Nyx's Descendant

By jacob_harrison4

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This is a story about eight primordial gods and goddesses representing the different elements and forces of t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
(Part 2 )
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

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By jacob_harrison4

The headmistress entered, followed by the staff and the orderlies. When she got up to the counter, the look she gave me was controlled rage and surprise. Clearly, she thought I would try to get out of the duties assigned to me as well and she became angry when I didn't. She wanted to have a reason to hurt me and now she would have to get creative. Of course, the more Jyn, Inos, and Jesi interfered with the consequences of my existence and status, the more it would become hard to survive in the end. All the pauses of abuse would build up against me. Most of the orkta wouldn't be getting out of the life unscathed.

We all knew it. We all expected it. I know these people meant well, but it wouldn't help us much in the end. We finished serving the orphanage two hours later and Gertrude took me back to a small office with a folding table and a rickety chair. "It's the best I could do," she said apologetically. I smiled. "I appreciate this," I told her. "What's the occasion?" I asked as she grabbed a dark silver tray from the corner. "Well, I sort of took in Xavier in after a time. I haven't officially claimed him as my own. He may as well be at this point. You and him honestly. I know you helped him at school when he was about to be punished," she explained.

"Yes, well that was uncalled for anyways. They had word and still tried to get us for lying," I said remembering back to that day. I didn't realize how infuriating it was. "Of course, but you still stepped in and said something. You knew you could have been punished alongside him or for him. Yet, you still spoke up. I appreciate that. I don't want either of you to be harmed for something that you can't control," she told me. I smiled. "Of course," I said with a smile. "So, I prepared a special breakfast for you," she told me as she removed the lid of the tray.

I gasped. This looks like a meal for the staff," I choked out. "Yes, well, the headmistress won't be getting her third breakfast tomorrow," Gertrude said with a wink. I froze. "No, I can't accept this," I replied in fear. She scowled. "Whether you eat it or not. The results are the same. She won't be getting a third, because I won't be able to save it that long. You may as well eat it and not say anything. We would all be punished. Besides, is it worth it? Watching her scarf her face, while so many starve?" Getrude demanded. "I guess not," I mumbled. "Good, now enjoy. We have been having supply issues, so if we have to cut back, so be it," she stated flatly.

I nodded in defeat. I couldn't help but ignore the guilt as I ate the pancakes, sausages, scrambled eggs, chocolate chips melted on top with bananas, and strawberries. The apple hickory bacon tasted delicious. I finished eating in record time. "Did you even taste it?" Gertrude asked perplexed. I laughed heartily. "Yes, but I didn't want to be late for school," I reminded her. She gently slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand. "I totally forgot. How could I be so dense?" She then opened the door and Xavier stood outside waiting for me with all the school project and our bags.

"I took the liberty of gathering your stuff for you. I figured you would be busy this morning," he responded with a wink. He had his red hair slinked back. "Do you think this is going to be an eventful day?" He asked as we left the small office and headed down the hall to the main gate. "I don't know. I think this will be a different kind of day. I don't know about eventful," I replied. He conceded the point. There wasn't any way to know for sure. Well, some may be able to find out. I wasn't very good at guessing. We headed down the hall into the main entryway.

The headmistress waited for us all to gather. "I have an unexpected announcement to make. The bureaucrats of our nation have been scouting for those about to graduate who have high marks. They are looking for young men and woman to accompany them and learn from them. I'm not sure about their goals, but they seem to want the best out of you. Now, I have no idea what they are scouting for. My guess would be it has something to do with the benefit of the nation and our world and I know you all want to become important members of society. So, I implore you all to make the best of the next two weeks and do everything you can to be more involved in class. Get your work done on time and study hard. Prove to them and to yourselves that you are worthy of being chosen," she finishes.

Then she looks at me with disdain before moving on so we can head to school. "Okay, so you were right. Clearly, this is going to be interesting and eventful," I replied as we all hustled out the door and walked at a quick pace down the sidewalk. We crossed the street when no cars were on the way. Xavier and I didn't want to deal with that old fool again. Half the orphanage followed us. The others didn't seem to care or just weren't paying attention, lost in conversation. "I wonder if Inos is going to be there again?" Xavier wondered, almost gushing. I gave him a curious look. "You think he's cute?" I asked casually.

