MASTERMIND- 65th hunger games

By longl1ve

194 0 7

"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since To make them... More

Main charector infos
The first night that you saw me
The planets and the fates and all the stars aligned
We were born to be the pawn In every lover's game
This this the first time I've felt the need to confess
The dominos cascaded in a line
Saw a wide smirk on your face
Just like clockwork
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
Make it seem effortless
You and I ended up in the same room, at the same time.
Make them love me
I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care
Strategy sets the scene for the tale
A chain reaction of countermoves
lit the fuse
Had to do it this way
None of it was accidental
Checkmate, I couldn't lose
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
It was all my design

I'm the wind in our free flowing sails

7 0 0
By longl1ve

"Attention tributes! Please make way into your chariots!"
I saw Magnus wearing the same colors as me but instead of a dress it was a suit.
"Now guys look confident, smile and wave. Got it? Seem very likeable." Enobaria stated.
We agreed and finally we got to see the other tributes in person. Most looked scared, sad or confused. I felt bad because I know they don't want to be here and they will die, they have families that love them but this is what happeneds when you live in Panem.
District 1 didn't look scared, they looked confident. I caught the girl looking at me. I cant tell if she was trying to be intimidating or nice or just staring.
Me and Magnus got onto our chariots and they started to take off. District 1 in front of us waving and smiling just like me and Magnus followed. It was going great, the crowd looked so happy to see the tributes about to go into an arena and die.
The chariots came to a stop and President Snow was above us waving to the crowd.
"Welcome tributes to the 65th Hunger Games. We honor your bravery and sacrifice to be here. Happy hunger games, and may the odds ever be in your favor." Snow stated.
A large applause erupted and I felt a chill down my spine.
We got off the chariots and our mentors and district 1 and their mentors approached us.
"We would like to purpose an alliance." A mentor from District 1 said. I really didn't know her name.
"We agree. Stick together during training and make sure to intimidate as many tributes as possible." Brock stated.
Everyone agreed and we all made our way to the elevator to go to our new apartments where we will be staying before the games.
The district 1 girl walked next to me and still kept staring at me. I wanted to say something so bad but it's the hunger games, i'd rather keep quiet than say something to tick her off.
"I liked your dress at the reaping but this one makes that one look like a rag." She said still staring at me.
Oh. I see what this is now.
"Oh uhh thanks I like your outfit too." I told her with a smile.
She was wearing a silver jumpsuit thing with sparkles and high heels. She had a bright red lip and flashy makeup.
She smirked and left the elevator to her floor. Her district partner remained silent and stoic the whole time, as did Magnus.
When we got to our floor and walked into the apartment, it made the train look like a shack.
Big chandeliers, expensive furniture, huge tvs and more.
My bedroom was the size of my whole entire house. It had a crazy bed with different setting, a tv, a whole bathroom and big shower with a bath and seat in it.
I needed to get out of this dress and change into something the capital provided.
I don't know how but they got my size right in everything. Can they actually tell only by tv? Must be some crazy technology or something.
I took a shower and got changed into some loose fitting clothes and made my way to the kitchen for dinner. There were all types of foods, pastas, chicken and steak it was all so fancy. It was provided by servants in red uniforms. I think they are called avoxes.
I had chicken and mashed potato's with a little bit of pasta. Training was tommorow so I needed to get all the energy I could.
"Remember tomorrow in training you two stay with 1 and show off all of your skills." Enobaria stated very seriously.
We agreed and all I wanted to do was get some sleep.
When I went in my room I saw a box. That's weird that wasn't here before.
it says "For Ayva"
I open it up and there's a letter with a bunch of pills.
"Sleeping pills."
"I know you can never sleep no matter what. I pulled a few strings to get these for you. You will fall asleep instantly.Sorry I couldn't see you after the reaping. Just know I love you and i'm rooting for you.
From Mel."
I read that and tears came to my eyes. Mel has known me forever and even though we don't always see eye to eye and she pushes me hard. I know she wants the best for me. I can't believe she did this for me, and she said she loves me. I want to make her proud.


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