Star Wars One-Shots

By CourtesyTrefflin

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A collection of all of our one-shots, centering on a wide variety of characters. See the chapters for the ind... More

The Meaning of Destiny
Closer than Brothers
Ignorance is Bliss
A Time to Break
Forgive Me
Morning Mischief
If I Fall
We Remember Them
Astromech Shenanigans
A Single Spark
I Already Knew
Darth Vader Reads Fanfiction
Touch Me Not
Wrath of the Beast
Son Set
Curse of the Orbs
Battle of the Siths
Give You Rest
Lend Me An Arm
I Don't Like Sand
Ruin of Evil
When the Galaxy Falls
Old Friends Long Gone
Hunters of the Past
Traitor of Dawn
Far Away From Home
A Time To Mourn
Ain't No Crying
Ancestry of Nightmares
Walk Me Back
Smoke and Ash
Son Of Vader
Insidious Control
A Padawan Found
Reset (2) - Chapter 2: Floundering
Reset (3) - Chapter 3: Inevitable
Injuries Chosen
Until the Day I Die
Of Bittersweet Beginnings
Truce of Ice
Hope Arisen
Catnapped (2)
Catnapped (3)
Catnapped (4)
Smoke and Debris
Vode An
Multiples: Ahsoka in ROTS
Frozen In Time
A Time Of Truth
Crystal of Life (Part 1 - The Padawan)
Star of Shadows
Crystal of Life (Part 2 - The Clone Wars)
Cody Skywalker
All There Is
Ruin of Sands
Daughter of the Force
Insatiable Hearts
In A Blaze of Glory
Multiples: Obi-Wan in ROTS
Flight Path
Crisis of Faith
The Baby Batch
This Ends Today
It All Falls Down
Multiples: Obi-Wan in ROTS (Part 2)
Multiples: Leia in ANH
I Serve Only You
On Your Love I Stand (Part 1)
The Cat Batch
On Your Love I Stand (Part 2)
Multiples: Luke in TESB
Black Kyber
With Me As I Go
The Field Trip Menace
The End of Everything
Blood-Touched (Part 1)
Blood-Touched (Part 2)
Tuk'ata Turmoil (Part 1)
Clipped Wings (Part 1)
Tuk'ata Trouble (Part 2)
Clipped Wings (Part 2)
Darth Vader Reads Fanfiction (Part 2)
A Fine Addition To My Collection (Part 1)
Chains of Yesterday
A Crossing Of Blood (Part 1)
A Fine Addition To My Collection (Part 2)
No Reason Yet To Die
A Crossing of Blood (Part 2)
Fade Until I'm Gone
Bonds Unbroken
Stolen Dreams
Miss Me
The Mushroom Strikes Back
Scars Collected
The Blood Awakens
Haunted Shadows
Ni Partayli Gar Darasuum
Sea Shadow
What You Wanted To See
See The Moon
Ben-Ekkreth-Chippie (Part 1: The Chat)
My Own Way Home (Part 1)
Eyes of the Dragon (Part 1)
The Last Swap (Part 1)
Ben-Ekkreth-Chippie (Part 2 - Reunion)
My Own Way Home (Part 2)
Eyes of the Dragon (Part 2)
The Last Swap (Part 2)
Give You My Devotion
You Are To Me
First Snow
A Fruitless Hope
Travelers to Tython
Star of Death (Part 1)
Star of Death (Part 2)
If You're a Dream
Trapped in Fleeting Moments - Part 1: Hostage Crisis
In Sickness and In Health
Trapped in Fleeting Moments - Part 2: Revenge of the Jedi
No Road Home
When It's Over, You're The Start
What I Thought And What I Said
Beyond the Fantasy
Turn Back Time
Cerulean Shadow (Part 1) - Chapter 1: Blue Shadow Virus
Babyhood (Part 1) - Youngling
Cerulean Shadow (Part 2) - Chapter 2: Family
Babyhood (Part 2) - Padawan
Cerulean Shadow (Part 3) - Epilogue

Trapped in Fleeting Moments - Part 3: Home Is Where Your Heart is

79 2 6
By CourtesyTrefflin

Author's Note: So before anyone wails about everyone having to part ways, I promise it's not going to be for long. U_U I'd have an author's note about my future head canons for the universe up here but that would be spoilers, so I'll have them at the end.

