5. Wisdom has been Chasing You

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"Wisdom has been chasing you joffrey. But you have always been faster.' Rieka remarked heading off.

Joffrey thought long and hard about that. Was it a compliment? He didn't think so. He chased after her.

Sansa and Margaery had been spending a lot of time together. Margaery wanted to be queen, Sansa was upset that Rieka was getting to be queen. Were they friends or were they conspiring?

Hard to tell from afar.

"What good does sansa see in making friends with margaery tyrell?" Cersei scoffed.

"She needs someone to care for her as her sister once did." Jaime answered looking to rieka and joffrey. "You pushed them apart and pushed rieka to joffrey. She is going to murder our boy. And you seem to be okay with that."

"She won't, she's all talk." Cersei assured but looking to Rieka and JOffrey walking along the pathway. Rieka turned to Joffrey and gave him a hard shove he stumbled backwards in the pond splashing Rieka in the process. Rieka smirked down at him.

"She's all talk you say?" Jaime countered as Joffrey sputtered up water.

"What the fuck was that for?" Joffrey demanded.

"Being a dick." Rieka answered.

" we are never going to get anywhere if you keep pushing me into things whenever we have a conversation."

It was true anytime they were enforced proximity to each other. She would push him into the shrubbery the pond people, anything to put more distance between them.

"Maybe i dont want to get anywhere." Rieka challenged. "Maybe thats why i keep pushing you away Jeffrey!"

"Okay you are acting really childish." Joffrey decided as he splashed her with water.

"Says the boy who calls for his mummy whenever he is upset." Rieka countered.

Joffrey opened his mouth to demand his mother come here and make things right but of course he couldnt now that she called him out. 

There are people in this world that expect the world and fight any form of confrontation with violence and turning the tables back on the innocent party. They want and want and take and take but when you need something they are quick to yell at you, turn their back on you. Send all those nasty glares your way and make your life miserable. 

It wasnt Joffrey's fault he was king and given everything from birth. It was his mothers fault. Cersei should have spanked him more. 

"Rieka." Joffrey commanded as she walked off. 

"We were done." Rieka countered. 

"Well this is lovely." Cersei offered as they gathered for supper. Joffrey sat head of the table and Rieka stole the opposite head from tywin before he could take a seat. Sansa looked horrified. 

"Lovely." Rieka agreed getting comfortable. Tywin glared down at her. "Take a seat, Tywin."

"Father, sit." Cersei agreed pulling out the chair beside hers. Tywin slumped off. Rieka smirked leaning back in her chair and she caught Joffrey staring at her, it wasnt hatred in his eyes but curiosity. 

"Shall we say grace?" Cersei added. She didnt wait for an answer. "We thank the mother, the maiden, the smith-"

"-and all the other useless deities." Rieka added bringing a glass to her lips. Joffrey smiled behind his own. 

"Thank you for bringing us all here together, thank you for Rieka Stark." Cersei declared. 

"Thank the Gods for me." Rieka agreed. "Lets eat." 

Rieka didnt like how Joffrey was staring at her. She tried to ignore him but it was hard. She turned her gaze to sansa but she was scowling back at Rieka like it was her duty. Rieka looked to Tyrion, who quite frankly looked miserable. 

"How are you doing Tyrion?" Rieka questioned. 

"Just great." Tyrion assured drinking down his wine and refilling it just as quickly. "The woman I fell in love with is marrying my nephew..." He croaked out between gulping down his wine. 

"She is mine." Joffrey agreed. "You keep your grubby little hands away from her. "

"How is this union going?" Tyrion questioned. "I swear I saw Rieka shove you into the waters just this morning." 

"I did." Rieka agreed easily. 

"We are bonding." Joffrey added. 

"Are we?" Rieka challenged. 

"And I dont share my things." He added. 

"Right." Rieka agreed. "I-"

"Lets not step into that dangerous territory." Jaime suggested. "Shall we eat?" 

"Yes. I'm starving." Rieka agreed. SHe threw a chunk of meat down and Avalon gobbled it up. "She likes to cut my meat for me. She doesnt mind it raw." She added. "Bloody and squirming." she went on and Joffrey didnt flinch, not on the surface at least but she saw his lips purse just slightly, saw his eye twitch and saw his adams apple bob. He tried very hard to keep his cool about him. He was the king after all he couldnt be intimidated by her. But he was and she knew it. 

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart / Joffrey Baratheon /Rieka Stark (2.6)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang