11. Heart to Give

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"They are having a romantic moment, dont mess this up."  Cersei commanded. Tywin rolled his eyes letting out a long sigh. 

Rieka's face pinched as she took another shot. 

"Keep up." She instructed. 

"It burns." JOffrey countered. 

"Thats how you know its working." Rieka agreed. 

"Whats working?" JOffrey countered lifting another glass to his lips. "Gods I'm going to be sick..."

"Bonding." Rieka offered. "Woah!" She declared, her mouth hung open as she shook her head, her hair falling in front of her face, a shiver ran through her. 

"Bonding?" Joffrey countered his head spinning. 

"Drunk bonding." she agreed. 

"You hear anything back from your siblings?" Joffrey questioned. 

"Are you eager to marry me?" Rieka countered. 

"Nonsense." JOffrey countered staring down into the amber liquid. "What is this?"

"I got it from Tyrion." 

"I dont like you spending so much time with my uncle." Joffrey admitted, he wasnt stern about it more... jealous.

"Are you jealous?" Rieka blurted out. JOffrey looked to her, blinking away his double vision. 

"I am not." Joffrey corrected. "I dont get jealous." 

"yeah right we all do." Rieka assured taking another shot.

"When do you get jealous? What are you jealous about?" Joffrey questioned leaning back, his palms digging into the grass. 

"I dont know... stuff." Rieka offered as Avalon rolled beside them. She wiggled her fuzzy butt on the ground as her tongue hung out. 


"Like... like...' She sighed. "Like the fact that men have all the power and women are expected to be their arm candy. Our minds are not valued and we are used for our bodies alone. Thats a big one. I'm jealous of the power men have." 

"You will be queen." Joffrey countered. 

"Look how well that turned out for your mother. As soon as Robert died she was back under her fathers control."  Rieka countered. 

"You dont have a father." JOffrey whispered. 

"Yeah, thanks for that." Rieka grumbled. 

"I'm... I was just... I thought I needed to show power." Joffrey remarked. 

"I know what you thought, I know what you wanted. I know why you did it." Rieka assured. "You were a monster." 

"I'm... I'm sorry." Joffrey whispered. 

"I would say its alright but its not." Rieka admitted. "It will never be alright but he would have been proud of me trying to end a war." 

"If I could go back..."

"Would you change things?" 

"If I... if I felt the way I did now. I mean if you and... If we..."

"You were engaged to sansa and she was ready to drop to her knees and suck your cock if you asked." Rieka remarked. "I'm a fighter. I push back."

"You do." Joffrey agreed. "I like that about you. I didnt at first of course. I hated it." 

"What changed?" Rieka questioned. 

"Me I guess." JOffrey admitted. Rieka nodded slowly taking another sip before letting her glass fall and spill onto the ground, her head was spinning. "Will your brother walk you down the aisle?" 

"When he comes, yes." Rieka agreed. "You will have to reask for his blessing of course, and of course he will say no and most likely want to punch you in the face."

"Thanks for the warning." Joffrey mumbled. 

"Of course." Rieka agreed leaning into him, as a yawn filled her. He wrapped an arm around her staring down at her. 

Sober them tolerated each other but drunk Rieka and Joffrey got on great.

"You were right." Joffrey admitted, a smile appeared on his face. "You know-"

"Hush joffrey lets just enjoy this horrible beautiful moment in knowing that I am right." Rieka agreed. 

"We drank a whole bottle." Rieka realized. "Oh we are going to be feeling that in the morning." She informed him. Joffrey hiccupped. "I'm..." she yawned out ready to call it a night but she slumped back into Joffrey instead. 

The sky was dark, the stars hiding behind clouds but the crickets chirped out. The candles were melting, the wax dribbled onto the grass around them and they flickered in the light breeze. 

"You must have thought I was heartless." Joffrey whispered after a long while of listening to crickets. 

"Yes." Rieka agreed easily as she sat up. Joffrey locked eyes with her she opened her mouth to speak again but he caught her by surprise.  

"If I had a heart to give, it would be all yours. Free of cost." Joffrey whispered and rieka was taken a back.

"What?" She rasped. Joffrey shrugged. "You can't say something sweet and completely uncharacteristic and then just shrug." Rieka decided. 

"I'm going to be sick." Joffrey decided turning and barfing into the bushes. 

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart / Joffrey Baratheon /Rieka Stark (2.6)Where stories live. Discover now