Security Breach Adventures

By Inky_Kuro

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Midday Moon, Midnight Sun
Chaos Care
Discovery of Wonder
Drops of Magic
Rises the Moon
Nice Eclipse Thoughtdump
I Didn't Mean It...
There Was An Attempt
A Warmer Eclipse
SAMS Stuff and Thangs
SAMS Trauma Thoughts
Mouthful of Trash, Trashing My Mouth
Perspective of the Moon
Talk It Out
(Un)Trusted With Your Pain
Miss Me, Flicker?
Look Into My Eyes
Drunken SAMStics
It Can't Be True...
Revival and Reunion
SAMS Crew Habits + Eclipse and New Moon headcanons!
The Fight
Just a Precursory Glance (DISCONTINUED)
Ghosts of the Red Moon
Where the Wild Things Run
Nice Eclipse's ORIGIN STORY?! in VRCHAT
"Sun and Moon's FAMILY REUNION in VRCHAT" Rewritten.
Sun Has a BABY?! in VRCHAT
An Imposter of the Worst Roster
Deep Sleep
Sun Deserves Better
Boiling Up and Over
Withering Petals
Return of a Friendly Critter
Rise and Shine!
The Life You Left Behind
A Grand Accusation
Please Be Kind
The Meeting of New and Old
What Haunts You?

Anchors Away, Newbie!

40 1 2
By Inky_Kuro

A week has passed, and now the new addition to the daycare is ready to come to work! What kind of animatronic will she be? Will she be able to adapt to the chaos of the daycare and be a good member of the crew? (TABB AU.)


Slidin' around, banging into the walls, bouncin' like a damn ball, tha's how this entire ride has been goin' since I first climbed aboard this blasted truck! I've long since stopped tryin' to dig my claws in to stay steady, it keeps me from slidin' right 'til we hit a bump in the road an' I'm thrown up two feet off the bottom o' the truck.

Tch, where are we even goin' at this rate? The middle o' nowhere? Why in the devil is it taking so long t' get where we're goin'?! The truck hits yet another bump in the road, bouncin' me up an' then droppin' me down before I go flyin' into the wall as it pulls a turn sharper than my cutlass. "GAH!" I groan softly an' push away from the wall only to fall flat on my face after yet another bump, my temper flarin' up fiercely as I shout back, "DO YE ACTUALLY KNOW HOW T' DRIVE, YE LAND LOVER?!"

"Ahh, shut up back there! I can't fix the roads!" The driver snaps back.

"But ye could fix yer foul handle of the wheel, could ye not?!"

He grumbles indiscernibly an' jus' continues t' drive the truck like he ain't err passed his driver's test. I scoff t' myself, diggin' my claws in while I wait fer the ache in my casin' to ebb from gettin' tossed about like a ragdoll. Even the rough an' ragin' seas weren't this unforgivin'... I half expect t' land in the middle o' nowhere at this rate! Tch, how fittin' tha' right when I was about t' find a way out o' this blasted life of "entertainment," I get bought like some sort o' toy an' dragged off! An' probably t' somewhere far, far away from-

With a loud screech of the brakes, the truck comes t' a stop an' I brace myself to keep from skiddin' into the back wall, growlin' in annoyance. "What now?"

"We're finally here, that's what! Now I can finally get your whiny ass out of my truck," The driver remarks, slammin' his door shut as he gets out of the truck. I roll my eyes an' keep an ear up as he walks around t' the back, an' then the doors swing open. Not a lot o' light comes pourin' into the truck, an' as I peer around the no-drivin' land lover I realize we're in some sort o' dark basement, which doesn't fill me with much confidence that I'm not about to be a part o' a horror movie.

"Alright, "scallywag," get out," The driver orders, movin' out of the way so I can climb out. I lower myself onto the floor, looking around the dimmed room with a grimace.

"What is this? Davy Jones's locker?"

"Ha ha, funny. No, it's just the loading bay of the Mega Pizzaplex." He shuts the doors behind me, closin' off my route of escape- not tha' I would get back in tha' truck even with a gun t' my head. One of the members of the daycare staff should be down to get you and take you to the daycare soon, so just stay here."

Ahh, aye, jus' what I've been hopin' fer, more humans t' come an' boss me around like I'm nothin' but a swabbie. I growl quietly, glancing at the driver as he begins walking away. "Why can't ye jus' show me where t' go, huh?"

"Not my job! I'm not a newbie babysitter."

"O' course," I sigh, watchin' him go through the door to the right an' leavin' me alone. Not tha' I'm at all distressed t' be lackin' tha' land lover's company, but it's damn annoyin' t' get dragged all the way here an' then told t' jus' stay put for who knows how long! I ain't keen t' wait all day an' night for some greasy old rat t' finally come around an'-

My train of thought comes t' a halt as I hear doors openin', turnin' my gaze t' the wall ahead as the red double doors swing open an' shut, another animatronic steppin' into the dim room. He looks straight ahead at me an' walks closer an' closer, but as he does I feel this crawlin' in my wires as I take in the look o' his blank face an' empty smile.

"Hello. My name is Sun, welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, as owned by Montgomery Gator!" The animatronic greets, monotone an' full o' programmed cheer.

"... What in the name o' Davy Jones is wrong with ye, lad?" I question, grimacin' again as I take a step back. He tilts his head slightly, replyin',

"I'm sorry, I don't understand the question! Please redirect advanced questions towards the human help desk." Then, before I can say anythin' more, he keeps on goin'. "It is so nice to welcome you to the Fazbrand family, Glamrock GEN2 model V1X13-slash-Vixie!"

"Mangle. The name is Mangle, an' ye best keep tha' in what little mind ye've got," I snarl, tails lashin' as he lifts his head upright. "I won't let ye be callin' me by tha' dainty name, I'm a pirate, dammit!"

"Processing... Processing... Proce- understood! It's nice to meet you, Glamrock Mangle!"

"Good. At least ye got some sense about ye."

Sun stares at me fer jus' a moment before foldin' his arms behind his back. "Please follow me!"

"Follow ye where?"

"Please follow me to the Superstar Daycare! The Superstar Daycare is where all children ages five to nine years old come to play games and have fun while the rest of their family enjoys the older-age-range activities of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, as owned by Montgomery Gator! Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, as owned by Montgomery Gator, is a delightful mega-mall where fantasy and fun come to-"

"Alright, alright, ye can shut yer yap already!" I interrupt, wavin' a hand in front o' his face t' try an' get his attention. "I'll follow ye, aye? Ye ain't got t' chatter on about the stupid company!"

"... Understood! Please follow me," He says, turnin' on his heel an' walkin' away. I trail after him with a heavy sigh, shakin' my head. I'm already sick o' this place an' I haven't been here fifteen minutes!

The doors take us through a big kitchen, an' then through the kitchen we reach a hallway. From there, Sun leads me t' an elevator and we ride it up t' yet another hallway. Jus' when I think we're never gonna get anywhere an' that I'm walkin' circles followin' a busted bot, he opens a door an' steps out, holdin' it open so I can step out into- into some kind o' bright, neon wonderworld. I swear it don't even feel real, this place in bright hues an' filled with happy families. There's even a giant-ass projection o' the main animatronics tha' dominates the room!

What the hell?! Are we even in the same buildin' here? This place ain't nothin' like the basement we were jus' in! I step forward, lookin' around in awe of the hustle an' bustle o' this all. I had no idea what in the devil a "mega mall" was, but now there ain't no question. It's some kind o' sprawlin' play land... An' sprawlin' it is- the bottom floor alone is already huge, but I can see three more floors up above me boastin' even more attractions fer the people passin' by. "How big is this place, exactly?"

Where he stands behind me, Sun pipes up in answer, "The Mega Pizzaplex spans exactly sixty acres in width and is four stories tall!"

"Oh, sweet Neptune," I breathe out, whistlin' softly in awe. "No wonder people are willin' t' come out t' the middle o' nowhere an' join in the fun."

