15 Pay Up

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It was a puppy party. Well, a dire wolf party. Avalon, ghost, shaggy dog and grey wind were reunited, and it felt so good. They ran around like they were puppies again  it made arya miss Nymeria and sansa miss lady all the more.

Rieka reached out, touching the faint scar on joffreys arm. She had not been there that day but she heard what had happened. She was furious.

" are you scared of the wolves?" Rieka pondered. Joffrey glanced at the comment, as if he could be afraid of anything, but she knew him better than that. He swallowed the lump in his throat.

" Avalon is a sweet girl she wouldn't hurt a fly."

" my mother told me she was dimwitted."
Joffrey admitted

" and you believed her." Rieka agreed.

" she is beautiful."

" but seeing them altogether terrifies you?"

" I'm not terrified." he corrected sternly.

" We're getting married today. The wolves are part of my life their family I Avalon won't hurt you unless you hurt me."

" I would never hurt you... not anymore. I'm trying to be better."

" I know." she agreed. " I see it." Avalon and ghost came running up to them.  Catelyn and sansa been preparing for the wedding all morning It seemed while, the bride to be was still enjoying her morning tea.

" Don't be scared. I'm right here."

" I'm waiting for gray wind to rip him to pieces." Arya declared completely giddy at the idea. Robb stared back at his twin and the monster beside her.

" she seems happy and he seems different." Rickon offered. "You know Rie she wouldn't do something if she didn't want to."

" she's doing this to save us from a war when no one wins." Robb corrected.  " she's trying to protect us all."

" she's good at that." Rickon agreed.

" does this mean I have to stop threatening to kill him now they're to be married?" Arya questioned she sounded rather upset at the thought of having to be nice to joffrey baratheon.

"He likes her." Robb grumbled.

"Isnt that a good thing?" Rickon countered.

"He's right." Jon agreed. 

"BOYS!" Catelyn demanded. "Get your hair trimmed and get ready! Royal wedding! Big day!" 

"I think mother is more excited than Rieka." Robb murmured as they headed back inside. Avalon jumped up on the bed rolling around happily. Joffrey moved cautiously to her. 

Avalon rolled over wagging her tail back at rieka. Rieka gave them both words of encouragement. Avalon let him pet her before she ran through his legs knocking him off balance and running to Rieka. 

"It's a start." Rieka shrugged. "Get out now. I have to get ready before my mother comes in demanding-"

"RIeka! Dont tell me you are still in bed?" Catelyn demanded. 

"Too late." Joffrey countered heading to the door, he smirked back at RIeka. 

"Joff, I wouldnt blame you if you ran." Rieka admitted. 

"I would hunt you down if you ran. " Joffrey countered. "And I would find you. I would always find you."

"If that was supposed to be threatening it didnt work because I'm a bit turned on." Rieka admitted. Catelyn paled as Joffrey smiled. 

"Rieka Rose Stark!" Catelyn demanded. "That is not how a lady speaks!"

"See you at the sept." Joffrey called out. "Good luck in the meantime."

"If I dont make it its because I'm hiding my mothers body in the woods." 

"RIEKA!" Catelyn shouted. 

"And you really thought she liked you more than me." Cersei tsked. 


"Hope all those dress rehearsals pay off." Rieka teased smirking back at Tywin as she got to the end of the aisle. Robb let go of her hand passing her off to Joffrey.

"You ready for this?" Joffrey questioned.

"I'm too sweet for you and you know it we are going to drive each other crazy might as well give up now." Rieka countered. JOffrey smirked back at her.  "What do you think?"

"You gonna make this into a show." Joffrey agreed.

"Nonsense, I'm a fucking angel." Rieka countered.

"Rieka." Catelyn scolded.

"This is going great already." Tywin murmured.

"Hush they are just having fun." Cersei countered.

"Rieka looks really pretty.' Rickon said smiling up at her. 

"Took forever to pick that dress." Catelyn added. "Who wears white?" She shook her head. 

When Rieka walked in she made the whole room glitter, in her white gown with so much golden inlay she looked bejeweled. 

"We come together today-"

Joffrey wasnt the anti hero but Rieka was the mastermind orchestrating this great war. 

I can fix him, no really I can, Rieka had thought when she finally agreed to this union but now looking at Joffrey she believed that her irrational thoughts of changing him into a decent man were correct. 

As their names were spoken, and they were one step closer to being linked together forever, Joffrey stared back at Rieka like she was bigger than the whole sky. 

Tywin was waiting for the other shoe to drop, Rieka was always up to some vigilante shit and he was expecting her karma to hit like ton of bricks but Rieka didnt have any shenanigans today. Surprisingly. 

There must have been a glitch in Rieka's brain, Sansa was sure of it because when the septon declared to kiss the bride, Rieka leaned in, a smile on her face when she pulled back. 

Sansa stared back at Rieka getting everything she ever wanted and it hit different. Because this joffrey with Rieka wasnt the joffrey they had gotten used to. 

"Pay up." Cersei whispered holding out her hand. Tywin spared her a glance. She chuckled. "And you claimed to only bet when you knew you were going to win."

"The wedding isnt over yet." Tywin countered. 

"Rieka wanted carrot cake." Cersei countered. "Joffrey by the looks of it is ready to strip his bride here and now, you think this wedding is going to last long?" 

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart / Joffrey Baratheon /Rieka Stark (2.6)Where stories live. Discover now