Abused by him (Huke\mpreg)

By harrylovesluke

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Harry Styles, 23 years old and 1/4 of boy band One Direction has been living with his abusive boyfriend Jacob... More

Authors Note
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Character asks
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Character update
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By harrylovesluke

It seemed odd the think that the ending of all the crazy hurdles Harry and Luke had to go through, was only the beginning of their lifes. Darcy was here now, a true symbol of their undying and eternal love for one another. Harry sat in the back of the car, watching Darcy as they drove home, and the smile had never left Luke's face.

To think that after his life time of dreaming and reality, and fantasies, had now become his reality made me feel like the luckiest man alive. Luke has a beautiful soon-to-be-boyfriend, and a beautiful daughter. They are surrounded their caring friends, and they have their lifes together, and there are no words that could possible describe how happy was.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry's soft voice sounded, breaking Luke from his thoughts. Luke's eyes flickered to the rear-view mirror and smiled at Harry.

"You. Darcy. Us." Luke explained.

"Good things I hope." Harry teased.

"Wonderous things." Luke beamed.

Darcy mumbled in her deep sleep, and Harry giggled, grabbing her small hand, kissing it. Darcy quited down again, returning to her blissful sleep.

"Do you ever think what might have happened if I had gotten away from Jacob?" Harry asked suddenly. Luke paused for a moment, thinking about it. It caused him great pain to imagine Harry staying with Jacob and not running off, instead of living his life with Luke.

"I would have found you. I always did find you." Luke reasoned.

"But suppose I had." Harry insisted. "For humors sake, had I gotten away from Jacob, what do you thin would have happened? To me and to you?"

"Darcy would not be here." Luke began, Harry flicking her gaze to the sleeping baby, and stroking her cheek, afraid that Luke's words might actually make her vanish into thin air. "My heart would not be complete. I would be a mess, sad, alone, and still be consumed by my demons that caused me to lash out. I wouldnt have been able to be free from them, as you are the one that cut my bounds from them with your love."

"As for you," Luke continued. "I imagine you would be happy at first. But later on, you would feel lonely, because you were not with me. We are soulmates Haz. We are destined to be together. We are bound to one another by the bonds of love. It wouldn't be long until you came back, to me, where you belong." he smiled.

"Soulmates." Harry hummed to himself. "You think?"

"Think about it. Jacob was a monster to you, Haz. He was sick and evil. I don't know how you even lasted with him. You would have given up, but I'm just glad that you did."

"But I did give up." Harry confessed. "I tried to end my life because of it." he sighed.

"And I stopped you in time didn't I?" Luke countered. "Did you know on that very day, I was out and I felt this feeling inside of me, like you needed help. Like you needed recusing. I raced home, and got to you just in time. Coincedence?" Luke mused, smirking at Harry, his mouth wide open in shock.

"I never really belived in soulmates, but that kind of proves it, huh?" Harry spoke.

"Are you glad I stopped you?" Luke asked, turning the table on him, and he looked caught off guard.

"Of course." he smiled. "Although I wasn't at first. I was sad and misserable and afraid, and I wanted out. Badly." He confessed. "Although..." He trailed off.

"Although?" Luke urged.

"I can remember lying there, in the small pool of blood, and fatigue washing over me. You know how people say your life flashes before your eyes? Well it doesnt flash as such, but a few snippets came to mind." Harry explained.

By now they have arrived at home, but Luke had turned in the drivers seat, listening to Harry as they stayed in the car talking.

"One was of me and Kendall. We were watching Phantom of the Oprah." Harry smiled sweetly at the memory. "I remember I said how creepy the phantom was, and Christine was a fool to trust him on the beginning. I said he was clearly dark and troubles, riddled with demons." he sighed. "But Kendall looked at me and shook his head. He always had this look were he half smiled, and looked at you with this most...intense gaze." he smiled.

