š„ š šˆ š“ šŽ šŒ š„ || šŠ.š...

By ktsukkii

103K 2.3K 4.6K

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1.3K 34 97
By ktsukkii

Word count: 4415


"C-Calm down, Y/N!"

"Yes, let's think rationally, L/N."

You stare at Izuku and Todoroki, "You're all fucking helpless extras, stop talking to me and get the fuck out of my way before I make you!", you say as you prepare to fight them to get through.

They move out of the way, Izuku jumping and shaking as Todoroki looks at you with pity. You prepare to run before you realize you can't use your quirk.

You turn around, your jaw dropping as you see Aizawa with his quirk activated. "I'm not letting go until you calm down."

You grind your teeth, digging your nails into your palms. "Let me go.. I'm calm, I swear." You tell him as you put your hands up in defense.

"Nice try. We're going back to camp now." Aizawa says as he wraps his scarf around you, dragging you with him.

"GET THIS OFF OF ME! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ONCE YOU LET ME GO!" You yell as you squirm and wiggle to try and pry yourself free.

Todoroki and Izuku wrap their arms with yours, preventing you from struggling further. You look at them with shock, laughing bitterly as you look at Todoroki.

"Get your fucking hands off of me, Todoroki. You wouldn't want me to put my hands on you and cause another Villain to come from your family, huh?" You say with a scoff as he glares at you.

"What are you talking about, L/N?" He asks, keeping his face straight but his eyes laced with curiosity.

"You don't find it curious how that Villain has a fire quirk just like your dear old daddy, and he teases you? Figure it out for yourself if you're so bright." You laugh as his grip around your arm gets stronger.

"What the hell is that suppos-"

"Ignore her. She's trying to get a reaction out of you. Y/N, think sensibly right now." Aizawa scolds as Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Yaoyorozu appear in front of you.

They all boggle their eyes at your state, Ochaco tilting her head. "She reminds me of Bakugo.. speaking of Bakugo.." Ochaco says as her face drops.

"Get his name out of your useless fucking mouth! None of you all helped at all to get him back!" You spit out, the binding cloth getting tighter.

"T-That's n-not true Y/N!" Izuku says with a more stern look. "How do you think I feel right now? Can you for once think about others?!"

Izuku has tears in his eyes, his grip on you shaky with rage. You scoff at him, "Take your fuckin quirk off of me, Aizawa. I'll kill you all right now to show how little you extras fucking matter."

"No can do Y/N. You're out of control, you need to calm down." Aizawa once again states, ignoring your demands.

You can feel Izuku's grip getting tighter, barely being able to glance at him before you see him head-butt you.

Then it all went dark.


You wake up, looking around the room to find yourself in the U.A. nurse room. You remember what happened, immediately sitting up as Recovery Girl comes towards you.

"Oh you're awake dear! Thankfully you had no injuries for me to heal, you just needed some rest seeing how much you stressed yourself out." She said to you as she gave you a piece of chocolate.

"I don't have time for this." You say as you prepare to teleport away, cursing yourself when you realize you can't.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE AIZAWA, GET THIS SHIT OFF OF ME!" You shout, Aizawa appearing from behind the curtain.

"No, Y/N. You're still not calm enough for me to trust you to be by yourself." He said as you scoffed, "I would never forgive myself if something happened to you because you're being reckless."

"Oh yeah? And what're you going to do about this? Go erase some Villain's quirk and that's it?" You say, grinding your teeth.

Aizawa sighs, "No, actually, I came here for a more important reason. We plan to get as much Heroes together as we can, and then go get Bakugo back."

You eye him curiously, a stern look still on your face. "How do you plan to do that?"

"The police got information from civilians saying they've seen the patch-face Villain coming in and out of an abandoned building." Aizawa states.

"Your classmate, Yaoyorozu, also put a tracker on the Nomu, allowing us to know if the League has moved yet or not.

Once we gather enough Heroes, which should be in a couple hours, we will devise a plan and get Bakugo back." He says, scanning your face for a reaction.

"I'll come along, only because you're gonna make me, but I'm working by myself. I don't need any of your weak "Pro Hero" help." You say as Aizawa sighs.

"Good enough, let's get going now." Aizawa leads you out the door, never taking his eyes off of you.

The two of you get in an all black car, the tints on the window being pitch black. Aizawa lets you enter, telling the driver something as he steps away from the car.

"I trust you from here on out, Y/N. If you truly want to get Bakugo back, you will know to act sensibly. I have an interview to attend, please wait with the other Heroes until I'm finished." He tells you as the driver rolls the window up.

You click your tongue, looking out the window as the driver begins to drive you towards the Heroes. 'Like any of them can do shit.. only All Might can.'

Once you reach the building, you find Endeavor waiting outside to lead you into it. You scoff, looking at the man distastefully.

"Come, L/N. I know you will be of more use than a majority of the Heroes here." He says as he walks inside. 'At least he knows.'

Upon entering the room, you see All Might, Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, Gran Torino, and a lot of military men. You almost laugh at their choice of Heroes.

Endeavor begins to speak, your interest piquing at the sound of voices coming through a television. You look, seeing Best Jeanist talking with Gang Orca.

Behind those two, you see Mt.Lady and Tiger. You dig your nails into your palms, grinding your teeth at their selection of Heroes. 'Mt.Lady out of everyone?!'

"Bakugo was very stubborn during his internship with me. Knowing him, he's most certainly fighting back right now." Best Jeanist says as Gang Orca looks surprised.

"The interview with the principal, Eraser Head, and Vlad King just ended. We had the principal feign a sign of stress so we can get the upper hand and sneak attack the Villains." One of the detectives in your room says.

"Due to a tracking device one of the students placed down, we have the locations of all their hideouts. With witness reports, we know where the victim is.

This is merely a race against time. We will send one group to the hideout where the victim is, AKA All Might's group, and the other to their second hideout, AKA Best Jeanist's group." The detective finishes.

"Hey, show me where Katsuki is." You tell the detective as he eyes you.

"Woah! Why is a student there? You guys aren't seriously planning on letting her fight.. are you?" You hear Mt.Lady ask as she looks confused.

"We will discuss that nex-"

"And if they are? What about it?" You ask, bringing your face closer to the television.

"I don't think that's right. I mean.. you don't even have a Hero license! You'll just get yourself hurt!" Mt.Lady exclaims as she shakes her head.

You laugh at her words, "And what the fuck makes you think you have a better chance than I do? Your power level is a whopping fucking 100!", you say as you scoff at her.

"Power level? I'm not sure I know what you're talking about.. I'm not trying to be rude! I don't believe you should be allowed to fight or even be here!" She says as her eyes soften looking at you.

"Stop kissing my fuckin ass and shut up. It's Heroes like you that are the reason Katsuki's fucking kidnapped anyways, you're all useless pieces of shit besides Endeavor and All Might." You scowl as Endeavor gets in front of you and stops you from speaking any further.

"Bakugo is at this location, L/N. We plan to head out there as soon as possible." The detective from before states.

You check your phone, the time reading, '8:41', as you click your tongue. "If you don't move now it'll be too late. Thanks for the location I'll get him myself."

Before the Heroes can say anything, you've teleported away from the building and in front of the one where Katsuki is being held.

Your legs shake, your heart hurting for Katsuki having been taken to such a terrible place. You knock on the door, hearing muffled voices inside as one of them opens the door.

The second you can see Patch-face in vision, you exert a large blast from your hands. You immediately put a force field around yourself, looking to your left to find Katsuki standing there frozen.

"KATSUKI!" You yell as you wrap the force field around the two of you, engulfing him in your arms.

Katsuki holds you tightly, kissing the top of your head. "Tch, why the fuck are you here? You're gonna get yourself hurt.." He says as he pulls back and looks into your eyes.

You cross your arms with a huff, "You should know best that I am the strongest person in this room.", you reply as you stick your tongue out.

"Strongest person.. huh? You've always been a bump in our plans.. Y/N." Patch-face says as he starts to violently scratch his neck.

You've looked at his stats before to know his name is Shigaraki, and exactly what his power level and quirk are, yet Patch-face just seems so fitting.

"If I've always been a bump, do something about it then. You're all so weak to go after Katsuki and have to kidnap him." You say as Toga squeals.

"You're as cool as ever Y/N! Please please please Shigaraki can we keep her too?!" Toga exclaims as she almost drools from delight.

"Shut up.. Boss wouldn't like that.. he wants her dead, and he wants her quirk to be his." Shigaraki explains, the scratching on his neck never faltering.

"Yes! Boss wouldn't like that!" "No but she's so cool!" "Shut up! She's our enemy!" "Oh God I love her quirk!" The two-faced villain begins once again.

"Shut up, Twice. Learn to control that thing you have going on." Dabi, or Touya, says.

"Funny that you're talking, Dabi." You say as his eyes twitch while he looks over at you.

"How the hell do you know my name? Keep it out of your filthy mouth." He snarls, little blue flames leaving his palms.

"Oh but is that really your name? You know, one of the cool things about my quirk is it allows me to know everyone's name, their quirk, their power level, and their strongest skill.

The funny thing is, it shows me your fake name right beside your real name. So I know that Shigaraki's name is actually Tenko Shimura." You say as Shigaraki's scratching halts.

"I know that Twice's actual name is Jin Bubaigawara, and the same goes for every one of you here. So, Dabi, should I call you Touya from now on? Or would you prefer Todoroki?" You say with a crazy smile on your face, wanting to laugh at his reaction.

His breathing stops, flames engulfing his arms as the room turns extremely hot. The villains stare at him, Shigaraki even looking surprised.

"Todoroki?" Katsuki asks as he looks at you shocked. "That's that half-and-half bastards name, right?"

You nod with a giggle, "Endeavor's son. Such a shame to see what you've become, Touya. If only I could figure out why.. I wonder how Endeavor'll react and Shoto."

"YOU KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT OR I'LL MAKE YOU!" Dabi shouts as he blasts a large wall of flames towards you.

It hits your force field, doing ultimately nothing as you giggle. Katsuki looks at you like you're crazy, he falling more in love with this daring, fearless side of you.

"Your quirk looks fun, let's fight!" You say as you drop the force field, only putting it around Katsuki and walking towards Dabi.

You check your mana, pleased to know you've only wasted 5. '245 left should be enough to deal with the League.'

As soon as you take a step forward, gooey stuff spawns in the air, around all of you, engulfing you guys and going in your mouth.

'No.. KATSUKI!' You want to say as the gooey stuff teleports you and the League somewhere random.

"Nice to finally meet you, Y/N." You hear a voice right behind you.

If your quirk didn't have a built in safety system, you'd probably be dead. Your quirk immediately makes you use Ghost, falling into the ground as you emerge far away from the random man.

"Ahh, how I love that quirk so much. You have no idea just how useful you can be, Y/N. I need you." He says, blowing a huge gust of wind at you.

You put your force field up, seeing your life flash before your eyes as your force field breaks immediately and knocks you down.

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You feel yourself lose all the breath in your lungs, ignoring the glitch in your quirk and focusing on the man in front of you. 'Just what the hell is he?'

"Stop moving so much, just let nature run its course." The man says as he shoots out something towards you.

You barely dodge out of the way, making sure it doesn't puncture your stomach. You scream out in pain, the object piercing your arm and sticking straight through it.

"We can be cordial about this, Y/N. Just come here, be good and listen." The man says as he sends out more objects to pierce your skin.

You teleport far away from the guy, forgetting most of your abilities as your mind is foggy. You can't get a second to think straight as he reappears just as quickly as you had teleported.

"You can't get away from me, Y/N. That girl, her quirk Search has become one that is very useful to me. I'll find you no matter where you go." He says, his arm growing in size and strength as he throws a punch out towards you.

You slip through the ground, his punch sending shock waves throughout the ground that rattle your head. You cry out in pain, not being able to gain even a second to think.

Your arm throbs, your attention being brought back towards the object piercing your arm. You rip it out, biting your lip to suppress your screams as you use your Healing ability on your arm.

By staying in the ground, you've deducted that there's no possible way for him to get to you unless he digs through the ground.