Also, the one nice thing about Anakin being a girl is that he's never too big to be cuddled. <3 XD

PS. This is for Day 7 of the Anakin Rarepair Week.

~ Tirana Sorki

Sneaking into a medical bay in Mos Espa is easier than Anika expected. Activating a medical droid and getting it to cooperate with them is a little more difficult, but they manage.

Something about being here, making this choice for the first time has more meaning than... anything. Even if the freedom of it is terrifying. She feels lost. She has no idea what she's going to do from here, but... she knows where to start at least. After that, she's just chasing a dream. Does she even know what she's doing? Maybe Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan will be able to help her. She... hopes so because she has no idea how to go from here, even if she knows what she wants to do. Actually doing it will be much harder. (What if Sidious finds her again? What will he do to her?)

She finally settles for advising Fox to go first, just in case Sidious will know when her slave chip is tampered with. (Has she ever been anything more to him than a slave? Did he even care? She cared, but she was rejected over and over. She doesn't want him to want her, so she doesn't know why this hurts so much.)

The droid scans Fox's head, eventually pulling up something on the viewing screen. There's... something in the middle of his brain that doesn't belong there.

"It appears to be a brain tumor, of both organic and inorganic matter," the medical droid reports.

"Something implanted?" Anika asks, tensing.

The Kaminoans must've done it. They did it to all the clones, didn't they?

"It appears so, but the tumor is not impeding his function," the droid answers.

"Can you get it out?" Fox inquires.

"It would be a risky operation," the droid reports, "I should be able to remove it without complications, but there the slightest miscalculation could result in severe brain bleeding."

Very comforting.

Fox exchanges a wary glance with Anika, almost as though asking her what to do. As if she would know.

Fear tightens inside of her. She doesn't want something to happen to him. Doesn't want to risk him getting hurt, but leaving something in his head that can somehow influence his actions... is hardly ideal, either. "I... don't think it will go wrong." Not that she can sense in the Force, but... "This is your choice, Fox. You don't have to do it." He's probably as terrified of making his own choices as she is, but he deserves the chance to have that. It's not like she has any more of an idea what he should do.

"Take it out," he decides, finally.

"Very well," the droid agrees.

Anika circles around next to her bed, squeezing his hand tightly, heart hammering as the droid sedates him. If something goes wrong... She knows how it could end, but she doesn't think it will. Doesn't stop the fear, or how she tightly holds Fox's hand until the droid shoos her away from the bed, though.

She watches from the sidelines until the operation is finished.

"It appears to be a chip of some kind," the droid observes, holding the thing up. It's disturbing to see something that was just inside Fox's brain. "It appears to have been implanted in the earliest stages of development."

Of course.

Whatever it is, she'll have to break into the programming later to see what it's for.

She waits next to his bed, until he finally stirs and awakens.

Fox presses a hand to his head, blinking a few times as he sits up.

"Does it hurt?" she asks, hovering at his side. He did get pain killers so he probably can't feel much, but...

He wordlessly shakes his head.

Then they need to get moving. If Sidious is tracking her, they're in a time crunch to get out of here before he realizes something's up. "If your brothers want theirs out, they need to do it now. I'll go last." Hopefully that decision isn't a mistake.

Anika doesn't know Fox's other brothers who are here as well, so the two of them slip outside of while the others are being operated on. She climbs up to the roof to keep watch, and Fox follows.

Lights dot the city around them, but it's the moons' brightness that stands out the most. She forgot how bright they were at night. Even if it's still dark enough that no one would be able to see more than their brief silhouettes up here if they were out and about.

She didn't remember how beautiful it was to watch the stars, either. She's been on Coruscant ever since leaving Tatooine, and hardly any stars are visible there. She forgot how much she once missed that. Here, she'd stare up at them, dreaming to be up there, and sometimes... wondering about her... father, wondering who he was. She never expected Sidious when he came to pick her up. (A part of her is far more inclined to apply that term to Obi-Wan.)

Being back here hurts, though, remembering the days of her childhood. She was... happier back then, for as hard things were. Her mother was there. Force, she misses her. And she still had the childish naivety that she'd be free and then everything would be fine, but it never feels like she's stopped struggling to matter somehow.

A light breeze whips past them, and Anika tries to swallow back the grief, seeing... everything from Tatooine again. She hears a faint howl – it sounds like a Krayt dragon, but it makes her think of the sun dragon again.