He froze and looked at me. "I...didn't mean...I mean, oh shit," he mutters, face blazing red and slightly turning purple in embarrassment. "Hey, personally I think he's a good-looking man as well. I don't see a problem with that at all," I said trying to diffuse the guilt and shame Xavier was feeling. He still stammered and tried to apologize to me. I told him that he didn't need to say sorry so much. "I just don't want you to think I was a fa-"and I cut him off before he could finish the self-insult. "You mean you didn't want me to think you were gay? Why would I care?" I asked him.

He only stared at me and blinked in stunned silence. "You mean you don't care?" I gave him a droll look. "Whether you are or not. Why would I give a damn?" I countered. He still didn't know what to think or say. "I guess everyone is so concerned with labels or who is into who. I thought you would care," he admitted. I draped my arm over his shoulder as we walked down the sidewalk. "You worry too much about others," I told him. "You don't?" He countered. I laughed softly. "Okay, so sure. I do care to a point. You should still be happy with yourself. You have nothing to be ashamed of," I say.

He only shrugged and shook my arm away. "I know you don't want to admit it to the school and besides it not being their business and how they'll act. You don't have to hide it from me. I think Inos is a good-looking man. So, personally you have good taste," I said winking. He laughed softly. "Just know you can be yourself around me," I assured him. "Thanks man," he whispered with a soft smile. We crossed the street and went up another two blocks. We finally got to the school and traffic seems to be more intense today.

"Something is definitely going to happen today," Xavier commented. We walked to the gates and the security all circled around keeping an eye on something that could threaten the school again. They all eyed me sharply. They seem to remember what happened more than a week ago and somehow these were newly hired. They still seem to know of me at the very least. We passed through without incident and we headed into the main entrance. We crossed the large yard towards the main entrance. I passed through the yard so many times that I never took notice of the giant oak and elm trees.

The shade trees that grew with the bone white leaves. I don't know how I could have missed the beauty in them. "You look like you've never seen the trees before," Xavier observed. I laughed softly. "I guess in a way I haven't. I mean, it's hard to explain. I never took much notice of them before. I don't know why, but they seem to stand out more now," I told him. He nodded in understanding. "It took me a while to fully notice everything myself," he told me. We went to the main doors and entered through them and passed the office.

The large cafeteria seemed brighter than normal, everything repaired. The lights were glowing more intensely in the fixtures. The walls brighter. "I see they fixed everything and even improved the building. "Yeah, but nothing really changed. The jocks still rule, they are jackasses and think we are scum still. Some of the teachers feel the same way. I don't think anything really changed that much," he told me. "No, I wouldn't think things would have changed much," he replied. We walked to the center of the cafeteria and went towards our lockers.

Ms. Canel approached me and wanted to talk to me about our discussion from before. I stepped aside with her away from the others. "I looked into the report of your alleged cheating and even though the school is claiming you have. I have filed against them that you haven't and based it on my reputation as a teacher. Not only that. My sister is at the citadel. I have put in a request against this witch hunt. She's looking into it and her interaction has stopped the incarceration against you," she told me. I sighed in relief, but I couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

She smirked. "Well, see I know who really cheated and blamed you. I've always known. I refuse to let a student become the scapegoat over some entitled jock. "I honestly didn't think the royal court would do anything for orkta," I admitted. She gave me a sad smile. "Normally they wouldn't. My sister and I are not like them. We employ orkta and have always treated them well, we think. We don't think you should suffer based on status of birth. So, she's offering to take care of it. You may have to work for her for a time. Unfortunately, that's just how things are. You wouldn't be treated unfairly," she promised.

"I'll pay the debt. I appreciate you looking out for us. I wish it wouldn't come to this or it wasn't this way. I know that nothing is going to change how we are treated. Not everyone will see us as people, but property," I whispered feeling numb to it. She only shook her head and scoffed in disgust. "I agree that it's unfair. Hopefully, things will be able to change soon," she told me. I laughed without emotion. "Ma'am as long as the royal family and the world views us like cattle. Nothing is going to change. I'm thankful for everything and I'll do whatever needs of me to earn this assistance. It doesn't change the fact that I and the others are just fodder and slaves," I said bowing before walking away.

