Xander and Kira

Von _gandinne_

257 26 1

Xander Reed is a boy with a manly appeareance due to all the training his father made him do from a young age... Mehr

Who's the real bad guy in this?
Say goodbye to your mother.
You have 3 people worth living for
Found an escape
Settling into the royal court
Look what I'm made of
The meatballs theory
Eyes can't lie
Met your friend and I still don't like her
Her father is a king, mine is a monster
More than a rider, more than a horse
Gotta claim my prize
The feast
I know something, but I can't tell you
A day with you
Got a warning
Found out who's the culprit
What could happen at the party?
At the party
The party isn't that quiet after all
No one messes with what I have left
I'll always stand up for my dear ones
Two weeks will pass in a blink
Returning to my room in the castle
A kidnapping gone wrong
Let me heal you
Beautiful surprise
Gifts and requests
When the castle is quiet
We've got a new visitor
Lily has to grow regardless
I've been crushing on your sister all along, but you still can't tell
Continuing that 5 month crush
I'm starting to feel different around you
An unwanted engagement
I think I might like him too

Seems like we feel the same

10 1 0
Von _gandinne_

Nolan: You're sorry? I should be thanking you. Don't worry, I'm not gonna punish you for this, but you will have to explain to me what happened.

Xander: Of course, Sir. First, let me tell you that you have to send some of your men at the pontoon.

Nolan: At the pontoon? Why?

Xander: This one didn't act alone. There are 4 more men there.

Nolan: And they are just standing there?

Xander: They are lying on the grass, Sir. But better catch them now, cause I don't know how much more they will stay unconscious.

Nolan (confused) Alfred, take some people and go check the situation there. (he's nodding and leaving) Guards, for now lock him in the dungeon. And do the same with the other ones. (they take him from there, looks at both Xander And Kira) Now... how about you two get changed first? (they are confused) You look like you need it. And then let's have lunch together while you tell me what you're doing there and how those men appeared. (leaves inside)

Kira: Gosh, with all this going on I completely forgot I'm all drenched.

Xander: And who's fault is that?

Kirav Hey, don't blame it on me. Who would've thought those strange men would appear out of nowhere and in that exact moment we were there too.

Xander: (laughs) Just kidding. Let's go and get changed. (she nods, they walk to their rooms)

Kira: So... you're also a great shooter, huh?

Xander: Wouldn't consider myself a great one.

Kira: Oh come on, that shot was awesome. Why didn't you hit him in the head?

Xander: I thought that as he seemed to be the leader of that group, he could be useful, so I had to let him live. If it wasn't for that, believe me I would have killed him on the spot. Well, maybe it is better that you didn't get to see that.

Kira: Uhm, thanks? (he smiles) Now seriously speaking, thank you for saving me.

Xander: Anytime.

Kira: Now, can I ask you something? (he nods) When you put my arms around you, for a moment you caressed my hand. Why did you do it?

Xander: Well... I just did it with the thought of comforting you... for you to relax a little. Sorry if that seemed out of place.

Kira: What? No! It really wasn't! I mean, it helped so it didn't bother me.

Xander: Then we can say that it had its effect. (she blushes, nods, he stops, she's confused) We're here.

Kira: Oh right!

Xander: Then wait for me. We will go downstairs together.

Kira: Okay (both smile, she enters her room, he leaves)

After a while, during lunch, Alfred is laughing

Nolan: Alfred!

Alfred: (serious) Sorry, Sir!

Nolan: So you're telling me he just jumped in the water to get you? (she nods, he starts laughing) Well, Xander, I gotta say you are the most devoted bodyguard she ever had.

Alfred: I have to agree, Sir. He's there for her even in safe situations. (the king clears his throat, now he's serious)

Nolan: Joking apart, I've got to say that now I'm more than relieved to know that I have no reason to worry about her safety. You're so reliable, Xander. And the way you beat those men all by yourself and then took that perfect shot on another one...wow. I'm really impressed.

Alfred: Indeed, Sir. We all saw that he is very skillful.

Xander: Thank you for all these words, Sir. I really appreciate it.

Nolan: Not only will you not receive any punishment, but I want to reward you. Without you, probably not all of them would have been caught. So I'm gonna give you some time off tomorrow.

Xander: I would love that, Sir, but what about the princess?

