Oh Baby Momma

By koovoobi

428K 36.1K 5.2K

Pregnancy is a unique journey that test everyone's physical and emotional strength, not only mom's but also d... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Coming Soon

Chapter 50

4.9K 457 46
By koovoobi

Taehyung looked at the boy seated in the passenger seat next to him. No, Tae, I am not alright. Not just me. None of the mothers who may have lost their baby will be okay if they encounter such a situation." Jungkook responded to the question that was not asked. Taehyung hummed and held his hand. "He is not immature. He is just acting like an obsessed one." Jungkook said in disappointment. "I will talk." Taehyung said. "Talk? You all should have talked when your mom and dad decided to send him off. He doesn't know how to live in a family. He doesn't know the value and importance of relationships." Jungkook said furiously. Taehyung hummed. "I.. I still can't get off my high. Ahhh." Jungkook said and slapped the dashboard. Taehyung sighed and kissed his hand that he was holding. 

"Come." Taehyung said as he parked the car near a small tea stall. "Spicy corn?" he asked. Jungkook glared at him. "Tornado Potato?" he asked. Jungkook clenched his teeth. "tteokbokki. Finalized." he said and brought two tteokbokki. "Come. Let's go and sit there." he held his hand and sat on the bench.

Taehyung's eyes lingered on Jungkook's face before he looked ahead at the vast road. "Yeonjun was sent aboard because of me." he said. Jungkook took a bite of his food and looked at Taehyung in confusion. "Mom.. Mom became pregnant again when I was ten years old. As the youngest, I was relishing the whole being pampered until then." Taehyung smiled. "Like you know.. How the youngest will receive special treatment at home. I was also getting the same. Even though our parents never expressed any distinction between us. Still there was a sweetness." Jungkook also smiled gently, remembering how his parents had spoiled and treated him like a baby. "And I was completely unprepared for the unexpected news of mom's pregnancy. Since Yoongi Hyung and Seojoon Hyung were old enough to comprehend it, they accepted it with ease, but me? I was totally devastated." Taehyung said, eating his snack. "Haha. Why? Because of your 'the youngest' tagline?" Jungkook chuckled. "That too, but I was more concerned with how my friends would make fun of me." Taehyung said. "Really, Tae?" Jungkook asked. "Mm. I was only ten, Jungkook. What else should I be concerned about at that time?" he asked. Jungkook shook his head with a smile. "I was already heartbroken at the time, wondering what would happen if that baby got more love than I did from my parents and hyungs. Haha. I was so immature." Taehyung laughed along with Jungkook.

"The days passed, but mom gradually started distancing herself from us. She was sick or exhausted all the time. Being elders, Yoongi hyung and Seojoon hyung took up their responsibilities. But me? You know, mom was the one who helped me with my everything, my homework, my food. I.. I was literally a momma boy, Jungkook. I rely heavily on her. I wanted her every time, to eat, to sleep, to bathe, to study, for everything." Taehyung smiled, re-collecting his childhood memories. "Mm. Then, after observing my mom's constant fatigue, dad began to take up her work. But, I.. I began to detest it. I started blaming it on the baby. Because, I.. I wanted mom, at that time." Taehyung said, pulling Jungkook to his body and rubbing his shoulder. "At that time, too, you were a prick?" With a fumble at his shirt button, Jungkook enquired. "Haha. Very much. I knew nothing at all at the time. This pregnancy and baby. These time. I have no idea. And my whole mood will be awful whenever dad says, "Today, I will help you with your homework." Taehyung mocked his dad's voice and Jungkook giggled.

"Then, Yeonjun came to the picture. I saw how Hyungs began to pamper him, but I.. I could not do it. Because every time I saw him, my mother's estrangement from me was the only thing on my mind." Taehyung, chapped his lips. "Oh, Tae. You are so childish." Jungkook said. "I was a child, Jungkook. Do you want me to act like a mature person then?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook shook his head and wrapped his hand around his waist and moved close to him. "Then?" he lifted his boba head and asked. "Then, one day, when mom was sound asleep, I gave in to my jealousy. I.. I took Yeonie from his cradle." Taehyung looked at Jungkook's curious bambi eyes. "Then?" he asked. "Then.. Mm. I considered tossing him into the trash." Taehyung said. "Tae.." Jungkook called him with a concerned gaze. "But, I couldn't when I looked at his sleeping face. He.. He was cute and little. So I took him and kept him hidden in the pantry, in a basket." Taehyung said and lowered his head. Jungkook gasped.