"̶̜͆͠S̴̛̳̪i̸̜̲͆ń̶̤̫̔c̸̯͠e̶̯̻͘ ̷͈͚͑ẃ̵̜̔ḩ̴̓̍e̸̙̤̍̿n̶̰͌͘ ̶̜̻̉̚î̵̛̪s̶͕̎̂ ̴͔͆O̵͖͙͛r̴̩̕ĺ̷͎̳̇a̸̬͒n̷̝͍̎͝d̵̛̲͓͘ọ̷̱̋͂,̵̖̀͂ ̷̪̦̽F̸̠̱̾l̴͇̽͂o̵͙̒r̴̹͆͐i̷̩͙͗͒d̴̙̻͌a̵͕̒̽ ̵̡̞̈́͆t̵̜̎̕h̸̲̖̅́ẹ̵̓ ̶̺̝́m̵̘̌͊i̷͙͉̓d̷̲̂d̶̨͋͐l̴͎̥͘e̵͍͊̑ ̴̲̂̄o̷̬͑̅f̸̛̤͆ ̸̺͊̔ṉ̸̾o̷̎͜w̸̡̼͊h̸̦̙͛ė̴͎͘r̵̗̓͒e̶̙͗̄?̴̗̈́.̸̗̣̈́.̸̻̈̈́.̸̨͍͛"̸̝̰̂

"Wha-" I whip around t' face Sun, blinkin' in confusion. I didn't jus' imagine tha', aye? Tha' staticky mutter had t' be him. "Mind repeatin' yerself there, lad?"

He doesn't. He jus' stares back at me with tha' same blank look. I let out a sigh, tryin' t' decide if my mind is finally goin' or if he's messin' with me fer some reason. "Please follow me!" He says instead, startin' t' walk past me as he starts leadin' the way t' the daycare again. Honestly, I'm way less interested in followin' him t' a simple daycare- I want t' look around the Pizzaplex an' take in all the sights before I get chained up an' left t' be a livin' puzzle fer the rest o' my days.

So, I start headin' towards this so called "Fazerblast," curious t' see what's in there. Right as I'm reachin' a door tha' rolls up t' reveal some sort o' waitin' area around an elevator, Sun reaches my side again an' arounds t' my front. "Please follow me to the Superstar Daycare!"

"Don't get yer breeches in a twist, lad," I huff, steppin' around him an' headin' t' the elevator. "I doubt there's any rush t' get me t' the daycare if they couldn't even send one o' the staff t' come get me on time."

"Delivery was slotted for 3:45 pm on. The current time is 5:27 pm."

"Alright, then I was late, an' they're off doin' other stuff more important than draggin' me to the daycare." I roll my eyes an' step into the elevator, findin' the button an' pressin' it t' close the doors. Unfortunately, Sun quickly steps in with me an' stands beside me.

"Error. Error. Route inadvisable for quick access to the Superstar Daycare!"

"Ye didn't have t' get in with me, bucko. Ye could have gone back on yer own!"

He shakes his head at tha', but he doesn't elaborate on why he couldn't have. It's annoyin' but I don't pay it much mind as the elevator opens up t' what I guess is the lobby of Fazerblast. It's not much at a glance, what really catches my eye is the animatronic standin' in the room- a big ol' bear with a bright, genuine smile an' a look of life in his eye tha' Sun doesn't have.

He looks our way as he hears the elevator open, gaspin' loudly an' puttin' his paws t' the sides of his glass helmet as he shouts, "OH MY GOSH, A NEW FRIEND!" He proceeds t' run over, his footsteps thunderin' more like an elephant's than a bear's, an' he grabs one o' my hands t' shake it feverishly. "It's so so so so nice to meet you! My name is Freddy! What's yours?!"

"Rrk- uh, ahoy there, Freddy! M- my name is Mangle, it's nice t' meet ye, as well!" I chuckle awkwardly, pullin' my hand back as soon as I can manage- his grip was a lot tighter than I was expectin'. "So, yer the star o' the show around here, are ye?"

"Aww, shucks, I wouldn't say that!" He waves his hand bashfully and rubs the back o' his neck- or the back o' his helmet, really. "I'm just your friendly neighborhood Fazbear!"

"Really? But yer name is on the front of the buildin', isn't it?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion at tha', an' when Freddy stares at me like I jus' told him the moon ain't made o' cheese, I start t' second guess if he's so much livelier than Sun as my ears lower.

"Glamrock Freddy is indeed the mascot of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, but since Montgomery Gator's purchase and ascent to management, he has become secondary in the shows and is now a backup singer and drummer," Sun chimes in, startlin' me a bit. I glance back at him as he adds, "His stardom shines most in Fazerblast or at children's parties."

"Oh, I see."

"Goodness, I didn't even notice that Sun was with you!" Freddy says with another gasp, smilin' again an' wavin'. "Hi, Sun! I haven't seen you up and about in such a long, long time- not since the accident, I don't think! That was forever ago, it feels like... OH! Does that mean your better now?!" He clasps his hands together an' leans in closer t' Sun, who actually frowns an' takes a step back. An' then he doesn't even say anythin' t' answer Freddy's question.

"Aha, y- you're ignoring me, huh? Just like old times! So, t- that's a good sign," Freddy chuckles weakly, stepping back and smiling even as his ears fold. "I- I'm glad you're getting better! And maybe y- you can be nicer someday, too?"

"... Please follow me back to the daycare," Sun abruptly says, turnin' his gaze back t' me. He's still not smilin' anymore.

"To the daycare? Oh, so you're the new animatronic taking Moon's place as the daycare attendant!" Freddy says, his cheer returnin' as he focuses on me again. "That's so cool- the daycare is the best! I love hangin' out with all the little tykes running around and havin' a ball! Are you excited to be the new daycare attendant?"

At that, I level Freddy with a frown an' my brows furrow together. "Daycare attendant? Like, ye mean I'd be a caretaker fer the kids?"

"Mm-hmm! I mean, I think that's what Moon did? He would watch the kids, play with them, get them food and stuff, put them down for naps- like a second parent away from their home! Or a mean uncle!"

"An' yer sure tha's what I'm here t' do?" I question warily, ears pinnin' back a bit. "'Cause tha' wasn't what I was doin' back at my first "job."

"Security sentry N3W-M00N has been reassigned to permanent security work as per his request, and CEO Montgomery Gator has hired you to fill in the newly-opened slot as the lead daycare attendant," Sun states. "Until you are fully initiated and ready to work without supervision, you will be working under the instruction of daycare model 3CL1P53, my favorite fan!" He then glitches out on us, twitchin' as he croaks out, "̴͍̳̯̈́̇H̵̼͆̾i̵̢̪̇̓ș̷͇̅̎̿ ̷̙̞̽̚n̷̹̈͝à̴̧͎m̷̬̓e̵̳̐̓͆ ̵̞͇̐̚i̶̛͉̍̓s̶̗̪͙̓ ̶͈̊̅Ē̷͉̮̄c̷͎͎͈̓l̵̡̻͘ǐ̴͈̑͛p̸͕̪̽̂s̵͊ͅê̸̛̪͝!̸̱̿͆̌ ̸͎͌̐Ĵ̶̟̑̈́u̵̲͓͉͘s̵̢̜͆t̸̤́̉̅ ̶̹̹̋̏͗͜s̵͕̦̾̎̈a̷̧̺̼̓̈́y̶̠̚ ̷̤̌̓ͅh̴͍̘̋ͅĩ̷̢͙̹s̷̮̀͆͛ ̶̪̓̀̓n̴̹̑̐͋a̸̮̝̓m̶͇̤͑͝ë̴͈͚!̶̧͕̃̕"̶̱͇̌͗̚

"Eh?! Take it easy there, lad! No need t' blow a gasket!"

He settles eventually, breathing out heavily an' fallin' completely silent. Afterwards, I look back to Freddy an' ask, "So what was this accident ye mentioned him bein' in?"

"Well, I don't know the full story, but-"

"Follow me to the daycare," Sun interrupts before Freddy can really get a word on it out, an' when I look his way again, he's starin' at me. Hard.

