19. The Correct Answer

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Falling / Bran Stark out now!
"My spies tell me that she is alive and making her way across the narrow sea." Rieka remarked.

"You have spies?" Joffrey countered sitting up in bed.

"Yes." Rieka agreed as if that should have been expected. "We need to set course for dragonstone- well I do."

"No I'm the king-''

"And I'm the one with a plan." Rieka countered patting his shoulder. "You need to stay here, protect the capital. Dragonstone is a two days ride, I'm already having the ship prepared." Rieka added. "I'm taking Bronn and the best of the golden company and kings guard, along with Sandor and gregor if they don't kill each other before we get there." Rieka remarked.

"You are going to ambush her." Joffrey realized.

"Yep." Rieka agreed.

"I want to come."



"I need you to stay with the baby." Rieka corrected. "If something goes wrong, I don't want him to be an orphan."


"And honestly I have enough trauma to last us both a while we dont need to do that to little-"

"RIEKA!" Joffrey demanded. "It's a baby doll. It's not real. Its not our child."

"That's because we have been married three moons." Rieka agreed. "If we had a child it would be out of wedlock and my father would be appalled at me. I'm a good girl, Joffrey."

"yeah right." Joffrey countered knowingly. She smirked back at him. "I'm not staying to protect a doll. I'm going with to protect my wife."

"Fine, we go together. But i'm putting Robb in charge while we are gone." Rieka decided.

"Not my grandfath- what am I saying?" JOffrey countered. "You hate each other. Fine. Robb can be protector until we return." Joffrey agreed.

"Good boy." Rieka agreed.

It would simply break Riekas heart if they lost the realms to a fire breathing bitch queen. There were two wars to be won. Rieka was good at multitasking. If this mission failed and they had to deal with Daenerys still she could still beat the night king with a broken heart.  But she didnt like losing much like joffrey she liked to win. Winning was what she shall do.

"Come to bed."

"Im sea sick." Rieka corrected sparing him a glance. "Its better if im at the edge vomiting."

"Attracting sharks." Joffrey warned.

"Just fish from what i can tell." Rieka countered.

"Its what lays under the surface-"

"Dont freak me out. I hate sharks." Rieka demanded.

"Than come to bed." Joffrey agreed grabbing her hand.

"And vomit on you?" He let her go.

"You are sea sick because you are standing on top deck watching the waves in the darkness." Joffrey rationalized.

Jon watched how gentle Joffrey was with Rieka how he eased her back to their room on the ship. How Rieka leaned into him as she ship swayed. Jon knew she liked him or else she wouldn't have done any of this. She marriage was one thing but allowing him to touch her to hold her she would have dumped him in the ocean by now if she really wanted and everyone would have told tywin it was an accident.

Rieka lay curled into Joffrey a hand wrapped around her and a hand on her thigh gently stroking the fabric on her dress.  He was right she felt better laying down and closing her eyes he held her long past the time he woke up in the morning because rieka was still fast asleep and he protected what was his.

Rieka yawned stretching out and elbowing joffrey in the face in the process. He cursed under his breath and rieka reached out patting his cheek.


"This is what I get for cuddling you. A sore jaw." Joffrey barked.

"Then dont cuddle me." Rieka answered getting up. Joffrey mumbled under his breath as he pulled on his shirt.

"I like cuddling with you." Joffrey corrected. Rieka smiled moving back to him. Her arms wrapped around him her lips connected with his.

"I like you cuddled up next to me. But i cannot control my morning stretches while on this ship."

"Good thing we are docking soon." Joffrey noted looking out the port hole.

Rieka got the men situated they listened to her.  They liked her. They tolerated joffrey. Rieka made sure they all got a meal before they were set out to work. Scouting the area for daenerys to land.

"Ready Rieka?"

"You found it?" Rieka countered.

"Yep." Jon agreed.

"Start mining for dragonglass." Rieka instructed. "When we spot ships coming we get into position."

"Are you going to offer them surrender?" jon pondered.

"I'm not going to give them a chance to ruin us." Rieka countered. "She has dragons and a team of savages. We will win this war and then we will save the realms from this ice king."

"I just dont want us murdering an innocent-"

"Jon, jon, Jon," Rieka tsked. "Trust me. Have I ever steered you wrong?"

"Well actually-"

"It was a rhetorical question and the answer is-"

"yes." Jon agreed.

"The correct answer," Rieka grumbled. "is no. You have to trust me. We end her now before her savages get their land legs. We save the many, kill the monsters. She wants my crown which means she is going to kill me. You want her to kill me Jon?"

"No, never." Jon assured.

"Good, then get to work. I want someone looking at the seas, I dont want them getting the jump on us."

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart / Joffrey Baratheon /Rieka Stark (2.6)Where stories live. Discover now