Fox's hand lands on her shoulder, and Anika looks up at him. Something about the look in his eyes is... Maybe she was wrong in thinking she's the only one who feels this way. Not that she's never sensed it before, but it was always so fleeting. Maybe he's actually thinking about it this time.

"I used to live here," she says, quietly, "When I was young, before Sidious took me."

"I... thought you were his daughter."

"Not biologically. My mother lived right here, in the... slave area of this city." She can't see it from here. That's probably for the best.

Kitster might be here, though.

She wants to see him again. Now's not the time, but maybe... She has to be back for him, if he's still here.

"Oh," Fox says. He seems slightly confused.

"He didn't have me generated in a tube, if that's what you thought."

"Not... no," he admits, "I know you said you had a mother before, but I don't really know what that means."

Yes, well he wouldn't have a way to. Beyond in theory, anyway.

"I... always dreamed that I would come back and free all the slaves, maybe everywhere. I mean it that I want to start with you and your brothers."

His eyes glisten in the darkness with a level of emotion she's rarely seen him show. "Thank you, for what you're... doing. I don't understand why you are."

"Because I know what it's like." She bites her lip. "I was a slave here, too. I knew what it was like to never be able to decide anything for myself. To never be able to say no, no matter what I was... told to do. I don't think that's ever changed." It wasn't truly different with Sidious. She feels guilty and angry at once, thinking about him. It wasn't all bad, and it's not fair to act like it, but she can't understand how he could've done so much of what he has.

"The... Chancellor," Fox starts, slowly, "Has he been... hurting you?" He sounds almost nervous to ask. To be fair, asking something like that about the most powerful person in the galaxy who he's supposed to be serving wouldn't be easy.

"Sometimes. I don't know." She's hardly sure what defines as that versus him helping her. It's confusing.

She looks up, holding Fox's gaze. His hand other hand raises to touch her other shoulder, and for a long moment they just stand there, shadows in the moonlight. Yesterday, she never would've expected they'd get to this point.

And nor is she quite expecting it when Fox leans closer, slowly closing the distance between them, kissing her. She returns it, heart rate picking up and for once, it's not from fear.

How long has she wanted this?

She long accepted it would never happen, but it's Fox who – who initiated it.

He pulls back just as fast but she's... a little too elated to feel any disappointment. He seems to be feeling almost awkward, more than anything else.

"Are you –" he starts to ask, uncertainty.

"I wanted it for a long time," Anika promises, "If you're alright with it. It's fine if you are not."

"I don't really know what it... means," Fox replies, awkwardly.

How does she explain that?

"It's... complicated. We can talk about it when we have more time. Now is probably... not the time for it." No matter how desperately she wants it. So does he. And maybe now, it no longer has to be a dream. "I should check on the surgeries."

Fox nods, though she can sense his disappointment as they climb down from the roof together, going back inside.

The conversation still settles the deep running fear in her heart that he'd be uncomfortable, and that she'd have to spend forever just dreaming. If she wasn't away from Sidious, she'd have to spend the rest of her life just dreaming anyway, but now, she... wants to hope. Maybe it's the freedom of being in the night air that's making her so irrational right now, because being away from her master now doesn't mean it'll be forever. She knows that deep inside. And they need to focus on getting out before Sidious shows up. That's enough to snap her back to seriousness.

The surgeries are finishing up, so... Anika goes in for hers next. She stays conscious during it. She has to know the thing is out. It doesn't feel real until she sees the slave chip in front of her. For the first time ever, she's free of it.

But it means Sidious really did leave it in, and it's sickening and infuriating, and she can't understand why he's like this. Why. She trusted him. At first, at least.

She wants to stomp on it, to grind it into nothing, but that wouldn't be strategic. If she crushes it, Sidious will know for sure something's wrong. They need to get out. That's more important than crushing it to get out her frustration and finally feel free.

"Where are we going?" Fox asks, turning to her.

She hesitates. This... is when she has no idea. "We'll have to rendezvous somewhere. There's... something I need to take care of first. Some people I'm helping, but I'm not sure they would be pleased to see you."

Fox nods – she's pretty sure he can guess. "Alright. If you're sure you'll be fine when we're gone." He's worried Sidious will come after her, too. And he's afraid of what will happen to him if she gets caught. She can entirely relate to that – she's terrified but she's trying not think about it right now, instead trying to remember her mother's promise of the sun dragon.

