The Art of Love & Hate

Par Havingfunwithfanfic

98.3K 4.1K 341

Lucerys Velaryon is born a girl and things become a bit more complicated, especially when Aemond starts takin... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36: Epilogue

Chapter 14

2.5K 127 2
Par Havingfunwithfanfic

Darya and Helaena talk, Darya comes to a realization about her aunt. Otto decides to punish Darya when she refuses his request. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Darya had been locked in for the past two days and most of it had been spent crying and angry at the situation. On the first day after her meeting with Aegon, the queen had sent her an ugly black gown embroidered with red flowers. The color was not what bothered her, but the style. The gown had puffy sleeves and her hair had been pinned up completely, the gown was not her style, but it was better than the one they had sent her before. No one had come to speak to her after her conversation with Aegon in the throne room. Aemond had tried to see her, but she had attacked him as soon as she walked through the door. Every time she saw him her grief and anger became sharper and all she could think about was how much she wanted him dead.

The doors to her chambers opened and she stood up, wiping away her tears and she faced the door. She was a bit surprised when it was Helaena who walked in, her aunt looked a bit subdued and gave her an apologetic look.

"I was told no one has come to see you." Her aunt moved closer. "I was not sure if you wanted to see anyone, but I wanted to make sure you were well."

"Of course I wanted to see you." Darya wrapped her arms around her aunt and laid her head on her shoulder. Helaena was the only honest and innocent person in that place. She was happy that she was doing well and did not have any marks on her. She was hoping that the queen was making sure Aegon was not hitting Helaena. She kept her head on her aunt's shoulders and held back her tears. "I am glad to see you."

"I am glad to see you too." Helaena returned her hug. "I am sorry about Arrax and everything that has happened since then."

Darya did not say anything, just nodded her head and continued holding Helaena. It took her a few minutes to pull back and look at her aunt. The door had been closed after Helaena walked in and they had not sent in a guard with her.

"I am surprised they did not have several guards come in with you." She took a step away from her aunt. "According to your mother and grandsire, I am insane and cannot be trusted."

"I did not tell them I was coming." Helaena shrugged as she moved around the room, touching some of the small trinkets that had been left. "I thought it better that they did not know. My mother would not approve of us conversing."

Darya rolled her eyes. "Has your mother ever approved of anything me or my brothers have done?"

"No," Helaena turned to her with a smile. "My mother hates your mother and thinks you, Jace, and Joffrey are a stain on the Targaryen name."

Darya felt a bit of amusement at her aunt's words. Helaena had always been painfully honest and had no issues telling people what was on her mind.

"Well, as long as she thinks about me."

Helaena chuckled for a moment before her expression changed and became a bit more serious. "I need to speak to you about something important."

Darya frowned. "Of course."

"Your mother has answered the letter my grandsire sent." Helaena twisted her hands in front of herself, seeming unsure for a moment. "Aegon offered her your life if she were to bend the knee, but with the condition that you would have to remain with us for the rest of your natural life."

Darya took a seat and stared at her aunt. "And what did my mother say?"

"She rejected the offer." Helaena sighed before sitting near her. "Aegon was angry, but my grandsire was not surprised."

"Helaena," Darya was a bit surprised that her aunt was giving her information. "Are you supposed to be telling me this? Will your mother and grandsire not be upset that you are giving me information regarding their plans?"

"They do not have to know." Her aunt's expression became fearful. "And even if they found out I do not care. I am trying to stop something awful from happening."

Darya frowned, not like the tone in her aunt's voice. "What do you mean?"

"We need to stop this." Her aunt took one of her hands and squeezed tightly. "They are going to kill my children."

"What?" She was not sure what Helaena was talking about. "Who is going to kill your children."

"Daemon." Darya's eyes widened. "He has already set it in motion, but I cannot see when it will happen."

"What do you mean you cannot see?"

Helaena looked frustrated and near tears. "I cannot see."

Darya was even more confused, while she loved her aunt she had not been able to spend too much time with her. The queen had never liked her children to spend time with her and her brothers. After what happened with Criston Cole and Harwin Strong they had all moved to Dragonstone and she had only seen her aunt twice more. She had always heard people referring to her aunt as strange and some even called her crazy, but the more her aunt spoke the more clearly Darya could see things.

"Helaena," She was able to gain her aunt's attention and gave her a questioning look. "Do you see things that will happen often?"

"Sometimes," Her aunt frowned, looking a bit confused. "I saw the storm and dragons fighting."