Nolan, Don't worry, tomorrow a friend of hers will come and visit and they both will have people looking out for them. So feel free to do what you want during that time.

Xander: Thank you, Sir.

Nolan: Good, now that we agreed on this, I have another thing to tell you.

Xander: Please.

Nolan: You probably already know from Kira that in two weeks we will be hosting a big party here where relatives, family friends, princes and princesses from all over will be invited.

Xander: Yes, Sir. She told me about that.

Nolan: Good. Besides the fact that you will have to be more careful that night because things can happen at such an event that everyone knows about, I want you to look more... presentable.

Xander: Sir?

Nolan: I don't mean to offend you, Xander. I just want you to get dressed to the nines. I don't know if you have these kinds of clothes, I just wanted to make sure you get the dress code for this.

Xander: No worries, Sir. I understand. I actually don't have such clothes. But I will fix that.

Kira: I will actually help him with that, so don't worry dad.

Nolan: I'm happy to hear that. Tell me Kira, do you want to go with me to see your aunt Chloe? I'm going to pay her a visit.

Kira: I would love to, but I already promised Jasper I will help Hazel with her homework.

Nolan: I see. Well, no worries. Another time then. (gets up) Let's get going, Alfred. Kira, I leave you in Xander's care. Feel free to use the study room with Hazel. And don't wait for me at dinner. Eat without me.

Kira: Okay, dad. Have a safe trip.

Nolan: Thank you, darling! Wish you two a nice day!

Xander: Thank you, Sir! Likewise! (they leave, he looks at Kira) Why did you tell your dad you are going to help me with the outfit for the party? I can solve this by myself.

Kira: That's because I wanna see you in...I mean... I don't wanna see you wasting your free time like that. So we'll be doing this when I have to choose my dress.

Xander: You already planned it, huh?

Kira: Sorry. It's just an option though. if you don't want to, then...

Xander: I don't mind it though. I actually love the idea. Can't wait to see you in a dress. (she blushes) If you've finished eating, then let's get going for a little walk before meeting Hazel. (both get up)

Jasper: (comes) There you were. I came here as soon as I heard what happened. If I didn't know better, I would say that the whole story is just a rumor. (he looks at Xander from head to toe) As I thought, not even one scratch. (Kira laughs) Princess, please don't get me wrong. I'm more than sure that you are alright cause (shows Xander body by touching him) this body that seems inhuman is a real fighting machine.

Xander: Hands off me, Jas.

Jasper: (hands in the air) Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

Kira: (smiles) I already knew he's like a fighting machine. He told me how the two of you met.

Jasper: No! Really? I can't believe this. This makes me so happy. (both give him a look)
What? I'm really touched about this, okay? It makes me feel so proud knowing that he willingly talks about me with others. (both laugh) Now, I didn't come just to let you know that I found out what happened. Kira, what you said this morning is still valid?

Kira: What?

Jasper: That you would help Hazel with her homework.

Kira: Yeah, of course it's still valid.

Jasper: Good cause Hazel is home right now. So whenever you want to do this, just let me know.

Kira: Then you can tell her right now to come in the studying room.

Jasper: Really?(she's nodding) Gosh, you're awesome. Thanks. I'm gonna let her know right now. (leaves)

Kira: I'm sorry, but we will have to leave the walk for another time.

Xander: It's okay. Let's go to the study room then.(they walk)

Kira: Are you sure you're okay with this? The whole Hazel thing?

Xander: You really don't have to think if I'm okay with this or not. I promised you that we will do what you want whenever you want. No complaints.

Kira: If you say so. (enters the study room)

Xander: Wow (looking around) this is really something else.

Kira: Do you like it in here?

Xander: Yeah. The setting, the decorations and all are just mesmerising.

Kira: This is my favorite room from the whole castle. It was designed by my mother. All the things you see here, including the furniture,were chosen by her.

Xander: She had a good taste. (he sees a photo on the desk with a woman) Is this her? (she nods, he takes it) God, she was so beautiful. (looks at her) Without any doubts you take after her.

Kira: (blushes) You think I'm beautiful?

Xander: (puts the photo back) I think you're gorgeous.