"When Mom woke up, she started sobbing and pacing around. I felt guilty, but I never showed up in front of her. Dad also came back from the office in panic. They looked over the entire space. Since he was too little to crawl. They were certain there was no possibility he could crawl and get somewhere. And finally when they were about to inform the police, Yeonie woke up from the sleep and began to wail." Taehyung said. "Thank god." Jungkook breathed out by keeping his hand on his chest. "That was the first time I ever received a beating from my father. Mom didn't beat me but she didn't talk to me for the whole day. Hmm.. now when I think about it, I feel goosebumps, see." Taehyung said, pointing his arm by pulling the jacket up a little. "Whenever I think, what might have happened if Yeonie didn't cry? And.. And if the basket was a closed one? I couldn't even think about it." Taehyung spoke with a scared expression. Jungkook's worried gaze swept across his face.

"A day after that, dad and mom, took us out to cheer me up. But, I started to distance myself from them. Because, rather than admitting my mistake, my childish mind preferred to believe that they did not love me." Taehyung said. "You shouldn't have done that, Tae." Jungkook said. Taehyung hummed.

"My mom and dad father did everything they could to rekindle my charm. But nothing worked. Once, a boy who was always outgoing totally changed into a quiet introvert. I started living in my own space. Sometimes looking at how Yoongi hyung and Seojoon hyung played with Yeonie. And Yeonie, he never came to me either." Taehyung smiled sadly. "Tae." Jungkook rubbed his hand. "Mm.. Then, when Yeonjun was four years old, his teachers at school noticed that he was unique. Mm.. He seems exceptionally gifted and intelligent for his age and they suggested about one school in Canada and said it will be excellent if he could get an admission there as they will train him better and they saw a bright future for him. Since aunty and uncle, mm.. dad's elder brother, you remember them, right?" Taehyung asked Jungkook. "Yes. Yes. Mina aunty." he replied. "Yes, since they were settled in Canada, mom and dad considered that decision thinking it will be better for me as well as for his future." Taehyung took Jungkook's hand and interlinked it and caressed it softly, who was listening to everything attentively. 

"Yeonie was a really obedient and soft boy. Taking care of him was never difficult for anyone. He never asked for Mom's attention, nor did he ever cry for her. Thus, it was not hard for mom and dad to give him up to aunty. However, looking back at everything, I.. I.. think it was actually really tough. Even though mom seemed so happy to be around us, I have witnessed her crying in her room. As mom stated, even if a mother has thousands of children, each one is unique to them. It's.. It's true, Jungkook." Taehyung's eyes filled with fresh tears. "If.. If I was a little mature. If I was not stubborn, maybe Yeonie might have grown up with all the love and pamper from us. I was so naive." Taehyung said. "It is not entirely your fault, Tae. It was for his benefit as well. However, it was a little excessive." Jungkook wiped Taehyung's eyes. "Mm. My parents might have thought it would be better to send Yeonie instead of me since I was a grumpy kid who was constantly sick and allergic." Taehyung said in a low voice. "You are not sick, Tae. Don't say that. You find it difficult to control yourself when you are angry. But, see. How well I am handling you. So don't ever say, you are sick, ill or anything. You are perfect, perfect the way you are. And I love that, all your perfect imperfections." Jungkook moved back from his embrace and cupped his face in his both hands. Taehyung lifted his gaze and looked into Jungkook's bambi eyes with his teary ones. "Mm. Whatever happened has happened. Let's see how we can fix this. Mm?" Jungkook asked. "I.. I can't think of a life without you, Jungkook. Maybe that was also the reason why I am calling you momma." Taehyung said and wiped his tears away. "And I love it, when you call me that. Also, don't think too much. It's you and I in the end. That's it." he said and hugged Taehyung. Taehyung kissed his boba head a few times and nodded.

