PokèDruids [PkmnWattys2016]

By HaterOfTheYear

2.7K 377 175

A young boy named Pepe lived a regrettable life, mainly because, heck, he didn't have a Pokemon. He couldn't... More

No More
A Small Shrub
Out Of Body Experience
Fight of a Lifetime
Bell Tower
Winter Ghosts
Trials and Union
Summit and Repose
Contest Spectacular Pt 1
Contest Spectacular, Pt 2
Humanity Stones
Fort Alpine
Things of Three
Xerxes and Dusk, Pt 1
Xerxes and Dusk, Pt 2
Eros and Sicily, Pt 1
Eros and Sicily, pt 2
Eros and Sicily, Pt 3
Eros and Sicily, pt 4
Hank and Cerci, pt 1
Hank and Cerci, pt 2
Hank and Cerci, pt 3
The Ashen Badge
Siege on Fort Alpine
Journey to Utopia
Keep Your Friends Close...
... And Your Enemies Closer
Falling Skies
Home Again
Yay for Cerci!
The Rising Cult
Of All People!
Fine Dining
This Could Have Been It...
...But it Wasn't
A Pokemon Battle?
A Pokemon Battle. Two.
To Giratina!
False Idol
The Marquis
Island of the Mages
Friggin Bird...
What Now?
Spread Your Wings
Tournament Pt 1
Tournament, Pt 2
Tournament: Final part i promis
Unova-re's eventually going to be puns (Kalos can't make puns :( )
Ka-los call (As in, close call)
Another Chapter Where They Go Home
She Found It
Down to Hell
Plan B
The Chapter Things Started To Change
Deep, Meaningful Title
Do You Even Care What the Title Is?
Ambiguous Pun
A Single, Pessimistic Phrase
Needs Disambiguation
LOL, This Chapter
Liliac Maelstrom Doughnut
ch79/notes storyline:scarylands notes end above Lol what else me?
I'm Hugry Food Plz
Ch 81
I don't know what comes after 81
The Beginning of the End
The End of the Beginning of the End
Oh Boy, A Fight!
Boss Fight
The End

The Professor

126 7 6
By HaterOfTheYear

The blowing of the wind made the ambient rustle of the forest possible, just as the words of Mary had moved Pepe to move on the rough path ahead that is just as unique as the path of any other trainer, except better. Because it will have Druids in like one more chapter, so hang in there.

The noontime sun sat on the perch atop the Evergreen Forest, where it watches the innocent and uncivilized creatures that make their home in the forest; And those creatures, the ever-loved Pokemon that miraculously makes its way into the hearts of many trainers, live sparsely through a large majority of the forest, only ceasing to settle near the roads, where such a suicidal decision would have said creatures evicted in the blink of an eye.

"And you know, I kinda came to think there'd be more Pokemon just walking about, but no, it's just not that way." The only person that seemed capable of adhering to the whimsical and satirical attitude of Pepe in the area was Hank, although that doesn't mean much since almost nobody populated the surrounding area. Although Hank was far from the most civilized person, he appeared gorgeous in the least and was otherwise the most common looking person of all teenagers. He had the messy hair, styled in such a douchy fashion to compliment the white jacket and bright jeans that he normally wore. His face was pleasant, although it was normally carrying the look of burden or apathy. "But you go into the roads and tall grass and even the tree line and whatdya see? Nothin'. Nothing at all. Not even a Pidgey. But I don't blame them."

"The Pokemon?"

"Yeah. I mean, they aren't THAT stupid. You know, just walking around in tall grass, waiting to be captured. Must suck to be 'em."

"I guess. But Stockholm syndrome."

"But what?" Hank shot a dirty look towards Pepe, showing disgust for that which he did not understand. "I'm just sayin', that if you lived in the forest and only ate berries an' said that's it, that's all there is to life, and that's all to aspire to in life, and that's it, wouldn't you go a bit' mad?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm just thinking, what if Pokemon are a bit crazy? What if they lost their minds?"

"You're overthinking this. They're just animals."

"But they're so much more!"

"But they aren't. They are the very definition of animal- what's not to get?"

