8. The Killing

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"You ever thought of killing someone?"

"Yes." Rieka answered.

"You ever thought of killing someone that wasnt me?" Joffrey clarified. Rieka debated that.

"Yes." She repeated.



"Theon Greyjoy?"

"He killed my brothers... my little brothers." Rieka agreed tears in her eyes. She swatted them away. "Im assuming your list is very long."

"Yes." Joffrey agreed. "Stannis is still at the top of the list."

"You know your life has already been played out and it didnt work out well for the usurper."

"Im not the usurper." Joffrey corrected

"You are a bastard Joffrey-" he slapped her and avalon jumped up biting his arm and pinning him to the ground.

"And to think we were bonding." Rieka tsked. "You thinking about killing me right now? I bet you are."

"Call off your hound."

"Wolf." Rieka corrected. "Direwolf. The last piece of my father i have left. He brought home avalon and her litter. You had your mother kill lady."

"Your father-"

"Did as he was told because he was a good man. I am my fathers daughter. I will do as im told but im not going to bend the knee to you. We will be equals. Which means you listen to me-"

"I am the king-"

"And if you had thick black hair maybe the world wouldnt be at war." Rieka agreed. "But here we are." Joffrey sighed.

"I didnt have a say in my birth but i am the king... what do you mean my life has already been played out?"

"Aegon. Targaryen." She clarified. "I know you hate targaryen history think them fools but we could learn a lot from their down fall. Aegon targaryen was posioned by his enemies. If olenna tyrell remained no doubt thats what she would have done to you." Rieka remarked. "Aegon was in a war against his half sister. You are in a war against stannis and every other house it seems. All the wanna be kings will come out of the woodwork. Wanting your head and your crown."

"But?" He prompted. "Unless? Im hoping that wasnt the end of the story because im fond of my head." Joffrey reminded her.

"Unless we work together and for that to happen you need to respect me."

"And you need to stop speaking slander." Joffrey demanded.

"I want a peace treaty written and sent to my brothers camps. I want tywins army pulled back and i dont want him going to the Freys. "

"The freys?"

"You dont know what your grandfather is up to." Rieka realized. "Another man i have thought of killing a few times is tywin Lannister."

"Understandable." Joffrey agreed.

"Im not saying we can be friends but we will tolerate each other enough to bring some peace back into the realms."

"What do you think of the targaryen girl across the sea?" Joffrey pondered. "She is raising armies and dragons..."

"When she gets here she will burn westeros to the ground." Rieka answered. "Your father was right. Mine was wrong in that sense alone." Joffrey stared back at her silently. "Daenerys Targaryen needs to die so westeros can survive."

"How would you go about it?"

"A few trusted men and a sharp blade. In and out and no lannister gold. Nothing to tie the soliders to us."

"You are smart."

"My brother was attacked with petyrs blade. Petyr was foolish enough to say it belonged to tyrion."

"Little finger?"

"When planning a murder you need to leave no trace. No fingerprints so to speak." Rieka agreed she turned to him getting close. "They have to trust you enough to let their gaurds down before they realize it its too late." Rieka rasped and joffrey didnt notice when she did it but there was a blade against his throat. He didnt flinch as he held her gaze.

"You pick the men. I trust you." Joffrey agreed. Rieka nodded putting his blade back into his belt he let out a breath of relief as if fit back smoothly without cutting one extremity or another.

"Good boy." Rieka whispered. Joffrey chuckled shaking his head. 

"Why do you keep doing that?"


"Ruining a good moment treating me like i'm a dog you just tamed." Joffrey answered. She hesitated patting his head. 

"Sit, stay, good boy!" She cooed before heading off. Joffrey rolled his eyes, his smile remained however. 

"He's falling for her!" Cersei declared. "He has a heart after all." 

"You never thought so before." Tywin drawled. 

"He is a monster," Tyrion added. "We can't trust-"

"She protected him and Tommen. She is good for us and you lot know it."  Cersei commanded. 

"I got this, stopped the maester from sending it." Tywin countered. 

"What is it?" Jaime questioned. 

"Rieka was sending a letter to her brother." Tywin answered. 

"I told her to." Cersei agreed. "Tell him of the wedding and stop this war." 

"Did you read her message?" Tywin countered. 

"I trust her." Cersei countered. 

"I dont." Tywin challenged. "Lets see what she said."

 I know this is going to sound crazy but I'm marrying Joffrey. Yes that Joffrey. I know crazy. But I'm trying to convince Tywin to stand down, its my one condition to marrying joffrey, that we see peace. But I dont trust Tywin, dont trust anyone but trust me, Robb. I can see the light at the end of this very long tunnel and I want you here when I marry Joffrey. I'm sending Jon a letter too. I want you both here, I need my brothers. HAve you seen Arya? Sansa is as bitchy and controlling as Mother is, tell I say hello. I hope to see you soon Robbie, I miss you like crazy.
-Your future Queen, Rieka Rose Stark
Yes I will command you use my title because I'm a little terror. I love you so much! XOXO

"See!" Cersei demanded. Tywin pursed his lips. 

"Get the letter to the bastard!" Tywin demanded running off. 

"Send her damn raven! The only way she marries joffrey is if her family is here." 


Its a safe space here. Have you ever thought of killing anyone? I will go first.
Yes. My manager. Usually on a daily occurrence. Multiple times a day. And a co worker. Anytime her name is brought up I feel murderous. Ahh I feel better already. 

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart / Joffrey Baratheon /Rieka Stark (2.6)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora