23. Greg? Greg. Not Greg

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When they finally docked at the capital it was a short carriage ride back but it was so late the moon was high in the sky. Rieka yawned out laying into joffrey as they rode. He ran a hand over her head and down her side. When the carriage came to a halt Rieka jolted awake. Her hand reached out grabbing his knee for balance.

"Home sweet home." Joffrey whispered. She yawned getting to her feet her head spun light headed as she sat up to quickly.

"Where is the welcome party?" Rieka questioned smiling back at robb.

"You win?"

"Wouldnt be here if we didn't." Rieka agreed hugging him.

"Good job Rie. Tywin is a pain in the ass. I don't know how you deal with him!"

"With much sass." Rieka answered. "Can we do this reunion and catch up tomorrow? I'm exhausted."

"Yeah of course," robb agreed. "Where is Jon though?"

"Winterfell. Getting ready for battle number two." 

"I missed this bed." Joffrey declared flopping down, Rieka flopped beside him.

"It's a nice bed." She agreed. "I meant to ask, you got a different mattress after your father died right?"

"Yes why?"

"He had many whores in his bed and that is just disgusting." Rieka answered.

"Fair enough."

"You had whores in your bed." Rieka recalled. Joffrey rolled his eyes. "You had them beat each other." She rolled over staring back at him but he looked to the ceiling. "WHy?"

"Why not?" Joffrey countered. "I was bored."

"You like being in control but I think you being controlled more."

"Thats a lie." Joffrey countered.

"You like me." Rieka corrected. "And I do nothing but boss you around. You like it." Rieka realized. Joffrey's gaze snapped to her.

"You are the exception."

"Because I'm amazing and wonderful and perfect and-"

"Annoying." Joffrey agreed.

"Say it with a straight face, I dare you."

"You know I love a dare." Joffrey agreed, her lips curved into a smile as he kissed her. "Annoying," he whispered against her lips. Rieka shoved him back.

"You are a shit."

"Yeah." Joffrey agreed easily. "Night gorgeous."

"G' Night."

Cersei was shaking them awake the next morning, Rieka groaned rolling over into the pillow swatting a hand at her to go away. 

"My baby is back!" Cersei declared. "How did it go?" 

"Bitch is dead, her army defeated." Joffrey answered pulling up the covers.

"Cersei, you have to remember they are still kids." Jaime reminded her pulling her away, "They were up late last night."

"But I want to know everything." Cersei corrected. 

"Leave them be." Jaime requested. 

"Thank you Jaimeson!" Rieka called out. 

"I thought they would never leave." Joffrey murmured rolling over on top of her. 

"Oh you got plans?" Rieka mused as his hands worked at her clothes.

"Plans, no. More like obligations to my wife."

"To take care of the baby doll? Thank you because it has been staring at us all night and its creeping me out." Rieka decided, Joffrey peered over at the chair and threw a book at the doll knocking it off. "I hope you dont treat our future children with that much violence." Rieka tsked. 

"Shut up." Joffrey countered. 

"Make me." Rieka countered slowly. 


"The people look at me differently when I'm with you." Joffrey remarked as they headed to the lower town. 

"I think its sandor behind us," Rieka countered. "If I were a normal person I would probably get quiet too."

"Are you ever quiet?" Sandor countered. 

"Not really." Rieka agreed. 

"Smiths are usually a few tents up." Sandor informed them. 

"Who made your hound helmet?" Rieka questioned. 

"It was a gift." Sandor answered.  "I dont know." Joffrey smiled back at Rieka. 

"See, i was a good person." Joffrey agreed. "He loves his hound helmet, covers his ugly mug-" Rieka pinched him. 

"You were doing so good." Rieka tsked. "Who was it?"

"he was a kid." Joffrey answered. "Not much older than I but he had a bull helmet or a cow, I dont know, I commanded he make a hound for my hound and he delivered." Joffrey added. 

"Anyone that can do that to metal can certainly help with our dragonglass weapons." Rieka added. 

"Right here." Sandor nodded to the tent.

"Ah, your grace, your grace, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Thats him." Joffrey realized. "I think... he's gotten older."

"And he's gorgeous, you left that part out." Rieka added pushing past the old man before them. "Hi I'm Rieka Stark, did you make my friend back there a really amazing hound helmet?"

"Yes." gendry answered. 

"How would you like to join us on a mission of a lifetime?" Rieka questioned. 

"Stark." Gendry repeated. 

"Thats the kid that was with your sister." Sandor remarked. Rieka looked him over again. 

"Greg?" Rieka pondered. 

"Gendry." he corrected. 

"Right, thats what I said." Rieka agreed linking her arm through his. "What do you say Greg?''

"Gendry." He corrected again. 

"You want to join us for a mission of a lifetime. Arya will be happy you are alive, said something about a witch..." 

"Aye." Gendry agreed. "You know who I am? Did she tell you?" Gendry whispered. 

"Greg the smith- Greg? Greg, not Greg. Gendry! Sorry!" Rieka declared. "Gendry, Gendry, Gendry, I got it now." 

"Yeah the smith." Gendry agreed. "And Robert Baratheon's bastard." 

"You gonna try and steal my crown Gendry? Come on now, we were bonding." Rieka tsked. "Lets not-"

"No, no, I'm just... saying." Gendry murmured glancing to Joffrey. 

"Just say less." Rieka suggested. 

"Our fathers were friends, we should be too." Gendry clarified.

"Good lad, bring your tools." Rieka decided. "We are bringing you north."


"We have another battle ahead of us and your expertise is going to be needed." Rieka agreed. 

"He's going to be problem." Joffrey decided. 

"He's Arya's friend, of course he is going to be a problem." Rieka teased smiling back at Gendry. 

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart / Joffrey Baratheon /Rieka Stark (2.6)Where stories live. Discover now