I Can Do It With A Broken Hea...

Por rissarosewrites

31.1K 2K 141

Even after threatening to kill Joffrey many times, Cersei still thought Rieka Stark a good option in brides f... M谩s

1. Boys Like You
2. Wrong Woman
3. Dying
4.Death do You Part
5. Wisdom has been Chasing You
6. Chop, Chop, Joff
7. Plotting
8. The Killing
9. Haunting
10. I Can Fix Him
11. Heart to Give
12. Rubbing Off
13. Trust Me
14. Falling for You
15 Pay Up
16. In My Bed
17. Rebuild
18. Our Child
19. The Correct Answer
20. Dragonglass
21. Westeros is Closed
22. Take the Win
23. Greg? Greg. Not Greg
24. Karma
25. Dominate
27. I Told You So
28. Risk
29. Ravenous

26. Petyr

765 56 1
Por rissarosewrites

"I wanted to speak to my uncle." Joffrey remarked. "Did you see where he went?"

"No- to the left! Come on im pregnant! Dont make me climb up there Gregor!" Rieka demanded.

"I need to talk to him about..." joffrey sighed. "What he did with my mother was awful." Rieka never thought joffrey would admit his bastard status. "Despicable. But I am king."

"Your father was a shit head and treated your mother like a baby maker and nothing more. Jaime gave her love. A love she deserved. Dont be to harsh on him." Rieka requested. "He always looked out for you. Tried his best to be there for you. Train you. Isnt that worth something?" Joffrey found jaime in the courtyard with tywin and hesitated. "Up to you." Rieka added. Joffrey kissed her before marching off.

"Uncle I need a word." Joffrey commanded. Tywin headed off and jaime hesitated glancing to rieka her face was a look of yikes. She tried to cover it with an awkward smile.

"The great hall is a better location." Tywin admitted. "You were right."

"I know." Rieka agreed. "Help them with the windows. Gregor is helpless up there."

Joffrey stared back at his uncle and realized he didnt care. He was king and jaime was a good uncle. Joffrey hugged him.

"Thank you for always looking out for me uncle."

"You're welcome, Joff."

"I can hold a sword." Rickon countered. "I'm not useless." 

"of course not." Rieka agreed. "But..."


"I want you protecting those in the great hall! You can hold a sword and be my brave man." Rieka clarified. 

''Thank you?' Meera questioned angrily.

''For helping me.' Bran clarified.

''My brother died for you. Hodor and Summer died for you. I almost died for you Brandon!''

''I'm not really Brandon.' he told her 'not anymore. I remember what it felt like to be Brandon Stark I don't remember so much else now.'

'You died in that cave,' she told him turning and leaving the door slamming closed behind her.

"What did you do to piss off your girlfriend Bran?" Rieka questioned pushing open the door.

"Lived." Bran offered. 

"Vauge, okay." Rieka agreed. "What's that?"

"A blade." Bran said holding it out and he saw the look of recognition pass her eyes.

"A blade you say?" Rieka pondered. "Not a blade that tried to kill you or the blade that started this war, just," She shrugged. "A blade." 

"You know it." Bran agreed. She touched it gently as she took it from him.

"This blade almost killed you. Mother blamed Tyrion and we were on this awful journey to looney aunt Lysa because mother lost her fucking marbles when you almost died." Rieka agreed. "So yeah, I know it." Rieka added. "Who gave this to you?"

"Petyr Baelish."

"How did Petyr get it?"

'It could be our last night in the world...' Tormond told Brienne with a mischievous look.

'Yes I am glad you are here... glad you are at winterfell fighting with us.' Brienne told him, awkwardly.

'They call you king killer,' Tormond said to Jaime

'I'm sure someone does' Jaime agreed glancing to Joffrey. "But I protect my king." Joffrey thought it was good to bond with his family. He didnt want to but okay- rieka thought it was good for them to bond. 

'They call me giants bane. Want to know why?' Tormond asked pulling up a chair 'I killed a giant when I was 10 then I climbed into bed with his wife and she woke up you know what she did? Suckered me at her teat for three months, thought I was her baby... that's how I got so strong Giants milk.' He took a drink from his horn spilling all over himself.

'Maybe I will have that drink' Davos said after hearing tormonds story.

"Petyr..." He turned to Rieka. 

"Hello my queen." 

"Hi." Rieka agreed moving towards him. "Bran told me... a few things." 

"My queen-"

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, answer honestly." Rieka instructed. "Let's start with the simplest one you conspired to murder Jon Arryn. You gave my aunt Lysa Tears of Lys to poison him. Do you deny it?" Rieka questioned calmly. Joffrey was bored out of his mind with family bonding. He didnt like his family, he liked Rieka. Everyone else he tolerated. Joffrey was tolerating a lot of things but Tormund was not one of them. 

'It's strange isn't it?' Tyrion questioned 'most everyone here has fought the Starks at one point or another and here we are at the castle ready to defend it... Together.'

'At least we will die with honor.' Brienne agreed. 

"I'm not dying, I have too much to live for." Joffrey corrected. 

''I think we might live,' tyrion agreed and everyone started to laugh. 'I do' Tyrion told them 'how many battles have we survived between us?''

"Whatever your aunt might have told you, she was a troubled woman. She imagined enemies everywhere." Petyr corrected. 

"You had Aunt Lysa send a letter to our parents telling them it was the Lannisters who murdered Jon Arryn when, really, it was you. The conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters, it was you who started it. Do you deny it?" Rieka went on and Petyr stuttered out getting closer.

"I know of no such letter." Petyr corrected. Rieka didnt believe him, suddenly Jon and Robb beside her and Petyr felt cornered. 

 'I'm not a king but if I were I would knight you 10 times over!' Tormond told Brienne


"I'm at a whole new level of not giving a flying fuck." Joffrey corrected heading out. 

'You don't need a king' Jaime said 'any knight can make another knight.' he informed her. 'I will prove it' Jaime shed his sword. 'Kneel lady Brienne...' she just stared at him though. 'Do you want to be a knight or not? Kneel.'

"You conspired with Cersei Lannister to betray my father, Ned Stark." Rieka realized.

"Yet you forgave the queen." Petyr countered. "You forget Joffrey, your belove?"

 "Thanks to your treachery, he was imprisoned and later executed on false charges of treason. Do you deny it?" Rieka demanded.

"I deny it! None of you were there to see what happened. None of you knows the truth." Petyr shouted.

"You held a knife to his throat." Rieka corrected. "Bran told me, he saw it. He sees a lot now." Rieka countered, Robb and Jon grabbed him as Joffrey walked up. "You said, "I did warn you not the trust me." Petyr squirmed in their harsh grip. "You told our mother this knife belonged to Tyrion Lannister, but that was another one of your lies. It was yours." 

Rieka held up the blade and she saw the guilt written all over him, she stabbed him, he bled out before her brothers dropped his body, he bled onto the floor. 

Seeing Rieka blood splattered made Joffrey's excitement grow instantly. She turned him a darkness in her gaze. 

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