The secretive

By xmickeyxmount21

158K 2.1K 79

What happens when Anna Cela joins the grid ahead of the new season, and is trying to hide a secret from the r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
not a chapter
Chapter 24
Chapter Part 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50

Chapter 49

1.3K 24 0
By xmickeyxmount21

Hello beautiful people! Sorry for the lack of life from me but uni has just zapped all that away anwayyyy new chapter alert! Any new ideas let me know :)

In the hotel room Friday evening.

Lando - Soooo.

Alex - soooo.

Max - soooo.

Carlos - what have I just caught you three doing?

Lando - sooo

Alex - So-

Carlos - Stop with the so's, Max don't!

Max - S- rude.

Carlos's pov

"Fess up, come on, what did you do?" I asked.

"What'd you mean?" Lando gave me puppy eyes.

"I'm not stupid Lan, you three did something and if you don't tell me then you'll be in trouble." I tried to reason with them.

"You sure look stupid, you can't prove that we did anything." Max sassed back.

"The fact you're being so defensive doesn't convince me, Maxie, Alex you're being too quiet. Stay here. I'm going to ask around don't move a finger."

I made my way past them and headed for the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and spotted Mick. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Hola, you haven't seen Max, Lan or Alex do anything have you?" I queried.

"They were with Dan and Pierre earlier but that was a while ago." He turned and kissed my nose before pulling his food out of the microwave. I moved away and said bye before going into one of the bedrooms on my way there I saw Yuki but he hadn't seen them for a while as well.

Daniel and Pierre were on the bed cuddling when I jumped between them.

"Jesus Chilli, I was so relaxed before that," Pierre complained.

"Sorry, Mick said you lot were with Lan, Max and Alex earlier?" I questioned.

"Uh yeah like 20 minutes ago why?" Dan replied.

"They were acting really suspicious when I was in the hall with them, so I came to see if you knew anything about it. But seeing as you don't, I'll go see Charles." I clambered off them and made my way to the second to last room.

"Mi Amor?" I knocked.

"Oui. whats up Carlos?" Charles appeared from the other side.

"Have you seen Lan? Or Max? Or Alex?" I hopefully ask for the last time.

"Yeah they were in here like 10 minutes ago, we were cuddling then they got up and left. Why? Did they do something?" His eyes darted around.

"I haven't proved it yet but they all had that mischievous look in their eyes. Do you mind if I have a look around just to make sure?"

"Yeah go for it, anything of mine is yours, babe."

I walked around then spotted a plate of Oreos, I picked one up to try it then immediately put it down when I smelt what it was. Petty. They've definitely done more. I spent the next 2 minutes walking around before my eyes landed on a bunch of baby stuff in a random draw.

"Char, is this yours?" I laughed.

"What. No of course not. Do you think it was them?"

"I'm going to go with yes, especially since Lando's sister just had a baby. I'll be back later, got some things to do."

I escaped the room and found Dan and Pierre sitting with the trio I was looking for, right where I told them to wait.

"So?" Dan asked.

"You three are in big trouble. Dan, Pear care to help me make them understand how to be nice to their boyfriend."

"Depends what did they actually do?" Pear looked at them weirdly.

"They thought it would be a great idea to do a petty prank of filling Oreos with toothpaste. Then Lan brought his baby stuff over, I'm still not sure why but they filled one of Charles' cupboards with it, so I can only assume it was for him."

"No! It was for someone else." Lando smugly replies back, then his cheeks rise a rouge colour.

"Don't think you meant to say that did you, baby?" I lightly grab his chin and turn it towards me.

"Go on tell me babe, who did you bring the baby stuff for?" He looked down so I pulled his chin to meet my gaze.

"It was for Mick and Yuki because they're the babies of the group so we were going to put a sippy cup in their place for dinner and plastic plates." Max blurts out.

"Oh I see, so you were making fun of my boys were you?" I look at Alex who sighs but nods.

"Okay boys we'll see you at dinner." Pear pulls Dan and I away leaving the others confused.

Dinner time

Carlos's pov

"Dinner!" I shout along the hall. Mick appeared first and looked at the table before laughing.

"What are you doing to these poor boys?" He made his way around the table and kissed my cheek.

"Just giving them some of their own medicine."

Max, Lando and Alex appeared all cheery. They also looked at the table to find their places were filled with plastic things and bibs.

"Go on boys take your seats, it's just us tonight so everyone tuck in!" I said.

"Uh Carlos, we haven't got any food? And why is this here?" Alex gave me a look.

"Oh boys you must be confused, babies can't feed themselves so we're going to eat first then we'll feed you yours." Their eyes grew and they started to complain. I didn't listen and just finished my meal.

"Okay, boys let's feed you! Open wide lan!" He pushed the pink fork away whilst he pouted.

"Boys we seem to have not very hungry boys maybe they're just tired, it's nearly bedtime so that must be it!" Pierre responded.

"No we are hungry but we don't need feeding!" Max complained.

This went back and forth for 5 minutes before we begrudgingly let them feed themselves. When they were finished we pulled them upstairs and into the bedroom.

"Okay, boys it's 7 pm so that means it's bedtime!" Dan took over and started pulling them into the bathroom.

"Okay okay okay, look we're sorry it was just a harmless prank!" They scream together.

"You're lucky Charles didn't even notice the cookies nor Yuki or Mick even know about the other one, sometimes pranks aren't all that funny," Dan said as he released them.

"We're sorry. Can we stop this now?"

"Definitely it was getting way too weird." We all laughed and went back downstairs before playing some games and then eventually heading to bed at 10.

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