MASTERMIND- 65th hunger games

By longl1ve

194 0 7

"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since To make them... More

Main charector infos
The first night that you saw me
The planets and the fates and all the stars aligned
We were born to be the pawn In every lover's game
This this the first time I've felt the need to confess
The dominos cascaded in a line
I'm the wind in our free flowing sails
Saw a wide smirk on your face
Just like clockwork
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
Make it seem effortless
You and I ended up in the same room, at the same time.
Make them love me
I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care
Strategy sets the scene for the tale
A chain reaction of countermoves
Had to do it this way
None of it was accidental
Checkmate, I couldn't lose
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
It was all my design

lit the fuse

4 0 0
By longl1ve

Waking up the next day sent a shiver down my spine. We have seen in previous years that the game makers don't like a day without any action.
Magnus woke up and completely felt better. We still don't know what happened we were thinking he was just sick due to the cold weather.
I heard the sound of a sponsor gift.
"That's a sponsor gift." I said and ran out and grabbed it.
It was 4 breakfast sandwiches.
"Many of yoU are Tough as ThroneS." - Brock.
I examined the letter, this seems like a secret message. I re read it over and over again until I got it. The capital letters spelled out "MUTTS." I decided to keep this letter and shove it down my pocket. I don't want anyone seeing this. I want this information to myself. I looked up and gave a thumbs up. Signaling to Brock I understood.
I walked back in the cabin and handed out the breakfast to everyone.
"Who was it from?" Caspian asked.
"I don't know there wasn't a letter." I lied.
"That's weird, but i'm so hungry." Caspian said while eating.
"We need to hunt today after breakfast." I said sternly.
They agreed and finished up. We got our stuff together and made our way out. I was nervous about the mutts but I knew to be on high alert.
From what i've seen in previous Hunger Games is that you have to run off of mutts and escape them. It's not usually fighting them but running to a certain spot to get the tributes together or for the mutts to take out more people.
There was nothing for a while, no people or mutts until I heard a howl and a scream.
A cannon went off.
We didn't see anything for a minute but then we heard footsteps.
We looked behind us to see a whole group of Huge wolves charging at us.
"RUN!!" Magnus yelled and we ran as far as we could.
The speed of the wolves increased and I started seeing black spots. This was not good.
"AHGG" Caspian yelled, he tripped over his own two feet and tried to catch up to us but it was no use, he was way too far back.
A bridge was near and the mutts chased us onto it
We made our way into the bridge. Caspian on the wolves trails, The three of us made our way across the bridge to look back and see Caspian and the wolves go flying down below the bridge.
Caspian was dead.
The weight of all the wolves caused the bridge to crumble.
The wolves were gone but so was Caspian.
"Holy shit." Elara whispered.
The bridge was collapsed and we had no way of getting back to our original shack where we stayed. Glad we had all of our things at least.
"Wow he's gone. I didn't expect him to go out so fast." I said.
"He tripped and fell. If he didn't he would have outran the wolves." Caspian said and rolled his eyes.
"He was mean anyways. He had to go at some point." I said.
"Where do we go from here?" Elara asked.
"We should just stay at the cornucopia and we'd have to take turns sleeping.
"That sucks." Elara said and rolled her eyes.
That honestly was so annoying because once i'm asleep and get woken back up I can't fall back asleep. So it's gonna be a issue for me if I get second watch.
We made our way to the cornucopia only to find a girl already sitting there.
"Don't move. Let me take her out while she's still." Elara whispered.
We didn't make a sound and hid until she didn't see us.
Elara took one of my bows and aimed it at her chest.
It hit her and a scream left her mouth.
Another one down.
We made our way to the cornucopia and decided to eat dinner. We still had sandwiches, some water and snacks left.
It was starting to get dark and I can't believe what happened today. I never liked Caspian but we were allies. He as a career only made it to day 4, which was kind of embarrassing.

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