"... Ehhh, on second thought, uh, a better question is, after ye get t' yer assigned animatronic place, Freddy... Are ye allowed t' leave tha place, or are ye stuck here?"

"Hm? Oh, no! I can go wherever I want in the Pizzaplex. Everyone is," Freddy answers. "Heck, Monty can even leave the Pizzaplex- every night, he does! He has a fancy penthouse he lives in."

"Well... Tha's reassurin'." I breathe out a sigh of relief. Maybe this ol' sea dog's luck is finally turnin'. This place seems a lot more animatronic friendly than tha' dump I started out in.

"Processing... Processing..." Freddy an' I exchange glances an' look at Sun as he randomly starts on with tha' weird chatterin' out o' nowhere. "Processing... Remote override accepted! Entering standby mode."

"What does tha' even mean?" I ask, looking to Freddy in the hopes that he'll know, but no luck.

"I dunno. If only Moon or Eclipse were here, we could ask them! They know all about Sun's problems," Freddy replies.

"Mmh. Ay, who are they, anyhow? I know Moon is a security guard, but I mean beyond tha'."

"Oh, that's an easy one! Moon and Eclipse are Sun's brothers and the main staff of the daycare," He answers, smilin' wide. "And Eclipse is a part time mechanic, too! He repairs everything around the Pizzaplex when it's broken. They're both good guys! Well, uh, Moon can be kinda mean and moody, but still! I'd say that after Chica, those guys are the backbone of the Pizzaplex!"

"Aye? Interestin'. Do ye know why Moon transferred to security work?"

"Uhhhhhhh... Nope!" He laughs sheepishly, rubbin' the back of his helmet. "Maybe so he'd have more time to work on repairing Sun? He's been working super hard ever since the accident to get Sun all fixed up! And Chica said he was making good progress the last time I asked."

"But didn't ye say Eclipse was the mechanic between 'em?"

"Oh, yeah! But they're both super smart and magical tech wizards! I've heard Moon even has his own side-business! And Sun used to be that way, too. I think he was actually the one to teach Eclipse?" Freddy taps his chin thoughtfully, lookin' to Sun with wide eyes as he pipes up,

"̵̯͍̳̓̽Ỉ̷͓̤͙̈́͗ ̶̙͑̋̏w̶̫̰̞͂̐a̸̡͓̿s̷̪͓̋͛͑.̶̧̛̫͚̈́͆"̴̣̭̍

"Huh? Why is he making staticky sounds now?"

"I'll be honest, he's been doin' that off an' on all day. I don't understand what he's sayin' worth a damn, though," I reply, sighin' heavily.

"He was saying something? I thought his voice box was breaking, honestly. Are you sure that's not it?"

"Somewhat sure, at least. I can hear the syllables of words comin' from him, I jus' can't hear all of what he's sayin'."

"̷̡͊̀I̸͈͇͈̒͂͠'̸̝͇̿̉̕m̵̰̾̋ ̴̓̒ͅn̷̠͒̅̈ȍ̸̯̐̑t̷̝̰̣̀̓ ̸̧̲͍͋b̴̞͓̩́̌͘r̶̝̫̂̚ͅo̸̪̻̦̐̎k̷̠̀͝ë̴̢̬͈͝n̵͍̫̋́̌.̴̋͜.̸̢̨͚́͠.̵̭͇͚̆͂"̸̡̯͚̍͝

"Ay, see? When ya listen closer ye can tell that he's talkin'. Can't understand a word he's sayin', but still." I look at Sun, raisin' an eyebrow. "But... It is worth talkin' t' his brothers about it in the end, jus' in case."

Jus' after I say that, the elevator behind us dings an' the doors slide open, revealin' the animatronics who are definitely Moon an' Eclipse, considerin' Sun suits his name a might-well.

"Well, ahoy, there," I mumble, steppin' away so they have some space t' get off the elevator.

"Hiiii! Hi guys!" Freddy greets, wavin' his whole arm vigorously. Eclipse gives a brief wave t' us both before goin' over t' his other brother.