I worried that I would be disciplined for not being dismissed before leaving. I couldn't worry about that. I headed to art class. I sat down at the table and got all the supplies and the sketch pad ready to start the lesson when the professor began. The others filed in and in walked in a young woman who spoke with a strange accent. Her golden hair pulled back in a neat braid that fell over her shoulders. Her light smooth skin, bright green eyes always seemed to see every detail and every flaw about an object or person. She always appeared to be somewhere else, focusing on every little thing about whatever she studied.

She never looked down upon anyone. No matter the circumstance. She always treated me just like the others and she even put the cheerleaders in their place. I didn't think I had much talent, but she always felt like I had an eye for detail and gave me extra lessons during class. She even put some of my more advanced and focused about art in the talent shows and on display. Of course, no one wanted it, but it was still nice to see someone taking pride in my work. The cheerleaders wanted this class for an easy grade, but it wasn't. They learned the hard way that it wasn't a wash out class. They scraped by and were furious that I got full marks.

When the class started Ms. Francela told us that we would be submitting a life portrait of a chosen model. We all would have to find someone willing to paint and we could choose any setting that the model was willing to have. We had one week to find a model and one week to submit it. Our mission now was to figure out a dozen different poses and settings that we would like to do the painting in. Once we can figure out basic ideas, then it won't be too hard to complete the project. My thoughts were lost with Xavier, submitting the history work and he was tasked with my book report submission. I wanted to do it myself, but he said that Mr. Zal asked him to bring it as soon as possible in case he didn't get me in class right away.

I only hoped that I wasn't looking at the good in someone who would eventually backstab me. Then I scolded myself. How could I think that about Xavier? He's never been the untrustworthy one. He's always done the right thing. I had to focus on my classes now and worry about the assignment later. Either way, my name is on it. So, the teachers will see my name and know I did the work. Plus, I still have all the rough drafts and research still in the binder. I could make an argument about how I did the research and reading.

I started to focus on the current class, and I got several ideas from famous paintings from all over the world. I have never been outside of the small city I am in now, but the school and public library has extensive books with famous paintings from all over. I always liked the dark ambient photos. The ones in fall, with the leaves changing. The bright full moon, fog rolling around softly. I chose a bunch more various descriptions like that main one. And others with more light toned. Or some under a light rain with lightning. Two I really liked soft snow and ice.

Ms. Francela came by with the different color palettes that I thought the most optimal for the portrait. She really liked my choices and the colors for the different ideas. She seemed very impressed with the choices, while only a couple of the other classmates got her approval. The rest made her lose interest completely and the look in her eyes was 'why did I even get into teaching?' I wanted to smirk at her expression. "Ma'am, I don't understand why 'they' are getting praise for their work," Julie replied. She was a cheerleader. Popular, because her mom was on the council for the royal court. Julie wasn't really pretty, average weight, plump, short with dark brown pixie cut hair.

She was cruel and savage and stuck up. No one wanted to anger her because her family held the most prestige at school. Governors' children and mayors' children. The class soon ended, and I went to music class. The teacher wanted me to play guitar, but I felt more comfortable on the percussion set. Also Mr. Gavin wanted everyone to try their hand at singing and I wasn't going to do that. Besides, who would want to listen to me sing? I wondered. The instructor came from a prestigious school of music and art. Rumors are that he and Ms. Francela went to the same school.

He always claimed that he could spot talent. He didn't know why or how I was an orphan and how no one knew of my birth parents. I wasn't too bad at the drums. He felt like I was playing it safe, and I probably was. Mr. Gavin walked in with his maroon short spiked red hair. His dark light skin, slender build. He is tall, muscular and devilishly handsome. His dark smoldering coal and red eyes bore into the class. "So, we are going to do something a little different today. We have a new student joining today. Zeke, I'm sorry, but you're being replaced on the drum set," Mr. Gavin told me.

The class snickered. "Have I done something wrong?" I asked. "No, Alexa has transferred from another school and was the percussionist there. I figure we can have you try the guitar like we discussed," he told me. "Sir, I don't know about that," I commented. "Trust me. Give it a chance," he said. Most people had trouble fighting against his accent. Almost like Ms. Francela, the accent was unique and uncommon around here. I sighed sharply and nodded, closing my eyes. I walked to the other side of the band room and picked up the guitar from the stand. "This is commonly called a multineck guitar. It's electric and has a USB chip that connects to the speakers through Bluetooth," he explained.