Right now, she needs to get back to the cave before the others wonder what happened to her.


Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka are all wake when Anika gets back to the cave. It's still the middle of the night, but she can clearly see their worry and wariness.

"What's happening?" Ahsoka asks.

"The clones came to find me," she explains.

"Here?" Obi-Wan demands, stiffening, "How did they track you here? They know where we are?"

"They know where I was. They don't know about you. Sidious... had a tracker on me. I got rid of it, but we need to leave. He's going to come here in person next." It's... weird to have to tell them something so personal, but they're friends. The... only people she has now, other than Fox. It's strange to think of having a friendship with them that's open, that doesn't have to be full of lies and deception. (If they even want that, after what she... did. She wants it desperately, can't imagine living without them, but Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are undoubtedly – rightfully – still angry at her. She's just... assuming they want her. Hasn't really asked them yet. But Fox does, and for now, she clings to that.)

"He had a tracker on you?" Ahsoka squeaks, eyes widening.

She nods. "We need to leave. He knew I was here, and I know he'll come in person if I don't come back."

"What of the clones? Where are they now?" Qui-Gon inquires.


She needs to explain the rest of it to them. "I... You told me something was wrong with them, and I investigated. All of them have chips in their heads, influencing their behavior. I suspect they are activated by what you heard Sidious say to them."

There's a moment of absolute silence, as the three of them absorb her words.

"You're saying it wasn't their choice?" Obi-Wan repeats, uncertainly.

"They didn't do it on purpose?" Ahsoka echoes, mind blown. "How would you know that?"

"I had them scanned. They're... acting like themselves again. I know it must be hard to believe, after... what they did."

"I wondered," Qui-Gon admits, briefly touching Ahsoka's shoulder. The Togruta looks up at him, expression miserable again. "I couldn't imagine Captain Rex would ever do that of his own, despite how prone he may be to following orders." Qui-Gon was the General of the 501st, though he often didn't go into battle during the war. It wasn't a role he wanted, but from what Anika heard, the Council never gave him much choice.

Ahsoka looks like she's close to crying again – how close was she with Rex? Anika met him briefly before, but she didn't really know him. He helped raise Ahsoka, though. There's no way anyone couldn't positively adore her.

"We need to focus on leaving," Obi-Wan finally cuts in, "But this was our best location. We didn't have anywhere else in mind to go."

She feels a little bad about that because she didn't mean to get them in trouble. Not like she chose to come here, though. And that raises the other question. How can she have them if she's going to help the clones? What if she can't have both? Why does it always have to be a choice between those she sees as family and her duty? (Before, she thought that duty was serving Sidious.) "I promised the clones here I would help them," Anika asserts, even if she's hesitant. She doesn't really know how they'll react, or if they'll think she's planning to betray them. "I... I want to start freeing them from the Empire." That means she won't be settling down to hide, anywhere.

Realistically, doing that would be the perfect way for Sidious to find her. She already knows he's going to stop at nothing until he does, and she really doesn't want to think about it.

"You're... going to leave?" Ahsoka asks. She looks hurt.

The question shouldn't be surprising, but it means she does want her around, despite what's changed between them. "I... I want us to stay together, but I don't think this is... something any of you want to be involved in."

The Togruta's expression falls a little. "I'm tired of fighting," she says.

Anika steps closer, hesitantly touching her shoulder. "I know. That's why I won't ask you to join. And I'm not disappearing. We can still talk and see each other." It'll be dangerous, but it should be something they can work out. Ahsoka's only eleven and after being in a war for like a year now, she deserves the chance to at least live for a while.

Qui-Gon looks thoughtful. "I don't believe now is the time for me to get involved, but I may in the future. If this is where the Force is guiding you, Anika, then this is where you need to go."

She nods, giving him a small smile, even if her heart is clenching painfully. She doesn't want to just leave.

It will be safter for them, though. Sidious will know to go after the three of them and Fox. Better for her to not be around them constantly. But she doesn't want to have to say goodbye to them. She's wanted this for so long. She doesn't want to lose it now.

Obi-Wan's gaze shifts between her and Qui-Gon, before finally settling on her. "I'll go with you."


Her eyes widen. "You're... going to go with me?" Why would he...?

