludge came off of Rock Lock, revealing Toga.

"Himiko Toga!?" Rōtasu screamed out in surprise.

“Yeah, it’s me, Toga!” Toga announced as she tried to stab Mizuki. While the girl dodged Toga’s knife, she beamed, “You remember me? Oh, I’m so happy to see you again! So happy! Mizuki, I’m so happy!”

Eraser Head wrapped Toga up in his scarf, stopping her from going near Mizuki.

‘This is bad. No, if we stop her here, we could turn it around!’ Eraser Head thought before shouting at Toga, “That’s it for you, Himiko Toga.”

Toga glared at Eraser Head as she used his scarf to swing herself back, stabbing Eraser Head in the back.

Eraser Head pulled out his own knife, about to swing it at Toga before she unwrapped herself from his scarf, slid away as a wall separated them.

‘This teamwork… The League and the Hassaikai have a framework for cooperation set up… Was the temporary opening and change of strategy to put the League in…?’ Eraser Head thought to himself while Rōtasu ran over to him.

“Aizawa Sensei!” She called.

“I’m fine. More importantly, stop Rock Lock’s bleeding and get the knife. I’ve heard that Toga uses blood.” Eraser Head instructed Mizuki as he put his knife away.

“Yes, sir!” She ran over to where Toga dropped her knife while Eraser Head held where he’d been stabbed.

‘After hearing that people had died during their fight, I’d eliminated the possibility. Based on Shigaraki’s personality, I didn’t think he’d put himself under someone.’ Eraser Head gritted his teeth.

Mizuki picked up the knife, staring at it as she thought, ‘That body handling… That transformation… It was the same as that time… You’ve got to be kidding me… What are you planning, League of Villains?!’

Toga sat next to her clothes, holding her shirt as she blushed, “I’m glad I came.”

"Then I'm glad I ran into you, Himiko"

She looked over towards the one said that and saw that it was Izuku who was coated in curse energy.

"My King~" She cooed.

"Is everything going as plan?" He asked with Himiko telling part of the plan succeeded which he nods his head.

"Alright, continue on" he simply said but not before capturing the girls lips with his own and left the girl to blush even more.

Chapter End.
This arc is gonna be a whiel to finish but hope you enjoy part of it even though it doesn't show much Izuku nor the interaction with Sukuna and Hitachi but anyways stay safe and peace out.

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