10. I Can Fix Him

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"We have to go back!" Arya shouted. 

"I'm not-"

"You heard them!" Arya shouted. "Rieka is getting married to Joffrey-"

"You want me to turn you over to the people trying to kill you?" Sandor sassed. 

"Rieka, not sansa." Arya demanded. "She wouldnt let anything happen to me." 

"She lost you didnt she?"

"She wasnt here. She was with mother when father died." Arya corrected. "If Rieka is marrying Joffrey then something changed and we have to turn around."

"Fucking hell." Sandor grumbled. 

"Please!" Arya begged. 

"I'm not going back." Sandor corrected. 

"I will see that you are compensated immensely." Arya begged. "If my sister is going to be queen..." She shrugged. "You could have anything you want." 

"And if I want to fuck your pretty sister?" Sandor countered. 

"Well I can tell you this much, she doesnt love Joffrey. No one could."

"She likes him." Cersei whispered. 

"She... isnt pushing him into things." Jaime countered. "thats a start." 

"This is the longest conversation I think they have had." Cersei countered. "No screaming, no fights, no shoving into shrubbery... this is great progress." 

"It's amazing what you believe to be great progress."

"Your sister wrote to your brothers." Tyrion remarked. 

"Will they let me leave?" Sansa questioned softly. 

"You are not a prisoner anymore... supposedly." Tyrion added. 

"I will always be a prisoner, a traitor, and yet somehow Rieka is going to be queen." 

"Still on that?" Tyrion questioned. "You know when I was with your sister-"

"Gross." Sansa drawled. 

"-Being kidnapped by your mother." He added. "she spoke of you and your crush on Joffrey. She said you were so skilled at all things ladylike and that joffrey was anything but a gentleman." Sansa stared back at him. "Said you deserved a gentleman, someone that would treat you right... stop tormenting your sister, you know she doesnt want this." 

"Yet she will be queen." Sansa muttered marching off. Rieka took her place. 

"I didnt say that." Rieka countered. "Not about her deserving a gentleman, I wish I did but thanks for trying to make me seem like a better person than I actually am." Rieka added. 

"I fell for you Rieka." Tyrion whispered. 

"I fell for you too but there is no use dreading over what could have been..."

"I hate him." Tyrion whispered. 

"He's not as terrible as I once believed." 

"What?" Tyrion countered dramatically. 

"Yep I know shocker for me too." Rieka agreed. 


"What happened Tommy?" Rieka questioned kneeling beside him. 

"Joffrey is... so..." Tommen said between sniffles. 

"What did he do?" Rieka pondered. 

"He's so mean." TOmmen clung to his cat and rieka reached out. 

"He's a cutie." Rieka added. 

"Joffrey said he was going to put him in a stew."


"Why does joffrey do anything?" Tommen countered. 

"Good point. I will handle him." Rieka assured as Ser pounce purred against her. "You dont have to worry pretty boy, joffrey wont bother you."

"He likes you. He never liked JOffrey." Tommen added. 

"I dont think anyone truly likes your brother." Rieka offered. 

"I like him... sometimes... he's just... mean something too." Tommen whispered. 

"I'm going to give him an attitude adjustment." Rieka assured him. "He's a pain in the ass."

"You are marrying him." Tommen countered. 

"Yeah, dont worry I can fix him." Rieka assured. Tommen didnt think so and she could tell. "NO really I can." 

"Good luck." 

"You have to stop being an ass to your brother." Rieka instructed. Joffrey's smile fell. "He looks up to you, why? I dont know." She added. JOffrey rolled his eyes. "But he does, you are his big brother."

"You were close with your siblings, I dont care for mine." 

"You can have sansa and I will take Myrcella." Rieka offered. 

"No thanks." Joffrey murmured. 

"Tommen is a sweet boy and you are going to push him away if you keep tormenting him and he is your successor. He has the most motives to kill you for being a dick." Rieka added. "So you make any more threats against your brother or his cat, I will cut off your testicles and put them in a stew for you to eat. How does that sound?" Rieka pondered. Joffrey liked the darkness in her eyes as she suggested it. 

"You dont know how to hold your tongue." Joffrey decided. 

"Nope. My mother said the same." 

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart / Joffrey Baratheon /Rieka Stark (2.6)Where stories live. Discover now