The Art of Love & Hate

By Havingfunwithfanfic

99K 4.2K 341

Lucerys Velaryon is born a girl and things become a bit more complicated, especially when Aemond starts takin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36: Epilogue

Chapter 22

2.2K 106 14
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Aemond talks to Aegon and Darya realizes Daemon knows something. I hope you guys like it 🥰

To say that he was annoyed would be an understatement. He was also confused and could not figure out what had happened. He had meant to speak to Darya, tell her of his plan, and maybe end this gods forsaken war once and for all. Instead, they ended up fighting, then they were kissing and before his mind could catch up his little niece had been riding him until he could not think about anything but her. The images of her body seemed to play on his head in a loop, he could not get rid of them. Her pale silky skin, her beautiful purple eyes darkened with desire, her pretty breasts, and the way she had moved. Everything had been designed to make him surrender and beg for mercy. He had never felt anything like that before.

Since the time Aegon had taken him to the pleasure house when he was three and ten, Aemond found the whole sex situation distasteful. He had only been with a handful of women and only when his blood got too hot, making him unable to control his urges. None of his encounters had ever felt the way he had felt with Darya. She had made him see stars and he had wanted to stay there with her, forever. Taking her a few hours later had not been in his plans, he had truly planned to leave. Then he had woken up and saw her lying on her stomach, her dark hair spread around her, beautifully naked and he had not been able to resist. Before he knew what he was doing his hands and mouth were on her skin. The way she had given herself to him had been so sweet, she had allowed him to take control and gave herself over without reservations. It had been a beautiful thing to see and he had wanted more, he had wanted everything.

He had been shocked when she had refused to marry him, the fact that she had given herself to him, not once, but twice, and then refused to marry him had hit him harder than he cared to admit. He had never met a woman who did not want to marry after being compromised, but part of him did not blame her. She had spoken the truth, he had not apologized for what he had done to her. He had resented her for so many years, ignoring the hundreds of letters she sent him asking him for forgiveness. He had ignored her when she apologized in person, she had even offered to allow him to take her eye. During the dinner when his father had betrothed them, she had been the only one who jumped to his defense, asking the king to think about Aemond's feelings. She had shown remorse and kindness at every turn and he had responded with derision and hostility.

"I hate being king." Aegon entered Aemond's chambers and threw his crown aside. His hair looked oily and disheveled, and it appeared his brother had not bathed in a sennight. "They will not leave me alone. All I hear is complaints and problems, no one comes to me with a solution only issues they expect me to solve."

"That is what it means to be king," Not that his brother had ever cared about it. "You are supposed to solve the kingdom's issues. They all look up to you and want your help."

"It did not look this hard when it was our father ruling." Aegon sat beside him. "I can't do this."

"Then give up your crown." Aegon gave him a surprised look. "If you do not want it then renounce it."

"And what?" Aegon asked with a sneer on his face. "Give it to you?"

"No," Aemond had wanted to be king, mostly because he did not see his brother as worthy of wearing the crown. Someone who spent most of his time drunk and raping women should not have that kind of power. But for some reason the idea of being king did not appeal to him as much as before, there was something else he wanted, something he would gladly give up the crown for. "You should talk to Rhaenyra, she might be more open to a treaty than you imagine."

Aegon gave him an incredulous look. "Our sister will have my head on a spike before I could even get a word out."

"I do not believe that to be the case." Maybe once when he had been convinced that Rhaenyra wanted them all dead. That was what he had been hearing since he was a small child. His mother and grandsire kept telling them how Rhaenyra would kill them as soon as she ascended to the throne. Rhaenyra had chances to kill them, hells, they could not be more vulnerable than they were right now, and yet, she had not made a move against them. "She has had more than one chance to get rid of us and she has not taken it. She is aware of our weakening position and still has not taken action."

"Yes, but that does not mean she wants us alive." Even while saying it, Aemond could see the thoughtful expression on his brother's face. "You killed her daughter's dragon and almost killed the girl. And now Jace is dead by the hand of one of my Kingsguards, my mother's right-hand man. I do not think she will be inclined to forgive that."

"Darya is alive and intact, nothing happened while she was our prisoner." Aemond made sure his voice was not too eager. "And Jace's death was not ordered by you or me, that was something Criston did on his own and he paid with his life. Darya will vouch for it."

Aegon gave him a suspicious look. "Why would she do that? I was going to have her whipped in front of everyone."