"You could use help, couldn't you?"

She can't help wondering if it's actually a 'he doesn't want to leave her alone because he doesn't trust her' but she doesn't comment. If he's volunteering to come, why would she say no when she doesn't want to be alone? Even if it's... for a reason like that. (At least someone will be there to protect her if Sidious catches up with her.)

Anika nods, giving him an almost shy smile. "Thank you."


Going back to pick up their ship from town takes a while, and its near dawn as they fly away. Anika watches Tatooine shrinking out the viewport, unsure why it's hurting so much. It's not like she wants to be on Tatooine anymore, but it's... a place of so many memories. Good and bad.

Where she spent so many years with her mother, but then lost her.

Where she finally found freedom – ironically enough – and was able to give the same to Fox. And where she finally got what she wanted with them, and realized he wanted the same with her.

And where she may have finally gotten the chance to be family with Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon outside of the deception that's always clouded their relationship. Except now, she's about to leave two of them again and it hurts.

They already agreed that Qui-Gon is going to drop her and Obi-Wan off at the meeting place they agreed on with Fox before he and Ahsoka go into hiding again. She didn't ask for the planet – if Sidious gets ahold of her, it's better if she knows very little about where they are. Thinking about having to say goodbye to them again has her very close to tears, though. She wants to... to be happy, and she doesn't think she'll ever truly have that. Doesn't think she even knows what that means anymore. It also feels like she's just walking out on them, but she can't do nothing for Fox and the clones.

The other three have already gone to the hold, and she can faintly hear talking. She doesn't know what they're discussing, and she's not trying to hear until some words filter in.

"If we cut off everyone whose choices differ from our own, we would stagnate and cease to learn, cease to grow. We must let people choose their path, and let them go as they see fit, but always leave a door open for them to return. Despite what others may call them, no one is ever truly lost. There is always hope in the Force," Qui-Gon is saying.

He's obviously talking about her. She doesn't know how to feel about that. He actually believes that she can have a different path, even after he lost... everything. It means a lot, and she wants to go back there with them, but considering how personal this conversation probably is for them, she should let them finish.

"I know she's helping us now," Ahsoka says, sullenly, "But why didn't she before?"

It hurts that she's still angry, but it's understandable.

"Sith are not... kind to their apprentices, Ahsoka," Qui-Gon replies, "She may not say it, but he has obviously hurt her much in the past. If he hadn't, she wouldn't be here now."

He... noticed? She doesn't know what to think about that either, or the ridiculous wave of guilt that suddenly runs through her. It's not like everything with Sidious was bad. He was nice sometimes. Genuinely. He helped her and he freed her, even if so much of the rest of what he's doing is wrong.

Still feels like she's being ungrateful, and she already knows the Jedi will assure her that she isn't, but she doesn't know that. It's too confusing and she wishes she didn't have to deal with it at all.

Nor does any of this change that she wants – wants what Sidious will never be, and it's not fair to expect that of him anyway if that's not what he wanted. (Maybe she wouldn't if he hadn't had her call him her father.)

"He's hurt her?" Ahsoka asks.

"Yes, and I expect it was bad," Qui-Gon replies.

"Why didn't she run away?"

"It's not that easy, Ahsoka. Not when you're in that kind of situation."

Anika turns away, staring at the blur of hyperspace around her, trying to tune it out. Why is it always so hard to... find any level of calm or anything? She tries to tune it out entirely, but the depression and fear and questions are gnawing at her so staring at the hyperspace swirls until she feels like she's half in a trance is probably the best way of thinking about everything and nothing.

The door opening behind her makes her start, and Anika twists around to see Ahsoka pattering into the room. The Togruta climbs into the copilot's seat opposite her.

"Did you need something?" Anika inquires, leaning forwards.

Ahsoka's studying her, something childishly thoughtful in her gaze. It's kind of adorable. "Was he mean to you?"

Of course, she came in here to talk about that. "Sometimes." Anika's gaze drops to the floor. (She wishes she didn't have to feel guilty for wanting someone to take care of her.)

"You could've told me," the Togruta says, swinging around in the chair. "I could've hidden you."

If only it were that simple. Not that she expects Ahsoka to understand it when she's so little.

It's still touching that she's offering, though. "I wish I could have, Ahsoka, but I didn't want to get you in trouble. If... the Jedi had done anything, all of this could have happened sooner." And she's still so scared, and she can only see past it a little now because there's a galaxy of distance between them.

