Prom? (Camren)

By DinahSmile_

74K 2.2K 645

What if you went to Prom with your celebrity crush? Camila Cabello didn't have a date to prom, but something... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Guys #2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not an update
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (ignore typos)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 3

5.4K 194 65
By DinahSmile_

It's been two weeks sense this whole twitter thing with Lauren started, and to say it's blown up would be an understatement. Lauren has been getting asked if she's gonna take Camila to prom during Her interviews, Camila is seeing her pictures on the front of magazines. It's crazy. Not to mention everyone in school is looking at Camila like she's a freak. They keep calling Her an "Attention whore" or saying that Lauren isn't only pittying her.

Camila was starting to believe it, she has stooped talking to Lauren everyday, and Lauren can tell something is up.

L- Hey Dinah, is Camila okay?

D- She could be better

L- Why, what's going on?

D- Its just this whole prom thing, people at our school are calling Her an attention whore, or they are saying your just pittying her...She's starting to believe it.

L- That's not True at all!

D- I know that, and she knows that but you know how things can get, stuff gets to you even when you don't truly believe it

L- That's it, I'm visiting you guys

D- Seriously! When?

L- Ill probably get a flight late tonight or early tomorrow... Don't Tell Camila

D- Your secret is safe with me!

The rest of the night they were texting about Camila, and what they are going to do when they hang out.

While Lauren and Dinah were coming up with there master plan, Camila was sitting in her room, jamming to some of Lauren's songs.

"Camila! Can you help me with something?" Mother Cabello asked her daughter from the bottom of the stairs.

Camila went to go help her mother, when she was done she layed back down in her bed and saw that her phone was blowing up, she looked on twitter and rolled her eyes.

Lauren subtweeted about Her... Or so people think.

@Laurenjauregui: I miss talking to you.

A bunch of fans started commenting.

@Laurenjeaurguislayme: OMG Camren!

@Lauren96: @Laurenjauregui @Camilacabello97 Camila is she talking about you!?

@Jaureguithe1975: @Laurenjauregui @Camilacabello97 Camila answer Lauren! #Camren

Camila then saw that Lauren had texted her.

L- Hey Camzi

C- Hey.

L- Ouch...No Lolo and a period?

C- I just don't want to talk Right now...

L- Then why did you answer?

C- So I don't hurt your feelings...

L- Can you at least tell me why you don't want to talk to me?

C- Lauren...because of this whole prom thing, it's just alot to handle, and I know you know because you and Dinah text like everyday

L- Fine, Just ignore those idiot at your school, if I was pittying you I wouldn't be texting your best friend, or texting you...I like you Camila so the people at your school don't know shit.

It may Just be through text, but Camila found Lauren's swearing hot.

C- I know but I can't help it that I'm insecure sometimes.

L- Everyone is at points, but I miss you...Its like your ignoring me

C- I'm sorry

L- Its fine, go to sleep it's late and you have school tomorrow

Camila was sorry, she knew she was ignoring Lauren but she couldn't help it. She can also tell Lauren is mad, when someone says they are fine, or something is fine, then you should know it's not...But Camila didn't want to deal with it tonight so she just plugged in her head phones and fell asleep while listening to Ed Sheeran.

Camila was awoken by her sister screaming in her ear.

"Get up!" This startled the oldest Cabello resulting in her falling off the bed.

"Oh my Gosh Im up I'm up!" Sofi Just giggled and made her way downstairs.

Camila got up and did her morning routine before walking down stairs to greet her family.

"Good morning Mami and Papi."

"Good morning Mija, did you sleep well? " Camila's dad asked her while putting her breakfast in front of her.

"Si." Was all she said before filling Her mouth with pancakes.

Once the Cabello family was done eating their breakfast they all made their way to their cars to officially start the day.

About 10 minutes later Camila was dropped off at school, she made her way to a bench in front of the school and Just put her head phones in and tuned out the world, she was unfortunately brought back into reality when her phone vibrated signaling a text.

L- Good morning Camzi :)

C- G'morning Lolo

L- Whatcha doing?

C- Sitting on a bench, listening to music tuning out the world

Lauren didn't answer at first she looked up to ask Dinah if now's the time.