"You think that I have the skill to play something like this?" I demand. He winked. "Yes," he replied simply. "How can you honestly think that I could play an instrument that I never held before?" I challenged. "Just bloody try it," he ordered with an annoyed look. He went and grabbed the stand with the giant sheet music, and I looked at it. I don't understand it. I could read the notes without even thinking about it. Mr. Gavin gave me ten minutes of the different cords on the guitar. "You picked up on that pretty quick," he observed. I nodded focused.

"Wait, hold up! You seriously going to let him play that?" The tuba player asked. He's a large hulky senior with cuts and scrapes all along his arms with dull gray eyes and long messy, greasy hair. "Settle down Mike," Mr. Gavin replied without even looking at him. He gave me a few more pointers on how to hold the instrument. How to maneuver the fingers to change the cords and I gently rubbed my hands over the cool black smooth plastic and metal coating. "I don't think this is something I should be touching," I muttered. "We agree!" Another student shouted.

"Oh, shut up everyone," Mr. Gavin snapped. "Sir, they are right. I shouldn't be..." and he gave me a dark look that silenced me as well. "You seem to have a natural talent here. I want everyone to use their strengths. Now, we have all the instruments covered. Let's begin," he told us. The door to the classroom opened up and a short, lithe, girl, ghostly white skin, with long braided thin black hair striped with dark blue, green and pink, dark and shimmering smokey blue eyes. She wore a gothic skull velvet blouse, a long skirt, and fishnets with black hiking boots.

"Alexa, please take your place," Mr. Gavin said, gesturing towards the drumkit. She nodded. I felt her staring at me sharply. I couldn't meet her gaze. It became too intense. "Why are you staring at that weak, little fa-" Mike never got a chance to finish the insult, because Alexa decked him hard in the face. I didn't even realize she had moved over to him. He went sprawling across the ground and I heard his nose break from the impact. "Hey!" Someone shouted. I didn't know all the names of the class. "Alexa, what the hell?" Mr. Gavin demanded. "I'm sorry. I have no tolerance for people being bigoted and hateful," she told him.

"There was no proof that he was going to say anything spiteful," another student chimed in. Mike sat up and spat out, "You faggots!" Alexa cocked her head and gestured dangerously calmly towards him. "Yes, be that as it may. Alexa, you will have Saturday detention. Mike, you will be suspended for the week. Now, to the office," Mr. Gavin ordered. He glared and walked out. "Now, let's begin," he pressed on. We started playing. The pianist and flutes join together, followed by the clarinets, trumpets, violins with a soft base and drum.

When I started playing, the deep resonating notes filled the air. Almost authority in nature. The notes were strong, sure and deep. We took several retries on the first three pages, but finally got it down. I didn't want to focus on the words for the song above the notes. Five minutes before the bell rang, Mr. Gavin had us all pack up quickly. "Now, I want you all to think about trying out for the singing part. There's a couple who I think may be ideal for the part, or I could ask the choir for assistance. I don't think they want to help the band after last year's fiasco," he told us.

I couldn't blame them for that. I'm not fully sure what caused the fight between the choir and the band. All I know is that both groups got into this large turf war. Both groups did competition against each other and other schools in the district. Usually, the schools had a friendly competition within their own walls. Last year, however, things took a turn for the worse. I only wished I knew what officially happened. "Okay, so I would like the following five students to think about maybe considering the singing part. There're two roles. One is the duet where a male and female sing together. Then there is the solo for a male and female," he began.

Everyone tensed at that. I got the feeling they didn't want to be nominated. No one wanted to sing. They feared what that would mean. "Melissa Trend, Zan Wallice, Grant Christian, Shawna Harris, Victoria Flowers," he looked around the entire class. We all held our breath. I didn't really think he would choose me, so almost went into a spiral when he said, "Zeke Night," he finished. Everyone froze and looked around. We couldn't meet the eyes of the others. The bell rang. "I would like the six chosen to talk together about who would best be able to do the parts," Mr. Gavin told us.

I started walking away when the other five called me. "Zeke," they shouted in unison. I slowly turned around. All these students were among the popular, elite, and wealthy of the students. They were also some of the smartest and most talented in the school. I didn't even look them in the eye for fear of being struck down by the school's elitist. "Zeke, shouldn't we talk about this?" Victoria asked. "I'm sorry, I will excuse myself from competing," I whispered. "Why? Are you not a good singer?" Zan asked. I only shrugged, not looking them in the eyes.

"Will you look at us? It's weird with you looking at the floor," Victoria commented. "You know as well as I do that orkta aren't allowed to directly look at the students with political or royal connections, adults, school council, or political or royal court members without just reasons. This isn't a just reason," I reminded them. "Oh, for fucks sake, will you just look up?" I continued to refuse until Grant stepped up and grabbed me gently by the throat. He forced me to look him in the eyes. "Why?" I choked out in fear. "Why are you so scared right now?" He asked. I blinked, tears threatening to fall.

Grant released me and stepped back worried. I just stood there, heart racing. "I wasn't going to hurt you man," he said. I looked at him and the others. "I don't know why you want to talk to me now. I don't understand why so many people are changing their attitudes towards me. I am not really a fan of it. I don't like this. Please treat me the same," I told them. They all looked amongst themselves for a minute before Victoria said to me, "We have never disliked you or wished you any ill will." I didn't say anything in response.

"This is true, but we didn't actually do anything to help either. All this time we have been taught to think orkta have only existed to serve. Something about how some of the royal advisors, the court those at the citadel and even Jyn, Inos and Jesi have made us believe how wrong we may have been," Grant said in response. "Zeke, I know things aren't well and I know things may not look promising. We don't want to harm you. So, have lunch with us. We can discuss the singing part and maybe figure out amongst us who would be best," Melissa chimed in. Normally, she's the quiet one.

I have barely heard her talk before. "We aren't allowed to eat lunch remember?" I told them. "What the holy night is going on in this world?" Melissa asked. "Come on. We are wasting lunch. We can grab something and then talk about it. We can head out into the courtyard. Zan, Vctoria, Grant. Why don't you all go get us all some food. The rest of us will take Zeke out and get started," Shawna offered. Melissa eyed me curiously and then the others. "What's your plan?" They all looked between Melissa and me. We all walked out down the hall from the music and art wing of the school, and I couldn't remember the hall being so dark.

"Why is it so dark?" Shawna asked. "Come on, we need to figure out what's going on," Zan said. They rushed on down the hall, leaving me behind. I continued down at a slower pace. I didn't think anything would happen, but as I headed to the cafeteria, I sensed something watching me. I made it to the entrance, when I was grabbed and shoved up against the wall. I faced Yamaka once again. "You should have died in the tower of bone. I don't know how you survived, but it won't happen again," he promised with a dark edge in his tone.

His black hair fanned around his face and his sunken blue eyes pierced into me. "Why do you want me dead?" I demanded. "You are a pathetic urchin and wouldn't understand. I serve the lord of the dead. He is sensing you as the doom of our way of life," he told me. "How the hell am I the doom of your nation?" I shrieked. "I'm the guardian for Alexa, daughter of Hades. Every primordial child has a guardian. I went easy on you thinking you would die quick. You're tougher than we originally thought. Now, you're going to perish in this hall," he said calmly.

My heart raced; blood coursed through my veins. Fear threatened to consume me. He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off the ground six inches. He conjured a jagged dagger made out of ivory and bone. "I hope you have made your peace," he said, and I fought and kicked out. I managed to connect an elbow into his face. He dropped me. I landed, crouched and rolled away from him. I charged down the hall and towards the exit into the cafeteria. I took one step down the small set of stairs when I screamed out loud. Everyone froze and turned towards me. The others from the orphanage only freaked out as I collapsed on the steps and tumbled forward.

The dagger protruding from my back. I rolled on my side and faced the hall that Yamaka slowly walked out of. No one moved towards me. Another two smaller daggers found their way into my chest and shoulder. I screamed again. Yamaka knelt next to me and twisted the dagger in my shoulder. "You really don't know how to die right, do you?" he asked softly. He pulled the dagger from my chest and went to stab me in the heart, when someone grabbed him by the back of the neck and flung him across the hall.