Darya's eyes widened when she realized Helaena had seen what happened between her and Aemond. Helaena was a dragon dreamer and she could see the future. It surprised her that no one had realized it before, it also made her sad, since it told her people did not pay more attention to her aunt. Now, she had other things to worry about.

"Aunt," She squeezed Helaena's hand. "I need you to focus and tell me when your children will be killed."

Helaena seemed to be trying to think about it but then became frustrated and gave her a sad look. "I cannot see."

"Do not worry about seeing anything." Her words made her aunt frown in confusion. "I want you to close your eyes and focus on what you are feeling. When you think about what will happen to your children and when what does it feel like? Do you feel a sense of urgency?"

Helaena closed her eyes and did as she asked, her frown becoming more pronounced until her eyes snapped open. "It will be soon."

"Soon as in a sennight, a moon, days?"

Helaena seemed to think for a moment. "Days, it will happen in days."

Darya opened her mouth, but before she could say anything the doors slammed open and Alicent walked in, Cole behind her like the dog he was. The queen glared at her like it was her fault that Helaena was there.

"Helaena!" Her aunt jumped and turned to look at her mother. "Why are you here? I have told you that she is not safe to be around."

Helaena gave her an apologetic look before standing up and walking out of the chambers. Darya noticed the way her aunt flinched when the queen reached for her, almost like she could not stand her touch. The older woman just glared at her before turning on her heel and walking out, Cole following after her. Darya did not care what the queen thought, she needed to get out as soon as possible. She had to stop Daemon from hurting her aunt and cousins. 

                                                                         Darya Velaryon (15 years old.)


"I wish to speak to you." She rolled her eyes as Otto walked into her chambers. "I want you to write to your mother."

"And I want to be in Dragonstone." She closed the book she had been pretending to read and stared at one of the men she hated most in the world. "I guess neither of us will get what we want,"

"You do not seem to understand the seriousness of the situation." The man slammed the paper and quill he had been carrying on the table and glared at her. "Because of you things are moving faster and the war is approaching."

"Because of me?" Darya's face became amused. "I think you meant to say because of Aemond. I did not come here of my own free will, so I am not to blame for this."

"But a letter from you might calm down your mother."

"If you think a letter will calm down my mother then you do not know her very well." It amused Darya that he believed her mother would stay still just because she wrote a letter. "The only chance you have is to allow me to go."

"We cannot do that." Otto moved closer to her and gave her an annoyed look. "You will stay here until your parents understand that they have lost and bend the knee."

Darya yawned. "Then you will all die, please write to let me know the way my father chooses to kill you, I am sure it will not be pleasant."

"I grow tired of your jests." Otto grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the chair she had been sitting on. "You will do as I say."
She yanked her arm out of his hold. "Or what?"

"It seems you are under the impression that we will not punish you." He grabbed her arm again and dragged her to the door. He knocked loudly and threw her at one of the guards when the doors opened. "Take the princess to the Black Cells, maybe she will realize her mistakes."

The man was a bit taken aback by the order, but immediately moved to do as he was told. They had barely taken five steps when the guards stopped and Darya looked up to see Aemond standing in the middle of the hall.

Her uncle glared at the guards, making both men swallow and take a step back. "What are you both doing?"

"The hand ordered for the princess to be taken to the Black Cells." One of the guards answered while looking a bit unsure. "He said the princess is to be punished."

"The princess will be taken back to her chambers immediately." His voice let it be known that it was not up for discussion. "She will stay there."

The guards nodded quickly and started to head back to her chambers when Otto appeared, glaring at Aemond. "What is happening here? I was clear that the princess was to be taken to the Black Cells."

"And I made it clear that she was to be taken back to her chambers," Aemond said while moving closer to his grandsire. "She will stay there."

"I am the one who gives the orders!" Otto snapped as the two guards looked between the two men, not knowing which orders to follow. "She will be taken to the Black Cells."

"She will be taken to her chambers." Aemond stood in his grandsire's personal space, the glare on his face was a bit scary. "You seem to be forgetting that I am the only thing standing between you and Daemon Targaryen. The only reason you still have your head attached to your shoulders is because you have not annoyed me enough, let us not change that now. I do not think my mother would appreciate it if I were to kill you."

Otto's eyes widened in fear and he swallowed. He looked at her and the two guards before looking back at Aemond. It only took a few seconds for the older man to nod and Aemond stepped aside and allowed him to leave. The guards did not stay to find out what would happen. They just turned and quickly led her to her chambers. 

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