Abused by him (Huke\mpreg)

By harrylovesluke

8.8K 155 59

Harry Styles, 23 years old and 1/4 of boy band One Direction has been living with his abusive boyfriend Jacob... More

Authors Note
Ideas for the next chapter
Character asks
Character answers
Character update
Ask the characters


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By harrylovesluke

Ashton, Michael and Calum were all sat in the lounge of Luke's house, a few cops still lingered around, but most of them had left to try and track down Jacob. Ashton and Luke had gone off God knows where, and it was concerning.

"Do you think they found him?" Ashton asked, hope in his eyes.

"We can only hope." Michael murmured, looking down at the ground. Ashton huffed in response, sinking down further into the couch.

Silence filled the room, as they were all sat around looking rather glum, worried about Harry and his safety, and where Ashton and Luke had got to. His ears perked up upon hearing gravel crunching under the weight of a car pulling up, the car head lights briefly shining through the closed curtains. The outside lights automatically flicked on.

"You think?" Michael gasped, jumping up, all of them racing to the door. They flew the door open, and stared out into the darkness of the night. That was when we saw not two, or three, but four figures walking towards them. Well, only three were walking, because one of them was carrying somebody.

Ashton recognized them instantly. They all ran over as Luke placed Harry on the ground, and the three of us attacked him in a group hug. He laughed, trying to wrap his arm around all three of us, as he was reunited with them.

"God we were so worried about you, Haz!" Michael chirped, kissing the top of his head.

"You okay, Haz?" Calum chipped in.

"How did Luke find you?" Michael added, as we all threw questions at his left and right. Harry laughed at them, before stepping back.

"I'm fine, and I missed you guys too." he smiled.

Calum couldn't control his excitement, wrapping his arms around Harry again, Harry hugging him back. Luke watched on carefully. Luke had  eventually decided that he had enough, stepping forward to take Harry back, but Ashton put his hand on Luke's shoulder, stopping him.

"He's been really worried, Luke. Give him a minute." Ashton whispered. Luke huffed, but nodded. Normally he wouldn't allow it, but since Calum had remained loyal to Luke, he allowed it, but he still wasn't overly pleased about it all.

"How did you find him?" Michael asked Luke and Ashton.

"He was a danger, blah blah blah." he grumbled. "But when I was talking to him, and she was yelling at me, saying she loved Jacob, and he had changed, I realized I was wrong. The way she spoke so...passionately of him, it was obvious she really did love him, but I'm not sure if he really does."

Luke smiled softly at Harry, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist, and kissing his temple, Harry smiling up at him.

"We saw Jacob racing past. We stopped, they were reunited, and, boom! Harry is back here!" he explained, letting out a sigh of relief from getting it all off his chest.

"You...you helped him." Calum sighed, looking down. "Well this is awkward." he muttered, scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry for, ah, ya know, lunging at you." he grumbled.

"No it's fine. You had every right to be pissed at me." he reasoned. Calum nodded curtly at him.

"Well, let's get you inside then huh?" Luke said, putting his arm around Harry's shoulder, walking him into the house, as they all headed inside.

*Two months later*

Harry's POV

"It can't be that cozy in there, Darcy! Just come out already!" I grumbled at my stomach, rubbing the bump softly. I heard Luke laughing from behind me.

"I don't think that is the way to get her out of there, sweetie." he chuckled sitting down on the couch, placing the cups of tea on the table, and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him, kissing my cheek.

"Well I've tried asking nicely, hot baths, spicy food, nothing is working! I'm moody, and fat, and fed up! Not to mention my boobs have grown and none of my bra's fit anymore!" I huffed.

"First of all, your mood swings are no way near as bad as I anticipated. Sure it's no walk in the park, but I can handle them!" Luke teased, causing me to laugh.

"Ha, get it! That was punny!" I giggled, Luke looking at me confused.

"You do? Because I don't, and I said it!" he laughed, shaking his head.

"Mood swings, walk in the park!" I explained, laughing at the joke. Luke shook his head, laughing at me, his eyes closed at his chest rumbled with laughter.

"That was a terrible joke, Haz!" he laughed.

"Then why are you laughing, hmmmm?" I teased. "Besides, your jokes are worse!" I pouted.

"Are not! Listen to this one!" Luke dramatically cleared his throat, before speaking. "Your mum is so fat, that she went out in high heels, and came back in flats!" Luke roared with laughter, slapping his hand on his thigh, cracking up at his own lame joke.

"And you judge my jokes?" I scoffed.

"Oh come on, Haz! That was a good one!" he reasoned, playfully nudging my arm.

"A weight joke, to a pregnant man who is the size of a whale? Really Luke?" I tutted.

"You're not the size of a whale. Besides, I think you look wonderful! You have the pregnancy glow!" he smiled, dimples popping through. I scoffed at his sweet talk, laughing slightly.

"Kiss arse." I mumbled. "But why can't she just come out! It is driving me crazy!" I groaned, resting my head on his shoulder.

"She just loves her mummy so much, she doesn't want to come out yet." he reasoned, cupping my cheeks in his hands, and softly pecking my lips.

"You know, they say sex helps induce labor." Luke winked.

"The fun one is here!!! Ashton and Calum came too!" Michael boomed, walking into the house. Luke let out a groan, as he chance to have sex again flew out the window, as I just laughed at him, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Hey guys." I smiled as they all walked in.

"No baby yet?" Ashton smiled.

"No!" I gasped. "She is a week over-due now!"

"I was three weeks late." Michael chirped.

"Gee, that was just what I needed to hear, thanks Mike." I mumbled sarcastically.

"Oh, right, my bad." he mumbled. "Hey Luke, come check out the new swing set we bought for Darcy!" Michael smiled. Luke grumbled under his breath, kissing me on the lips, before departing with all the boys, except Calum.

"So how have you been, Cal?" I asked, smiling at him as he sat down on the couch next to me, a little too close for my liking, but I ignored it.

"Good, and you?" he smiled back.

"Eh, wish that Darcy would hurry up, but I'm fine I guess." I shrugged.

"Well you still look stunning for a pregnant man." he assured me, causing me to blush slightly.

"Thanks." I smiled. "hey h-ah!" I gasped, as I felt a pain in my stomach.

"You alright?" Calum gushed, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just contractions, they can happen days before labor. They've been coming and going since yesterday." I explained, Calum nodding his head.

"You must be close then" he encouraged, me nodding my head in agreement.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Haz?" Calum spoke up softly, looking at me carefully.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I need to tell you something. I know this is wrong, but...I just have to say it. I don't expect you to say anything back, I'm just...confessing." he gushed.

"Okay. You can tell me anything Calum! What is it?" I smiled at him. I grabbed his hand in a friendly way, and he smiled slightly, but it quickly disappeared.

"I love you. I know I shouldn't, but Luke does. Luke loves you, Harry." he confessed.

"Calum." I whispered. "I'm sorry, I-"

"No, it's okay Haz. I know that you loved Jacob, and he didn't want to come between you two, so he just had to say it me, Ash and Mikey. This has been eating away at him for too long now!" he gushed.

"Calum, how long have he felt like this?" I gasped.

"A while." he sighed. "Maybe since he first met you when we were on tour together."

"What?! Calum!"

"I know! It is messed up! I'm sorry!" he rushed, heading for the door.

"No, Calum wait!" I called, but he didn't stop. I stood up to go after him, but stopped when I felt some water trickle down my leg, and pooling at my feet.

"Oh God!" I gasped. "My water broke! Calum! My water broke!" I called.

Calum instantly raced back over to me, grabbing my hand, his spare hand on my back. "Oh my God! LUKE! IT'S TIME!" Calum called.

"Calum, we still need to talk- ah!" I cried out, feeling another contraction, the pain sharper than before, and I felt Darcy kicking inside.

"Shh, we'll talk later. Focus on Darcy." he whispered, helping me head to the door.

"HARRY!" Luke shouted, racing over to me, taking my other arm, putting it over his shoulder, both boys helping me to the car.

"Liam, start the car! Ash, grab Harry's hospital bag! Michael, grab some pillows for Harry in the car and call the hospital, saying we're on our way!" Luke ordered. All boys raced off, doing as they were told.

"You can do this, baby!" Luke assured me. I nodded briefly, as he got to the car. Ashton had placed the pillows down, and was on the phone already. Calum and Luke helped me into the car, Ashton in the drivers seat, ready to drive off.

"Calum, Ashton and I will follow in my car! Good luck Haz!" Michael called. I nodded, not able to speak, focussing on the pain.

"Drive Liam!" Luke shouted once we were in the car. Liam sped off. Luke had his arm around me, and was whispering things in my ear, trying to help.

"God this hurts!" I cried, my head falling onto Luke's shoulder.

"I know baby, you're doing so well! Hold on!" he assured me, kissing me on the cheek over and over again. "Take big, deep breathes, okay baby?"

"Okay." I breathed. "Shit!" I cried out as another contraction washed through me, my eyes snapped closed. Luke kept talking me through his.

"Shh, you're doing so well baby! Darcy is coming now babe! Hold tight!"

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