"Yes, but she was not." Because she had saved herself, but Aemond did not say the last part. "She does not want this war any more than we do. Who do you think told me about the men sent to kill your sons?"

Aegon's brow furrowed. "What?"

"It was Darya who told me Daemon would not be staying still and he would do something against your children since they are the weakest." He did not mention Helaena, he knew his brother was not ready for that. "She could have stayed quiet, but she risked her own life to tell me, even after everything I did. That is proof that she wants the end of this war."

Aegon looked thoughtful and almost relieved. Aemond held his breath as he watched his brother think about everything he had said. He was hoping that his brother would think about what was best for all of them, at least for once.


5 days later.

Darya was enjoying her day, for once in the past few moons she had some peace. Things were at a standstill and she and her mother had talked more about making a truce with Aegon. Her mother was very receptive to the idea but still wanted to think about it. While her mother had been occupied with running things once more Darya had spent most of her days flying. Aegarax, that is what she had renamed her dragon because she hated the name cannibal, enjoyed flying and it helped clear her mind. In the air, she could forget about the war, the death of Arrax, and losing Jace. She loved Aegarax and her connection with him was stronger than the one she had with Arrax, which she did not know was possible since Arrax had hatched in her cradle. But even her love for Aegarax could not erase the pain of Arrax's death, one dragon could not replace another. There were many things that hurt her, it felt like claws ripping at her chest constantly. Her pain had become so familiar, that she did not remember what it was like living without it.

Angry footsteps approached her before her stepfather's voice broke into her peaceful moment. "What do you think you are doing?"

"I was trying to read." She looked up at him, not intimidated in the least. "Why? Was there something you needed?"

"Your mother has decided to try and talk to Aegon." Darya hid her excitement, knowing that her stepfather would not appreciate it. "Do you have any idea the danger she is putting herself in? They could be planning an ambush."

"That is why we should make sure the meeting takes place somewhere we are comfortable with and can ensure her safety." She closed the book and set it aside. "We should avoid a bloody war if we are able, believe me, the lords and common folk will appreciate it more."

"Is that why you are doing it? Because of the people?" She did not like the knowing look in his eyes. Daemon approached her and she stood up, not liking that he towered over her so much when she was sitting down. Daemon was much taller than she was so when she was sitting he felt like a giant. "Or is there something else?"

Darya did not move an inch. "I do not know what you mean."

"Do you truly think I did not notice you leave a few nights ago?" He took a step closer and Darya's hands tightened on the skirts of her gold gown. "You returned hours later and looked a bit disheveled."

"I flew to the small island Jace, Rhaena, Baela and I used to play in." She wanted to stay as close to the truth as possible. "I was caught there by the storm and could not return for a few hours."

"Truly?" Daemon ran a finger over the side of her neck where the fading mark Aemond had given her was. The touch was not sexual, her stepfather looked angry. "Did the storm give you that mark also?"

"It is none of your business." She slapped his hand aside and took a step back. "I have done nothing to be ashamed of. I stand by my decisions and will face the consequences. The fact that I want my mother to talk to Aegon has nothing to do with what you think happened."

"I know you are not fucking Aegon, you have never been able to stand that cunt. Which makes me wonder who is the one you let between your thighs?" The more he talked the angrier she got. "Was it Aemond? I have always been able to see the connection you have with him. I just thought that the connection would be severed since he killed your dragon."

"Who I fuck is none of your business."

"That is where you are wrong." Daemon grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. His grip was not hard enough to bruise, but it was hard enough to keep her in place. "It is my business if you are betraying your mother."

"I would never betray my mother." She tried to pull away from him, but he would not allow it. "Let go of me."

"You better hope that your intentions are good." His fingers tightened on her skin, but she refused to flinch. "If I find out that you have done anything against your mother you will not like the consequences."

He released her and she had to stop the urge to rub her chin. She would not give him the satisfaction. "You do not threaten me Daemon, not after everything you have done. I do not answer to you."

His eyes hardened, but he did not get a chance to say anything. There was a loud roar and her whole body tensed. She recognized that sound, it was Vhagar. She saw the large dragon land on the beach and her uncle climbed down as the guards stayed at a respectable distance, knowing Vhagar would kill them before they could get a hold of Aemond. She heard Daemon curse before he turned and started walking away, she knew he was going to meet Aemond. This would not be good.  

                                                                    Darya Velaryon (16 years old.)

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