28. Risk

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'Come on Clegane, we need you.' Beric told him.

'Fuck off we're not gonna win this' he said panting and leaning against the wall.

'Tell her that he,' beric pointed up at arya on the roof she was being cornered. Sandor took off after her. 

"Hey," Rieka called back to him. "You and Arya do some bonding and now you are willing to risk your life for her? Thats really cute Sandor."

"Shut up." Sandor barked as Rieka ran ahead. 

"Not my strong suit!" She shouted back. 

Arya crept through the library, wandering walkers moved sluggishly as she tried to get out and close the door on them. She bumped into a warm body and raised her blade but Rieka grabbed her hand before she could drive her blade into her. Rieka slowly released her grip bringing a finger to her mouth. Arya nodded lowering her blade.

Rieka nodding to the door, grabbed a book and flung it in the opposite direction. THe walkers moved to it as they snuck out sealing the door closed.

"Thanks." Arya whispered.

"You had it." Rieka assured. Then they heard more grumbling of walkers, Rieka lit her arrow slicing it like a blade through the air as Arya got shoved back into her, her velaryian steel blade, the blade Bran had given his sisters slipping through her grasp as she rolled between their legs. Rieka plunged her arrow into the closest walkers head.

"Rieka!" Arya declared but she didnt have a weapon anymore as she pat herself down. She looked to it on the ground.

"GO!" Rieka shouted pulling the arrow out and slashing it through the air. "ARYA GO!" Rieka demanded as she stumbled back. "AS YOUR QUEEN I COMMAND YOU!" RIeka shouted. She scurried back feeling the blade on the ground and she grabbed it slicing and stabbing it at the walkers as they chomped at her.

'Get Down!!' Sandor declared and Rieka curled up on the ground. Sandor took his axe his swing so strong it decapitated the walker. 'Move, move, move!' He declared pulling her up as they ran. Arya stumbled back a walker breaking through the wall. Sandor pulled Rieka and arya behind him, protecting them as he charged ahead getting a path out.

'We gotta go!' beric declared. Sandor, Rieka and arya ran fighting walkers but beric created a blockage, sacrificing himself, allowing them to escape. Sandor barricaded the door as arya panted for breath. Sandor blocked the door coming to Rieka, the blade still gripped tight in her hand.

"You alright?' Sandor questioned looking her over.

"I'm okay." Rieka agreed as he hugged her.

"We all told you to go to the fucking great hall." Sandor barked. "Do you listen? You could have died." 

"You like me." Rieka decided with a cheeky grin. 

'The lord brought him back for a purpose, now that purpose has been served.' the red woman said looking to Arya and Sandor.

'I know you,' Arya said looking her over, RIeka glanced back at her, she didnt know this woman. 

''And I know you.' The red woman confirmed.

''You said we would meet again' arya remembered.

'And here we are. At the end of the world.'

"Are we at the end of the world, I dont want to die." Rieka countered. 

''What do we say to the god of death?' The red woman asked

'Not today' Arya replied.

"God," Rieka felt sick. "Bran." she realized. She barfed in a flower pot before running off. 

"Gross.' Arya decided before realizing Rieka was leaving again. 

"Jaime. Thank you.' Bran said calmly. "You are truly forgiven."

Jaime understood. He needed to do this. To try. He was going to die. But maybe bran would live. This burden he felt would be lifted. He had to try. He could do this. The night king took a step forward and Jaime charged at him spear ready but the night king was quick stabbing Jaime through the stomach. He fell to his knees clawing at his stomach. Bran stared down at him as he fell and Rieka appeared. Jaime gurgled up blood. 

"I'm sick of kings." Rieka decided stabbing him in the chest, his eyes went wide before he turned to ash before her. 

"Your bleeding," Joffrey demanded holding RIeka looking for her wounds, she stared back at Bran and he nodded. 

"Not all my blood." RIeka assured. 

''We are here to say goodbye to my brothers and sisters our fathers and mothers to our friends.' Robb declared 'our fellow men and women who set aside their differences together... together everyone in this world owes them a debt that will never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath they were the shield they guided the realms of men... And we shall never see their light again.' 

Joffrey stared down at his uncle... his father. Jaime. His eyes closed and his breath left him a long time ago. Joffrey hesitated his hand shaking before Rieka helped him guiding the flame to his corpse, how would they tell Cersei?

"I should have told him I loved him." JOffrey whispered. 

"He knew." Rieka assured. 

"I love you, Rieka. I..." he ran a hand over her arm and she saw true worry and panic written all over his face, she held him and he cried into her. "I could have lost you."

"You didnt. I'm right here."

Rieka let Joffrey led her away once she was sure her family was safe. She let herself be vulnerable with JOffrey. She was covered in blood her hands shook slightly from the cold and blood, freezing on her skin.

When they were first wed she took a risk to trust him, and he proved to be there for her at her worst and at her best. They helped each other. He took care of her. Washed the blood from her... Rieka watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed, clasping his hands tight in front of him wringing out the bloody rag. There was such a physical and emotional intimacy between them that they hadnt shared before. 

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart / Joffrey Baratheon /Rieka Stark (2.6)Where stories live. Discover now