And as this conversation continued, a dimwitted Bidoof, unseen in the forest prior to its assault, made a bolt for the innocent legs of Pepe, which would be a one of a kind challenge that is a Pokemon battle. But alas! Pepe is without a Pokemon at his side and has to defer to Hank for whatever appropriate assistance he can offer, which is a tiny yellow Pikachu that he spawns in a few seconds in response to the Bidoof. Both tiny animal figures look at one another, stiffening up their frames to brace and intimidate the other; However, the yellow creature, more experienced in the art of combat, loosened itself , knowing that keeping a stiff figure would simply waste energy, just one marker of the gap between the skills of the two Pokemon.

"Yo, Pikachu, use, uh... Iron Tail." The small yellow creature twitched its ear in acknowledgment and unleashed a light upon its tail, which let the creature launch itself into the air, ready to generate a routine impact from its metal limb. It had performed this attack a hundred times, and will perform it one thousand times more. It will brace itself against the sea of fire, the storms of the seven seas, the wrath that is the raging winds and even the bitter cold freezing the small creature solid, and all for the pleasure of its trainer.

"Ugh," spoke Pepe, "what do you wanna bet that stupid professor Pine is going to give me a Bidoof?"

"Ah, the professor's not that mean. I mean, why would he do that?" A hint of doubt entered Hank's face, which grew into a pinch of doubt, then into a smudge, a smear, and then back into a hint. "Don't jinx it. -Pikachu, again!- And even if you do get a Bidoof, it's not like you'd have gotten nothin. I mean, a Bidoof can be nice. -Pikachu, did I tell you to keep f-kn around? Kick its arse!- After all, a Pokemon is only what you make it into."

And, as the steel tail of the Pikachu dealt a concussive blow to the head of the Bidoof, the impaired beaver changed its tactics from a gleeful spree of body slams to a retreat on three tired legs and a lame one. The Pikachu then dealt a finishing blow to the back of the Bidoof, knocking the creature unconscious. The mouse looked back at its trainer, smiling and proud of its violent accomplishment. Hank smiled back, ready to continue walking to Ashport.

"Uh, the Bidoof?", said Pepe.

"Oh, right." Hank gently wrapped his arms around the unconscious Bidoof and swiftly delivered it to the edge of the road, where it may recover from its injuries.

"So, you have a Pikachu? Is it to go with your dress or your purse?"

"What are you talking ab- oh," muttered Hank. "Dude, chicks dig Pikachus."

"Yeah, that's why they have them."

"I... Look, they're cheap and breed easily. What did you expect? It was-"

"-A gift from the professor? I'm not surprised. Now that I think about it, he just might give me a Bidoof."

"Nah, man, don't think about that. Maybe he'll have something like a Charimander for ya. I can feel it."

"Yeah, right."

And with this the boys continued walking through the forest, the beaten dirt road quietly leading them into a sudden massive city. Ashport wasn't like any city in Kalos or Unova or Honenn or any other region. Here, people rarely stop to battle, more occupied with work than play, rarely even conversing about Pokemon, rather mentioning things like weather or the stock price of potions because that was a more interesting topic than Pokemon for them. The city could be defined easily from other cities due to small but noticeable smoke stacks marking the manufacturing district near the center. On the left near the entrance to the town was a Pokecenter, a medical center for humans, Pokemon and alike that is free to use, funded solely by the tax of the many who gave up careers as trainers for a more profitable and promising one, like as an engineer or a salesman.

As the two boys passed through the city, they made their ways into the deeper reaches of the metropolis. Not many people kept their Pokemon out and about for two reasons: the first being the violent tendencies they have towards one another, but the second being the mischievous and unpleasant behaviors they have anyways, like rummaging through garbage and the like or disturbing others; While those may not be the most common behaviors of Pokemon, it is not completely uncommon, and it is the duty of a trainer to clean up aforementioned mess.

Aside from the occasional Skitty who would brush against Pete, not much was worth mentioning in the way to the shell of businesses outside the manufacturing district. Along this layer of colorful shops blaring their cliche signs and boasting pungent aromas of various vegan and even more vegan products, which all probably suck because I'm 99% sure no one in the Pokemon world eats meat, the occasional alleyway or one or two streets leading into the district break up the array of services that may never all be experienced by one person in their massive services.

And along these colorful and distracting places was one that didn't stick out because it sticks out, Professor Pine's Lab. Without hesitation, the boys walked into the yard preceding the office, where Hank decided to remain so that 'Pepe could experience this alone, so he can learn the true value of companionship with his first Pokemon.' And, to no surprise, no one gave a shiyt, because Hank is not a memorable character.