Lauren arrived at 1:00am this morning and is now talking to Dinah about their plan.

"Just do it Lauren Gosh!" The Polynesian girl said while throwing Her hands up in the air.

"Fine!" With that Lauren made her way over to the bench Camila was sitting on, she thanked god she hasn't gotten recognized yet, she had her hood up and sunglasses on. Lauren took a seat next to Camila but The younger One didn't notice her presence.

Lauren looked over at Dinah. Ally was now next to Dinah and they both gave her two thumbs up. Lauren pulled out her phone to text Camila back.

L- Fight song by Rachel Platten right?

C- Yeahhh....? How did you know that?

L- I can hear it...

C- What?

Lauren groaned. "How oblivious can she be!?" She said to herself before answer Camila

L- Look to your right

Camila looked to her right only to be met by her celebrity crush.

"Oh. My. God." Was all Camila could get out at the moment.

"Haha well Hello to you too." Lauren was trying to suppress her laughter, she's never seen someones eyes get so big before.

"I-I'm sorry it's j-just that I'm t-trying to hold back my fangirling." Lauren just smiled.

"Oh it's okay don't hold back I won't judge." Camila gave her a 'your an idiot look'.

"Can I get a hug?" Lauren asked while standing up with her arms open. Camila just nodded before accepting Lauren's embrace.

Usually when you meet someone for the first time the hug is a quick awkward hug, but this one was long and it felt like they've hugged each other a thousand times before.

Camila couldn't ignore the fact that her stomach was filled with butterflies and that she never wanted to warm hug to end...What she didn't know was Lauren was feeling the same exact thing.

"Alrighty Love birds people are stairing." Dinah once she made her way over to the hugging girls.

Lauren just tighted the hug.

"Let them stare." Lauren could feel Camila smile against her shoulder.

After about five more minutes the two released from their hug.

"What are you doing here?" Camila asked still trying to wrap her head around it.

"Well, as you know Dinah and I have been talking and she told me about how you were feeling and I thought I pay you guys a visit." Lauren had the biggest smile on her face. Camila couldn't help but smile back.

Have you seen Lauren smile? It's contagious!

"Well I'm glad you're here." Lauren pulled Camila back into a tight hug.

"Is this all your going to do today, hug?" Dinah said in a jokingly annoyed tone.

"I wish." Lauren said tightening her hold Camila.

"Whatever, unlike you guys I'm not gonna be later for first period, see you later losers!" With that Ally and Dinah walked off to first period, leaving the two hugging girls alone.

"Well-" After releasing from the hug Lauren held our her hand in front of Camila. "I'm Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado."

Camila laughed and took Lauren's hand in hers and shook it.

Neither girl could hide the fact that they felt a spark ignite as they touched.

"I'm Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, it's nice to meet you."

"Its nice to meet you too."

"I'd love to talk but I have first period in like a minute so I should get going." Camila said before letting go of Lauren's hand and letting in drop to the older girls side.

"Oh cool I'll walk you there." Camila just nodded before walking towards the entrance of the building. It took Lauren a minute to catch up because she had to put her hood and sunglasses back on.

Once they reached the classroom door Camila turned to say goodbye to Lauren.

"So ill see you after school?" The younger One asked while nervously playing with her fingers..

"Of course, text me." With that Lauren kissed Camila on the cheek before leaving.

Camila brought Her hand up to her cheek still feeling the electricity running through it and making its way into her fingers.

Lauren on the other hand stopped in the middle of the hallway and realized she just kissed Camila on the cheek.

"Shit!" A couple of students gave her weird looks but she just walked out of the school and made her way back to her hotel.

Once Lauren was in th comfort of her hotel room she pulled out her phone and saw the she has a text from Camila.

C- A kiss on the cheek huh, gosh take me out to dinner first :-P

L- Very funny, to be honest I didn't even know I kissed you until I walked away

C- Its okay, I liked it ;)

Lauren dropped her phone on the floor after reading that text.

"Camila liked when I kissed her? What!?" The Latina asked herself.

L- Good, so hows Class? :)

C- Boring af! Save me!?

L- I'm on my way *Flaps superhero cape*

C- Haha, your such a dork :^)

L- The dorkiest! :-P

Camila didn't answer so Lauren decided to text Dinah.

L- I'm so bored! When do you get out of school?

D- Lauren it's been an hour, lunch is at 12:00 so stop by then?

L- Sure, I'm gonna take Camila out to lunch do you think she'll go?

D- As long as it involves pizza

L- Noted....Thanks DJ, see you at 12:00!

With that Lauren decided to take a small nap before going to pick up Camila.

At school Camila was talking to her teacher before lunch because she was caught texting during class.

"Yes, yes I promise it won't happen again I'm sorry."

"Okay." With that Camila grabed her phone and made her way to greet her friends at there normal lunch table.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late...I got caught texting during class and they took my phone away."

"Were you texting Lauren?" Dinah said nudging her bestfriend.

"Yes, now stop." Camila felt someone wrap their arms around her, her first instinct was self defense so she elbowed them in the stomach.

"Fuck Camz, it's just me." Lauren said while coughing.

"Oh my god, Lauren I'm so sorry!" Lauren just laughed and pulled Camila into a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" Camila said against Lauren's shoulder.

"I'm here to take you to lunch, plus I missed you." Camila couldn't help blush, she could get used to this.

"Shall we?" Lauren said holding he hand out for Camila to take.

"We shall."

"I'll see you guys at my house later right!?" Dinah yelled.

"Dinah I'll see you next period." Camila said but Dinah put her hand up and shaking her head.

"We all know your not coming back, so have fun."

Lauren and Camila made there way to the parking to a rental car Lauren got. She didn't want to attract attention so she just rented a small Honda.

"So what's your favorite pizza place?" Lauren asked while pulling out of the parking lot.

"Surprise me?"

"If you say so."

The car ride was anything but awkward, they were singing along to the music on the radio and falling in and out of conversation.

About 15 minutes later They pulled into Jason's pizza.

"I've never been here." The Cuban said excitedly while exiting the car and meeting Lauren before making their way inside.

"Really? I used to come here all the time with my friends before I started singing." It totally slipped Camila's mind that Lauren used to live here as well.

"Well if you came here it must be Good!" The two teenagers made there way into a booth sitting across from each other.

"Hello, My name is Austin and I'll be your waiter this afternoon, can i start you off with some drinks." he then looked up and saw Camila.

"Why Hello again." Camila scoffed.

"I thought you worked at domino's?" Camila asked referring to the other night when they had pizza and he tried flirting with her.

"Yeah I got fired." Camila and Lauren both Just started laughing.

"So your the girl who tried flirting with Camila." Lauren said still laughing.

"Ah yeah anyway, what can I get you?" The two Latinas sooner ordered their meals and falling into more comfortable conversations.

"So what's it like to be a popstar?" Camila asked while taking a sip of her coke.

"I mean it's my dream, I've always known that I want to sing for the rest of my life, but the schedule is hard. I miss my family all the time, the closes thing to family is my Best friend Normani who tours with me sometimes." Camila nodded Her head and reached her hand across the table and took Lauren's because she noticed Lauren was about to start choking up.

Lauren gave her a small smile and looked back down at their hands. The girls were trying to hide the fact that electricity was flowing through their veins and heating up the others hand.

They continued eating their lunch and talking until they decided it was time to leave, they never let go of each others hand until they had to while getting in the car but Lauren reattached their hands.

Camila randomly started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Camila didn't say anything she just turned up the radio.

Your hand fits in mine like its made Just for me

But bear this in mind it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

The two girls continued singing the song but Camila stopped because he phone vibrated signaling a call.

(C) Hello?

(D) Hey girly, Just calling to tell you and Lauren to come to my house when your ready.

(L) Dinah, well be there soon we just have to pick Normani up at the airport is it okay if she tags along?

Lauren yelled while driving so Dinah could hear.

(D) Yeah of course see you soon.

This should be a fun night.

Hey guys I'm sorry that it took me so long to update I had the worst writers block, and Im sorry for any mistake I've made in this story, oh and the twitter accounts are made up. Thanks for reading please vote and comment also if you have any ideas please tell me i could use the help

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