Kira: (gulps, nervously stumbles upon the bookcase, a few shelves from the top move, and a book falls)

Xander: (rushes towards her, grabs the book) Careful, princess. (puts the book back, stands near her) Are you perhaps feeling tired?

Kira: (looking at him) I...

Jasper: (opens the door) We're here! (both get away from each other)

Xander: Don't you know how to knock?

Jasper: Why would I? The princess told me to come here so she was supposed to expect me anyway. (looks at both of them) Did I interrupt something?

Xander and Kira: No!

Jasper: (smiles) Well that's what I call a good teamwork. (both look at each other) Hazel, please just enter the room already!

Hazel: Is he really here?

Jasper: Yes. Not gonna say it twice, young lady. Move your ass here right now!

Hazel: (enters) Hi!

Kira: Hi, Hazel! Good to see you!

Xander: Hi, Hazel!

Hazel: (drops her bag) Oh my God! You're real. You're really here! (waves her hands as in cooling down, she blushes) Gosh, I already need some fresh air. Is it just me or it's getting hot in here?

Jasper: Sorry, guys I have to be somewhere right now. Good luck and bye! (leaves)

Kira: Hazel, are you okay?

Hazel: If I'm okay? I'm over the moon right now! I'm breathing the same air as Xander Reed! (Kira's jaw dropped with her arms crossed) I still gotta check though. (comes near Xander, wants to touch him)

Xander: (stops her) Hazel, Please. You know I don't like this.

Hazel: Gosh, it's really you! A fake Xander wouldn't reject me.

Kira: (clears her throat) Hazel!

Hazel: (still looking at Xander) Yeah?

Kira: You came here to get some help on your homework, right?

Hazel: I completely forgot. I'm so sorry, princess. I just need to bring my books.

Kira: (picks up her bag) You already brought them.

Hazel: Right! Sorry... I just got a little ...(looks at Xander, plays with a strand of her hair) distracted.

Kira: We'd better get started. (takes out a chair) please sit down and let's see what you have to do. (Xander laughs)

Hazel: (both sit) ahh (daydreaming) I think I've been touched by an angel to get to hear this heavenly sound. (Kira is speechless)

Xander: (comes near the princess, leans and whispers) And now you're thinking that maybe this wasn't a great idea, aren't you? (Kira looks at him, he is very close to her face now)

Kira: (knuckles his forehead) Back down, Prince Charming. (looks forward) Hazel needs to concentrate (he's smirking)

Xander: (whispers again) Fine. I wish what you just did to leave a mark cause I want to remember it whenever I want.

Kira: (clears her throat) Could you bring us some water? I'm feeling thirsty. And Hazel looks like she needs it too.

Xander: Of course. Be right back.

Hazel: He was undoubtedly a Greek God in his past life. He's smoking hot.

Kira: Hazel!

Hazel: What?

Kira: I've never seen you talk like that about a boy. Aren't you a little young for this?

Hazel: No one is too young for Xander Reed. (Kira's jaw dropped again)

Xander: Here's your water (puts two glasses on the desk)

Kira: Thanks. (drinks water, judging with her eyes)

Hazel: Gosh, I'm about to drink water from the glass touched by Xander. This happens once in a lifetime. (Kira spits the water, choking) I'm gonna take this at home if you don't mind, princess.

Xander: (puts a hand on Kira's shoulder) Hey, are you alright? (she's nodding)

Kira: Hazel, let's just get started before it's getting too late.

Hazel: (rolls her eyes) Okay. (puts a book on the desk) I've got some math exercises that I didn't know how to solve.

Kira: (takes the book) Okay, what numbers are they?

Hazel: Chapter 3.

Kira: Could you be more specific than that?

Hazel: As I said. Chapter 3. All of it . (Xander laughs)

Kira: And this is what you call some exercises? This chapter has 50.

Hazel: It could've been worse.

Kira: (sighs) We better get started.

After 2 hours

Kira: Common, Hazel! This is the last one! Concentrate!

Hazel: I really don't know! Please just help me on this one, princess.

Kira: That's what I've done so far. (sighs) Okay, fine! Let's see.(reads the exercise). Gosh, I guess I'm even more tired now cause I can't think straight anymore.

Xander: Let me see if I can help. (comes near Kira, reads, points with his finger on the book, takes a pen and writes down) This should be it.