Aside from all of this, Pepe was about to enter the office of Professor Pine when a figure to the side of the door grabbed his attention. This figure was feminine, wearing a skin tight suit of sorts, definitely not something you could obtain by simply walking into any generic store; it almost appeared to be a kind of -Kevlar? And atop this was a green cloak, hood stretched up over he head of this woman to conceal her identity. Of course, this couldn't hide much of her face; She was obviously blonde, with bobbed hair. Her lips were purple, as if bruised. She could appear beautiful, it it wasn't for the abnormally abundant scaring on her face (and, as a guess from Pepe, her entire body). This was no trainer or guard or anything else you would ever see; not a gym leader or an ace or a hero or villain or anything. In fact, the only hint as to what this person could be is an ominous feeling that surrounds her, almost as if she could cause another to suffer a mental breakdown through the power of will alone.

Pepe, to everybody's surprise, found this odd. Should he talk to her? Why should he? It it that look she's giving him? If only she were to explain herself and everything-

"So, here for a Pokemon?" whispered the lady. "It's a shame."

As the statement would make the assumption that there would be a follow up statement, Pepe left a pause. Seconds later, he whispered, "A shame?"

"A shame."

"A shame... That what?"


"What's a shame?"

"It's a shame that someone like you who can appreciate the finer things in life has to become another dumb trainer. I know this isn't what you want."

"What? What makes you think that?"

"You said it yourself. You're no trainer. You couldn't train a Pokemon to fight, even if your life depended on it."

"And who might you be?"

"I'm a message. From Arceus(Pokemon God) himself. Grab my hand." The figure outstretched a hand towards Pepe, who reached back at the hand. To his surprise, he grabbed nothing, phasing right through the grip of the imaginary woman. "Too bad only you can see me."

"Who are you?"

"I think you might be losing your mind."

And in that instance the woman vanished.

Not a moment later Pepe walked into the office of Professor Pine, where he saw the man himself. The walls were flowing with future shiyt, glowing in the dark and stuff. I don't know, play a Pokemon game and imagine a generic lab setting. I can't do everything for you. Pepe casually walked up to the professor, who smiled casually at Pepe, then to a now visible camera man, and then back towards Pepe. "Young boy, what is your name?"

"I'm Pepe."

"Uh, please speak into the mic." The professor motioned to the cameraman, who had a mic suspended over his left by another worker in the film industry. To the side, a Magnemite steadily powered the equipment, happily doing it's simple job.

"Hello, I'm Pepe. I guess I get a Pokemon or something?"

"Ah, yes, you are about to enter the wonderful world of Pokemon." An ugly, decrepit , wrinkly smile stretched across the old man's face. "A world where friendship and companionship go hand in hand into making the great legends such as Ash, Red, Synthia... All great trainers of the various regions start from a single Pokemon."

For a second, and then a few minutes, as the professor went on, Pepe started to believe that the professor meant what he said, that he actually cared, that this wasn't for show. Maybe the dream of becoming the best and only the very best would help him succeed in becoming a gym leader or bearing the elite four or some other dream, but deep down he knew none of this was true.

"You will go out and meet many new friends, both human and Pokemon, travel across the vast lands of the Morono region and discover new places, new people, new ways to celebrate the existence of Pokemon... Are you, Jose-"

"Uh, my name's Pepe-"

"Pepe, ready to explore the brave new world of Pokemon?"

"I... I am."

"Then say it with me... Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokemon!"

As if the camera could stop any feeling of doubt or resistance to the absolute truth to what the professor said, and no amount of reasoning or prior knowledge or doubt could change that, Pepe nodded in agreement unintentionally.

"W-welcome to the wonderful world of Pokemon!"

The professor, pleased by this, reached out with a pokeball in hand and spoke to Pepe, "Take this and begin your journey."

And from behind the camera, almost to end the fantasy that was created by the professor, a man in a suit flashier than most yet somehow not as bat-shiyt crazy as everyone else's came out from behind the small crew of cameramen and shouted out,"CUT! That's a wrap, everybody." The men and Magnemite made a brisk exit, with the director giving a firm pat on Pepe's shoulders and mentioning "Good Job."

Curious as to what his new companion would be, Pepe quickly pressed the button on the side of the orb and released a dumb, brown furred Bidoof onto the floor, who looked around for a minute, omitted a "Doo!", stiffed itself into a rigid beaver, looked around again and loosened itself, showing its complete lack of experience of any kind.

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