I looked up to see a broad-shouldered young man, a couple years older than me. Bronze skin, long black hair and layered. Her bright blue eyes with golden irises. He wore tight white jeans with silver leather pockets. A white cloud with golden trims with a sun yellow pocket, and fingerless black gloves. The young man crouched down next to me. He yanked the daggers out, and I screamed in pain. "Easy, Zeke," he whispered softly. He got me to my feet, and I felt a warmth spread through my body. The bleeding stopped and the pain faded into a dull ache.

"ALEXA!" The man screamed loudly. I looked towards the crowd. He shouted three more times before the new student made her appearance. She looked violent, her eyes flashing in anger. "What is the meaning of this? Raz, why are you shouting my name?" she demanded. She carried herself with authority. "Why are you shouting for me?" she demanded again. "Alexa, you should know why I am calling your name since your guard dog has become rabid, and you of all people should know better than to let your guardians out without a tight leash," he hissed. Her eyes narrowed. "What are you accusing me of?" she asked. Raz pointed at Yamaka.

"This is the second time he's tried to kill Zeke. The second time he's interfered with matters beyond him. He claims to be your guardian as a child of Hades, a primordial. Is this true? Then you'll take responsibility for him! He attacked an innocent person!" Raz snapped at her. Alexa walked up to me and grabbed me by the jaw and tilted my head to look her in the eyes. Her pupils shrank as she looked me in the eyes. "What makes you so special, hmm?" she asked. She deeply stared at me, and the intensity made me want to scream every ideal, thought, fear, emotion I have ever had. She blinked and something registered in her as she released me.

She took a step back and then turned towards Yamaka as he approached us. "He needs to die!" Yamaka snarled. Alexa looked between the two of us. "Why do you think he needs to die?" Alexa asked him. "Your father has sent me to watch over you. I'm your guardian and advisor. He is a threat to you," he assured her. I took a step back, defensively. Raz stepped in front of me. "You have no authority here," Yamaka said coldly. "I do actually. I was sent by a priest of Apollo. Each of the primordial children have their guardian. You are threatening an innocent boy," Raz replied.

"He's not innocent! Hades sent me to dispose of the threat. Who am I to argue against the gods?" he snapped back in response. "Enough!" Alexa snapped. The teachers weren't worried about me being almost killed by a bunch daggers. The security seemed to be absent. I guess they were ordered to avoid as much interaction with anything that happens with me. It's not like I could do anything about it, even if I wanted to. "No one is to move or act until I contact Hades. I will get the truth one way or another," she said.

She walked five feet away and sat down on her knees, folding her hands together and pressing them to her chest like she was in prayer. I couldn't hear the words, but I saw her mouth moving like she was chanting or speaking to herself. A two-way mirror appeared around her with skulls, and depictions of death around the frame. The entire sphere encased her and ghosts, spirits and undead rose through the glass. "What the hell is she doing?" Mr. Gavin asked, approaching us. "She's doing what needs to be done," Raz told him.

After about ten minutes, she stood up in the glass sphere and opened her eyes. Her eyes were lifeless glowing embers of royal purple and gold. "You have breached the contract between Nyx and me and threatened the peace and alliance we have established. Punishment will be met, and justice will be swift!" she shouted in a deep resonating voice. I could a male voice mixed with hers. The glass vanished leaving five large skeletons with tattered robes. Four were black and silver. The largest wore a dark navy blue with silver and ghost white trimming.

"You don't command the dead! I do!" Yamaka shrieked. Alexa began to approach us. I flinched as she came towards us. Yamaka stood by us seething and afraid. I took another step back and wanted to cower, thinking she was approaching me. Alexa focused on me firmly. She grabbed me by the shirt. "Alexa, you can't seriously think he's to blame or needs to die," Raz said, voice strained in worry. "Who are you really?" she asked, voice tense. "What? I don't know what you're talking about," I said, voice shaking. "Who are you? Who are your parents?" she asked. "I don't know," I confessed.

