Survive ( Maggie Greene x GP...

By sleepless_ghost

28.4K 1.1K 67

Yn Grimes was a fashion designer before the apocalypse. Wouldn't think someone like her would make it far but... More

Stressful situations
well well well
unexpected discoveries.
walkers in the barn
Pushing through
God ?
shmol update
The governor
Real bad news
The Tombs
Old News
All Lies
The Lord's House
What happened
Different Water
Death comes easy
I'm back Bitches
The End
New Day


246 14 3
By sleepless_ghost

" hey dumbass." Someone called from above me. When I looked up I saw a bottle of water coming down. It hit the ground and opened. She groaned and walked away, " Enid?" I called. I grabbed my bag and got up and into the place. " what're you doing out here?" I asked. " There's another bottle in the corner. Take it and go." I grabbed the bottle, drinking it all in one go. " You're not gonna answer me?" I asked. " No." " What happened in Alexandria?" I asked again. " What always happens. People died." She said. " Did the herd break through the walls?" I called. " What herd?" She asked. " There was a herd. It broke through during the dry run, I thought it got to the walls and broke through." I called. " It was people. You should go." I heard her walking around upstairs. " My wife, Maggie. Is she okay?" I asked but she didn't answer.

She wasn't up there when I got there. She went out the window so I followed. " Hey, Enid." I yelled after her. Knocking out and running off, I wanted to follow but I had to go find Maggie. I had to make sure she's okay.

I found one for ours up against the fence. He was a walker, I grimaced and knifed him before jumping the fence. When i got to the other side I found a nite, ' Betsy, my love. If you are reading this...' j didn't read further. I stuffed it into my pocket and continued on. It could have been me up against that fence, praying that Maggie somehow got my message. I groaned and jumped back over, going to go look for Enid.

I found her I inside a bakery. " The hell are you doing." She asked me. " I don't know you." She countered. " Why did you give m water?" I asked. " I had it, you needed it. It doesn't make us friends. " I nodded. " We're not friends, I'm doing this for Maggie." I told her. "Your wife?" " She wouldn't leave you behind. She wouldn't want me to leave you behind." I told her. " Were going, now." She shook her head. I tried pulling her back but she pulled her gun on me making me back off.

" Give me the gun, Enid." I told her. " Turn around and walk away." She tried. " You're not gonna shoot." I nodded to myself. " Test me and I will." I lifted My hand and took the gun from her. " Asshole." She muttered. " You point a gun at me and I'm the asshole?" I asked. " Let's go, out the back and into the alley. " I said. " Why." " Because half the heard broke off and they're heading towards home." I said motioning for her to go.


I glanced at her after she killed a walker. " You think your wife wouldn't have wanted me to kill it?" She sarcastically asked. I just gave her a bored look. She went forth and cut off the balloons we had as markers. " A distraction." She said. " There's a helium tank in those shrubs, more balloons and more string." I held back a smile. " Who did you stay with back home?" I asked. " Nit my home. I lived in Olivia's place but I was aline. An orphan by walkers." She said. I nodded, " its just what happens." She added. " I get that you're scared. You don't want to lose anything else." I said. " I don't need a lecture." I nodded, " yeah you do. You honour the dead by going on, but you're scared. You life because they dont get to. You think your parents want you waving around a tun because you're afraid?" I asked. " We dont have to talk." She cut me off, continuing on with the balloons.

When she finished we went further. The heard did go back, they were surrounding the place. Enid walked back, " stop." I yelled. " What's the point. The world is trying to die. We're supposed to just let it." She frowned. " We're not supposed supposed to just let it, and I'm not letting you die." I told her. " I'm sure your wife will forgive you." She said but I shook my head. " This isn't just for her anymore. The walls are still up, we'll find out the rest. Okay?" I asked her. She nodded, wiping off the tear that slipped out. " Now you wanna help me send out a signal?" I gave her a smile. We let some of the balloons lose, hoping that Maggie, Rick or Michonne would see. After we looked around for a Blindspot.

We heard the creaking. Saw the tower fall. " Walkers are flooding into the east wall, which means the west wall will clear first. That's how we get in." I told her. " Just because the tower's down- just, people are still alive in there." I told her. " This is how it happens, how it always happens Yn." She stood still. " Listen people we care about are in there. People who care about me, who care about you. My possibly pregnant wife, you just wanna run away and be afraid. Then go, but that's go you lose People." I told her running off. She followed, of course. 

We climbed a tree, I saw Maggie up on a guard post, walkers surrounding her. " Maggie." I whispered.

We even found our way in and to the church. I turned to find her staring at a quote. " When I wanted to run you said that's how you lose people. What the hell does that mean." She sniffed. " People you love. They made you who you are, they're still a part of you. If you stop being you that last bit of them, it's gone." I sais. " Who are those People to you?" She turned and asked me. " My parents, a man named Dale, Maggie's father Hershel, a woman named Andrea, a man named Tyreese, a girl names Beth. Who are they to you?" I asked her back. " My parents." She answered. " They're still here because you're still here." I said making her nod.

" I want you to stay here." I said patting her shoulder wand walking off. " I can handle myself." She shot back. " I didn't want you to give up on this place, on these people. To be afraid." She sighed. " You're right, but I'm here now and I can help. We need to get her off of that platform, she's hurt. I can climb up the gate, you can distract them. We do it together, cause I'm just gonna follow you anyways." She smiled. I sighed and patted her shoulder, " let's go."

We got our stuff ready and headed to the gate where Maggie was trapped. It was dark out now, I ran over. " Go get her!" I yelled at Enid before running off and firing shots. I killed as many as I could but they were getting too close, I shoved and shot but they closed in in me, untill a gun went off and they dropped down. Abraham smiled, gun in hand. " Can you get the gate?" He yelled down, shooting forth. Sasha and them helped Maggie and Enid off as I got in the truck. " What the hell happened?" Daryl asked. " I dont know, I just got back. We can lead some of them away, they're scattered." I suggested. " No, we get them all together. Won't have to lead them away." He said.

He reversed to the lake where we let the gas flow in, he told abraham to stop some ways away before he shot the lake with an rpg. It lit fire, drawing the walkers to it. We watched them walk towards and into it, burning as they go.

It was nearing day, the streets were littered with corpses. I helped Maggie clean up. " I'm glad you're okay." She said as I wiped some blood from her cheek. " Someone has to take care of you." I joked. She smiled and looked down, " not just me." Came her next words as she glanced back up. I smiled widely, pulling her into a hug full of pure joy and happiness.

This is the time for me. To protect my family.


I had to wipe some tears with this one. Ah, Yn's 'end' is nearing but she'll be okay. Will Maggie tho?


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