"It's already 2.30AM. Don't you want to go back?" Taehyung asked, after sometime. "Mm. Let's stay in the car. What you say?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung nodded and stood up from the bench. "Come, then. Let me park it somewhere else." he said and Jungkook also trailed behind him, after throwing the trash in the dustbin.

Taehyung parked the car a little further and got down. He flattened the backseat and gestered at Jungkook to get in. "Wait. Let me take the blanket." Taehyung said when Jungkook was about to hug him. He took the cushion and blanket from the trunk and settled with Jungkook in the back seat. After adjusting all the window shades, he curled up on the bed and held Jungkook close to his chest. "Jungkook, this is the feeling I will have forever. You in my hands." He said, brushing his curly hair. With a smile, Jungkook looked through the tinted glass at the moon. "Do you know when I saw your angry face for the first time?" Jungkook asked. "Mm. Our vacation to Bali?" he asked. "No. No. That's the second time." Jungkook said. "Mm. Then?" Taehyung asked in confusion. "Mm. We went to Jennie's nuna's house for a post-wedding stay. That day." Jungkook said. "There?" Taehyung questioned. "Mm. There. I understood, you have an anger issue, that day, when.. When you literally made a fuss over my dress hook." Jungkook laughed. "Ah. That black dress. I remember completely tearing it, right?" He asked. Jungkook nodded. "You were.. You were very irate. Like.. I don't know how to explain it. You tore it into two or four pieces after letting all of your rage loose on it." Jungkook said. Taehyung hummed. "I.. I was afraid, Tae, at that time. Such a circumstance has never arisen for me. Neither my parents nor my friends yelled at me or showed an angry expression. But you.. I felt anxious and afraid even though your anger was not directed at me. I.. I noticed a different side of you. I was quite worried about what to do. Even talking to my parents about it crossed my mind." Jungkook said, lingering his eyes on the window. Taehyung's gaze shifted away from the window to focus on Jungkook. "Jungkook." he called him. "But, I didn't, Tae. I thought whatever it is, it should stay between us. Because when I say things like that at home, they do not take it well. And I... I could have missed this wonderful period of my life." Jungkook turned around and hugged him. Taehyung's eyes welled with tears. "That was the day, you broke me completely." With a pout, Jungkook stroked his eyebrows with his finger tips. "Mm?" Taehyung was confused. "You wrecked me completely, without even thinking we are in someone else's home." Jungkook giggled. "oh, did I hurt you?" Taehyung asked. "Stupid. Are you asking it now? That was years ago. Mm.. After a week of our marriage." Jungkook slapped his cheeks slightly and pinched it. "Haha. I was lost, Jungkook." Taehyung laughed aloud. "You were. You were behaving like a tiger that was starving." Jungkook pouted. "I was, Jungkook. Even though I have dated many, I have never let anyone to this." Taehyung took Jungkook's hand and placed it on his crotch. "Oh, don't tell me, it's because of your innocent mind. The only reason is that you were afraid of your mother." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "That's a fact. Still it needs willpower and self control." Taehyung said. "Really? I saw it on our wedding night." Jungkook said, shaking his head. "Ah? That was because you seduced me. Or else I wouldn't have touched you." Taehyung said. "Oho. Is that why you were not ready to leave me in the morning also?" Jungkook asked. "It is because you, bratty bunny, undid the thread I was using to tie up all of my demon desires." Taehyung cupped his face and squeezed his cheeks and kissed his pouty lips. "I.. I can never imagine how my life could have, if it was not you, Jungkook." Taehyung said with heart eyes. "I could have escaped from a spider web." Jungkook said. "Really? Really you think that?" Taehyung hovered. "haha.. Haha.. No.. Tae.. Haha.." When Taehyung began rubbing his waist and blowing raspberries on his tender stomach, Jungkook laughed.

..to be continued..

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