"And he looked at me like that, and he said 'Christine is no fool. She is brave and righteouss. Everybody is quick to fear the phantom, to see him as an evil heartless monster. Raoul deaned the phantom as a monster who would only hurt Christine, and along with everybody else, cut him off. Only Madame Giry knew the real Phantom. As a child he was put in a freak show, laughed and ridiculed everyday. She helped him escape, and lead him to the oprah house. It was there he noticed the beautiful Christine. She was captivating in everyway, and she stole his heart."

Harry seemed lost in his story, explaining everything, and Luke clung onto every word he said.

"Kendall said 'Now how could somebody as heartless as Raoul made him out to be, have such a burning and un-dying love to Christine. Surely a evil man would only love himself? Yet he didn't. He sang to her, tutouring her, making her a star in the Opera world. He made her dreams come true. That is no evil Haz, that is a tortured sould whome desires love."

Harry shook his head. "I argued that he went the wrong way about it. If he loved her, he could show her in other ways. The Phantom killed several people, and traumatised Christine. That is evil, and is not capable nor did he deserve love."

Luke nodded, urging her to continue.

"But Kendall shook his head at me again, he even laughed a little. He said 'Any man who went through his past, beaten and mocked, all alone is going to have demons to fight. We all have our inner demons, but the phantoms demons were darker. Christine did not draw back in fear, rather, she faced the demons head on. She was brave to sympathise for him."

"But I said that she didn't really face them, as she did not fall in love for the phantom. She fell in love with Raoul, and they married. How does that make her brave then? Kendall smiled at me and said 'see, now you sympathise for the man, who only minutes ago you deamed as a monster! I laughed and agreed, but was not impressed, so Kendall explained further. 'Perhaps they were not destined to love one another, but at least she sympathised for him.'

"Do you remember the ending Haz'? Kendall asked me?" Harry quotes. "I nodded, knowing before her and Raoul ran off from the dungeons of the phantom, she gave him a small monkey music box. Kendall smiled and said 'whilst Christine did not give the phantom her love, she gave him something she held dearly to herself, and the phantom treasured that for the rest of his days.

Harry was smiling at the memory, and Luke pulled Harry into his chest.

"So I asked Kendall what the message was the he was trying to get across. Kendall laughed at me, teasing me and said 'Oh poor niavh Haz! The message is no matter how dark somebody may appear, not matter how many demons one man may have, a strong person can cast them out. And perhaps, once those demons are gone, you will see such light that you didn't know exsisted, you just need to give them a chance."

Luke smiled down at Harry, knowing that is exactly what he had done for him. Left his abusive relationship to be in a more healthy one.

"Then I remembered when Jacob had begged me to say that I loved him. Although he was pissed, I clearly remember looking in his eyes, and seeing a broken man in need of love. I instantly thought of the Phantom and what Kendall had said. I felt pity towards him, so I said it. When I was lying in my pool of blood, I felt bad, I knew I didnt want to die deep down, but wanted to help him. To help tame his demons."

"You're amazing. You know that, baby?" Luke grinned, kissing the top of Harry's head. Harry smiled, leaning up and pressing his lips to Luke's, smiling into the kiss.

"I love you Lucas. Always and forever." Harry whispered.

Luke grinned looking down at him, his heart melting. Harry lays down in his lap, next to Darcy in her car seat, and Luke knew that his life was complete. No words can describe that.

"I love you Harry. I always have and I always will." Luke replied.
Love is a funny thing. You never know where you will find it, but when you do, you wonder how you ever lasted without it. It completes you. It is the missing puzzle piece to your life, and when you find it, you find your other half, everything falls into place.

Luke and Harry were that they're soulmates, put on the planet destined to find each other, and when they did, though they had many struggles, and more where to come, their love would never die, because love never does die. Love in eternal, precious, and valueble. And when you find love, you will understand it too. You will understand how Harry and Luke cared for one another, because that is how love works. And it it out there. They often just can't find it.

They live in a cruel dark world, but when they find love hiding in the shadows, it is enough to light up the entire world. And trust me, you too, will find it.

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