18. Our Child

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"Rieka?" Tommen whispered. "Rieka?" Her eyes peeled open and she flinched back surprised by the little man staring down at her. Joffreys eyes popped open his grip around her tightening.

"Hi sweetie," Rieka proper herself up on an elbow squinting in the darkness. "Whats wrong?"

"Could i stay with you tonight?" Tommen questioned.

"Absolutely not." Joffrey barked as Rieka countered. "Yes of course honey." Rieka sent a glare and an elbow back into joffrey.

"I had a bad dream." Tommen whispered embarrassed.

"Stay sweetie." Rieka assured nudging joffrey back. He grumbled pulling her hips back into him. Tommen smiled laying beside her.

"Thanks Rieka."

"Why come here sweetie? Why not go to your mum?" Rieka pondered running her fingers through his hair.

"Yes go to mother." Joffrey begged. "Leave us be." Rieka elbowed him again.

"She was shouting with uncle jaime again." Tommen countered.

"Shouting?" Rieka questioned

"Thanks for letting me stay."

"Anytime." Rieka kissed his forehead before joffrey grumbled turning her around. "What?" She mouthed. Joffrey kissed her. "Be nice to tommen." Rieka whispered rolling back around. He kept a hand around her breathing her in.

Rieka ran around with the wolves. Rickon laughed out chasing her. Tommen smiled chasing them. Joffrey rolled his eyes as he glanced out the window but in truth he would have rather been with them acting foolish then in meetings dealing with the future of the realms. The Targaryen and the night king. Two problems that rieka agreed to deal with and yet it was Joffrey sitting through nonsense.

"I always wanted a brother." Tommen remarked fondly.

"You have a brother," rickon corrected.

"One i like." Tommen corrected nudging him. "I think shaggy dog likes me."

"Of course he does. Wolves have a good judge of character." Rieka agreed running a hand through Avalons fur as Avalon rubbed up against her.

"So they dont like my brother?" Tommen mused.

"Avalon is getting used to him. Doesn't like sharing a bed with him." Rieka added.

"Are we done?" Joffrey begged.

"Dont like the responsibility of being a king?" Robb sassed.

"Dont like wasting my time." Joffrey corrected. "You can dilly dally but I'm a man of action."

"A man. You are not." Robb corrected.

"Your sister says otherwise." Joffrey smirked.

"I got you one of Myrcellas dolls." Tommen remarked. " so you can practice what it's like to be a parent."

" that is so sweet of you tommy." Rieka agreed. " thank you."

" what is that hideous thing?" Joffrey questioned that night as he changed out of his grubby clothes tossing them aside to be cleaned up by staff no doubt rieka shook her head and joffrey gave her a pointed look. He picked up the clothes and tossed them in the hamper. She smiled knowing she won. Joffrey rolled his eyes knowing he lost and she won so easily. Rieka cradled the doll like a real baby in her arms.

" our new child. And I don't like your tone with him." Rieka tsked.

" what the fuck is that?" Joffrey countered his tone darkening.

"Tommen gave it to me said it would be what did he say... So we can practice! so we can practice what it's like before we're real parents. I think it's adorable."

" of course you do you think everything my little brother does is adorable." Joffrey murmured turning back to his scrolls.

" well, that's because everything he does is adorable." Rieka agreed. "Hes a little sweetheart!"

"Hes annoying."

"You only think so because you are you annoying. And your annoyance stems from your lack of heart." Rieka suggested putting the doll in his arms. "Support the head you dont want it popping off." Joffrey gripped the doll by the head.

"Like that?"

"If we ever have children you are not touching them." Rieka decided. Joffrey tossed the doll aside.

"You want children?"

"A few. A lot. I dont know. But yes. I do." She agreed. "You clearly want to kill all children."

"Not our child." Joffrey corrected. She glanced back at the doll. "Its a damn doll not real!"

"And you are gentle with real babies?"

"No clearly not." Joffrey agreed under his breath.

"Joffrey can you and robb-" rieka stopped herself. "Never mind. Scratch that." Joffrey chuckled pulling at the strings of her dress. "Could you make an effort with Rickon and Jon? They are easier then robb to befriend."

"I dont blame him for hating me." Joffrey assured. "I know what i did but you forgave me. Plus i dont have to deal with your brother. As soon as this is done we send him away and you and I-"

"Hes my twin. I'm very close with my siblings. I want you to get along with them. Robb included. But can you-" she swatted his hand away from her dress. Joffrey grumbled. "-try to be nice to rickon and Jon. Arya too but shes about as good as robb on the being nice aspect." Rieka admitted.

"For you i will try." Joffrey agreed. He tugged and pulled once again at her dress. He pulled her dress down her full hips. "Now shut up about your brothers." Joffrey begged his lips attacking her breast. His hand wandered down her back tugging at her panties, palming her ass.

Riekas lips curved into a soft smile as she looked joffrey over. He was so vulnerable beside her. Sleeping is already a vulnerability. Naked is another. Here he slept naked beside her his face tipped towards her. She ran her fingers through his very blonde hair. Kissing his neck. He hummed softly.

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart / Joffrey Baratheon /Rieka Stark (2.6)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora