
By lizlovestwd

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Adrian Walsh is a very stubborn and prideful 27-year-old. She tolerates her group, mainly sticking by her 12... More

Authors Notes!
Chapter 1- Tolerate
Chapter 2- New Man
Chapter 3- The Man on the Roof
Chapter 4- The Plan
Chapter 5- What the Hell?
Chapter 6- Escape
Chapter 7- Safe Spot
Chapter 8- The Truth
Chapter 9- Boom
Chapter 10- Cars
Chapter 11- Shoot
Chapter 12- Smile
Chapter 13- Well
Chapter 14- Flinch
Chapter 15- Shorts
Chapter 16- Broken Promise
Chapter 17- Hit
Chapter 18- Barn
Chapter 19- Angry
Chapter 20- Creek
Chapter 21- Two
Chapter 22- Strawberries
Chapter 23- Glass
Chapter 24- Hand Holding
Chapter 25- Attitude
Chapter 26- D(e)ad
Chapter 27- Nomads
Chapter 28- Sisters
Chapter 29- Gunman
Chapter 30- Shit Happens
Chapter 31- Mother
Chapter 32- Lil' Ass-Kicker
Chapter 33- Must, Pine trees, and Cigarettes
Chapter 34- Debrief
Chapter 35- The Woman
Chapter 36- A Third
Chapter 37- Vest
Chapter 38- Asshole
Chapter 39- Secret Apology
Chapter 40- Kiss
Chapter 41- Bracelet
Chapter 42- High
Chapter 43- Jean Vest
Chapter 44- PBND
Chapter 45- Detective
Chapter 46- Chomp
Chapter 47- Best Friend
Chapter 48- No idea
Chapter 49- Rock
Chapter 50- Wound
Chapter 51- Charges
Chapter 52- The Fall
Chapter 53- Thoughts
Chapter 54- Alyssa
Chapter 55- Claimers
Chapter 56- Rabbit
Chapter 57- Shirt
Chapter 58- Red Hat
Chapter 59- What?
Chapter 60- Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest
Chapter 61- Tainted Meat
Chapter 62- Mission
Chapter 63- Shoulda', Woulda', Coulda' (Part 1)
Chapter 64- Shoulda', Woulda', Coulda' (Part 2)
Chapter 65- Silence
Chapter 66- Cigarette
Chapter 67- Intruder
Chapter 68- Gas
Chapter 69- Rattlesnake
Chapter 70- Observer
Chapter 71- Crushed
Chapter 72- The Meeting
Chapter 73- What Was the Plan?
Chapter 74- The End Was With You
Chapter 75- Do Pretty Bitches Die?
Chapter 76- Balloons
Chapter 77- Exhaustion
Chapter 78- Is Negan Alive? (Part 1)
Chapter 79- Is Negan Alive? (Part 2)
Chapter 80- Maybe It's Not
Chapter 81- Over This Shit
Chapter 82- Agony
Chapter 83- Concussion
Chapter 84- Build Up
Chapter 85- Reunited
Chapter 86- Night Terror
Chapter 87- Manipulated
Chapter 88- Guts
Chapter 89- Revenge
Chapter 90- Back to the Beginning
Chapter 91- Isolation
Chapter 92- Bullethole
Chapter 93- Re-Traumatized
Chapter 94- Batshit Fuckin' Crazy
Chapter 95- Life or Death...Literally
Chapter 96- I Wish You Understood
Chapter 97- Bad Timing
Chapter 98- Rollercoaster of Emotions
Chapter 99- The Final Battle
Chapter 100- Did Nick Actually Deserve it?
Chapter 101- Actual Happiness
Chapter 102- Murder Mystery
Chapter 103- Just Like Everyone Else
Chapter 104- Last Time
Chapter 105- X
Chapter 106- Belt Buckle
Chapter 107- Journey
Chapter 108- Masks?
Chapter 109- Cell
Chapter 110- Unexpected
Chapter 111- Knock Out
Chapter 112- Oh God
Chapter 113- Blizzard
Chapter 114- Satellite
Chapter 115- Backstory
Chapter 116- Bug-a-boo
Chapter 117- You Think I Would Hit You?
Chapter 118- Hemlock
Chapter 119- Cave
Chapter 120- Horde
Chapter 121- Kaboom
Chapter 122- Rendezvous
Chapter 124- Metro
Chapter 125- Teenager
Chapter 126- Alden
Chapter 127- I'm Not Lying!
Chapter 128- Dual
Chapter 129- I Fucking Failed You
Chapter 130- I'm Done
Authors Notes!

Chapter 123- Whisperer War

24 0 45
By lizlovestwd

Yesterday, Negan killed Alpha. According to him, that was the plan all along. That was why he joined the Whisperers, that was why he tried to kill us, that was the reason for everything. He slit Alpha's throat and then cut her head off; he stuck it on a stake just like she did with everyone else. 

It's weird seeing Negan in front of me again, not behind bars. 

"Why'd you do it?" I ask, referring to saving me in the office. 

"Adrian, I still care about you. I never stopped." Negan says, leaning on the wall to my right. 

I lick my lower lip, "Feels like you did." 

He sighs and nods, "I know. But, every time I saw you with a new bruise, I wanted to rip Nick's throat out." 

I scoff and roll my eyes, "It's almost like- now, I could be wrong, I could remember one of the most traumatic nights of my life wrong's almost like you reunited him with me!" I can't help but get angry, I know there was a reason the hell there wasn't. 

Negan closes his eyes and shakes his head, "And I will regret making you go through that again every day for the rest of my life." 

I take a step forward and slap Negan across the cheek, "Fuckin' good." He takes the slap and doesn't retaliate, he just slowly looks back at me. My fingers trail through my hair as I sigh, "I taught Beatrice that you weren't a bad guy. I made sure of it." His eyes flash with a hint of hope. "But you're gonna need to prove that to the both of us." 

He nods, "I will." 

All of Alexandria, Oceanside, Hilltop have been moved to the southern part of the top level of a hospital for protection. We have a little more of a hunch that Alpha's horde is gonna make their way to Alexandria next. Alden, Aaron, and I have decided to go to Alexandria and secretly keep watch. We're up in the windmill, hiding behind the wall of the upper level as the propellors whoosh past us. The level we're on is above the balcony of the structure, it's a level that you have to balance on creaky ass beams to be able to stay up. 

"Shush-" I quickly shush Alden and Aaron's hushed conversation when I hear the faintest sound of growls. Lots of them. I hold my hand up to make sure they stay quiet and stay put while I slowly and secretly peek out the window. Just as I do, thousands of Walkers stumble into our lands, crushing tomatoes, knocking things over, overriding my nostrils with the scent of death. I quickly hide behind the wall again when I see Beta at the head of the horde walking to the windmill along with another Whisperer. 

"Fuck," I whisper almost soundlessly. "He's coming." Aaron nods to me and he and Alden exchange a ready look, both of them gripping their weapons. A creak in the steps below us alerts me that Beta and his Whisperer buddy are on their way up. Even my breath somehow goes quiet, as well as my heartbeat and brain. I push my back against the wall behind me and pray to Damien and Cato that Beta doesn't see or hear us. 

Beta and the Whisperer stand just ten feet below us, outside the level we're on, standing on the balcony, watching over their horde. Beta grips the wooden railing menacingly, his shoulders rising and falling with each heavy breath. Alden scoots on the beam next to me to make sure to be out of sight but loses his footing. He slips and almost falls but I catch him by the arm and glare at him. He nods to me as a "thank you" and straightens up. 

A third Whisperer walks up to Beta and his Whisperer servant. "No sign of 'em. They left quickly. Couldn't have gone far." The third Whisperer says, probably a girl. 

"Do we search elsewhere?" The other Whisperer asks. 

"Where..." Beta's voice trails off as he thinks for a moment. "Ocean." 

I peek my head out the window again to see if they're still there before signing to Aaron that Beta and two other Whisperers are below us. Aaron nods and writes it on his metal arm before signing "ocean?" I nod in response. 

Alden, because he's a fucking cunt, peeks his head out of the window, only to quickly hide behind the wall again as if he was seen. I tilt my head angrily and narrow my eyes as Aaron signs "did he see you?" in sign language. Alden doesn't reply, he just slowly looks out the window again. I throw my hands up silently and angrily before hearing Beta say "Prepare the guardians. We walk" 

So no, he didn't see Alden. Good, because I would've sacrificed Alden in a fucking second.

Aaron makes sure Alden's good before we switch to the next window, watching to see where Beta and the Walkers go.

"What's the plan?" Alden signs. 

"We follow them." Aaron replies. 

After a few minutes of following the Whisperers and the horde out of the walls of the now-destroyed Alexandria, Aaron radios the group as we stand on top of an R.V. Trees surround us and the sound of Walkers stumbling through weeds. The sound of bugs and birds has disappeared, all of them are probably taking refuge in a cave or something somewhere far from the Walkers.

"Tower, do you copy?" Aaron asks.

"Yes, we copy." Gabriel's voice says. I can still hear the sadness and worry in his voice since Inejra's been gone. I want her back, safe in his arms, so goddamn bad. 

"They're heading toward Oceanside as expected." Aaron says. 

Gabriel asks, "Any signs of slowing?

"Not yet."  Aaron replies. "We'll stay on them. If anything changes, we'll send word." 

"Copy that. Be safe.

"Same. Over." Aaron puts the walkie back in his pocket and nods to Aaron and me. 

Only a few miles from Oceanside, we're still following the horde. Only now, we're in the woods to the left of them. "Still no sign of slowing?" Aaron asks Alden. 

"You think this can work?" Alden asks. "This plan." 

I groan quietly, "God, the sound of your whiney ass voice makes me want to join that goddamn horde." I complain, not looking back as Alden and Aaron stop. 

"Has to, doesn't it?" Aaron quieries.

"I guess so." Alden answers. My back feels like it's about to give out from being hunched over for the amount of time we've been. It's started to rain now, and walking around in wet Converses is really pissing me off. "I always thought, once Alpha was'd be easier to see light. Past what we lost, y'know?" 

"I don't know about seeing past." Aaron says. "But I can fight here, try to make sure we don't lose again. For Gracie, Beatrice, Adam. Whatever it takes." We all stop behind a tree a few feet away from the end of the forest as the horde continues on. "Then, all this loss will maybe add up to something..." 

"Woah...are they slowing down?" I ask as I notice the Walkers' growls begin to stay in the same place.

"No. They're changing direction. Toward the tower." Aaron whispers, grabbing his walkie. 

"Call it in." Alden orders. 

"Oh, really?" I scoff, rolling my eyes and bringing my attention back to the Walkers. 

"Adrian," Aaron hisses through gritted teeth. 

"Sorry, just- something about a grown-ass man who acts like a teenager that just grinds my gears." 

"Oh, I act like a teenager?" Alden whispers. 

"Guys!" Aaron whisper-yells. He then tries to program his walkie but all he gets is static, "It's no good." He says, putting it back on his waistband. 

"We gotta fuckin' go." I state, turning and running. I skid to a stop when several Whisperers come out of the woods with their knives in hand. Aaron, Alden, and I stand back-to-back, spinning slowly to try and keep eye contact on all of the Whisperers. I hear a gun cock and when I look up, a Whisperer has a sniper aimed straight at my head with their finger on the trigger. 

I narrow my eyes but don't hold my hands up because, you know, fuck that. They think I'm scared, bullshit.

I scan the group quickly, we've only got a matter of time before the horde makes it to the tower. We have to be quiet enough that the horde doesn't get distracted by us because then we're fucked regardless. 

Gun. Head. Left. Right. All. 

Gun. Head. Left. Right. All. 

Be quiet.

Without warning, I grab the barrel of the sniper and shove the butt of the gun into the Whisperer's head as hard as I possibly can, sending him flying to the ground. Next, within half a second, my whip is in my hand and I'm cracking it on the person to my left's head, then to my right. Alden and Aaron have joined in now, fighting the Whisperers around us with all of their might. 

I grunt quietly as a Whisperer kicks my whip out of my hand and slashes at my stomach with their knife, to which narrowly avoid it by jumping back. Then I notice, while Aaron and Alden are fighting their Whisperers, I'm surrounded by three. That doesn't sound like a lot, but without being able to use my gun and without my whip, it's gonna be a hell of a lot more difficult. 

I crack my neck and motion to them to try me; they don't waste a second. At once, all three of them lunge at me. I grab the first Whisperer's hand and throw him to my right, sending him and the Whisperer he hit flying. The next one slashes at my face with their knife, though I duck just in time. My foot connects with their stomach and they grunt in pain, hunching over and throwing their knife terribly. 

I smirk at them and unsheathe my knife, stabbing them in the head before they can straighten up. The two that I sent flying earlier come running back, one of them grabbing me, picking me up, and slamming me to the ground. I groan in pain as the wind gets knocked out of me, every breath I take makes it feel like there are cotton balls in my throat and lungs, collecting all of the air. I grunt in pain as both of them kick me in the ribs, causing breathing to be even harder. 

I curl into a ball as they continue, one of their feet connecting with my chin, making me bite down on my lower lip. Warm liquid seeps out of my lip and down the corner of my mouth as well as into it. Another kick goes to my skull; the world suddenly becomes blurry and I can barely focus on what's going on. I can feel the front of a boot kick under my eye as well as my nose.




With all of the strength I have left, I lean over and bite on the Whisperer's leg, making sure I can feel my teeth touch through their skin before ripping my head away. Because of their pants, I don't have a chunk of skin in my mouth, but I can see it fall out of their pants leg. They scream in pain and fall to the ground. "Shut the hell up!" I whisper-yell, managing to stab them in the head now that it's right next to me. 

The remaining Whisperer grabs me and forces me to stand up. He turns and shows Alden and Aaron while having a death grip on my hair and tilting my head back, holding his knife to my throat. 

Aaron slowly puts his hands up to show that he's not gonna hurt anymore Whisperers, as does Alden. "Woah." Aaron says quietly. 

"You kill our people," The Whisperer behind me whispers. "You kill our guardians." He tightens his grip on my hair and pulls it slightly, enough to make me wince from the pain. "So now, we must kill you." As soon as I see him tighten his grip on the knife- a symbol that he's about to slit my throat, I shove my elbow into his ribcage. He grunts and accidentally slices my cheek but I barely feel it, all I feel is the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I tackle him to the ground. I grab the Whisperer's neck and squeeze as hard as I can while he tries, and fails, to grab my face.

Aaron and Alden cover for me, killing the remaining Whisperers. The light slowly leaves my Whisperer's eyes and his eyes stop focusing on me, instead, they go blank. 

I exhale and stand up just as Aaron and Alden finish off the last ones. "Holy shit, are you alright?" Aaron asks, running over to me. 

I groan in pain as my lip, cheek, eye, nose, and sides begin burning like hell. I nod, "Fuckin' splendid." I grunt. 

"We gotta go, can you run?" Aaron asks, his eyes following the trail of blood from my face down my neck. 

I shrug, "I gotta, don't I? Let's get the hell outta' here." 

As we run, a man with two kama's in his hand. A metal mask covers his face and he has his beige hood up, covering his hair. I groan quietly and grab ahold of Aaron as my headache from being kicked in the head worsens. Though, I have no symptoms of a concussion, thank fucking God. I am not dealing with that shit again. 

We stand before him, all of us worn out but not too worn out to fight off this man. It's not a Whisperer, so maybe, fucking maybe, he's not insane. 

I look him up and down, noting the mask on his face.

No, he's insane. 

"Look," Aaron starts, his voice slow and careful. "We don't mean any harm." 

The man just stares at us, his kamas at the ready. He doesn't reply, he doesn't move, and he seems to not even be breathing. 

"We're just trying to get back to our people." Aaron continues, one arm gently around my ribcage to steady me. 

"Aaron?" We hear from behind the suspicious man. The man looks behind him and walks to the side to reveal,


Aaron sighs with relief and happiness, "Maggie." He gasps, hugging her while still holding onto me. She smiles at me and I reciprocate a weak, slightly fake, smile back. Maggie hugs Alden tightly and looks at me. "What the hell happened to you?" 

"Mm, well, if you read our letters, you'd know we've had our toes dipped in the pool of the Whisperers." I reply, wincing at my head.

She nods, "I know, I'm sorry about that. I just...I haven't been here." 

"But you're here now." Alden says. I would tell him to shut the fuck up but every time I speak, my ribcage feels like it's about to explode.

She smiles at him before her eyebrows pinch together and she looks around, "Where's everybody else?" 

Our eyes widen in realization, "We gotta go." Alden says, urgently. "A horde is on the way. They're holed up in a hospital." 

Maggie quickly tenses, "Do you know the way?" All three of us nod in response. "Then let's go." 

By nightfall, we make it to the hospital. The whole horde is there, but seemingly multiplied. I hadn't realized there were this many Walkers until I saw them all crowded around the hospital. 

"What's the plan?" Alden asks Maggie. 

"We have to be careful, Adrian's in rough shape and-" 

"I'm fine." I persist, interrupting Aaron. "I've been worse." 

"Everyone's in there?" Maggie asks. 

"Supposed to be." Alden answers. 

"I don't think we have enough time to cover up in Walker guts." Maggie queries. 

"We find a pocket, get inside." Aaron suggests, still holding onto me. "Adrian," He turns to me, "You can't come." 

"Bitch? Yes, I can." 

He shakes his head, "You're injured, you're weak. It's more dangerous for you to come." 

"But...Beatrice and Alyssa are in there." 

"I'll get Alyssa." Alden assures me. Alyssa won't be happy about that.

"Beatrice?" Maggie asks. 

I look at her, "My daughter." 

She smiles softly and puts her hand on my shoulder, "I'll make sure to get her out first." 

I hesitate and turn to Aaron, he tilts his head at me as a "come on". 

If I go with them, I may not make it or I could get even more hurt and draw attention to them. 

I sigh and nod, "Fine." 

Aaron exhales and nods, "Okay, let's-" His voice is cut off by loud music from about two miles away. Just as the music starts playing, the Walkers change direction, following the sound of the song. 

"The pocket." Aaron whispers. 

"Go, go now." I urge, backing off of Aaron and grabbing a tree. "Get Bug out of there." Aaron nods to me and then turns and quietly jogs through the woods, down the hill and to the horde of the Walkers, Maggie, the masked man, and Alden follow. 

After a few minutes of counting pieces of dirt, a Walker's growl sounds behind me. I quickly stand up and kill the Walker, knowing it's not a Whisperer because it wouldn't have made a noise. By this time, the horde is back together, something happened to the music and it shut off. 

I could go in there and help. I have time to put the guts on, they didn't.

Without thinking twice, I cut the Walker open and smear its bloody, squishy insides on my shirt, camouflaging my smell with this nose-burning, rotting, horrid one. 

I hide my knife in my sleeve and make sure my whip is secure before making my way down the hill and to the horde. Only a few feet in front of me, I see Beta slamming Negan into the ground. Negan's grunts of pain find their way to my ears, kicking me into overdrive. 

Without thinking, I rush down the hill and tackle Beta to the ground. But, because luck hates me, Beta somehow turned us in mid-air and he landed on top of me. He gets two good punches in and slides his knife down my arm, cutting my skin. I know he's doing it to get me to make a noise, but I don't. Instead, I push my lips together as hard as I can and squeeze my eyes shut, tensing my body so hard it starts to shake.

Abruptly, Negan grabs him and throws him to the ground. "Not Adrian, asshole." He whispers, punching Beta. 

Beta quickly stands, as if nothing can hurt him, and grabs Negan, lifting him up and throwing him to the ground again. Immediately, Daryl, coming out of nowhere, grabs Beta by the shoulder and shoves his throwing knives into his eyes. 

Beta doesn't make a sound, not even after Daryl pulls the knives out. He stands up and backs into the horde, allowing the Walkers around him to tear him to shreds. He doesn't make a sound, almost as if he enjoys it.

I groan and hold my arm to keep the blood from pouring out of it as Daryl helps me stand. "Fuck, what the hell happened to you?" 

"Aaron, Alden, and I got ambushed." I tell him, groaning quietly in pain at the burning sensation in my arm. 

"Holy shit. You know who that asshole was?" Negan asks as the Walkers tear Beta's Walker mask off. I guess Beta was well-known or something but, I don't have the first clue as to who he is.

"Yeah. Nobody." Daryl replies. With that, he tightens his grip on me and all three of us walk away from the hospital. 

"Wait." I grab Daryl and make him stop. "Alyssa? Beatrice? Magna?" 

"They're okay," He assures me. 

"How do you know?" 

"Adrian?" Magna gasps, removing her Walker gutted hood. 

I groan in pain quietly, "Magna." She grabs me from Daryl and scans my face. 

"Who the hell-" 

"They're dead." I say, cupping her face. 

She sighs of relief and starts walking again, Daryl and Negan follow behind us. 

Finally back at the rendezvous, I waste no time looking for Alyssa and Beatrice. "Adrian!" She squeals, standing next to Maggie. She bolts over to me and hugs me tightly, resulting in a wince from me. "You're hurt." 

I shake my head, "You make it feel better." 

She smiles brightly, "Alyssa's over here. I bet you wanna see her." She grabs my hand and leads me to where Alyssa is talking to Alden, though, to my entertainment, she clearly doesn't like it. 

"Alyssa!" Beatrice calls. Alyssa immediately looks over and runs to me, hugging me tightly. 

"God, Adrian! You can not keep getting your ass beat! One of these days it'll be your last one." She says, wiping blood away from my nose. 

I scoff, "Nothing will be my last anything until you're dead." 

She smiles and hugs me, "Alden keeps flirting with me." She whispers in my ear. 

"Beat his ass." I whisper back, narrowing my eyes at Alden.

"I agree with that." Magna adds, joining in on the hug, as well as Beatrice. 

"Family hug." Beatrice squeals, squeezing us tighter. All of us chuckle and break the hug. 

I look at Magna and kiss her deeply, allowing myself to focus on her instead of the pain in my...everywhere. 

When she breaks the kiss she says, "You taste like blood." 

I scoff, "Yeah well, I wonder why." My eyes find their way past Magna and to Negan, who is standing alone against a tree. I smile to Magna and slightly limp over to him. "Not Adrian, huh?" 

He scoffs, "Never Adrian." 

A half-down-turned smile creeps onto my face, "Can't stop savin' my ass, can you?" 

He smiles, "Wish I coulda' saved you from whatever beating you took." 

I groan quietly, "Yeah, you and me both." 

He nods to Magna, "You switched sides." 

"I can barely be alone in the same room as a man. Plus..." I look back at Magna. "It just feels right." 

Negan smirks, "You seem comfortable around her. You seem happy." 

I smile a soft, close-mouthed smile, "I am." 

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