She released me and then when she looked to Yamaka, the stern look became that of sinister rage and hatred. "You have betrayed me and took on your own vendetta without all the facts! Seize him!" Alexa commanded. "What!" the necromancer shouted back. The undead who followed Alexa all hovered in the air. Then surrounded Yamaka. He tried to get them to back off. He shouted commands and orders, but they wouldn't listen. "I command the dead!" He shrieked. "You are a fool. The only power over the dead is what I and my father give you. You have no power otherwise, and we can revoke your control. Consider yourself fired," she said sharply.

"You can't do this!" Yamaka shouted as the five floating skeletons held him and their jaws clanked together in some sort of signal. A smoky white portal of half solid bones and ghosts swirling at a speed that shouldn't be safe to be in proximity. They vanished through portal, and it closed behind them. The entire faculty approached us, with the look of wanting blood. "What is the meaning of this?" Ms. Canel and the principal demanded. The secretaries all joined in, and they looked pissed. "Your security needs to be replaced.

"They allow someone from another nation to infiltrate and attack a student. You all know as well as I that this is a matter of political relation nightmare," Raz told them. "I don't follow. How does our security not be present a matter of political affairs?" The principal demanded. "Well, it's quite simple. All nations are required to hire personal security for each school decreed by the royal family to make sure no opposing threats could harm a student within the walls. To also make sure that no harm comes to a student regardless of origin by other student or faculty." Raz finished.

"No one has ever upheld that absent rule. Not in over three decades," Mrs. Kram stated. "I think it's time we report this to the council and the royal family," Alexa said. "You really think the royal family is going to concern themselves with orkta? They use them for slaves and target practice," the gym teacher informed them. The temperature seemed to drop around twenty degrees. I didn't think that was possible here, because the temperature never changed. "You are quite confident that they wouldn't care," Alexa commented.

"Test it if you want. I care not. Zeke has constantly been breaking rule after rule. So, he's going to be expelled for this," the principal said with joy. "I think not," I heard a female reply. I turned to see Jesi and Inos approaching us. "What are you two doing here?" Alexa asked them. "Why have you transferred from your own school to here? Each nation has a child attending the most prominent high school of each nation. You should be on your own," Inos told her. "Why aren't you there?" Alexa countered. "Why are you all here when you shouldn't be?" the principal demanded.

"I'm here as an advisor for my nation and the nation of night. Until the child of Nyx appears and joins us. The child of night is the only remaining one who is still in hiding," Alexa explained. What does that mean? I wondered. "Why would the council think that someone like him would be worth protecting and covering all this time?" Mr. Grant asked. "I don't think they normally would outright. However, if too many people of the social classes. Any social class was being targeted and assassinated. They would have to step in because of their own rules and policy," Raz informed them.

"You all are making this one person out to be some person of interest," The faculty argued. "Well, technically he is. The gods find him to be someone of importance. I don't know why. Someone how he's going to help decide what's coming. As are the others who have helped him along the way. So, I think you should rethink your decision of a hasty punishment. I don't think the gods would be too kind and keen to forgive," Alexa replied casually, but the undertone made it clear that the school and the nation was on the precipice of a war.

No one wanted to talk about it. No one wanted to admit it. "Now, I think it would be best to forget this whole situation. Oh, and by the way. Zeke is going to need to have an excused two weeks off. I'm going to take him to my capital to talk to the royal house of Eternal Sleep," she told them. All the teachers couldn't believe that this new student had the audacity to make a demand of them. "Two weeks is impossible. Spring break for the entire school is starting in two weeks. Right after the spring concert. You'll have that week. Friday after the concert, until Sunday evening next," the principal told us.

I could sense that they all wanted to argue and were about to. I stopped them from causing a fight within the commons of the high school. "That should be plenty of time for what is needed," I whisper to Alexa. She gave me a weird look but nodded in understanding. "Alexa?" Inos said. "Zeke knows what he's doing," Alexa told them. "I doubt that" Jesi muttered. I didn't appreciate that remark. My judgement wasn't that bad. I just didn't have any damn luck. Alexa rolled her eyes. Raz seemed to be quiet now.

"Raz, why are you here?" Inos asked. "I figured someone could keep an eye on Zeke while you were doing what needed to be done. Alexa is needed in her own nation. Each of you need to keep an eye on things within your own borders," he said. "You are right, but we can't just leave this nation without the connections to the gods," Jesi replied. "That's why I'm here," Raz stated. "You can't be an advisor for the gods without someone of godly blood," Inos told him. I looked up to see Raz give her a dark look. "Do you really think I would offer without acceptance from the gods?" he asked her.