"Oh come on Y/N.. you're going to be like that? You realize you're going to have to come out eventually. I can still see where you are underground." He says as he punches the ground again and creates a meteor in it.

Your head feels like it's splitting in two, knowing you'll either have to emerge from the ground or continue this abuse on your head. As soon as you decide to emerge, those things spring out towards your torso again.

'No chance I'm dodging this one.. it can't be helped that his strength level is 400 more than mine..' You think as you prepare yourself for what's next.

Just as the object is about to puncture you, you're immediately pushed out of the way by something. You look up, the unknown man now far away from you and someone new by your side.

"You should have waited with the rest of the Heroes, L/N." You recognize Gran Torino's voice, almost crying out with relief.

"Katsuki.. where is he?!" You exclaim as you grab Gran Torino's arm.

"You should be more focused on yourself.." He mumbles, "Bakugo is the one who lead us here, he's safe."

'Us?' "Who's us?" You ask as you look around and notice the Pro Heroes from before surrounding the League and that man.

"All Might is here, you can rest assured, don't get involved any further. It will be much more serious and difficult if All For One gets a hold of your quirk." Gran Torino says as he excuses himself and goes towards All Might.

'Take my quirk.. that's who Mr.Compress was talking about.. that's their boss. His name is All For One..' You think as chills run down your spine upon thinking about him.

You feel the entire ground shake, a gust of wind blowing you to the ground. You look up and notice All For One has blown All Might through the buildings.

You can feel your heart sink knowing All Might's strength level is lower than All For One's by at least 100. You feel your heart sink again at the fact the Heroes are nowhere to be found.

When you look closer, you notice most of them knocked out by the huge gust of wind All For One had put out. You immediately teleport to Katsuki, the League surrounding him.

"KATSUKI!" You say, putting a force field around the two of you.


'What? I used 200 mana during my encounter with All For One?!' You think to yourself, almost feeling like crying at just how much of a threat he is.

"Y/N.. you're okay." Katsuki says as he hugs you tightly, "Tch, fucking idiot you had me scared."

You smile at that, finding comfort in his harsh words. 'That's right.. I have Katsuki. There's no reason to worry or cry as long as I have him.'

"I'll always be okay. You're the one I was worried about." You say as he rolls his eyes.

"If that old hag hadn't come, you would've been dead. Let's kill these fuckin small fry and get the hell out of here." Katsuki says as he kisses your forehead.

"Yes sir!" You salute jokingly, lightening the mood.

You release your force field, the League groaning. "I can't stand you two.. I despise you.. and I destroy everything I don't like." Shigaraki states as he and the rest of the League attack you two.

You try your best to hold up against their attacks, knowing Katsuki needs you. There's six of them and two of you.. your mana levels are dropping too fast for this.

You badly want to just teleport you and Katsuki out of there, but you know you wouldn't be left with any more mana and would be rendered useless until you can sleep.

"Katsuki.. I can't go on any longer." You say as Toga tries to take a stab at you again.

Katsuki blasts her out of the way immediately, "THE HELL YOU TALKING ABOUT?! YOU'RE THE STRONGEST PERSON I KNOW, Y/N. GET THE FUCK UP AND MOVE YOUR ASS!" He yells as he blasts Mr.Compress away from you too.

"My mana.." You say as you put a small force field around you and stand there.


You already know from experience that once your mana levels start dropping crucially low, your body gives out and forces you to rest. 'I can't have that happen.. not while Katsuki is in danger.'

Then, as if God could hear your pleads, you see a huge ice mountain be made in front of you. You don't even have time to think before you see Izuku, Iida, and Kirishima fly out from above it.

You want to move, but your body is telling you no. You see Kirishima reach out for Katsuki, telling him to come. You stand there as Katsuki looks at you.

He immediately blasts through your force field, breaking it and grabbing your waist. He wraps an arm around you and blasts his way up to Kirishima.

Kirishima grabs Katsuki, all of you flying away as Katsuki looks at you once again. You don't even pay attention to Mr.Compress attempting to get you all as you only focus on Katsuki.

You all make it to the front of the station, Heroes and police officers evacuating civilians to that area. You see Todoroki and Yaoyorozu up ahead, Kirishima waving them down.