"Override command, daycare model 3CL1P53, release from standby mode," He states, an' at first it seems like nothin' but gibberish until Sun replies,

"Override accepted! Standby mode disabled. Hello, my favorite fan!" He smiles again fer the first time in a little bit, coaxin' a bittersweet smile from Eclipse in return.

"Hey, big brother," Eclipse murmurs, layin' a hand on Sun's shoulder but lookin' towards Moon when the other speaks.

"Well, I see you three are all acquainted," Moon mutters, nodding in greetin' to Freddy before facin' me. "Hi, there. It's nice to meet you, and I'd like to apologize for not being there when you got dropped off- the dumbass driver took the scenic route for who knows what reason and he was late, then we had to do some after-hours work." He sighs heavily, then he extends a hand. "My name is Moon, and that's my little brother Eclipse."

I take his hand in return, givin' it a brief shake. "Aye. Nice t' meet ye, an' ye can call me Mangle. I know that ain't my "official" name, but it's a helluva lot better than tha'."

"No worries, Mangle, I don't give two fucks about "official" names and all that, I'll call you whichever name you prefer granted you do the same for me." He shrugs. "Anyway, now that we've finally tracked you down, how about we cut the detour short and take you to the daycare? After Eclipse and I get you fixed up, we'll show you around the rest of the place properly.

At tha', I can't keep my ears from snappin' upright an' I look at Moon close-like. "Fixed up, ye say?"

He nods a little. "If you're alright with it, yes. We ordered a few sets of replacement parts so we could repair you, since we all got the forewarning about how you were treated at the other location... It sounded pretty screwed up, honestly."

"It was. An' I'm definitely okay with gettin' some repairs done!" Hell yes, HELL YES! My luck really is turnin' around, thank Neptune!

"Alright, then let's head that way." Moon offers a brief smile an' heads towards the elevator- I'm quick t' follow, glancin' at Eclipse as he says his goodbye t' Freddy while guidin' Sun t' the elevator.

"Bye bye, everyone! I hope repairs go super well, Mangle!" Freddy chimes, waving again.

"See ya later, lad," I reply, an' once Eclipse an' Sun are in the elevator Moon presses the button t' send it down.

"So, Mangle, have you been given a rundown of what your role in the daycare will be?" Moon asks, an' I nod a bit in answer.

"Aye. Freddy an' Sun said I'd be replacin' ye as a daycare attendant- tha's right, isn't it?"

"It is. I'm working as a full-time security sentry now due to personal reasons, but we need an extra hand in the daycare so Eclipse can get back to doing his mechanic work. We'll make sure you're fully prepared before then, of course, so in the meantime you'll be learning from me and Eclipse."

"Please don't be afraid to ask plenty of questions, ask for help or ask for breaks from it. Moon and I know perfectly well that it can get very overwhelming in the daycare at times, especially on the busier days, and we don't want anyone getting too stressed out," Eclipse adds, offering a small, reassurin' smile t' me.

"Thanks, I'll be sure t' keep tha' in mind," I say, smilin' in return. Both of 'em are a bit reserved, but I get a good feelin' from these two given how patient they've been so far.

When the elevator opens again, Moon takes the lead with Eclipse followin' with Sun's hand held in his, an' I trail after them straight across the huge room outside of the Fazerblast area t' a fake beach with a sign readin' "Kidscove." But, there are some rollin' doors tha' open up fer us an' lead to another lobby, an' then another rollin' door into the daycare. It's way bigger than I even imagined- two floors, a huge, enclosed play-zone down on the bottom, rows upon rows of doors along the walls, I see a gift shop an' even a sign advertisin' a theater on the far side of the room.

"Well, I'll be damned! This place is mighty impressive." I let out a low whistle an' Moon snorts softly.

"Yeah, it's got plenty of bells and whistles to behold. Anyway, come on over this way." He beckons for me t' follow him over t' the rightmost wall, where there's a lone door that opens when he enters a keycode into it. It opens up t' a short hallway with a staircase, an' when I make it t' the end I find a room tha' boasts a couple couches, a plastic house, some daycare supplies, a couple entryways t' other rooms, an' a box o' spare parts.