"No, I guess not. It's just that you have no godly blood," Jesi replied curtly. Raz gave her a wicked grin. "You sure about that?" he demanded. Alexa stepped up in front of him. "You jackass," she spat. He gave her a wink. "That's why you love me," Raz whispered in a strange tone. I don't know why. Something drew me towards Raz. I felt some sort of connection to him. Almost like he would be protective and important to me. I hated this feeling. I didn't want to have to rely on someone else. A small daydream formed in the back of my mind about Raz being romantically important and intimate with me. Then he said that Alexa used to love him. I knew that nothing could happen between us.

Not that he would ever be interested in someone like me. He placed a gentle hand on my arm, and I looked up at him. He gave me a soft smile and I lightly smiled back. "Babe, you can't be serious right now," Alexa called to him. I turned my head away and pulled away from him. Why was I feeling this strongly towards this stranger? I shouldn't be feeling like this. I pulled away from him. "Zeke, you, okay?" I nodded. I didn't trust myself to speak. "Lunch is over. Time to get to class," the teachers finally ushered everyone.

Zan, Melissa and Grant told me that we would talk in the study hall. The others would be there as well. That would be the last period and now I have to head to geography. Mr. Melik is an elderly man, bald and disabled. He walked with a slight hunched back. I gathered my things in my locker and then went to class. Mr. Malik didn't act like he had emotions. Or he cared about social status or ranking in the military. Raz hovered in the back of the class. Mr. Malik didn't seem to question him being there. I'm not sure he even cared. He was one of the dullest teachers who basically continued to spout facts about the locations and geography and how things changed over the years. The platonic plates that keep shifting. The land and oceans that rise and descend. Spreading and thinning. The mountain ranges that rise and crumble.

We had to learn about all the different continents of the world. Most of us have never been out of our small continent in the middle of the Graelen Sea off the Pacific. According to the history I read in passing. The rest of the world doesn't even acknowledge the sea being part of the world map. Only we know of its existence and know that it's real. I wasn't sure if any from our country have been out to the other worlds though. These are events that aren't talked about much. We were just supposed to learn about them. The class became almost comatose as the class dragged on. We took notes that the teacher wrote on the white board.

We blankly answered the questions when asked. Most of us seemed to be lost in the void of information. I'm not even sure if half the class registered what was being talked about. I recall several trying to get together and get the notes that they missed. Basically, trading information from each other. I forced myself to pay attention and to write everything down. I forced myself to read books regarding the shifts and elevations of the oceans, rivers, mountains and hills. Even the locations of the major cities, states and political points of the world. Not much was known about the other countries off the pacific. Yet, we had to learn about them.

Finally, the bell rang, and we all stretched out and tried to shake the stupor from our bodies and minds. We were told what to do for tomorrow's assignment and we hurried out of the class. Mr. Malik stopped me as everyone else rushed out. I was the only remaining person left besides Raz who stood in the doorway. "I want to say that I appreciate you paying attention every day. I know it's not easy. I don't have the capability to capture an audience. But you have the highest marks out of every student I have. You pay the most attention and you seem to have a knack for details and facts," he told me with a soft smile.

"Thank you, sir," I stammered. "I know a lot has happened to you over the past few weeks. A lot of people have shown an interest in you," he began and looked to Raz leaning against the doorframe. I couldn't tell if he was listening or not. If he was, he wouldn't be showing interest in the conversation. "I hope that you follow your instincts and that you trust in yourself first over another," he offered in advice. I tilted my head in confusion. "Sir?" I asked. Mr. Malik only shook his head lightly. "Don't mind me. I said too much," he replied after a minute.

"Sir, I'm not sure I follow," I admitted. He gave me a knowing smile. "I only mean that I know this is all confusing. I just wanted you to know that we all see how much work you're putting in. You have top marks. Some of the faculty may not want to acknowledge your achievements. We don't have the ability to refute them. So, my point is to keep up the good work. My advice is to follow your heart. Don't let another lead you where you don't want to go or to be someone you don't want to be," he explained. Then he shooed me out of the class, and I headed to the library where the study hall would be held. 

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