Ahsoka makes a face, looking none too happy. "Are you sure you can't stay?" she asks.

Anika doesn't want to have to say no to anyone if they actually want her around. "I can for a little bit. You don't have to go right away. Right now, I don't even know what I'm doing." Because she really doesn't. It makes her feel a little better at the realization that they don't have to part ways yet.

Ahsoka brightens a little.

"While we're here, why don't we talk about something other than this?" Anika suggests, "We were gonna do another round of dejarik if you still want that." They were playing rounds with each other way back before Ahsoka was sent out with Qui-Gon to the Outer Rim Sieges, and they never had time after she got back during the Battle of Coruscant. Until now.

Ahsoka hops to the floor. "Sure," she chirps. The look in her eyes is still dead – Anika suspects that after what she lost it'll be a long time before that changes – but there's a spark of life there that wasn't before. It's relieving to see.

They head to the hold where Qui-Gon is presently meditating, and they sit down on either side of the table to play. Obi-Wan is standing there watching, arms crossed. Anika can repeatedly feel his eyes on her, but he doesn't say anything. She almost wishes he would instead of having to wonder what he's thinking about, but... she just turns her attention back to Ahsoka as they play.

She wishes she could have longer than 'a little while' to just be, to spend with them, but staying in one place isn't safe.

But she'll have to figure this out. Somehow.

She's not going to let herself be separate from Ahsoka for long.


They get to the planet they were heading to before Fox and the others do. Which is a little unexpected, but the clones did have to ditch the Republic ship elsewhere and find a new one, so it's taking them a little longer.

The four of them meanwhile leave the ship a distance away from the meeting point chosen. It's nighttime again – it already feels like another entire lifetime since she left Tatooine. A part of her is disappointed they had to leave it so soon, even if she didn't really want to stay there, either.

Trying to sleep would be nearly impossible, so Anika slips outside into the warm evening air to look up at the sky. She's almost certain she can pick out Tatooine's star from here. She doesn't know why she misses that suddenly either, but maybe one day she really will have the chance to go back and free everyone, like she dreamed of.


She was a Jedi in those dreams.

She's certainly not now. She's a Sith, and maybe Qui-Gon is right that she can be more, but that'll only be true if Sidious doesn't get to her. She feels so lost trying to decide what she's going to do now on her own. She's never been able to do that before. And making a decision now is more of a dream than a practical, this is what she's going to do. Hopefully Obi-Wan or Fox have more of an idea how to even start a movement like this, because she... doesn't. She's just trying to figure it out on the fly, despite how terrified she is that something's going to go wrong.

It's almost unnerving to be alone out here suddenly.

Movement in the doorway catches her attention before she can rethink her decision and go back inside, and she looks up to see Obi-Wan approaching. He sits down next to her on the ramp, and it... warms a bit of the desperation inside of her to be cared about. Even if she should probably stop reading so much into the slightest bit of attention anyone shows her.

"How's your side?" Obi-Wan asks, after a pause.

"Better. A little." She's been so distracted the pain hasn't bothered her much. If anything, it's an ideal thing to keep her mind off everything that's happening.


She bites her lip, thinking over what she really ought to say to him. She hasn't spoken to him much since he kidnapped her in the first place. "How... are you?" she queries, hesitantly,

Obi-Wan eyes her. "As well as you can imagine." He doesn't seem angry at her, but she's still cautious.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Everyone keeps saying she should have, but she doesn't know how she could've and –

The look in his eyes is assessing. "I knew you were afraid of him, but I didn't realize how... far it went."

Anika looks away. "He was my master," she mumbles, "He did what he had to, to teach me to be a Sith."

"Even though he had you call him your father?"

She turns her head away, trying to blink away the tears threatening to fall again. "That's what I wanted him to be. That's not what he was." It's not really fair to have expected that either – she doesn't think he even knows how to be one and it makes her wonder fleetingly what his parents were like because he never talks about them – but that doesn't stop how much she just... wants what she once had, when her mother was alive. "My mother... died on Tatooine."

"You're from Tatooine?" He sounds mind blown.

She nods. "I never had a father. Not one I knew at least." Her mother said she never had one, but she's no longer certain what she meant by that. "I always wanted one but, I..." She knows she won't get that, and now is hardly the time to dump all this on him anyway after how much he's hurting. "I don't mean to... bother you with this."