You all stop in front of a big television, Katsuki's grip on your waist still being strong and tight. He looks at you with worry evident in his eyes.

"Stop trying to act all tough." Katsuki states. "If you need to sleep, sleep now."

"I can't. Not until you're in a safe enough place for me to be completely sure you won't ever get taken by them again." You say as you rest your head against his chest and listen to his uneven breathing.

Katsuki holds you tightly against him, lifting your head so he can kiss you gently on the lips. Your peace with Katsuki is interrupted by the television in front of you all turning on.

A news channel is broadcasting All Might's fight with All For One. Katsuki's demeanor automatically changes as he stares at the screen intently.

You give your best effort to pay attention to the screen, your attention not being caught until All For One sends out a huge blast at All Might again, creating a big smokescreen.

The gasp you let out is one containing fear as All Might's true form is revealed. The entire crowd around you lets out noises of shock. You lock eyes with Izuku and notice his fear stricken face.

All For One and All Might exchange words that can't be heard, All Might's reaction being one of anger. 'I need to help him.. I have to.'

As soon as you try to use your quirk, you feel yourself almost being forced into a slumber.


Your jaw drops, wanting to scream at your quirk as you feel your eyelids droop. You can see Katsuki give you a confused look as you go rag doll in his arms and pass out.


You wake up confused, looking around an all too familiar room. You kick something at the edge of the bed, it grunting as you quirk a brow. 'The hell is that?'

Katsuki puts his Switch down immediately, engulfing you in a hug. You hug him back tightly, a smile gracing your features.

"Stop fucking scaring me. You're gonna give me a heart attack one day." Katsuki scoffs as he flicks your forehead.

You pout, rubbing the spot on your forehead, "I can't have you getting yourself hurt again. Just stop being weak.", you joke as he rolls his eyes.

He switches positions with you, sitting with his back against the wall as he places you on his lap. He kisses you softly as his hands knead your waist.

You can feel all his emotions through this one kiss, his lips feelings as soft as ever against yours. He pulls your body down against his, not leaving a gap between the two of you.

He doesn't stop kissing you, you having to pry him off of you to breathe. When you pull away, you can see the hurt in his eyes.

"I have to breathe, you know." You say as he kisses you once more.

"I don't want to let go of you ever again." He replies, his hands massaging your thighs.

"You won't have to. I'll always be by your side, and if you leave me again, I'll continue to find you once more." You answer as his hands grip your thighs tightly.

"Ow, Katsuki! Let go-"

"I'm so fucking weak.. if I could have been stronger then All Might wouldn't have had to save me!" He exclaims, his eyes being glossy.

You feel your heart ache at your boyfriend's words. "That's not true. All Might would have had to fight All For One eventually.. it's better that he fought him now that he was weaker."

"Yeah, but it's all because of me. Fucking Deku had to be the one to save me again! That useless fucking nerd!" Katsuki goes on, tears falling out of his eyes.

"All Might can't do shit anymore because of me.. because I allowed myself to get kidnapped by those fucking small fry!" He says as he lowers his head.

You bring his head back up, wiping his tears away with your thumbs. You kiss his lips softly as you rest your forehead against his.

"You're the strongest person I know, Katsuki. Keep your chin up, literally, nothing that happened was your fault at all. All Might is a Hero because he's meant to save people.

So shut up and stop being a crybaby like Deku." You say as his face goes from crying to one of disgust.

"Tch, don't compare me to that fucking no-life, Hero obsessed, loser." Katsuki says as he rests his head on your chest.

You ignore his insults, allowing him to relax and keep calm. His breathing slows as he hugs you against him with a more loose grip.

"We're going out tomorrow." Katsuki states, immediately falling asleep after.

You giggle at that, kissing the top of his head as you rest on top of his. Even after sleeping for a whole day, as long as you're with Katsuki you could do anything and never get bored.

"I love you." You whisper as you close your eyes and rest, unknowing of Katsuki's smile on his face.


hope you all enjoyed the chapter as always :)

currently going to pass tf out but i hope i can get my writing streak back and get off of the short block i had

these next chapters will be very fun to write and hopefully to read :)

i love u all

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