Ocean Rules | Sun and Moon sh...

By ReadingStatic

9.4K 348 728

A story with pirates and traumatized characters is great. Oceans Rules is a Sun and Moon show based book, tho... More

- Table of Fonts -
Chapter 1. Cycle
Chapter 3. First Day
Chapter 4. Dating?
Chapter 5. Sword Fighting
Chapter 6. Island
Chapter 7. Side Quests
Chapter 8. Stained Red
Chapter 9. Financial Aid
Chapter 10. Lunar's Reason
Chapter 11. Reputation
Chapter 12. First Try
Chapter 13. Party Time
KC is best boi
Chapter 14. Gemini's reason
Chapter 15. Home Sick
Chapter 16. Breakfast
Chapter 17. Canonical Filler
Chapter 18. Earth's Family
Chapter 19. Earth's Reason
Chapter 20. Tell Me
Chapter 21. Is It Time?
Chapter 22. I'm here
Chapter 23. On The Way
Chapter 24. Circus
Chapter 25. Double Date
Chapter 26. Papa Kay
Chapter 27. Eyes and Ears
Chapter 28. Friends
Chapter 29. I Don't Remember
Chapter 30. Lust
Chapter 31. Friends & Family
Chapter 32. Stay
Chapter 33. Dreams
Chapter 34. Royalty

Chapter 2. Pirates

395 13 49
By ReadingStatic

This chapter takes place the next day after chapter 1.

Trigger warning: Child abuse/Implied child abuse- like right out the gate, also homophobia(no slur), and implied suicide.


Solar's perspective:

Solar holds his head in his hands, in-between his legs, shaking in fear as he hears the screams from his siblings.

Solar breathes heavily, holding his legs and arms, putting as much pressure as possible as to try and not loose too much blood.

W-When is- When is it gonna be over...

Solar crawls under his bed, covering his ears and trying to ignore the screams as much as possible.

Multiple hours pass, and eventually, the house goes silent as the sun starts to rise.

I-its over...

for now...

Solar rolls from out of his bed, hearing the front door slam loudly.

Solar hears a pair of footsteps enter the room from where the screams came from.

Solar exits his room, entering the room of Ray.

"Solar! Get over here!"

Solar rushes over next to Beam and Ray, Ray has blood rushing down his head, blurry eyed, and looking at multiple different angles.


"Solar? Beam are you also nearby? I can't see too well..."

"Ray- You're gonna be ok- Um- Solar- go to the market and get some- just something-"

"I- I don't have any money-"

"W-What why?"

"... I bought a magazine yesterday..."

Beam's eyes twitches in anger and quickly search's through his pockets, bringing out about 25¢ and handing it to Solar.
"Go, quick."

Solar nods, rushing over to the market, and panickly looking for something he can afford.

Solar rushes back to the house, he had bought a small roll of gauze and ran straight into the room, handing the gauze roll to Beam.

Beam starts to patch up Ray's injuries quickly.

"Solar- What magazine did you get?"
Ray looks up at the unconsciously crying Solar.

"O-Oh um- I- I got a magazine about pirate's- I haven't started reading it..."

"You and Papa used to talk about pirates a lot when you where younger- Mom said you'd grow out of it!"
Ray chuckles a bit, though is still clearly out of it, his eyes a bit blurred from the crying, and his voice strained from the screaming.

".. R-Ray-"

Solar goes down onto his knees, Beam finishing up with Ray, and sits up.

"... Ray."


"... You're all good right now... You're gonna make it- don't worry..."

"I'm not gonna make it."

"W-What- no- Ray- you can't-"

"You two are the best brothers I could've asked for. You'll be fine without me..."

Ray leans against the bedframe of his, Beam and Solar just staring, watching as the life spills from Ray's eyes.

Solar sits on the coast, watching the waves.

I don't know how long this been...

Ray... That was... Two years ago...

Beam was... Three days ago.

Beam couldn't handle the pain...

Now it's just me...


The coast is so calming...

I don't remember much about this place...

I think... Papa... Papa and I would play pirates here...


I don't remember anything else...


Solar twitches at the sound of his mothers voice, quickly getting up and rushing to the house, mentally preparing while doing so.

What is it now...


Solar's mother angerily steps into the house, coming back out with one of Solar's magazines.

"What is this."

"m-my magazine-?"

She open's up the magazine, pointing at a picture of a topless guy, who's wearing minimal clothing overall.

Wait- no- no- no-

"I- I- I- don't know- where that came from- t-that isn't mine-"

"Yes it is. Pack your bags. No son of mine will be haunted."


"You have five minutes."

It takes a minute for Solar to process what's happening, before Solar rushes into his room, getting the rest of his magazines, clothes, along with some food, and a small blanket.

Afterwards Solar runs out of the house, sliently crying while doing so, his mother slamming the door as he exits.

Solar starts extinctually running along the coast line, before falling over in tears.

I-I have n-no where t-to go...


A person with a large build, dark skin, and an oddly shaped hair swings down from the boat, holding their hat with their hand as they land infront of Solar.

Solar panickly wipes away his tears.

Solar sits up quickly, and trying to stand up to get away, before the person grabs his wrist, leading Solar onto the boat.

I made a mistake running here didn't I-


Solar confused looks around the deck of the boat, and quickly sees a couple other people, along with a fimilar symbol on a flag.


Someone snaps in Solar's face, redirecting his attention.

"Town boy."

Solar looks at the Captain, and quickly feels his heart start to beat.

Ah- ... Maybe this wasn't the worst mistake in the world-

"I'll give you pity. Etheir, we kill you, or you join my crew."


"Captain do you really think town boy can-"

"I'm sure Monty."

"... I'll join- I don't have anywhere else to go..."

The captain lifts an eyebrow, more intrigued then before.

The Captain chuckles a bit.

"Well, then, the names Ruin."

Ruin steps back, letting Solar shake their hand.

Monty lets go of Solar, and steps to the side, though seemingly confused for some reason.

"Um... I-I'm S-Solar-"
Solar takes Ruins hand, and Ruin give a strong singular shake before letting go.

"Welcome to the crew cutie."
Ruin smiles as they call Solar cute.

Solar's heart skips a beat, and Monty just nods, and walks down some steps into the lower deck.

Did- did they just call me cute-


"Anyways, you're gonna be a cleaner, ever since our last one... Went missing, we've been needing a new one. Unless town boy doesn't know how to clean."

"I-I know how to clean- um- where is the soap-?"

Ruin chuckles and picks up a wooden bucket and a run down mop that seems to have a bit of oil inside of it, though otherwise is just salt water.

"We are old school here."

Solar begrudgingly takes the mop and bucket, and sets down the bucket, dips in the mop and starts cleaning the deck, trying to avoid splinters while doing so.

After about five minutes Solar notices that Ruin is still watching him.

"U-Um... R- Captain-?"

"You can call me Ruin."

"... Ruin- Um- am I doing something wrong-? You've been staring at me-"

"Don't worry about me, I'm just admiring the view."

Solar feels his face flush a bit, and looks back down and keeps cleaning.

"Solar, what did you mean by, you 'don't have anywhere else to go'?"

"um... My... My mother kicked me out..."

"Oh, well... If you're fine with sharing, may I know why?"

"... She found out about me being gay..."

If she didn't I probably would've left either way...

"Well that's stupid- uh- sorry- um... Well, your gonna fit right in here, I'm pretty sure all of us are queer in some way."

"... Are you gay-?"

"Uhh- I think so... I don't know really, I had other stuff to deal with growing up, I've only started questioning about a week ago."

Solar stops mopping the deck, and turns to Ruin.

"... Would you date a boy?"

Ruin shrugs.
"Maybe one day."

I guess that's better then not having a chance at all-

"Have you ever- dated before-?"

"No. I haven't adventured off the ship too much. Unless it's to get food, or we actually found treasure."

"Ok... You called me cute earlier-"

"Y-Yeah sorry about that- I- I wasn't really thinking..."

"It's ok- um..."

Solar looks at Ruin more closely, they have multiple sections of hair, braids with seeds intertwined within, Solar also notices a large scar going across their face, aswell as a large chuck of their ear missing.

Solar notices that he'd been staring for over five minutes.

I think I just made this very awkward-

Ruin walks down the steps, and another person walks out.

The person speed walks up to Solar, the person is very short, at about half of Solar's height.

"... Are you a child-"


"... Ok-"

"Anyways, I'm gonna let the ship off the land, and then your gonna follow me."

"W-What- o-ok-"

The short person goes over to the anchor, and somehow lifts it onto the hook, slightly pushing the boat into the main ocean waves.

Am I seasick- no- I just haven't been on a boat ever before-


The person hops back onto the boat once it starts moving, and kicks Solar's leg to get his attention.


"Follow me."

"... Ok-"

The person leads Solar down steps into the lower deck, theres about five other people not including themselves.

Where's Ruin-

Their probably busy-

The person hands Solar a pair of keys, and starts to introduce everyone.

"So, I'm Lunar, I'm guessing you know Monty, and then theres the twins, Sun and Moon-"

Lunar gestures to everyone as they say names.

"She's Earth, He's K.C., and then theres Gemini. We all welcome you to the crew, and this is gonna be where you sleep, Captain gave you a single room, so your lucky."

"U-Uh ok- tell them I say thanks-"

Lunar walks off towards the Gemini person, and Solar turns to the door, unlocking it and stepping into the room.


Solar looks around the room, theres a fairly large mattress held to the ground with nails, and at least somewhat comfortable blankets and pillows.

This- is sad- Though I am on a boat... I don't know what I was expecting- this place doesn't even have soap-

Though this is my life now I guess...

I'm excited.


If some of yall recognize most of this writing from my last book- it's cause I was too lazy to rewrite it- I wrote it so it's fine.

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