When I investigate closer into the box, I find spare parts fer me in it. I really shouldn't be surprised, Moon did say he an' Eclipse were gonna fix me up, but there's somethin' about seein' the parts tha' makes it feel more real. An' despite myself, the excitment sets my tails t' waggin' as a smile spreads across my face.

"Alright, Mangle... The plan I have in mind is to shut off your pain receptors so the repairs are smooth and easy on you," Moon begins, his tone softer than before. I turn back an' see a knowin' look in his eye tha' really tells me how transparent I'm bein' here. "Eclipse and I are going to start by removing the misplaced parts and then re-installing them in their proper places before we add your casing. It shouldn't take long at all with both of us working on it."

"Ah, g- gotcha. I mean, yer the ones who know how t' best get the job done, I don't know any way t' do it better," I murmur, stiffening a little as he knees by me and sets a hand on my shoulder.

"But are you okay with it? Would you rather power off during repairs instead of simply having your pain receptors turned off?"

... As much as I want t' be strong an' brave like any good pirate ought to be, I can't keep my eyes on him an' my gaze drops t' the floor as my tails curl around me. Honestly, even with my pain receptors off, the idea o' seein' myself pulled apart again is jus' too much fer my processor t' take.

"Either way is understandable," Eclipse says gently, callin' my gaze t' him as he stands nearby- not too close, but enough so tha' I can see him. "There's no shame in understanding your limits and wanting to power off for a bit, just so you know. I, uh... Do the same, sometimes." He tries an' fails t' smile after tha', fidgetin' his hands as he looks at his feet.

Their words do help me a lot, an' I'm able t' take a breath an' say, "In tha' case, I... I wouldn't mind goin' ahead an' powerin' off, since it's all the same t' ye gents."

"Of course. Whenever you're ready, just say the word and I'll power you off," Moon murmurs, givin' my shoulder a gentle squeeze t' comfort me. I take a deep breath in an' let it out slowly.

"Alright. I'm ready t' get this ship sailin'."

"Okay. Powering off in three..." Moon moves his hand t' the base o' my head, where there's a secret power button. "Two..." He meets my gaze an' gives a small smile, still tryin' t' keep me calm an' comfortable. "One." He presses the button, an' I feel my body goin' limp from my paws t' my ears before I actually go under. But once I do, it's nothin' but pitch darkness...


"How are you feeling? Nothing's hurting, nothing is stiff or immobile?" Eclipse asks, an' I stroll around the room in a circle with my arms swingin' slightly, testin' out my mobility a bit more.

"Everythin' feels great, actually! Hell, this is the finest fettle I've been in since I first activated, jus' about!" I stop once I've done a full loop o' the room, settin' my hands on my hips an' lookin' myself over. "Ahh, damn, is it great t' finally be upright an' walkin' like a proper pirate! No more o' tha' scuttlin' about like a spider!"

"We're glad to hear it," Moon says with a smile, arms crossed over his chest. "Now it'll be much easier for you to settle in, huh?"

"Aye, fer sure!" I finally feel like myself again, an' I won't get ripped apart an' put back together the wrong way anymore. "I can't thank ye both enough fer this, I really can't!"

"There's nothing to thank us for- it's the right thing to do, and you're our coworker. We want to make sure that you feel safe, comfortable and happy working with us. It's the right thing to do, there's no reason not to fix you except to be cruel, and, well..." He shrugs one shoulder and glances to Eclipse, who nods a little. "Yeah, that's not reallly our style."

"Still. Ye've both done me a great service, an' I plan on repayin' the favor. I'll be the damn finest daycare attendant ye've ever seen!"

"I don't doubt it," Moon chuckles softly. "I'm glad to have you on our crew, Mangle. I know you're going to do a great job in the daycare, and I hope we can make you feel well at home here."

I grin brightly an' step over t' him, clappin' a hand on his shoulder as I reply, "Trust me, Moon, yer both off t' a great start!"

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