Kira: (looks at it) You're right. This is it. Thanks. And with this we're finally done, Hazel (leans into her chair).

Hazel: Great! (gets up) I already knew you aren't just a pretty face and this and that's a problem because that makes you even more attractive. Thank you, Xander. Hi5 (stands with the hand in the air)

Kira: (gets up and hi5 es with her) I will take the credit even if it seems that I didn't help you at all.

Hazel: I'm sorry, princess. Of course I've got to thank you too. (Xander laughs)

Jasper: (enters) Ready or not, here I come! (all stare at him) Oh good! You aren't unconscious. At least I don't have to carry you back home.

Hazel: Why are you here?

Jasper: To take you back. Mom told me to. She said you bothered the princess enough for a day. Have you finished your homework?

Hazel: No!

Kira: Yes!

Jasper: Okay, I'm gonna take the 'yes' for an answer. Let's go Hazel, mom is waiting for you. Now!

Hazel: You're the worst! I hate you! (is at the door, turns back and gives Xander a kiss through the air) See you around, Xander! (gives Kira a serious face) Princess. (leaves)

Jasper: (gathers Hazel's stuff from the desk) Princess, you look worse than this morning. Xander, I'm surprised you're still alive.

Xander: You came here pretty late, huh Jas?

Jasper: Well, you know I got so much work to do...I just completely forgot about how Hazel may be terrorizing you here. But hey, at least you weren't alone, right princess? (Kira giving him an ugly look) Okay, then both of you were terrorized. I'm sorry, okay?

Kira: (sighs) It's alright, Jasper. I just didn't know she had a thing for Xander.

Jasper: I call it obsession, but what you just said sounds pretty normal and harmless.

Xander: (laughs) I think she noticed, Jas.

Kira: Of course I noticed. She didn't hold back either in front of him or when he wasn't here. Your sister told me he was a Greek God in his past life cause he is smoking hot.

Jasper: So nothing new. I thought She would come with new stuff, but she uses the same annoying descriptions ever since she met him. You know, one time, on my last birthday, Xander forgot his bandana and Hazel...

Xander: Shut up, Jas. Or I won't be letting You know next time Lily writes something to me.

Jasper: Look at you blackmailing me. I'm gonna keep my mouth shut not because I want to hear about Lily, but because I'm proud of you. Now I really have to go. See ya, buddy (Xander waves) Bye, princess.

Kira: Bye. (he leaves)

Xander: (sits in front of her in Hazel's seat) Tell me what are you thinking about, Kira.

Kira: Honestly, even though this whole Hazel situation was messed up and unexpected, I feel relieved.

Xander: Why relieved?

Kira: I really thought that you two are...

Xander: Say it...you thought we were together. Or that I like her at least. (laughs)

Kira: Well clearly I was wrong.

Xander: And if I was interested in Hazel, why would it concern you?

Kira: It wouldn't, okay? Cause I've got zero interest in you. Is this what you wanted to hear? Are you happy now?

Xander: Kira, please don't get angry with me.

Kira: Why wouldn't I if you keep playing with me like this?

Xander: You think you're the only one played? Then tell me, Kira! Whenever I compliment you, whenever we connect with each other, when I say things about you that have a double meaning, meaning that I'm sure you understood every time, why don't you ever stop me from getting close to me?

Kira: Cause I want to get close to you, dummy!

Xander: There. You said it. The problem is that if we let all these feelings grow inside us it will be too late to stop them. All this will lead to our downfall.

Kira: (in tears) Why? Because I'm a princess and you're just a bodyguard?

Xander: Kira (sighs)...(holds her hand) I want you to know that if I could, I would change that.

Kira: If you won't do anything about it (she retreats her hand) then please stop comforting me.

Xander: Just listen to me, okay? You are not being played, at least not by me. I would never do that to you. You make it hard for me to be around you. And believe me, It's getting worse as the day passes by. Everytime I get immersed into our thing, reality hits me so hard and I remember that we could never be like that in this life. I just don't get it. How am I feeling like this after just a few days spent with you.

Kira: You know what my mom told me once about love? If you try to give it an explanation you're wasting your time. It's just hard to define it. No one can ever understand its ways. You just have to enjoy the moment cause you don't know if you'll miss the love of your life, trying to understand what you actually feel.

-to be continued-


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