"It's alright," he replies, still studying her, "Jedi don't have parents, but if we're going to be working together, I could... give you more training in the Force, if you want. Even if the Order wasn't gone you couldn't be a Jedi so you wouldn't really be a padawan, but I could still... give you training."

Anika stares at him.

That... was the last thing she ever expected him to offer???

(He's proposing to train her in the Force? In the Jedi way? She doesn't know if that's what she wants, but she doesn't... know what's involved. She doesn't want to have to end up seeing Obi-Wan as a master too, but it wouldn't like with the Sith, right?)

"Why are you offering this?" Anika asks, finally, "After I... lied to you." Why would he want her, after that? Especially after how angry he was when he showed up in Palpatine's apartment only days ago in the first place. She doesn't think he's not angry anymore – it's just far more latent and hidden. Or maybe Qui-Gon talked to him about it. She's not fully sure.

Obi-Wan's quiet for a long pause. "I... have known you for a long time, Anika. I can see now that you don't support what he's done, and... you're still a child."

"But you came to the apartment to –" She cuts off, unable to finish. Nothing had hurt quite as much as that.

There's a flicker of something in his expression that she can't quite read. "I had strict orders from Master Yoda, and he was insistent. I may have been... angry, but that doesn't mean I wanted to do it or... had any real intention of doing so. I only knew I couldn't leave you with the Sith, whatever choice I made."

That he wasn't outright planning to hurt her makes it a little easier to hear, calms a little of that quiet fear that she's been struggling with all this time, even if it's not so easy to forget what she'd actually thought for a moment. "I wanted to be a Jedi once," Anika tells him finally, maybe a little shyly, "Sometimes I wondered if – who my master would've been. If it would have been you." She daydreamed about it sometimes, as foolish as it was.

"Likely," Obi-Wan replies dryly, and she blinks at the unexpectedness of the... agreement, "I've considered taking a padawan before, but I often thought of you whenever I was considering who I should take."

He what?!

Since when...?

Anika feels ridiculously speechless again, and she twists sideways without really thinking, wrapping her arms tightly around him. Obi-Wan makes a quiet noise of surprise, but he catches her, hugging her back. She presses her face against his shoulder, scooting a little closer – she didn't mean to end up half in his lap, but she pretty much is.

A little like how her mother used to hold her when she was younger. She's missed that.

"I do believe this is unnecessary," Obi-Wan grumbles, though he sounds more exasperated than annoyed.

"Don't ask me to get up," she requests, though the slightest negative tone tends to incline her to listen instantly. He doesn't let go of her, though, so he must not be too serious about wanting her to move.

"Fine," he huffs.

"You're amazing," Anika tells him cheerfully, still not moving. She's not really joking. No one pays attention to her like this or wants her. Except apparently, he and Ahsoka always did and Qui-Gon's nice because he's him and he always is.

Obi-Wan laughs – she doesn't think she's ever heard him do that before, except when he's trying to be annoying. "Am I."

"Mmhmm." Right now, anyway.

And right now, there's nowhere else she'd rather be. She knows the... family she's collected in the past couple days won't be staying together for much longer, but for the first time she actually feels like there's a chance of... of having a real one, one that she wants to believe will stay with her.

Overhead, she can hear a shuttle incoming, and she can sense Fox approaching. Finally. She only hopes that once he's here, all of them will be able to stay together eventually.

In the end, she can only hope, because that's the one thing she's always had.

Author's Note: So what I think happens next in the universe in case anyone's wondering. :D Obi-Wan starts training Anika as a Jedi (he just wanted revenge and to fight and to stay with her, he didn't leave cuz he was dying to help the clones obviously :_: xD) and she starts setting up a clone rebel movement. The first clone she goes after to free is Rex, and they really do it together with some help from Fox. Probably in a couple years, Ahsoka ends up joining the fight again, and Anika and Rex have the chance to raise her together. Qui-Gon probably comes along for the ride. Anika and Fox end up marrying in a few years, ignoring Obi-Wan squawking about how little she is. :') XD (And maybe once Anika is in a better mental space, Sidious can still be redeemed??? I doubt it but idk. I'll just not worry about that. O_O)

Final Notes: Reviews are always appreciated! ^-^

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